Sunrise Reiki Colorado

Sunrise Reiki Colorado

By Appointment Only Wellness Evolved. Healing physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. Exceeding all expectations with a gentle leading approach.

Bringing the very best out of people and helping them live the life they were meant to live. Healing is a Team Effort.

Reiki for The News 03/05/2024

The news gives me an endless list of places to send Reiki.
Yes, you can send Reiki to situations, and it can have a dramatic effect.

Reiki for The News By Jeff Baird Just a few minutes ago I watched an old video of the Rolling Stones performing ‘Just my Imagination’ (Running Away with Me). This was after a day with a lot of driving and…


We talked a lot about you today Raven. I met someone who read your incredible book and heard how it changed her life too. Instant bonding. Some of the conversations I’m having with people about Reiki are really amazing. The world needs Reiki now more than ever and thanks to Raven Keyes we are having these conversations. So grateful I was able to become a Medical Reiki Master. Thank You Raven. 🙏❤️🙏

Reiki for Seniors 06/02/2024

You’re never too old to try Reiki. I once shared Reiki with a 101 year old woman. It is definitely one of my favorite Reiki memories. The first thing she said to her daughter after she was lying on the table was, “Look! He’s already messing up my hair!” True story.

Reiki for Seniors By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Seems like I’ve always loved our seniors. When I was a little kid my hero was my Grandpa, a senior who knew how to make kids happy. He was a generous, gi…

For Raven Keyes 27/01/2024

Just getting ready to watch a recording of yesterday's "Celebration of Raven live" and thought it was appropriate to share this article I wrote for Raven. I thought it was pretty funny that earlier today with a new article I had just written, I unknowingly used the same accompanying graphic. Hi Raven! This one's for you.

"Love. When I think of Raven, I’ll always think of love first. She spoke it and she lived it. Her love for the world just expanded when she left earth and made her way to help all of us Medical Reiki Masters from a higher realm. She’ll adjust easily to her new surroundings. As you know, she is very comfortable being in the presence of Angels. God Bless Raven Keyes."

For Raven Keyes By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Just started reading Raven Keyes’ “Medical Reiki” book again. The very first time I read this book, I couldn’t put it down and found my…

Walking a Spiritual Path 26/01/2024

For me, to go off course means to worry or to get angry. If that happens, then I am obviously not staying true to the Reiki precepts which means I am not staying true to myself. Years ago, Dr. Mikao Usui shared his infinite wisdom with us when he said, “Just for today, do not worry.” “Just for today, do not anger.” Those words are so simple yet so powerful. They have also become my main mission in life. I was attuned to Reiki in 2012, and that experience changed my life forever. Reiki always shows me the way when I stay calm, focused and one with the healing energy. Then, I am better able to hear the Ageless Wisdom in the silence. It’s a knowing, an understanding at the soul level.

Walking a Spiritual Path By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Walking a Spiritual Path is not for the timid. But, as you continue on your journey you build spiritual muscle by staying true to your Higher Self. It’s …

Reiki for Caregivers 09/12/2023

Many nurses and caregivers used to come see me when I was offering in-person Reiki sessions out of our home. I respect and love all of them so much for what they do for others – day in and day out. They’re amazing people taking care of loved ones – some are family and some are not. All of them shared stories of how over worked and stressed out they were. That’s why they were calling me. They were all familiar with Reiki and knew that they needed the healing benefits. Smart people.

Reiki for Caregivers By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Many nurses and caregivers used to come see me when I was offering in-person Reiki sessions out of our home. I respect and love all of them so much for what th…

Gratitude 13/11/2023

The lessons learned from living in gratitude every moment of the day are from a class that I will never graduate from. I have so much to be grateful for. The path of my healing journey continues to amaze and keep me on my toes. I catch myself when I’m falling out of the gratitude bubble and do my best to get back on track mentally and emotionally as soon as possible. If old ways of being resurface and are not helping me advance on my journey, I Iet ’em go. I’ve let a lot of stuff go over the years and I’m grateful for that.

Gratitude By Jeff Baird The lessons learned from living in gratitude every moment of the day are from a class that I will never graduate from. I have so much to be grateful for. The path of my healing journe…

Reiki for The News 13/10/2023

Sending Reiki to situations like the news is an example of prayer in action. We pray for each other and we pray for the magnificent power of Reiki healing. May it keep us at a higher vibration as we attract the love back that we are sharing with others.

