Sacred Self Coaching

Sacred Self Coaching

Bespoke depth psychology coaching which guides people towards living their authentic life through uniting with their true nature - the Sacred Self.

Integrating the wisdom in the unconscious mind to create deep and profound mind-body-spirit transformation


Everybody dreams.

You may wake up and not remember your dreams, or you are left with a faint impression: a feeling, sensation, a colour... Despite what your dream recall looks like, people dream, and there are different types of dreams we experience.

Have you ever woken up from a dream and thought to yourself, "This is big. This is important"? Maybe you even took the time to write it down, despite it being 2am, and it stays in your mind for the rest of the day or for a few days. That's because your intuition is correct; you had a Big Dream, and your Soul wants you to pay attention to its wisdom.

From a Jungian or depth psychology perspective, Big Dreams carry important messages for you from your Sacred Self (also known as psyche, Soul, Spirit, True Self). These dreams are bringing your attention to a vital aspect in your life, something you need to know which will bring health and harmony to your Self. Often showing you something about your life journey in front of you, Big Dreams will either guide you with specific precautions you must take, encourage the steps you are already taking, or divert your attention to something you've missed in your waking life.

So, next time you wake from a dream and feel, "This is big. This is important", honour your intuition - write your dream down and take the time to explore the meanings in its symbols in relation to your life.


Happy Soul-filled Sunday!

Photos from Sacred Self Coaching's post 17/01/2024


Photos from Sacred Self Coaching's post 17/01/2024


Our psyche is an awe-inducing aspect of who we are. A collection of all our psychological processes, it self-regulates continuously in an effort to maintain balance and wholeness with our true nature.

And it's method? Dreams.

Dreams are symbolic messages from our unconscious which tells us something which is unknown to us. When our psyche is aware of inbalance in our conscious life (which can be experienced as feelings of being lost, having no purpose, that life has more to offer you, and more), our dreams show us the path we need to take, gives us the transformative tools to rebalance and restore our sense of wholeness.

✨✨ Have you experienced more vivid dreams recently?

✨✨Have your dreams been leaving a great impression on you when you wake up, and possibly remaining in your thoughts throughout your day?

✨✨Are you struggling to shrug off the feelings your dream left you with?

Welcome your dreams and what they send your way - the joy and discomfort both. In the beautiful words of Rumi, "Whatever you are looking for can only be found inside of you"



Dreams are so much more than the internalisation of your waking life. As the messages of your soul, your dreams guide you towards true transformation - unification with your True Self.

Interpreting your dreams, however, it not as easy as it may seem! Steeped in mythology, metaphors, fairy tales and collective symbols, dreams speak to us beyond words and the intellect - they speak to us at the level of the heart.

✨Do you have a dream that's been on your mind, which you feel has great importance but you don't know where to start? Maybe it's a dream you've had many times, or it's something new, maybe even a nightmare?

Send your dream to **[email protected]** and try to include as much information as possible, as well as what emotions were felt during the dream and when you woke up✨


"Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night". - Sarah Williams

Stars have captured the hearts, minds and imaginations of people since we were able to gaze upon them. We've given stars our deepest secrets, our dreams, hopes and fears. Stars have given us guidance and direction in our external and internal travels, and this can be likened to our consciousness traversing the unknown unconscious, taking its sense of direction from the images illuminated by the soul.

Stars symbolize the infinite, the inspired and creative self, the connection to our inherent essence - our True Self.

In its darker aspect, stars may also be perceived as our patterns of behaviour which we are unaware of, but which feels unchangeable, fixed and conclusive.

~ When you dreamt of stars, what feelings were present?
~ Did you have any interactions with the stars? Where were they in relation to you?
~ Were there any other people present?

✨✨ Have you had a dream of stars which you would like guidance interpreting? Feel welcome to email me at [email protected] and let's explore your dreamscape together ✨✨


" Home is where the heart is" - what does this mean to you?

Seeing a house or home in your dream has so many meanings: from perceiving the outside of the house to experiencing the inside; different rooms and levels of a house symbolizing different spaces of psyche, known and unknown potentialities; to looking at the structure itself - is it stable, clean, run down?

In general terms the house/home is representative of holding and shelter, with the very first experience of "home" for all people being the womb. It is in the space of home where people learn and perform different roles of relationships (lover, sibling, parent), where someone may find privacy and seclusion to "expose" the many layers of the self without judgment.

However, will all symbols there are "light and dark" aspects. For some, a home represents a nurturing space of retreat, for others isolation and confinement. For some, the growth and care of the Self, and for others violence and trespassing of the Self.

Bringing curiosity to your dreams and asking yourself questions about the symbol will support you in understanding its meaning for you here and now, and what are the next steps in your journey of growth and unity.

Can you remember the last time you dreamt of a house?
- what did it look like?
- what did you feel?
- was there anyone else there?



Dreams are the symbolic expression of the wisdom of our soul, of our True Light.

Free to express itself in its chaotic beauty without the limitations of language and reasoning, dreams offer you a honest guide to where you are now in your life, and the steps you need to take in your journey towards true growth and living your life's purpose.

