Sisters of the Moon

Sisters of the Moon

The Sisters of the Moon circle is a sacred space for all sisters to experience empowerment, healing


My Mum. An absolute legend.


Reiki 1 in Port Lincoln with our beautiful Sister at Mana Ceremonies.

Winter workshops 💛


Kia Ora dear community, I am offering Reiki Level One workshops this June/July.


We have a few venue collaborations for our temple space and yes for nourishing foods.


This is a two day retreat for your Spiritual growth, body nurturing, mind clarity & grounding practice in well-being rituals at home.


Although this is not an over night stay, I can certainly guide you in the right direction for local luxury accommodations should you choose.


Reiki Level one has been a foundation for me in my journey. Part of offerings for over 20 years in Mana Wellbeing Centre and retreats.
A wonderful foundation to grow your tree of wellness for yourself and family. Then should you choose, a gift to share in community.


Should you like to receive an invitation & information to our Reiki Level One please DM/ email.
Our temple will receive 8 people.

In loving kindness Ngāhuia 🐚




The earth as a co-regulator.

The first month of our Way of the Wise journey is about the base chakra and being supported.

It’s an apt time to start this journey and feel into this energy as we turn into Samhain (Halloween) here in the southern hemisphere.

Do you need a community of women to connect to and share with as we dive into the changing seasons?

Join us 🙏🏻

Photos from Sisters of the Moon's post 28/04/2024

“Curing the soul is the first essential thing” Socrates

We are here the week before Samhain, the Witches New Year.

I am using some Art Therapy processes to explore what I am coming to know, in preparation for Way of the Wise, which begins next Sunday night.

Life is expanding and there is so much richness to explore with visual metaphors …we will do this together in Way of the Wise, using Art Therapy practices - as well as all the other juicy and rich rituals, meditations, physical magic and sister circles.

If you haven’t committed yet, this is your final week to do so before the doors close. 🙏🏻

Get in touch for more details # # #


The power of groups is not to be underestimated, whether it’s a sports group, book club, running group or a group like us, of like minded people coming together to honour the Earth and Spirit.

Groups take individuals to places where they cannot go alone. Groups can generate, reinforce and revive creative energy and imagination. Groups can bear witness to each others bravery and courage when we share our most vulnerable moments.

Groups are supportive, kind and non-judgemental.

Our Sisters of the Moon is one of these groups.

We are running our 2024 Way of the Wise group soon. This is entirely online and goes for seven months, from Samhain to Beltane (May to November).

The cost is minimal ($44 per month) so that anyone can access this healing, their potentiality and the strength and power of a group.

Flick me a message to join 🙏🏻

Michelle ☀️


Beautiful Sisters,

The Way of the Wise is returning for 2024!

I am so excited about this new iteration as the format is the same but tue deeping of the content has evolved, as we all do!

Message me for more details and to claim your space 🌑


A beautiful Sister doing beautiful things! I’m looking forward to trying her products soon! 🙏🏻❤️


Bookings are open for weddings in 2025 by my very gorgeous Sister! ❤️

Happy LOVE day dear community!
Wedding season for 2025 is now OPEN💛

I am delighted to welcome in a new season of celebrating love!

We have beautiful ceremony packages LIVE on my website. Including fabulous venues such as and

Simply click the bio and send me a little love note from there.

May all be well
May all be love
May all be loved

Oh! Sneek peek of a NEW ceremony venue coming up soon too!


Beautiful community,

The next iteration of my support to community is underway! I have been completing my Masters of Thereaputic Art Therapy over the past two years and are in my placement year!

I am working at Hills Psychology in Aldgate on Mondays, starting next week! I would love you to continue your healing journey with me.

To book and see my bio, explaining more about Art Therapy, just follow the link to Hills Psychology.

I hope to see you in my new practice.

Art Therapist


Hello Community

I have been having SO much fun doing the 2024 yearly readings, that I’m opening up a couple more spots as I’m on holidays 😍

They come to you as a PDF; an energy card for the year, a card for every month and the meanings behind each. They have been really clear this year and some sisters have a massive and exciting year ahead! Message me or comment below to confirm your spot 🙌🏻

The picture is of my spread …a much better spread than last tear. 2023 was grim in patches and that was truly represented in my cards!