Reiki for The News By Jeff Baird Just a few minutes ago I watched an old video of the Rolling Stones performing ‘Just my Imagination’ (Running Away with Me). This was after a day with a lot of driving and…

Reiki Reiki Reiki 14/09/2023

As I write this on September 13th, I am thinking of all those souls whose lives were never the same after September 11th. Just over a year out from taking Raven Keyes’ “Medical Reiki Master” class, I can’t help but think about Raven who shared Reiki on the front lines of Ground Zero for the first responders who had survived the tragedy. She helped so many by providing the healing energy to those who were suffering amidst the rubble and toxicity. Like so many others, her health also suffered from being at Ground Zero. There were a lot of heroes during and after the devastation and I am proud to say that I am a “Medical Reiki Master” because of Raven, who was a true pioneer in the healing arts with legendary status.

Reiki Reiki Reiki By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado As I write this on September 13th, I am thinking of all those souls whose lives were never the same after September 11th. Just over a year out from taking Rave…

Receiving Reiki from a Distance 08/05/2023

Distance Reiki has become a gift that I have learned to appreciate more and more every time I hear about the results or see them afterwards. You can’t make this stuff up and that’s why I still write about it so often. For me, Reiki is always fresh – bringing me new insights and a deeper love as it shines its magnificent light into my soul. I’ve been sending Reiki remotely since 2012 and just last week I marveled yet again at Reiki’s timing and power as I was on the receiving end of the healing energy for a change.

Receiving Reiki from a Distance By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Distance Reiki has become a gift that I have learned to appreciate more and more every time I hear about the results or see them afterwards. You can’t ma…

For Raven Keyes 07/05/2023

Just started reading Raven Keyes’ “Medical Reiki” book again. The very first time I read this book, I couldn’t put it down and found myself saying, “Yes!” as tears filled my eyes. Finally! Reiki was getting the kind of respect it deserved and Raven was the one shining her light so bright on Reiki and leading the way for all of us. Raven Keyes was a pioneer, trailblazer, brilliant angel walking among us, spirit of light, love and hope living in her truth and sharing it with the world. Her honesty and real life knowledge of Reiki stopped me in my tracks as I turned another page of Medical Reiki at my breakfast table.

For Raven Keyes By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Just started reading Raven Keyes’ “Medical Reiki” book again. The very first time I read this book, I couldn’t put it down and found my…


Reiki Customer Appreciation. To everyone who has purchased Distance Reiki sessions from me, you know how much I appreciate you and love working with you. Tomorrow night 4.18.23, I am offering you a Complimentary Distance Reiki Session. Just text me and tell me how you would like Reiki to help you - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Thank You for your support. This is a small token of my appreciation. You can text me at (720) 250-8107. Thank You. ✌️

What a Pain! (echoes from the past) 01/02/2023

For years, I woke up with excruciating bone on bone pain only worsened by the countless hangovers I barely survived due to the heavy self-medicating that went on for hours the night before. My first step out of bed was always the toughest of the day as reality always hit home yet again. Only in my early 40’s at the time, but more than one doctor told me that I had the hips of an 80 year-old-man. My first total hip replacement was on the left side in October of 2002. The right one was replaced in January, 2005. I was living a pain-free life after those surgeries and haven’t had any issues until New Year’s Day 2023. Those painful echoes from the past literally brought me to my knees, barely able to walk up stairs. And, we have a lot of stairs in our home!

What a Pain! (echoes from the past) By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado I have two artificial hips due to a car accident that we were in back in the 90’s. As my van hydroplaned during the sleet and snow storm, I extended both…

A Declaration of Peace 20/01/2023

It is an honor to serve God and His massive army of angels as one simple man who has been blessed with the gift of Reiki healing. We are great in numbers as new Reiki practitioners join our cause every single day. Our mission is to heal the world – one soul at a time. It can be a daunting task until we break it down to each Reiki treatment that we are a part of. One soul at a time. One moment at a time.

A Declaration of Peace By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado From the top of this mountain I declare war on man’s viscious inhumanity to his fellow man. I am simply a private in this army of peace, love and underst…

A Veteran’s First Reiki Treatment 10/11/2022

To honor our Veterans, I am offering one complimentary Distance Reiki Session for any Veteran who contacts me. This is the least I can do to serve those who served our Country. A small token of my eternal gratitude and appreciation. If you or a loved one who served would like to experience Reiki as it helps you heal in body, mind and spirit, please contact me via email: [email protected]. Thank You. God Bless our Veterans.

