

Teens - Haven, where a new life path begins


A foster parent is an individual who temporarily takes care of a child who is unable to live with their biological parents. This situation can arise for various reasons, including abuse, neglect, parental illness, or other family crises. Foster parents provide a safe, stable, and nurturing environment for these children, often with the goal of reuniting them with their biological families once the issues have been resolved. In some cases, if reunification is not possible, foster parents may also adopt the child.

Foster parents undergo a rigorous process of training and evaluation to ensure they are capable of meeting the physical, emotional, and developmental needs of the children in their care. This process typically includes background checks, home studies, and ongoing training and support from child welfare agencies. The primary role of foster parents is to provide day-to-day care, support the child's educational and medical needs, and help them navigate the emotional challenges of being separated from their biological family.
Even though a child has been placed in a loving foster home they are still wards of the state until they are of legal age.

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Today we said good bye to little AB he is now with his Paternal grandparents. The little man will be missed, we are grateful that his family stepped up for him. Grammy will miss you little man and we wish you the best for your future.


There are times as a foster parent when you wonder where your past children have ended up. If they had/have a good life and what they are doing.

We have been blessed to still be in contact with a few of our kids and they have made us extremely proud (TD, BM, MVK)
Then there are the ones who are no longer on this earth that we still morn.

You go into fostering with rose glasses and the thought that you can/will save the world. Sadly this is not always the case.
All we can do is love and cherish these kids for as long as they or the system allows us to.

Fostering is not for the faint hearted, BUT it is worth it.


Good day all, I am so sorry I have been so quiet. Life here has been busy.

One of our passed children(JB) is in desperate need for warm clothes as his were stolen. He is a small to medium and size. JB has just started a new job and literally owns only one thin track suite top.