Much love


Yearly Tarot Spread

It’s that time of the year again and a few of our lovely Sisters are already asking about this offering.

Message me to be included or post a comment below ❤️🙏🏻



I’ve had a few Sisters reach out already to organise their 2024 Tarot Spread.

Message me if you wish to be included in the list, or comment below 💟


Beltane (exact) is today, blessed community.

We live in the fires. We breathe in the magical scented air of Spring and we revel in the union of the masculine and the feminine.

We are supported.

We are held.

I have been busy creating Flower Essences for our La Luna Retreat this weekend. May they protect and hold our energetic bodies, deeply and gently.

Happy Beltane Witches,

Michelle 🙏🏻


Holding Space.

Holding sacred space for you to be in, in whatever phase and state you find yourself, is a true honour.

I spent up to an hour preparing the space for you, before you arrive to any event of mine. I open Circle calling in the elements of the East, North. West and South, as well as Gaia below and Spirit above.

I also call in my ancestors and all that sit upon my wisdom council.

I alabaster ask permission of the lands and honour the spirit of the lands, by connecting to and acknowledging the First People of the lands.

Sisters of the Moon have two beautiful spaces coming up….

Full Moon Circle - this Friday and,
La Luna Retreat on the 10-12 November.

I would be honoured if I could hold sacred space for you 🙏🏻🦋



Join us as we gather under the blossoming Full Moon ….this Friday night at Mylor.

$35 investment.



La Luna Retreat - 10th to 12th November.

This retreat is a touch different that others that I have ran, as we will be exploring many forms of Art Therapy.

Art as a language of understanding and transformation blows my mind, as I meander my way through my Masters of Creative Art Therapy at MIECAT University.

The connection to embodiment and the liminal space is strong, and we speak through what we create, how we feel and in the materials themselves,

Powerful and transformational.

I will be embedding many forms of Art Therapy over the weekend.

Message me for more details ❤️


FRIDAY 13th SISTER CIRCLE - 7pm at Mylor Moon Temple

Friday the 13th is the day of the Goddess and we honour the Divine Feminine that resides within us.

As witches this is a beautiful day to honour the cycles of creation and death and rebirth. We gather in Circle to honour creativity and begin the process of manifesting our dreams and desires. This is even more important as we begin the eclipse season the following day with a Libra Solar Eclipse.

We gather at the Moon Temple and you can claim your seat by messaging me directly.

Much love,

Photos from Sisters of the Moon's post 04/10/2023


Transformation can happen to us at any time in our lives. It may be thrust upon us by circumstance, where we are forced to transform.

Or, we can take the more gentle approach and open up the space in our lives to transform.

We do this gently, in sacred space and with people we trust and treasure.

The Sisters of the Moon have some spaces left in their La Luna retreat, on the 10-12 November at Inman Valley.

Come and transform with us 🦋


Mothers are awesome.

My Mum, pictured here, is awesome. She is ferocious, loving, loyal, hilariously funny and through my whole life, she has been my constant supporter….even through the mucky and darker times.

I love her and value her.

It’s her birthday today. ❤️ a big shout out to Gran 🧙🏻‍♀️


La Luna Retreat

10-12 November

If my email hadn’t popped into your inbox and you want more information, just message me.

Women only.

Places are limited ❤️🧙🏻‍♀️


La Luna Retreat is LIVE!

Dear community,

If you have not received your email in your inbox, please message me asap as spaces are limited due to our beautiful retreat space.

Magical blessings to you,


Spirit talks by signs. It may be a leaf falling in Summer, the cry of a bird at dusk, the ripple of wind on calm waters or dew drops sitting delicately on a web.

All around us, every day, are little signs that we are not alone. We are in constant communication if we look and feel with curiosity and love.

What is the world saying to you today?



A Sister Circle is a sanctuary. A place where we just get to be…to breathe…to connect.

We open up to the liminal spaces and we open, to let in the Light.