✨ Each week I will be posting a series of dream symbols and some of their interpretations to support you in better understanding what your soul is yearning to connect to you with.

✨✨I will also offer opportunities for you to share your dreams with me. I will guide you through their (often) mysterious meanings and consider how to begin to journey from a space of insight to transformation - so keep a look out for these announcements!✨✨

"When the soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it". - Meister Eckhart


For the moments when you feel that your life is out of your control, when you feel so small that you struggle to find your space, when you feel invisible and no more than a whisp drifting here or there.

For the moments when you look in the mirror and have no idea who is looking back at you, when you cannot see or feel their worth or purpose.

For the moments you feel lost in the currents of Life and find yourself not waving but drowning.

For all these moments and more, I wish you the deep knowing and feeling of "you are that":
° You ARE Life
° You ARE space
° You ARE presence
° You ARE worth and worthiness
° You ARE purpose
° You ARE belonging
° You ARE the expression of love, light and joy

In the words of Rumi, "You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in one drop".

Photos from Sacred Self Coaching's post 17/01/2024

Living authentically, or being your True Self, is living in loving acceptance of the totality of who you are. This includes connecting with your traits and expressions which you are aware of, those held in your conscious mind which is the "you" you present to the world. It also includes connecting with the traits and expressions held in your unconscious - the ones which we fear or dislike and have tried our hardest to hide, ignore and deny their existence.

Like all things in nature, there needs to be balance. How can you know what the light is without having experienced the dark?

Jungian Life Coaching is a beautiful weaving of Jungian psychology, Eastern Spiritual Wisdom and current neuroscience to support people in bringing forth the aspects and expressions in the unconscious into the conscious; bringing that in the Shadow into the Light.

It is a deep exploration of who your truly are without the heaviness of therapy, and it nurtures the relationship with your entire being to foster powerful transformation. We bring curiosity and compassion to the fears we hold, and discover what's possible for our life if our fears didn't direct our thoughts, feelings and actions.

By knowing our true nature we live our life with deep and meaningful connections, internal and external freedom, creativity, choice and joy.

"What if you could look right through the cracks? Would you find yourself..."

Photo credit:


Mind like sky

“Develop a mind that is vast like space, where experiences both pleasant and unpleasant can appear and disappear without conflict, struggle or harm. Rest in a mind like vast sky.” - Buddha

When we see the Ego for what it is and release the fear which keeps us attached to the masks and labels we've created for ourselves, we allow ourselves to be our true nature - vast and pure awareness.

Photo credit: Penny Robartes


"Transformation is the ongoing journey of befriending the shadows which allows your Light to be known." - Claire Germiquet

I was falling. Plummeting into a darkness which had no end. Darker, deeper, darker, deeper...

Burnout turned my thoughts, beliefs and actions into an ashen wasteland, making everything I'd known about myself and my purpose unrecognisable. Wrapped in the suffocating shadows lingering after a wild fire, I was lost in a landscape I no longer recognized.

Then there, in this bleakness, a light was seen. Small and subtle, yet amplified by the surrounding "lack", I knew I had to know this light. I pushed against this darkness, shoving the shadows out my way, cursing its presence and fighting my way towards this light. Exhausting myself further in my quest towards this light that never seemed closer, until...

I had nothing more to give. I was depleted - emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. So I wrapped myself in these shadows, took comfort in their hold, and surrendered. I accepted the gifts the shadows gave me; gifts of stillness, space, and then curiosity, opportunity and wonder. By no longer fighting the shadows and instead accepting their wisdom, I saw the light. I reached it and made it known, and it was me all along.

Burnout was my gift towards knowing myself on a deeper, authentic and true level. A transformation allowing me to rise into my light and integrate with my True Self.

If my journey resonates in any way with you, visit and let's journey together towards learning from your shadows to live in your Light.

✨To celebrate the transformation of my business, I'm offering 3 free coaching sessions to the first 10 people who email me on [email protected]

"If everything around you seems dark, look again, you may be the light" ~Rumi


Becoming Untamed

Africa - a magical space of boundless beauty, awe-inducing landscapes and uninhibited connection. A space that has inspired individuals and communities alike with its lessons and stories.

Some amazing things are happening in South Africa right now due to lockdown; one golf course near Kruger National Park has had prides of Lions, packs of Wild Dogs and other wildlife entering this cultivated, tamed and meticulously maintained area.

The wild is reclaiming.

It is slowly recovering the spaces that were taken away from them; spaces which were given a new mask, a new set of rules and regulations which the wild could not exist within. Yet, now the fauna and flora of the wilderness are softly making their presence known, and reintroducing themselves to a space formally known to them but which then became an unrecognizable environment. Slowly there is a reintroducing taking place, and a sense of familiarity being instilled.
What if we looked at this untaming as a lesson to us humans? A beautiful production of how we each can begin to break down our diligently constructed mental fences, to release our iron-clad grip on our socially-cultivated perceptions?

What if we are being shown how to gently give our True Nature, our essence of love, kindness and compassion, the permission to lower its fences and reclaim and untame our heartscapes once again?

