Amrita Cacao

Amrita Cacao

Amrita Cacao is a conscious product from seed to cup, taking care of each step of the process from El Salvador to your Home.

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 30/11/2023

🐣And from couple we became a family… on November 6th we welcomed little Fox 🦊 into his earthy body. He was born in the water after 40h of labour in the lounge of our home in Barcelona - I will leave the birth story and reflections for another post… (I’m still processing it! 😅) but I can say that it was the most real ceremony I’ve ever lived. One of the biggest realizations for me was to whiteness the incredible team of women we had the privilege to work with. Four amazing women that walked the path of pregnancy and labour hand on hand with me, with so much raw power, courage and passion. Thanks and for doing such an important and so needed work for the world, you made me believe that a better world is possible if we could change the way we bring children to the world. 🙏

It’s been three weeks since he is with us and my whole being has been focused on enjoying every moment with him. I’m slowly coming out of the cave, starting to engage with the world, receiving visitors and looking forward to present our little one to the world. But it’s a slow process… I’m still recovering from the big efforts of the birth and feeling the need to keep this precious moments for ourselves.

1. 🦶tiny little piececito
2. Birth ecstasy
3. We did it!
4. Oxytocin’s face
5. Rebozo treatment
6. Happy me

I am coming back here bit by bit… thanks for the patience and for keeping buying Cacao! You are amazing! And I’m looking forward to share more of this journey alongside with Cacao. As I mentioned in the past, I prefer to talk about my story with pregnancy, birth and motherhood in private, so you can always reach out to me via DM or email to ask and share anything you want. I will always try to answer from my own experience!

As always, thanks for reading and for your support! With love 💗


Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 29/10/2023

🚪⭐️ About to cross a portal, one I thought I never would. I’ve been relatively quiet here about the last 9 months, mainly because I felt this was an extremely intimate matter, one to cherish and nurture from the depths of our home and sacred union.

❤️‍🩹As most of you here might know, I struggled for 5 years to conceive. A journey that shook me and reshaped me in every possible way. I died and reborn so many times, I was in touch with the deepest pain and I felt I lost the only thing I could hold on to: Hope.

🔥Looking back at just a year ago, we were running a women’s gathering for pregnancy loss and infertility at .valley with . A potent work we did together that allowed me and many others to shift perspective and transform that strong energy that was felt. I did not know ay that moment how much my life will change in just a few months. I know now that my path was that one to walk, that I learned what my soul needed to learn in order to grow in the direction I was meant to.

💟When I finally got pregnant naturally in January, after letting go of the smallest and most remote possibility of conceiving, I could not allow myself to believeit. I remember staring at the positive test and thinking “no, there’s a mistake”. I felt ashamed, as if I didn’t deserve it, like “your destiny was already written, you are infertile”. I felt like an impostor for sharing so much about my infertility story and suddenly… surprise! That’s part of why I’ve been careful and sensitive about sharing my pregnancy. Because I know how much it hurts when you are battling with loss and infertility, how your body cringes and the tears rush up to your tight throat every time someone shared they’re happy news, because you never know what struggles the people you talk to are going through. It’s so uncontrollably and irrationally painful…

(Text continues in comments… ❤️)

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 06/10/2023


Guiding ceremonies is an incredible way to share our learnings with Cacao and to keep the flame of humbleness alive to recognize that we are learning in each step of the way.

Here some thoughts of what I consider important when we are holding space for others in ceremony:

Mutual respect between Cacao and You is key for a successful ceremony. Listen deeply, without judgements and expectations, and Cacao will guide you through. If you treat Cacao like a big sister that is walking along with you, she will show you her wisdom.

⭐️ Always use it with an intention
⭐️ Ask for permission
Let go of controlling the situation
⭐️Be in service of the process
⭐️Avoid asking too much of Her
⭐️Listen, open your heart and develop a relationship with the plant
⭐️You co-create a space together
⭐️Wait to act
⭐️Let yourself be guided
⭐️Avoid getting stuck in your story, allow emotions to arise and dissipate

🌿A Cacao Ceremony is a safe space where the plant medicine creates an umbrella for everyone to express themselves freely under it. If we are open to receive, we will feel the benefits of seeing the world through Her eyes, with self-love and compassion. Cacao brings us back to balance with our fellow humans, with all other species, and with Mother Earth.

