

CSCi is the page for the cause that Achira, Ava and Anming started. It stands for Cure Soul Cancer International. It is a page for supporters.

Timeline photos 28/06/2018

Evolution, a process of metamorphosis for the soul.

Timeline photos 30/05/2017

Happiness ... pursue it with all of your heart.

Timeline photos 17/04/2017

Give more than what you expect in return, you do make a difference.

Timeline photos 16/04/2017

How will we paint ourselves?

Timeline photos 15/04/2017

Who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture ..

Timeline photos 14/04/2017

We cannot direct the wind,
but we can adjust the sails.
~ Jean

Timeline photos 14/04/2017

Every molecule and every atom, every thought and every action, is Prana. We are Prana!

Timeline photos 19/03/2017

If only we could see ....

Timeline photos 18/03/2017

Perceiving love from everything .. a state of bliss.

Timeline photos 17/03/2017

Criticism .. you love it or hate it.

Timeline photos 16/03/2017

Shallow waters are noisy. Deep waters are silent.


So well said ... so true :-( Ahh, but not all is lost, you can life life and love life ... all you have to do is to want to


Annular Solar Eclipse 2017 Feb 26 25/02/2017

February 26, 2017 — Annular Solar Eclipse. The ring of fire
During a partial solar eclipse, the Moon, the Sun and Earth don't align in a perfectly straight line, and the Moon casts only the outer part of its shadow, on Earth. From our perspective, this looks like the Moon has taken a bite out of the Sun. The main phase of this annular solar eclipse, will only be visible along a narrow path stretching from the southern tip of South America to Angola in Africa.

Annular Solar Eclipse 2017 Feb 26 Annular Solar Eclipse 2017 Feb 26

Timeline photos 22/02/2017

If every 8-year old, together with the parents of the 8-year old are taught meditation, our homes and communities will be without aggression and violence.

Timeline photos 21/02/2017

You have to believe in yourself. If you don’t, how can you expect others to believe in you.

Timeline photos 20/02/2017

If you can correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.
~ Lao Tzu

Timeline photos 19/02/2017

When nothing is sure, everything is possible … these are the times we travel on new roads, explore new options …. and most of the time, experience joys and delights totally unexpected.

Timeline photos 18/02/2017

Thoughtful, mindful, compassionate and caring … you will not qualify for a Buddhist compliment.

Timeline photos 17/02/2017

How much easier will our lives be if we stop worrying about the what’s and if’s and maybe’s … now go.

MB Gibbons - OMG... just saw this commercial.... just... | Facebook 16/02/2017

Dinner anyone? Anyone? We are not meant to be isolated ... modern technology made us that way.

MB Gibbons - OMG... just saw this commercial.... just... | Facebook OMG... just saw this commercial.... just BRILLIANT! Who would be brave enough to do this?!

Wayism - An 8 minute guided meditation in Sacred... | Facebook 15/02/2017

Awareness of the Divine Presence in All Things
An 8 minute guided meditation in Sacred Sensuality.

Wayism - An 8 minute guided meditation in Sacred... | Facebook An 8 minute guided meditation in Sacred Sensuality. Theme: sensing the awe of the presence of the Divine in all things created and uncreated. Quotes...

Timeline photos 10/02/2017

The path is winding. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths.

Timeline photos 09/02/2017

The journey is as important as the destination, if not more so. So don't rush ... It is in the journey that we find ourselves, come to peace with ourselves and it is in the journey that we learn to love.

Timeline photos 08/02/2017

Spirituality does not lie in being passionate about a master out there.
Spirituality lies in mastering the passion within.
~ Jean duPlessis

Timeline photos 07/02/2017

To deny anyone of hope is an unforgivable wrong. Hope may be all that they have.

Timeline photos 01/01/2017

As we look into 2017, we see time ... 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes. Time given to us as a gift, to use as we think best.
Therefore, may your 2017 be filled with love, peace, laughter and joy.
May your 2017 be a year of light, guiding your path towards a positive destination, each day filled with the wonder of life.
(Image Natasha Rodo)

Timeline photos 01/01/2017

As we look into 2017, we see time ... 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes. Time given to us as a gift, to use as we think best.
Therefore, may your 2017 be filled with love, peace, laughter and joy. May your 2017 be a year of light, guiding your path towards a positive destination, each day filled with the wonder of life.
(Image Natasha Rodo)

Timeline photos 25/12/2016

Embrace the joys ... It is hope.
Invite in the spirit ... It is peace.
Open your heart ... For it is love

Timeline photos 25/12/2016

Embrace the joys ...It is hope.
Invite in the spirit of Christmas,
It is peace.
Open your heart to the gift of Christmas,
For it is love.

Timeline photos 22/12/2016

Dance to the omnipresent music of the Ohm - Jean du Plessis