A Veteran’s First Reiki Treatment By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado “Dude! It’s kinda creepy. I ain’t lyin’. It’s like my pain is blocked. It’s gone. It’s weird man. I guess this is wha…

More on The Reiki Shower 03/11/2022

In all the years that I have been writing about Reiki, none of the articles have generated the kind of interest that my recent post on The Reiki Shower has. So, with that in mind, I would like to elaborate a little more and hopefully provide some helpful tips that you can use. The positive results can be significant. Please have your Reiki recipient drink plenty of water before and after your session – especially if you are working with The Reiki Shower.

More on The Reiki Shower By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado In all the years that I have been writing about Reiki, none of the articles have generated the kind of interest that my recent post on The Reiki Shower has. So…

The Reiki Shower 02/11/2022

“The Reiki Shower” is a technique that I use for a total cleansing. The results can be dramatic. Afterwards, I usually hear how the recipient of the healing energy spent a lot of time in the restroom flushing out their system. I always recommend drinking plenty of water before and after one of my Reiki sessions as this helps with the clearing out of toxins and negative cells released through urination. This is normal and part of the healing process.

The Reiki Shower By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado “The Reiki Shower” is a technique that I use for a total cleansing. The results can be dramatic. Afterwards, I usually hear how the recipient of th…

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn 23/03/2022

I added Colorado to Sunrise Reiki when I discovered on the name search that another Reiki practitioner in Ireland had a business called, “Sunrise Reiki Centre.” I’m Irish and I added Colorado to respect their name and I love Colorado, so I liked having my state in the name. It’s always darkest before dawn in Colorado or wherever you may live. But, with each sunrise comes the hope of a brand new day. The possibilities are endless.

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado I’ve heard these words all through my life. Dylan sang the words. I’ve heard it in sermons and speeches too. And, it’s true – it’…

Learn Reiki April 9-10 22/03/2022

Wouldn’t it be great to have your own ‘secret weapon’ for stress relief? Just imagine how good it will feel when you help a loved one who is in pain. Have you ever wondered how you could help those who are in pain but don’t live near you? Are you ready to embrace a way of living that brings you peace of mind? Are you also ready to live a purposeful life and break away from old habits that are holding you back? Do you believe in miracles? Reiki practitioners are in the miracle business. Please join us on April 9th. I promise this will be a life changing experience for you.

Learn Reiki April 9-10 By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Wouldn’t it be great to have your own ‘secret weapon’ for stress relief? Just imagine how good it will feel when you help a loved one who is …

Virtual Reiki Classes Update 11/03/2022

The next two classes I have scheduled are my Unlimited Usui Reiki Level I & II Advanced Class. A full description of the class is included below. Class dates are April 9-10 and May 7-8. The world needs Reiki practitioners now more than ever. Thank you for considering Sunrise Reiki Colorado for your training. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or to discuss further. You can reach me at [email protected] or (720) 250-8107.

Virtual Reiki Classes Update By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado Virtual Reiki Classes have many benefits that I could not offer when I taught the classes out of our home. While I still like to keep my classes fairly small a…

A Blast of Reiki 10/03/2022

Reiki practitioners need to be aware of world events so that we can make the best use of our Distance Reiki efforts. There will never be a shortage of places to send the healing energy. Today, I ask all of my students and fellow Reiki practitioners to join me in stepping up our self-care efforts so that we are at our very best when sending a blast of Reiki to the world. Our commitment is to healing the world one soul at a time and there is great strength in numbers. Thank you for helping us during these difficult times. Your efforts are so appreciated and needed.

A Blast of Reiki By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado The many people I work with have gotten used to me using the word “blast” when I say things to them like, “I’ll send you another blast …


Text of The Day - Text of The Day: Hi Jeff! 😺 Yesterday, was the first day I walked up the stairs without a cane! Still keeping it up! Thank you! 🥰😍🐾

Videos (show all)

Reiki at the Evergreen Senior's Resource Center
An Evening of Healing with Jeff Baird
Lori on Reiki
Sunrise Reiki Student
Reiki For Wrangler
In My Own Words
Reiki For Animals
Reiki I & II Class
Jeff Baird Reiki Signature Video