🙏 Let me know if this was helpful! Planning to offer mentorship for those who are willing to work with Cacao…!

🤎Cacao Lovers:
☕️ Cups by


Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 29/06/2023

🖊️ My pulse is shaking as I am writing these words…

💫 A five year journey that has brought some of the biggest learnings of my life, took an unexpectedly surprising turn as I let go of the dream.

Even as the excitement to share the impossible news is now imminent, a part of me is hesitant to say it out loud, wanting to preserve the intimate secret, the mystery in my belly. 🤫

🌱But now my body speaks by itself, it is time to step out of the cave and share it with the world, with those I love and that have been a big support during the dark nights of the soul.

🐉For those who know my story you might have a burning question: yes, it was natural! 2022 was a year of loss, of resignation, of acceptance, of healing, of transformation, of reimagining the future and building new dreams. I finished last year deeply knowing that I had turned a page, that I was finally ready to move on into whatever life had prepared for me. And within 3 weeks of 2023…BOOM! 💥

🔥I am deeply aware of the impact and triggers that a post and images like these can cause as I’ve been on the other side myself, so my intention is to share my current reality and to continue using this channel to build community around Cacao, which has been a wonderful companion through the hard times. If anything I learnt from this experience, is that we don’t know anything… that we are not in control of the things that come our way, and that the Great Mystery holds the keys of our future. If you feel like reaching out to me in private I will be delighted to share more details about my personal story with infertility and the things that have helped me over the years.

💫And for now, I keep humbling myself, receiving the changes, savouring every moment of this new me, this new us, until duty calls again!!

🙏 A big shower of gratitude to everyone who has been by my side these last few years, in any way you supported me. I wouldn’t have made it without you… ❤️


I have recently been feeling how much computer, phone and devices destabilise my center of gravity. If I spend too long working on my computer, or creating content on my phone I can feel the world spinning, a kind of edgy feeling where my nervous system feels sharp and in alert mode.

It is impossible to not have a relationship with these devices nowadays, so the utopian idea of living a device-free life is an illusion for most of us… so I guess the only thing we can do is looking for what can help us find that inner balance again, connect to practices, moments and energies that can help our body sink in to the center of the Earth, where our nervous system can relax and feel safe again.

🌾My Grounding moments of the day are:
🌳 Going for a walk in nature
🥬 Cooking some fresh food
🧘🏼‍♀️ Lying down with my legs up the wall
🐶 Caressing animals… (I miss Lula so much… 🐕)


🖼 Illustration by .lab as part of our Cacao Oracle creation… coming soon!! Stay tuned for what’s coming… you’ll love it!!

“Find a moment today to melt your hands into the Earth and get filled with its calming energy”


Craving but also wanting a balanced nutritious meal? 👇check the recipe!

🍫 30g of cacao
💧 a bit of hot water to dissolve
🍌 2 ripe bananas
💪🏽 1 spoonful h**p protein
💫 1 spoonful maca powder
🐝 1 spoonful ver polen
🥄 1 spoonful tahini
🥛 veggie milk

Et voilà!! 🌟 Blend all the ingredients (or others!) together and get a super creamy meal in your cup! Believe me, it will keep you going for half a day!

✉️ Share your creative recipes and let’s create a for . The possibilities are infinite!


Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 17/04/2023

☀️ SUMMER RESET MEDICINE RETREAT ☀️ 8-12 June with from

🌱More than just a retreat…

🐉This is a powerful transformational journey that will enable you to heal your own wounds, and empower you to work with Plant Medicine.

🤎Only when we have healed ourselves, can we truly assist and serve others.

🥁Rebekah will guide you on a journey to deeply connect with the Spirit of Plants, open your heart, heal old wounds, and remove blockages and fears so you can hold space for others to feel the loving energy sacred Plant Medicines.

“Rebekah has faciliated
Cannabis Ceremonies, Mushroom Retreats, Cacao Trainings, and has been conducting annual Ayahuasca retreats in the Peruvian Amazon since 2014.”

💧 Expect tears, 😂 laughs, 🐉 transformation and plenty of plant magic!

