Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.

Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.

Digital marketing services and resources for creative businesses to grow an online business. www.emilynncaulfield.com


Something I’ve been working on behind the scenes is to have a quieter mind. I’m REALLY good at overthinking, so my mind quickly races with new thoughts, good and bad, that ultimately have been holding me back in life and my business.

Meditating, going for walks with Laya 🐾, reflecting, and throwing mini mid-day dance parties have all been small ways I’m trying to reclaim my headspace.

I also started reading The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest and found that many of the same things that clutter my mind are actually forms of self-sabotage. 🙃

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a quote here, but it resonated perfectly with the work I’ve been doing in the background, and I hope it’s the reminder someone else needed, too. 💜

Have you struggled with limiting beliefs or self-sabotage before?

Image of a quote says: “Talk a little nicer to yourself today.”

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 21/09/2023

If you know your ideal client, then you should know what platforms they’re actively using. 👇⁠

Re-purposing you content will help you make a bigger impact and more likely to reach your ideal clients at the right time.⁠

But how do you keep up with it all?⁠

➡️ Start by creating bigger pieces of content for your blog or newsletter⁠

Then, pull “golden nuggets” to create multiple social posts⁠

➡️ Optimize each piece of content for each platform you’re posting on ⁠

Your call-to-action might look different from platform to platform. For example, you can’t add a link to your caption on Instagram, but you can on Facebook or LinkedIn. ⁠

➡️ Post at the best time for each platform using tools like for Instagram and for Pinterest ⁠

Need help making waves online and increasing your brand’s visibility? Let’s create a strategy that works for you!⁠


Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 19/09/2023

Going viral is cool & all, but not when you don’t have the right systems in place 👇⁠

Everyone wants their content to go viral, but most don’t know what to do with the traffic they receive. 🤯⁠

Don’t get me wrong, it’s exciting when a piece of content gets the attention it deserves! But if your reel gets 500k views and 0 leads… is it really working for you? ⁠

When content goes viral, there needs to be a strategy in place to help your audience go from lead ➡️ sale. ⁠

And it starts with a clear offer and a strong call to action. ⁠

Do you have systems in place to capture your DREAM audience when a post goes viral? ⁠


You might not know this about me... 👇 ⁠

I started my business before graduating college and was counting down the days until graduation, completing my BFA in Design.⁠

I was booking freelance projects as a brand designer (thinking this would be my full-time business)⁠

I had a few marketing clients (not realizing that THIS would become my full-time business)⁠

I was even printing designs onto clothing and creating greeting cards as a side hustle because I loved to do it.⁠

Why am I telling you all of this?⁠

Because it’s a reminder that the path to where you are today isn’t always a straight line. ⁠

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns; sometimes, the things you do just for the love of it can evolve into your true calling.✨⁠

If you’re on a journey that doesn’t quite make sense yet, or you’re pursuing multiple passions, embrace it! ⁠

Every experience, project, and side hustle can shape your future in beautiful ways you might not even see coming. 💜⁠

What unexpected turns have you encountered on your journey? How did they shape your path?

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 09/08/2023

Think of your business as constructing a house. Marketing & content are the essential materials you need to build it. 🏠⁠

Is your house falling apart because of a cracking foundation (marketing problem) or faulty support beams (content problem)?⁠

📈 Do you have minimal content interactions, low reach, and hear crickets when you promote your offer? ⁠

This could mean your marketing strategy isn’t aligned with your brand and ideal audience. ⁠

✍️ Do you know who your ideal audience is, know where they are, and are actively engaging with them, but still find they’re not converting? ⁠

This could mean your content isn’t connecting or compelling your audience to make a decision. ⁠

We help identify the problem(s) your business is facing by asking questions in your discovery call that help us determine where we should start. ⁠

Where in your business 🏡 could you use a little TLC?

