Dubai/ AbuDhabi messenger, Find every thing on 'one' page.

Dubai/ AbuDhabi messenger, Find every thing on 'one' page.

We encourage all businesses to come forward so we can all benefit from each other, any thing every thing for all ages, making life easy,thats my goal.

Every thing from Cars to needle, expats living in Cairo, groceries, magazines, books, stationeries, photography, laundry, pickup services, shops, shopping malls, doctors, dentists, Vets, pet shops, schools, play schools, garden tools, plants, wedding dresses, makeup, jewelry, art centres, art cafes, restaurants, cafe, domestic help, taxi services, sewing, tailoring, home decorating, fashion, desi


Our page has reached good number of people. plz do send me you information of businesses or services? we will post it as a free advertisement for you.
Thank you


Every thing from Cars to needle, expats living in Dubai, AbuDhabi, groceries, magazines, books, stationeries, photography, laundry, pickup services, shops, shopping malls, doctors, dentists, Vets, pet shops, schools, play schools, garden tools, plants, wedding dresses, makeup, jewelry, art centres, art cafes, restaurants, cafe, domestic help, taxi services, sewing, tailoring, home decorating, fashion, designers of all kinds, travel and tours, housing and apartments, cars, tools, garage sales interior decorations, furnitures, computers and IT shops, phone services, religious services, salons, beauty shops and supplies, and much much more. I strongly encourage to people to plz forward info so we can all benefit.


Hi, plz forward your services and work info so we can share, I would like to offer any help in this regard. I will post on behlaf of members.

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