☝️BOOK through the link in BIO☝️

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 14/04/2023

🌊Always changing, always adapting…

🍁We needed to raise
our prices🍁

It has been a difficult decision but we had
no other choice

❓Why Amrita Cacao
is not a cheap product❓

· It's created under artisanal processes
· It's alive - prepared fresh and on demand
· Single origin from Finca Atehuán, El Salvador
· less than 12months harvest on final product
· The Cacao speaks by itself...

How to be a responsible
Cacao consumer?

🔔Ask questions!🔔

· Where is the Cacao from?
· How much do the farmers & workers get paid?
· Ask for photos and videos of the farm and production at origin

🚩🚩🚩Red Flags 🚩🚩🚩when buying, pay attention if you see things like:

· Peeled & toasted by hand 🛑
·"Fair Trade" stamp 🛑
· Missing key information 🛑
· Lack of response when asking questions 🛑
· Cultural appropriation i.e. Mayan origine, etc 🛑
· Check freshness of Cacao (more than 1 year of harvest)🛑
• Do the research!

🙏 It's all thanks to you

🤎 As cacao lovers we need each other. Thank you for trusting in our project and we hope to continue to deliver the best Cacao for your rituals, ceremonies and daily life wellbeing

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 14/04/2023

🪱On Ethics and Transparency about the reality of our Cacao business…

☘️Amrita Cacao was born in 2018 from the friendship and collaboration with Juanra & Eli from , a family business from El Salvador bringing some of the best cacao in the world to Spain and Europe.

🌱Since then, we have worked really hard together to overcome the many challenges through the Global Pandemia and the more recent Ukraine war, by maintaining the final prices of our products as affordable as we could while still being some of the most economic brands in the market.

🍂In 2023 change is needed and our prices needed to increase in order to sustain our small business and continue to offer the best quality cacao.

💪🏽Some of the challenges we are facing:
· 13% inflation in El Salvador
· 30% Raise of Minimum Salary
· 15€ increase of cost of production of 1kg of Ceremonial Cacao
· Pressure from farms to keep their workers and production
· General Increase of basic costs, utilities and production in Europe

🌿We want to stay true
to our mission and continue to offer the best quality Cacao is our highest intention, while honouring our farmers at origin with dignified salaries and keeping the same ethics and artisanal processes.

⭕️ We are all part of this circle of trust and we are responsible to protect and support the development and growth of Sustainable Cacao Farms.

🙏 Thanks to all of you who trust and believe that the power lies in our choices. We are in this together!

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 02/03/2023

☀️ SUMMER RESET RETREAT 8-12 June with

💫 We are over the moon to bring our teacher, mentor and friend to Spain for a Summer to remember!

💫 Rebekah Shaman, will guide us on a journey to deeply connect with the spirit of Plant Medicines, so that you can use them as a ceremonial tool for transformation and healing.

💫 This Reset Retreat is a safe space to experience these deep, powerful plant medicines with a trained Shaman of 25 years. You will be guided safely and professionally, to ensure you get the healing and support you need.

💫 Rebekah was gifted knowledge of plant medicines from the Amazon, who told her to seek it out and bring it back to Europe in 2012. Travelling up from the Peruvian Amazon and finding it in Guatemala, the Mayan heartland, she left behind her possessions swapping them for kilos of Cacao, and was one of the first to bring ceremonial-grade cacao to the UK and start holding regular circles.
However, this is more than just a Retreat.
It is a powerful transformational journey that will enable you to heal your own wounds, and empower you to work with Plant Medicine.

“Only when we have healed ourselves, can we truly assist and serve others.”

📣VERY LIMITED SPOTS! 📣Find more info on my Linktree in Bio☝️

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 14/02/2023

What gift 🎁 not to keep searching for Love…

⭐️ I found you 11 years ago, and to this day there is not a single moment that I don’t keep choosing being in Love with you.

💕 You are the eternal constant in my Life, and my entire being craves to be with you.


Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 27/01/2023

🥕9 Years Feeding a community 👩🏽‍🍳

⏰ Time is a funny thing… you stop for a moment, take a breather, look back and almost a decade has passed!

🥑 Becoming a chef, a cook, a food lover, a nourishment provider, has been one of the biggest learnings of my 30’s. Through cooking I learned the silent language of Love, I received the deepest appreciation and experienced the same level of satisfaction than when I played a solo concerto 🎻 in the !

