Style with a Cee - Personal and Home Style and Organizational Consultant

Style with a Cee - Personal and Home Style and Organizational Consultant

Let me help you fall in love with your home again and discover the peace that comes with less clutter and a more organized home designed around you.

I could never keep my nails painted. I would chip them within a day, and within just a few days I would have chipped all the polish into oblivion. My nails were always short and stubby and plain. UNTIL...

A friend convinced me to come to her Jamberry Nail Wrap Party. I was very skeptical... but days after the polish had all come off... the wrap stayed, and stayed, and stayed! I was hooked! I went

Timeline photos 13/04/2017

For me, intentional living looks like: tossing my phone in the glove box when I'm on the road! (Unless I need GPS of course!)

How are you living intentionally today?

Timeline photos 12/04/2017

A week ago I made myself a fairy garden for my birthday. Today my fairy garden taught me something cool. It is the creating and the caring that bring me joy. Merely possessing something brings me very little joy. I spent maybe 3 minutes moving a few twigs and stones and found objects around and got more satisfaction than 3 days of just looking at it.

What unexpected truths have you learned recently? I'd love to hear about them!

Canada Relief | Jamberry 10/05/2016

Canada Relief | Jamberry Jamberry nail wraps offer the hottest trend in fashion. Wrap your nails in over 300 different designs.

Timeline photos 17/04/2016

Sorry I went radio silent this week, I was trying to get back to my "why". I had lost sight of it for a few days. I was also busy living out my "why" in another area...

My parents are leaving for Haiti this week and they are taking about 30 little dresses with them to give to girls there. Many of these girls only have one ragged outfit, or one very plain functional outfit, so we take joy in trying to make sure each little pillow case dress we make will bless the little girl who receives it. When I pulled this dress out of the box it was almost done, but it didn't have any buttons or pocket on it. Just the ribbon at the top and those two little flowers on the pattern itself. It needed some TLC. I'm really happy with how it turned out and I hope it brings a smile to a little girl's face!

Two of 's core values are living Generously and Blessing others. :-).

Ps: my "Why" is sharing Joy and Beauty with people!


Yep... This is me working! :-). I'm watching a training webinar in my fuzzy slippers while nomming on some popcorn. If you want your work to be as cool as mine, message me!

UK friends... Starting TODAY, you can join too! And reconnecting with you is a big reason I joined! :-)


I've clearly been away from my home away from home too long!!!! Took me a full 15 minutes to remember that the UK has Mother's Day in March not May! 😳😁😜


Dedication: setting up parties on your phone. In the dark. With only one thumb for typing. And that thumb is in a bandaid!


Guess what? guess what! Guess what!?!

For the month of April, Jamberry is giving you a FREE sheet of wraps with your order of $75. This means if you pay for 6 regular sheets of wraps, you get 3 (THREE!!!) for free!!!! How awesome is that? You're thinking you'll never wear 9 sheets of wraps? You might be right... But Mother's Day is right around the corner, and there are always birthdays... You could even start your Christmas shopping really early this year. Or send one to a friend who has been having a rough time, just to cheer them up and let them know you care.

Who would you give a wrap to? If you don't want to comment because it might be a surprise, that's okay too.... Just click like! :-D.

*warning: I am so excited about this deal that I plan to come up with different ways to spend $75 each day this week!*

Timeline photos 03/04/2016

So the explosion that had taken over almost all of my living room? It's been contained! To these TWO little cubbies!!!! Hooray!!!

What organization project are you working on right now? I'd love to see pictures and hear all about it in the comments!

Timeline photos 02/04/2016

It's funny the things you don't realize you don't know. Today was definitely a learning curve as I helped my Jamberry sponsor with a vendor event for the first time. I've had my own both at this event many times before, selling my jewelry and bags, and I've helped my mom set up booths too, so I didn't realize the questions I should ask. Or the different dynamic that comes from selling a product that you didn't make yourself. Or when you are working from another's person's display. But I know way more now than I did this morning! :-) and this afternoon I'm trying new, hopefully smarter ways to store my Jamberry supplies! More learning!


On my never ending to do list...

Send thank you notes to hostesses
Send prizes to contest winners
Organize all my Jamberry paraphernalia
Make hostess bags for the vendor event this weekend
Finish calendars for the vendor events this weekend

None of this can I work on at the park this afternoon, but I could work on some of it after the girls are in bed tonight!

In the meantime I'll just enjoy this gorgeous weather and try to study the catalogue with one eye and watch my kiddos with the other! ;-)


I hope everyone has a blessed Good Friday. No matter what you believe, please know that I believe there is Someone who loves you more than life itself. :hugs:


I had my first Jamberry a Home Party last night! Joan and Emi were wonderful hostesses! I think everyone had a good time and enjoyed trying on the wraps. And two sister in laws want to co-host a party together after one of them got to try them last night! :-D.

But I'm beat, so despite having many things I could be doing... I'm giving myself the rest of this evening off! I've got a tiny fire going, hot tea, and a coloring book. I'll see yall in the AM.

How do you like to unwind? :-)

Easy 1, 2, 3 Jamberry Nail Wrap Application 21/03/2016

Wondering how the nail wraps work? This is my favorite video for learning how to apply them! :-)

Easy 1, 2, 3 Jamberry Nail Wrap Application This is the easiest and longest-lasting application method I have found!

Timeline photos 20/03/2016

Labels made!!! :-) these are going on catalogue to give to guests at my first home party this tuesday! So excited!

Photos from Style with a Cee - Personal and Home Style and Organizational Consultant's post 16/03/2016

Those of you who know me well know that I'm the queen of over-scheduling! I have to be very intentional about how I use my time or life snowballs out of control on me faster than I can type this long message...
So why did I decide to add a second business to my plate? Because I truly love this product, and I did my homework and talked to and read the stories of dozens of other consultants who also had crazy busy lives and still made it work. :-)
How do I make it work? Well it's a steep learning curve and not everything has been as simple as I had hoped (round 1 to Murphy), but with a little planning and discipline I am learning to be even more wise in how I spend my precious minutes each day.
This morning I had 45 minutes between a meeting and work. So I grabbed a few supplies before I left the house. I got a good start on a project I've been wanting to do for weeks... Making myself reusable task charts! :-D the plan is to have at least 3. One for daily tasks, one for weekly, one for jamberry!


Timeline photos 11/03/2016

When I say I'm hard on my nails and it doesn't even phase these wraps?! I mean rusty bolt on van tough.

Photos from Style with a Cee - Personal and Home Style and Organizational Consultant's post 05/03/2016

I'll be posting more soon about the how and the why of my newest adventure, but this really sums it up beautifully! :-)