To give ourselves this opportunity to reintroduce ourselves and connect to our heartscapes, letting this loving space lead us on our journeys and not our barricaded, polished mindscapes?
What if we are being gifted the lesson to reclaim our natural, unbounded selves?

To become untamed?
Photo credit


And yet, despite it all... Despite the fear flooding by body, the churning in my stomach, the chaos in my mind... Nature still lives, thrives and dazzles. It's nurturing essence still surrounds and holds us, creating a space to call Home.
So I pause, and think to myself and feel in my soul, "what a wonderful world". May you be blessed
May you be at peace
May you be healthy
May you be safe
May you live, love and laugh
May you be strong
May you find compassion


"It is in the wild places, where the edge of the earth meets the corners of the sky, the human spirit is fed" - Art Wolfe

For fellow Nature Lovers feeling stifled by Lockdown, stay inspired and dreaming through awe-inducing photographs like this one by (Wildlife Photographer and more). Photographs like this are powerful reminders of the wonder that awaits us at the end of this challenging time.

Beautiful Nature - until we meet again 🌿


Who has The Best Sister in the World?

Well as I'm the one who received this beauty this morning, the answer has to be ME!!! 💚💚💚💚 With my entire heart and soul, my deepest thanks to my wonderful, talented and generous sister for sending me this gorgeous print of hers! I know I will continue this day with a full heart and light spirit 🙏🌱💚

Photos from Sacred Self Coaching's post 17/01/2024

"Take a break to listen to the song of the wind, talk to the whispering trees, feel the love of flowers, dance with the dancing leaves, and enjoy the tranquility and serenity of nature." - Debasish Mridha

Join me at for a Nourish and Connect "Serenity" Yoga Retreat and embrace Serenity into your everyday life through the peace-inducing practices of Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness.

Early Bird Specials still on for the 3 Day Retreat (25 - 27 October 2019) and 1 Day Retreat (26 October 2019). For more information on this beautiful, inspiring and nourishing retreat contact Claire via [email protected]

Serenity - YOUR state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled 🌱

Photos from Sacred Self Coaching's post 17/01/2024

"...Walk out like someone suddenly born into colour..." - Rumi


~ there's magic in the air ~

Sneak peak view of the next Nourish and Connect Yoga and Wellbeing Retreat.

Make sure you're in the Western Cape, South Africa in October 2019 to experience this view with your own senses.

More information to follow soon 💚🌱


Yoga Kisses


The Meaning Of Yoga

Nowadays nearly everyone knows the definition of yoga, whether you practice it or not. We bring this definition into classes to help students understand what it is they're really experiencing during a session - not just "a build up of heat" in the area of the body a posture targets, but instead a total connection of mind, body, breath and spirit.

The meaning of Yoga, however, is much more complex. It's interpretation fluctuates from person to person depending on where they find themselves in their Life Journey.

For me, the meaning of Yoga did not happen immediately but became more clear, tangible and apparent the more I focused on my personal practice. It's meaning suddenly arrived when I found myself in an asana where I could feel how stiff and sore I was. When I relaxed slightly into the asana instead of pushing deeper into it, I knew that for me the meaning of Yoga is "kindness". I understand now that Yoga has been teaching me to show kindness to myself - to my thoughts, my feelings, and my body. It's an act of self-love that I cannot fully explain but feel intensely. Yoga has shown me that I am deserving of my kindness, and how beautiful a moment can be when allowing this experience to fill and surround me. It is a moment of harmony, of gentle love, of purity.

Whatever Yoga means to you, I wish you kindness in your practice, in your life, and in your heart. 💚🌱

Photos from Sacred Self Coaching's post 17/01/2024

"You are that vast thing that you see far, far off with great telescopes." - Alan Watts

Join LifeScapes on its 3 Day Nourish and Connect Winelands Yoga and Wellbeing Retreat and uncover this vastness within you. Connect with all of its possibilities and allow yourself to flourish!

Through the practices of Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Pranayama and Mindfulness, nourish this vastness that is YOU, and revel in the joy of peace, love and light.

This weekend retreat is from 6 - 8 September 2019 at the breathtaking Marianne Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Contact me on [email protected] and discover ways of being which support you in living your best life 💚🌱

Photos from Sacred Self Coaching's post 17/01/2024

Gratitude ~ a gentle reminder of the love within and around you.

What are you grateful for? 💚🌱


Retreat - dictionary definition says "withdrawing", "pulling back", "escape". To me, retreat means "come back" or "returning to", and this is what my Nourish and Connect Retreats are about:
coming back to our body, our mind and our Spirit or Essence. Through the nourishing practices of Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness, we learn to return to a state where we are connected to our Self and the environment, and are able to hear and listen to it's inherent wisdom.

Join me on my Nourish and Connect Yoga and Wellbeing Retreats, and together let's come back, or return to, our True Self.
~ 3 Day Nourish and Connect Winelands Yoga and Wellbeing Retreat, 6 - 8 September 2019 in Stellenbosch, South Africa
~ 3 Day Forest, Mountain and Sea Yoga and Wellbeing Retreat, 13 - 15 September 2019, Gansbaai, South Africa
Contact me on [email protected] to receive more information on the retreats 💚🌱