🙏 I am beyond gratitude for this passion that reminds me everyday of the daily sacred life, that is a laboratory for alchemy, and a cauldron for learning to be patient, focused and creative.

🌟 So here I am! Running the with an incredible team of OF THE YEAR!!

👉Yes! From the 2-5th of March we are offering a Cooking Retreat 🥦🥑🫐🥬🌶️🍠 at .valley

🍴Prepare yourself for a totally delicious experience where the common denominator will be our passion for food.

🔪 Hands-on Kitchen Experience
🥑 Living Food Cooking Workshops
📒 Nutrition & Fasting Talk 
🧘🏾‍♂️ Yoga, Movement & Breathwork practices 
👄 Sensorial Dinner Experience
🔥 Reconnection to natural ways of eating
🌲 Nature & Silence
👨🏼‍🍳 30+ Recipe Book

We will open up a new perception of healthy food. This will be a multi-day experience to ignite your curiosity about plant-based food, nutrition, health and pleasure so that you go back home knowing how a natural way of eating can feel in body, mind and soul.

Click ☝️on the Linktree in .valley bio☝️for more info and booking form!


Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 24/10/2022

💔Vamos allá vulnerabilidad!
Hoy quiero comunicar algo importante para mí

⭐️ Después de darle muchas vueltas, de sentarme con mi intuición y conversar con mi útero, he llegado a tomar una decisión que aunque me remueve algo profundo, creo es la mejor.

⭐️ Cuando propuse el retiro de Infertilidad y Pérdida lo hice desde un lugar de compartir, de ofrecer aquéllo que yo hubiera querido encontrar en mis momentos más oscuros en este camino. Sigo sintiendo que es un llamado fuerte para mí, sé que está escrito en mi camino que voy a trabajar con mujeres para sanar nuestras heridas, escucharnos y salir más fuertes. Sin embargo algo me dice que es un camino lento, que debo ir a pasitos pequeños, que abrir estos procesos es un trabajo delicado y hay que ir con paciencia.

⭐️ También siento ahora, que yo también necesito el arropo de otras mujeres, que ayudar a otras se me da muy bien, pero que debo aprender a unirme al círculo sin tener que liderarlo.

🙏 Gracias a todas y todos los que me han apoyado estas últimas semanas, mandando tantos mensajes de agradecimiento por la propuesta y ánimos por el coraje de ofrecer desde mi corazón.

⭐️ Muchas habéis sido las que de forma cautelosa y tímida os habéis acercado con interés y curiosidad porque vuestro vientre os llama a hacer este trabajo, pero algo os frena, quizás las fechas, el dinero,… o el miedo a meterse en un proceso largo y duro.

⭐️ Y reconozco mi propia ansia de crear una experiencia intensa y profunda, pero tamvez me olvidé de lo más importante: yo también necesito ser sostenida.

La humildad me ha pegado de frente, y ahora lo veo claro. MENOS ES MÁS!

🪱Por esta razón, sin reparo ni vergüenza, me atrevo a cambiar el plan y a darle una forma más asequible, más inclusiva y donde yo me nutra también!

🌙Feliz de anunciar que el Retiro de Womb Alchemy queda oficialmente transformado en 1 día de trabajo con , mujer medicina, doula y temazcalera, hermana de corazón con quien trabajé para cerrar mis abortos y a quién admiro por su gran conocimiento, fuerza, humor y sabiduría.

✍️ sigue en comentarios…

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 13/10/2022


Woohoo!! Qué feliz de formar parte de esta súper propuesta de .lunas pra celebrar su vuelta al sol. Un sorteo de mujeres emprendedoras donde juntas somos más fuertes.

“6 proyectos liderados por 8 maravillosas mujeres: Artesanas, emprendedoras y mujeres de una sensibilidad preciosa para celebrar los 3 años de Ocho Lunas y porqué no, mis 32 Otoños! 

🌷En Sorteo:

•Mandara Nanni top de Radhastribe
•Conjunto de lencería creado por Marie, de Uma intimates
•Pendientes del maravilloso proyecto de Isabel Pendientes Punto G.
•Agenda de ciclicidad Mana salvaje creada por Carmen Fortis y Alexandra.ilustra 
•Bolsita de 250gr de Cacao de Amrita Cacao 
•Sesión de Apertura y cacao guiada por mi ( Opción Online o presencial ) 

🌷Yo Participo!

