The Capstone Dominion Church Worldwide

The Capstone Dominion Church Worldwide

The Capstone Dominion Church is a Church with a Vision to Raise transformed people that will reign i


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*Wednesday 3rd April, 2024*

Part 1*.

: "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." (Genesis 2:2-3).

Rest means refreshing. To rest means to cease from one's labor. I want you to know that rest is a good thing and true rest comes from God. The devil cannot give you rest because he himself is restless. The Bible says, he goes to and fro the earth and walking up and down the earth. (Job 1: 7).

Let me ask you, how can you expect an entity that goes to and fro the earth and up and down the earth to give you rest? He can't because he is restless. The devil can't give you what he doesn't have. A person going to and fro the earth is in trouble and when you approach such for rest, what you will get is trouble. When you approach a native doctor for business/career breakthrough or for a child, he himself is living in that little hut is starving, I tell you, what he will give you is a lot of trouble.

Now, God gave us a model of rest in the book of Genesis chapter 2 . After a very busy schedule of creating the heaven and the earth, I tell you, it was a very very busy task for the whole 7 days for God. And we saw that at the end of the seventh day in Genesis 2: 2-3, the Bible says and God rested on the seventh day from all his work.

"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." (Genesis 2:2-3).

So if God rested on the seventh day, it means that, rest is important to us as humans too. We need rest.

Still emphasizing on the importance of rest, even the Lord Jesus Christ rested from his very busy schedule of going here and there. Because the Bible says in Act. 10: 38 that, "...he's always about doing good;" healing the sick, raising the dead, setting the captives free. At some point he needed rest.

I tell you a personality like our Lord Jesus Christ who is always on the move; going from one village to another from cities to cities holding crusades. But one day he called his disciples together and told them to rest for a while. (Mark 6:31).

So it means that, if God rested, the Lord Jesus and the disciples rested, we also at some points in our lives need to rest. We need to rest from the hustle and bustle of this world.

You know, we live in very busy world today; we live in a very very complex society where people assume rest is needed the least. It is important to rest. We are in the days of turmoils, perplexities and insecurities and these are some of the reasons why you need to find time to rest. The challenges of the day are draining that even medical doctors sometimes recommend "rest cure" as cure for exhaustion and depression.

You have been doing the same job from round the clock, you need to find a time to rest. If I may ask you, why do you think organization give people leave; a leave of absence or vacation? It is for them to rest. So if organizations can give people vacation/leave or to take days off, it means that you also even if you are not working in any organization, maybe you have your own private business/organization, you need to find a time to rest. Because your productivity comes alive after a good rest.

Listen, when talking about rest, I'm not just talking about sleep alone. Although sleep is part of rest, however, its not every body that is sleeping that have sound rest. One can be sleeping and not resting. There are lot of people that even in their sleep they are working, their brain is calculating one thing or the other. The job they abandoned in the office, they continue it in the dream. That's not the kind of rest I'm talking about here.
So sleep is part of rest but I am not dwelling on that now.

Furthermore, in a sound rest, you need to cease from your labor. Man was created with toil. Although in the beginning, man was not created with toil but because of the sin of Adam, after he fell, he lost his rest. Because God made us as creature of rest. He told us have dominion. (Gen. 1: 28). That dominion was to position man in the state of rest.

Man was supposed to do things out of rest not out of toil not out of labour. But, after man fell, man enter into ceaseless labor. If you read Genesis 3, the bible says that, he will toil all the days of his life. (Gen. 3: 17-19).

Therefore, I pray for a reader of this devotional, may you have true rest and cease from labouring in the Mighty Name of Jesus. The Lord told man after the fall, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread..." (Gen. 3:19). I tell you that was the beginning of toiling in the life of man. From then, man continued to toil until Jesus came.

However, Jesus death, burial and resurrection gave man true rest. And you can have true rest if only you can surrender to him today.
Be blessed!

Tell the Lord, I have true rest and cease from labouring in the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

©️ *Bamidele John*
[email protected]


Congratulations!!! Welcome to the year 2024, Our Year of TOTAL DOMINION. (Gen. 1: 26-28, Psa. 8: 4-6. I declare that in this new year, may you have total Dominion in every Areas of your life, family, finances, Businesses, Ministry and career. This new year, the Lord goes ahead of you to level every mountains. May you be a thousand times more this year in the mighty name of Jesus. HAPPY NEW YEAR!



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Theme: Building A Marriage without Tears

*Date: Saturday 17th June, 2023

*Time: 4pm

Venue: Eatery Hall former Mr Biggs, beside Igodo-Ikotun Local Govt Secretariat Ikotun Lagos.*.


*THE SCHOOL OF MARRIAGE INT'L (Valentine's Singles Summit)*



*Date: Sunday 12th February, 2023*

*Time: 5pm*

*Venue: Living Proof Eatery, Felele Ibadan, Nigeria*.