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 02/08/2023

Need content ideas for August? 🗓 Here are a few ideas to help you create new and fresh content! ⁠(swipe through)⁠
Just a handful of days to keep in mind as you plan your August calendar ⤵️⁠⁠

✨ August 8 - International Cat Day⁠
✨ August 9 - National Book Lovers Day⁠
✨ August 9 - International Coworking Day⁠
✨ August 13 - National Prosecco Day⁠
✨ August 15 - National Relaxation Day⁠

Need help with your planning? Download our social media content calendar using the link in bio! ⁠

We plan to release an updated version using one of our favorite platforms to manage content… so grab it now and receive the update when it comes out!


Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 30/06/2023

Need content ideas for July? 🗓 Here are a few ideas to help you create new and fresh content! ⁠(swipe through)⁠
Just a handful of days to keep in mind as you plan your July calendar (some with prompts, and some you should know about!) ⤵️⁠⁠

✨ July 1 - National US Postage Stamp Day ⁠
✨ July 4 - Independence Day 🇺🇸⁠
✨ July 5 - National Workaholics Day⁠
✨ July 16 - National Ice Cream Day 🍦⁠
✨July 17 - World Emoji Day⁠
✨July 20 - Get to Know Your Customers Day⁠
✨ July 24 - International Self-Care Day⁠
✨ July 27 - National Intern Day⁠
✨July 31 - National Avocado Day 🥑⁠

Need help with your planning? Download our social media content calendar using the link in bio! ⁠

We’re planning on releasing an updated version… so grab it now and receive the update when it comes out!

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 13/06/2023

Are you doing this yet expecting results? ❌⁠

When you set it and forget it, you're giving Instagram 0 reason to amplify your content.⁠

If you're posting on Instagram and...⁠

❌ Forgetting about it⁠
❌ Not engaging with anyone⁠
❌ Only using Instagram to post⁠
❌ Not using Instagram features to their fullest potential⁠
❌ Don't understand your audience⁠

You're not going to grow on Instagram. 😬 ⁠

Everyone wants to grow on Instagram, but not everyone is willing to put the time and effort into creating content that converts. ⁠

When you understand your DREAM clients, what they want, what they need, and how to deliver it to them using Instagram? ⁠

You'll see results. ⁠

If you're not seeing the results you'd like to see, DM me CONTENT, and let's get your Instagram working for you instead of against you! ✨

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 26/04/2023

You don’t have to only post reels to grow your Instagram 👇⁠

Posting different content styles has always been a huge part of our social strategy. ⁠

Don’t get me wrong. We’ve seen success in posting reels and reaching new audiences.⁠

But what happens next? ⁠

The Instagram algorithm was likelier to share your reel with NEW people than those who already follow you. ⁠

So after you gain new followers from your reels, what happens to them? ⁠

They forget about you.⁠

Static images and carousel posts allow you to continue nurturing those who already follow you AND reach new audiences. 🥵⁠

So when Instagram officially announced they’re prioritizing static images again, we weren’t surprised. 🤷🏼‍♀️⁠

We never removed static images from our content strategy for ourselves or for our clients because we knew they were just as important as reels.⁠

Our social media content strategy doesn’t rely on trends. It relies on consistency and authenticity.

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 19/04/2023

I went from 0 to 200k monthly viewers in 30 days on Pinterest. Here’s how 👇 ⁠

⭐️ Brand recognition + awareness.⁠

Refining my content creation strategy by creating 10+ on-brand graphics that grabbed attention and became recognizable to my brand, increasing brand awareness. ⁠

⭐️ Consistency.⁠

Automating my posting schedule allowed me to be “everywhere at once”, posting intentionally & consistently to boards that mattered to my brand/offers. ⁠

⭐️ Profile visibility.⁠

Optimizing my Pinterest boards and pins with keywords to help my audience easily find me organically! ⁠

⭐️ Lead generation.⁠

I created three powerful lead generators (freebies) that brought traffic to my blog and warm leads into my inbox. 👊⁠

Pinterest is such an incredible platform to increase your brand’s visibility because a Pin can gain engagement for hours, days, months, or even years after it's first published. ⁠

I have pins from 2021 that continue to grow my email list and increase my overall website traffic. ⁠

Are you looking to increase brand visibility, gain more traffic to your site, and grow your email list? ⁠

DM me “GROWTH” if you want to use Pinterest to grow your online presence to the best of its ability. ✨⁠