Lo más importante. El SORTEO SE HACE EN LA CUENTA DE .lunas ! Así que ve ahí y sigue los siguientes pasos:

•Dale Like a la foto
•Sigue a los 7 proyectazos! (Te los dejo aquí; , .intimates , , , .ilustra , .lunas y a mi 😜
•Comenta y menciona a quien quieras tantas veces como quieras!

El SORTEO se realizará en esta cuenta y el dia 18 daré el nombre de la afortunadx!


Con mucho amor, y de parte de todas:



Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 07/10/2022

A PLACE FOR HEALING - Womb Alchemy - Pregnancy Loss & Infertility Retreat

🪞The first step to move on from the deepest wounds of the heart is coming back to basics: self care is the key. And that’s what this time will be about, an opportunity to engage with your whole self as a thriving living being, creating nourishing relationships and building a perhaps new sense of purpose. We will be held through our process by the medicine of the circle, the sisterhood, the Cacao ceremonies and the Temazcal ritual.

We will create a small intimate group of us to feel safe to share and support each other.

🇬🇧 🇪🇸 This retreat will be bilingual in Spanish and English, but we will speak the language of the heart.

☝️More info and bookings on link in bio

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 03/10/2022

from grieving womb to hopeful heart

“A retreat for women who have experienced pregnancy loss and live with infertility”

10-13 of November 2022

🌱Part of our heart leaves when we lose our child. After the deepest sorrow that your heart can bear, it can seem impossible to move beyond the pain, even to find meaning in life anymore. Embracing the sadness, disappointment, frustration, anger, or all of it at once, can be overwhelming in a society that does not create the space for these hard and heart conversations to happen. 

🌱The invitation to this retreat comes out of the strong desire to create a safe haven for us mothers with unborn children, whether we then gave birth at some point in our lives or not, as well as childless mothers that live each day facing into the complex journey of infertility.

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 29/08/2022


Last week she had a stroke. She is 16 (at least!) and this was the first time we saw her in distress. She is loved by so many that I wanted to write this letter in her honour so you know what she’s been through.

“Last week I felt what it would mean to lose you. I realised how much I took you for granted, how incredibly independent and resilient you have been all these years so that we didn’t have to go out of our busy lives for you. But last week I saw your body failing, I saw the look of confusion in your eyes and the instinct to just disappear and leave in peace. I felt the end approaching and I wasn’t ready for it. My entire attention turned towards you because you are the foundation of constant love in my life, and to see you suffering was as unbearable as suffering myself. Nothing mattered: work, sleep, other duties,…you were my priority and still are. You bring so much joy to my life and I know I am a better person since I met you. I jump out of bed every morning excited to see you smile, wag your tail and come to me to sweetly lick my hand or any other part of my body that is reachable, ready to go for a walk exploring the land that you know so well. I realised how much you are a part of me. To see you get through the toughest few days of your life is a blessing I can’t even express. Teacher, healer, you are the guardian of .valley the one that always knows, the embodied living force of this place. Sleepless nights, not knowing what’s best for you, keeping you on the leash or letting you roam free as always, watching every step, I don’t mind… I will do it again and again, I am here for you, because you are the other Love of my Life.“

Thanks to everyone who had sent love and prayers for her and that has taken care of her at some point. If you met her you know how special she is…She is recovering very incredibly well and is as sweet as ever! Go Lula!!

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 15/08/2022

💫FESTIVAL SEASON! 💫 MAXJA - SARDEGNA 🏝 30 Sep - 2 Oct .sardegna

A big part of who I am and what was and is lives in all the transformational festivals that we’ve been part of. For over 10 years I explored different tribes over the world at festivals like in the US, or in New Zealand, to and others in Europe, and always found a perfect balance of joy, learnings, challenges and self discovery. Sharing yoga teachings, explorative intimacy sessions and cacao ceremonies in this kind of open hearted events has been some of the greatest gifts in my path.

Then…. Covid 🦠 came and with it a big pause in the gatherings that brought us together in flesh and presence. For three years I have been submerged in lifting off the ground our personal project .valley which I see as the living long term fruit of all the learnings from the festival and , and just now I feel ready to seek outside again, to reconnect with the global tribe of change to keep bringing fresh ideas and inspiration back home.