Peaceful and so very simple.

It is Love.



The love that I feel for my Sisters, blood and soul, is deep, pure and holy.

I show up for them in my most authentic form, in shadow and light, and they always show up for me.

I love them, in this life, and all the others that spiral outwards from my heart space.

Tag a Sister and tell us all why.

This is Ngahuia; my fierce, proud, vulnerable, soulful, hilarious and grounded Sister. She’s the bees knees. I love her and she loves me.

Yah Us!

A reminder that Sister Circle is on tonight 🧙🏻‍♀️❤️

Photo taken exactly 20 years ago on my 30th birthday ❤️


It’s been a hot minute ….

So pleased to open up the doors for our Beltane Retreat 🧙🏻‍♀️ at Inman Valley.

Comment below to show your interest 🔥


The ache for home lives in us all. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

~ Maya Angelou

This quote resonates so deeply with me and reminds me of Circle.

A reminder to community we have a Blue Moon Sister Circle this THURSDAY night.

Message me to save your seat 🙏🏻



In astrology, the August blue full moon super moon is said to bring about a heightened sense of awareness and intuition. It is a time of increased emotional energy, making it an ideal time for healing, meditation, and spiritual practices.

Therefore, we gather….

We gather in sacred space, together as Sisters.

To claim your seat ($35) please message me.

Michelle 🧙🏻‍♀️🙏🏻🌕


As a witch, part of my practice is to be in the flow of cycles…from the breath, to the blood, to the moon, to the seasons, to the years.

One of my most cherished of cycles are the Sabbats, or the Wheel of the Year. This terminology is relatively new in witchcraft, however the Sabbats (changing of the seasons) have been honoured and celebrated for centuries.

It was a way of keeping track, of noticing and knowing the Earth. For example, if the community did not honour the three Harvest festivals, of the fertility festival before that (seeding) and their timings, then the food would run out in the darkness of winter.

Imbolc, the cross quarter day between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostare) is nigh. It arrives here, in the Southern Hemisphere, on Thursday.

We are gathering on line to celebrate. Link in bio. 7pm Thursday. $15 investment.

Picture: A nature mandala, honouring the Wheel of the Year, collected from my garden ❤️



Aquarius has a lot of perspective, as it’s sign/symbol is a water bearer, but it’s an air sign.

This Full Moon (first of two Super Moons this month) is close to the Earth and therefore strong.

The Full Moon illuminates the shadows and will certainly do that this week. It will make something evident and with Venus in retrograde, it may just have something to do with relationships.

To use this moon energy - open your crown chakra and allow the moon energy to flow in, opening and flowing through the seven chakras, and into the Earth. Allow the Earth to do the same, flowing up through your Root chakra, flowing through the seven chakras and pouring out through your crown.

Be in flow and be in the energy.

Blessed Full Moon to you all 🌕


What is a witch?

The witch has held a place firmly in our imagination for centuries - from whispered folklore tales to warnings written in books. The word witch has been grasped in hysteria, fear and panic.

The past always informs our future. The witch hunts shaped the ways we view women, even to this day, especially when it comes to older women.

It is now time to reclaim this word back.

I am a proud witch.

Always have been, always will be.

Videos (show all)

Full Moon Circle this coming Friday night. All the usual deliciousness included:Connection CeremonyBreathwork Guided Med...
Feeling into the spaces within, playing with light, shade and shadow.Exploring the edges of my Window of Tolerance and s...
My journey of self in the past unit at MIECAT, as I have explored my patterns of emotional experiencing have been profou...
Always supported. Such a gentle reminder that we are never alone. 🖤
Blessed Samhain 🖤May all my ancestors be happy and at peace.May my living family be happy and at peace.May I be happy an...
Beautiful Sisters,Our Way of the Wise journey starts soon and I just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you in p...
Blessed Be the magick of Circle ⭕️
S I G I L.A sigil is the symbol used to represent what you wish to manifest in your reality..This is mine..If you want t...
O F F E R I N GAs I am an Air sign I resonate strongly with this element and the associated elementals, the quick, darti...