Last week I spoke with a client who was struggling with consistency and dragging their feet on posting something because they didn’t think it was “perfect.” Has anyone else been there? 🙋‍♀️⁠

In our call, we worked through their limiting belief of perfectionism. Does anyone else get stuck on this too?!⁠

You have a great idea. You want to post it. But you hop into Canva to create it, and your mind goes blank. ⁠

The problem here isn’t being consistent on social media, but it is the mindset in helping you stay consistent. ⁠

SO. Knowing this, I suggested my client post it anyway, and something magical happened. ✨⁠

Not only did the post receive 66 shares, but we also found out what their ideal audience was missing!! PLUS, the post brought in 10 leads in less than 24 hours.⁠

Your winning formula: being consistent + working on your mindset = sales.⁠

Now imagine one of your posts taking off like this. ⁠

What would you do with 10 new client leads in your inbox from one post? ⁠

That is why when you work with me on everything marketing, you’ll also have me in your support corner, cheering you on + helping you hurdle over those self-made obstacles. ⁠

DM me “CONTENT” if you’re ready to get out of your own way, start reaching new ideal clients, and have your content producing results. 👏⁠


Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 03/03/2023

Are you a service provider and need content ideas for March? 🗓 Here are a few ideas to help you stay consistent! ⁠

For March, these are great ways you can showcase your content ideas:⁠

✨ Hop on stories and highlight women-owned businesses you love & support. Ask your followers to do the same! ⁠

✨ Share a reel of your newly organized home office!⁠

✨ Create a carousel post of kind words from clients & customers that you’ve received! ⁠

March is also Women’s History Month, so share some extra love and support for women-owned businesses this month (and every month)!⁠

Swipe for some caption prompts to inspire you and save this post for later ✨

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 30/01/2023

Are you posting on Instagram consistently but hearing crickets?⁠ 🦗⁠

Typically, this means what you're sharing isn't resonating with your ideal audience. Here are 5 mistakes we see made when it comes to producing content that converts ⤵️⁠

1️⃣ Posting what YOU want to share, not what your dream clients need to hear.⁠

2️⃣ Focusing on content that will get the most likes and not what will get the most sales.⁠

3️⃣ Sharing the same content over & over again that isn’t working for you.⁠

4️⃣ Reaching the wrong people because your brand voice, vocab, and messaging talk to everyone but your ideal client.⁠

5️⃣ Selling the WHAT but not the WHY.⁠

We work with clients to define their brand messaging and align their content strategy to reach their dream clients. DM me “CONTENT” if you’re ready to create content that reaches your dream audience and turn likes into paying clients. ✨⁠

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 27/01/2023

Four books that are best read in January 📚 What books are on your list?⁠

📖 The Four Agreements - I just finished this book, and to be honest, the four agreements are simple. But the way Miguel breaks them down and explains each situation, they make sense. So many limiting beliefs that I hadn't even realized were obstacles in my path. Highly recommend!⁠

📖 Profit First - had recommended the Profit First strategy to me, so I had to pick up the book & learn it myself! I just finished reading it & am excited to apply it to my business! If you're looking for money management tips, this may be the book for you! ⁠

📖 In Your Dreams - If you love creating vision boards, then you need this kit by . Everything you need is within this kit, including images, hand-lettered quotes, stickers, washi tape, and even a glue stick! ⁠

📖 Big Magic - One of my favorite books. I love re-reading Big Magic at the beginning of the year because it reminds me how to live my most creative life, HAPPILY. ⁠

What books are on your list to read?! I have a whole pile, but I could always use a recommendation! 😍😂 Happy reading!

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 25/01/2023

Are you a service provider and need content ideas for February? 🗓 Here are a few ideas to help you stay consistent! ⁠

✨ Feb. 2 - Groundhog Day⁠
✨ Feb. 13 - Galentine’s Day⁠
✨ Feb. 14 - Valentine’s Day⁠
✨ Feb. 17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day⁠

February is also Black History Month, so share some extra love and support for black-owned businesses this month (and every month)! 💜⁠

Swipe for some caption prompts to inspire you! Or save this post when you start planning your February content!