So here I go! Taking a ferry with Morgan 💗 and Lula 🐕 at the end of September to join the .sardegna family after 6 years of dreaming to come back to this sacred and powerful island.

Thanks to and for the valuable friendship and trust over the years. Respect for the work you do in bringing so much knowledge and needed change back to your roots. 🙏

ARE YOU COMING WITH US? ⛴ I know some of you do… .lab .lamps 🌈



Day #2 of the just ended ✅ and the change in my entire being is massive. It’s incredible how often I forget the things that do me so well… Like a juicy, rich, fun, creative self-practice, with my favorite outfit (by always!) playing some great new algorithmically awesome discovery playlist on Spotify, and finishing with cuddles with my favorite four legged being Lula.

❓It is actually very simple, right?Unfortunately not always… but if anything I am taking on from this amazing Cacao Fast Experiment is that there is so much we can do to contribute to the wellbeing of our species and planet. And it starts with me…and you, and us!

I pray for Hope that we can do it better! Because if we lose the Hope… we lose everything…


Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 07/03/2022

☕️ EL AYUNO EXPERIMENT👉Un evento GRATIS y colectivo para profundizar en tu relación con

📆 9-12 de Marzo (3 noches)
📍 Online - grupo privado de Telegram Group (mira en Bio)
☕️ 200g de
🫂Apoyo diario online
⭕️ Corculo final de integracion (por Zoom) el Sabado 12 a las 11h.

📣No es bnecesario tener experiencia con cacao o con ayuno, no es necesario seguir el protocolo estrictamente , todos hacemos lo que necesitamos hacer, si necesitas comer come, si necesitas parar para, sé amable y responsable contigo mism@ ya que eso es lo que Cacao quiere!

Únete a la tribu!

Photos from Amrita Cacao's post 07/03/2022

☕️ THE EXPERIMENT👉A FREE online collective experiment to deepen your relationship with Cacao.

📆 9-12th of March (3 nights)
📍 Online - Private Telegram Group (check Bio)
☕️ Need 150g of
🫂Daily peer support and sharing
⭕️ Final integration circle (on Zoom) on Saturday 12th at 11am

📣No need to have experience with Cacao nor fasting, there is no need to follow a strict fast, we all do what we need to do, eat if you need to, do less days, stop when you need, be kind and gentle to yourself as that’s what Cacao would like!

Join the TRIBE!



👁 Watch this video for some tips and good tricks to make the most perfect beverage for your private ceremonies or to share with others.

Share your results please

🎥 Video by the one and only


🌱 SEED OF HEALTH 🌱 - If I have learned anything through working alongside Cacao is that we are born with the capacity to heal. Sometimes we are better at healing others than healing ourselves! But the power for healing is there, in the seed of our nature, and we just need to keep nourishing and watering it so it can sprout and become a fruitful being!

I can openly say that Cacao has healed me many times. It has brought me back home when I was lost, it has cracked open my heart when I thought it was closed forever, and is helping me find my way to real intimacy and pleasure.

Sometimes I feel so connected to Cacao that it’s hard to distinct between Her and I, like I think: “is it me thinking/feeling/knowing that or is cacao talking?” Well…the answer is both! To me, the most beautiful seed that we have in this planet… eternally grateful Cacaito!

❓Let me know if you have any questions about Cacao, doubts about how to start integrating it into your daily life, or any other comments. I am always up for talking about Cacao!


The Food of the Gods

Our Story...

Amrita Cacao was born from the clear guidance of the plant medicine itself speaking in ceremony. A sequence of magical events and encounters, intentional ceremony and the right support, created the message of starting a project for Cacao lovers in Barcelona, Spain and the rest of the World!

As human beings we have the capacity to channel the information that nature reveals and share it with one and other. Cacao shows us how to trust our intuition, how to be brave and jump into the unknown, how to embrace the change and trust in the process. What scares us is gold - it is there where the gems are hidden, ready to be polished and shine again!

Our highest mission is to bring the purest and best quality ceremonial grade Cacao that you will find for your personal daily use, for private rituals with family and friends, or for guided ceremonies with your community.

Videos (show all)