Sellwood-Moreland, Eastmoreland and Brooklyn NET

Sellwood-Moreland, Eastmoreland and Brooklyn NET

Portland Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) are groups of volunteers trained to assist their neighb

About Us

Our Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) consists of ~53 members from the southeast Portland neighborhoods of Sellwood, Westmoreland, Brooklyn and Eastmoreland. We are a group of volunteers, trained by the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) and Portland Fire and Rescue (PF&R) to assist our family members and neighbors during emergencies and major disasters until first responders can reach them.

Skills our team members have acquired through the basic NET training include disaster preparedness; light search and rescue; disaster medical operations (assessment, triage, and treatment); psychological first aid; radio operations; fire safety and utility controls; and disaster response organization. Many of our members have participated in advanced training in such topics as line down training; shelter operations; first aid and CPR; animal first aid; knots; Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node (BEECN); Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) online training courses; National Weather Service (NWS) Skywarn training; and other relevant training programs.

Research shows that more often than not, neighbors help neighbors during disasters, and the strength of neighborhood ties has an impact on the lifesaving effort. Following this principle, the Sellwood-Moreland, Brooklyn and Eastmoreland NET aims to build community and enhance resilience before a disaster strikes. We are committed to resource sharing among our team members and our broader community. We welcome unaffiliated community members to join us for lively (and sometimes downright animated) discussion; event recaps and planning; sharing of preparedness tips and hazard information; disaster exercises; advanced trainings; and presentations by subject matter experts. Our meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Smile Station (8210 SE 13th Ave. in Sellwood).

Videos (show all)

2011 Japanese Earthquake Panel Discussion