Choosing a word for the year is a practice I enjoy doing because it’s a fun way to set an intention and focus your energy. This year, I’m going ALL in on “INTENTION” ⁠

While I’d like to think I’m always being intentional with my time, energy, space… I know there’s always room for improvement. “Intention” to me means slowing down, thinking/speaking/doing/being intentional with every single thing I do. ⁠

I’ve found that when I log off for the day, I usually sit on the couch, watch TV, and then go to bed. I thought I was winding down, but in reality, I was only becoming more anxious about “not being productive.” ⁠

After doing deeper work, I realized it’s not about being productive that made me anxious–but not doing things that I LOVE to do. Reading, writing, creating for FUN. I had been avoiding these practices because, in my mind, they weren’t a way to “calm down” for the evening. I had tricked myself into thinking those things I like to do, are “work” and not “play”. 🤦‍♀️⁠

I want to be more intentional with my free time. I want to be more intentional with the space I create for myself. INTENTION is my word for 2023. What’s yours? ⁠


Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 26/09/2022

Seeking community, especially as a creative, is extremely important if you want to run a successful business. 👉 You can't do everything on your own, and no one expects you to!! We all need support, in any & every cycle of life and in business.⁠

Here are 4 reasons to take part in a community ⤵️⁠

✨ Find like-minded creatives who actually know what it's like to run a biz (you love your bestie, but it's always harder if they don't also run a biz) ⁠

✨ Access to collaboration opportunities like PR features, partnerships, brand deals, giveaways, and more!⁠

✨ Be held accountable for all those goals you've been dreaming up! ⁠

✨ A collective hive-mind of those who can share related resources, tips, tricks, and more! ⁠

Choose , and your creative biz will go farther than you ever thought possible!

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 26/09/2022

Social media is one of the fastest ways to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and speak directly to new people who are looking for your brand to solve their problem!! ⁠

Consistently interacting with your customers or clients over social media and creating content that speaks DIRECTLY to them is a great way to gain and maintain the interest that allows your business to succeed! ⁠

Here are 5 ways you can start interacting with your DREAM clients or customers RIGHT NOW. ⤵️⁠

👉 Like & comment on their posts, bonus points if you start a conversation!⁠

👉 Share a post you agree with or simply think your audience will equally love, and tag them so they see it! ⁠

👉 Create a reel that talks directly to your dream audience, and tell them how your business solves their problem(s)⁠

👉 Answer your DM's!! ⁠

👉 React to stories and become a part of the conversation!⁠

⁠Double-tap if this post was helpful and save it for later when you're in need of some inspo! ⁠

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 01/07/2022

Have you started planning your content for JULY yet?! ➡️ Swipe for content ideas!⁠
July 2 - National Comic Sans Day⁠
July 3 - International Plastic Bag Free Day⁠
July 5 - National Workaholics Day⁠
July 7 - International Peace & Love Day⁠
July 9 - National Sugar Cookie Day⁠
July 10 - National Kitten Day⁠
July 16 - National Wedding Invitations Day⁠
July 18 - Global Hug Your Kids Day⁠
July 23 - Sprinkle Day⁠
July 26 - National Dog Photography Day⁠
July 28 - World Nature Conservation Day⁠
July 29 - National Intern Day⁠
July 30 - International Day of Friendship⁠

There are sooo many more days that we couldn't include all of them here. Check them out! https://nationaltoday.com/july-holidays/⁠

Use the link in my bio to download my FREE Social Media Content Planner, and start creating & scheduling your posts today!⁠


Friendly reminder that it's 👏 okay 👏 if 👏 you 👏 worked 👏 from 👏 your 👏 bed 👏 today. ⁠

Taking care of yourself & listening to what your body and mind need at the moment, is the best thing you can do for yourself (and in return, your business.) ⁠

So get that extra cup of coffee, read a little extra, take the extra 15 minutes to yourself, and watch that next episode... Don't be afraid to give yourself what you NEED ✨


"The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you'll earn." – Warren Buffett⁠

I've always heard the first half of this quote, but not so much the second half and I couldn't agree more with it!⁠

One of my 2022 goals is to prioritize learning and continued growth. When I realized I wasn't giving myself enough time to learn, I hired help (hey Allyson!!).⁠

Investing in yourself can come in all shapes & sizes. ⤵️⁠

Investing in yourself can look like... ⁠
⭐️ Taking a longer lunch⁠
⭐️ Going for a walk⁠
⭐️ Continued education⁠
⭐️ Reading a book⁠
⭐️ Outsourcing / Hiring help⁠
⭐️ Sleeping in⁠
⭐️ Learning something new⁠
⭐️ Meditation / Mindfulness ⁠

What's one (or more) way that you've invested in yourself? Share it with me in the comments! 🤩⁠

Photo from .

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 29/05/2022

Have you started planning your content for JUNE yet?! ➡️ Swipe for content ideas!⁠

June is PRIDE MONTH. Celebrate this month & always ❤️⁠

June 3 - National Donut Day⁠
June 5 - World Environment Day⁠
June 8 - World Oceans Day⁠
June 14 - Flag Day⁠
June 19 - Juneteenth⁠
June 19 - Father's Day⁠
June 21 - Summer Solstice⁠
June 21 - National Selfie Day⁠
June 23 - National Pink Day⁠
June 24 - National Take Your Dog to Work Day⁠
June 29 - National Camera Day⁠
June 30 - National OOTD Day⁠
June 30 - Social Media Day⁠
June 30 - National Work From Home Day⁠

Every day is Take Your Dog to Work Day when you work from home 😂 There are sooo many more days that we couldn't include all of them here. Check them out! https://nationaltoday.com/june-holidays/⁠

Use the link in my bio to download my FREE Social Media Content Planner, and start creating & scheduling your posts today!


I had the pleasure of being a Guest Speaker for Tuesdays Together LV/BucksMont] this week, where we talked about all things Social Media (and maybe a tangent or two about books 😉)⁠

I believe it was who asked me what my favorite books were, so here are 5 non-fiction books I can't get enough of! ⁠

⭐ In the Company of Women – A collective of entrepreneurs/artists/makers & more, sharing their inspirational stories & advice. A must-have!! ⁠

⭐ Mind Your Business – The BEST business workbook for creatives. If you're ready to define, or re-define, your business and create a sustainable living from your creativity, you have to get this book! ⁠

⭐ Building a StoryBrand – If you're ready to clarify your message and write copy that your customers HAVE to read, don't wait to read this book! I reference this book often! ⁠

⭐ F*ck Being Humble – The book will help you learn how to be your own cheerleader and how to get over the fear of self-promotion. ⁠

⭐ Start With Why – Learn what your audience needs to hear from you vs. only talking about your product/business. ⁠

Full list of books on my blog! 🥰 ⁠

Thank you again to Tuesdays Together LV/BucksMont for having me, and for & .and.ink for leading the show and inviting me! 💜⁠



Does your ideal audience know that you exist? Here are 3 tips to reaching your ideal audience on Instagram! ✨⁠

➡️ Optimize your Instagram profile⁠

Include keywords in your profile: like in your display name and bio! This helps your people find you when searching for answers to their problem!⁠

➡️ Engage with them on your feed⁠

The easiest way to stay relevant to your ideal audience is by engaging with them authentically. Like & comment on their posts, and interact with their Instagram stories! BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE BEING GENUINE! ⁠

➡️ Use relevant hashtags⁠

Test different hashtags and use them in each of your posts. I suggest including them IN your caption (unless your Instagram insights tell you otherwise 😉)⁠

Save this post & implement these into your own Insta strategy!

P.S. I go over this and so much more in my class for the hosted by ! Use the link in my bio to sign up for FREE ✨

Photos from Emily Lynn Caulfield Creative Studio Inc.'s post 05/02/2022

The secret is out! - Hey creative friends! I'll be teaching at ' Creative Retreat Live, next to 75+ other amaaazing instructors later this month!! ⁠✨⁠

You can expect NINE days of lessons ranging from all things art, design, & entrepreneurship! ⁠🤯⁠

Link in my bio to sign up and join us FOR FREE! ⁠


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