Rejoice in Healing

Rejoice in Healing

Holistic Healing Retreats & Spa Cloud Kingdom Business

6 Great Foods that Increase Dopamine Levels 25/01/2023

Dopamine (dopa) has been called the “motivation molecule,” as it helps provide the drive and focus needed to get stuff done. Dopamine is also involved with the “pleasure system” of the brain and functions to create a feeling of enjoyment and a sense of reward in order to motivate performance.
People that suffer with low dopa often experience hopelessness, worthlessness and struggle to handle stress. These individuals will often isolate themselves from others and have self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.
Being easily distracted and having trouble focusing and finishing tasks can be signs of early deficiencies. Long-term, poor dopa signaling can result in hand tremors, slowness of movement and pre-Parkinson’s symptoms.

6 Great Foods that Increase Dopamine Levels Dopamine is critical for helping us feel pleasure and be able to focus and accomplish goals. Discover 6 great foods that increase dopamine levels.


I’ve been listening to Ben Azadi - Keto Kamp podcast from December 10, and I was SHOCKED with the stats I heard.

Not only did he reference experts & doctors comparing the consumption of seed oils to SMOKING. But that consuming seed oils may be WORSE than smoking!

“If someone smoked 2 packs of ci******es every day for 28 yrs- their chance of developing lung cancer is 16%.

If someone eats veg & seed oils every day 28 for 28 yrs, their chance of developing cancer or heart disease is 86%…..”

Now that you know, here’s the list of oils to AVOID and those to CONSUME

Seed oils to avoid:
soy bean
rice bran oil

Replace with:
olive oil
avocado oil
grasfed butter
grassfed ghee
duck fat
coconut oil

These are stable fats that support cell metabolism, reduce inflammation, are satiating and make you feel good!

Rebalance & Reboot

Natural Body Balance - Revitalize With The Earths Vibration

Our Healing Retreats are geared towards rebooting your body to heal in a tranquil healthy setting where you will learn the art of renewal through eating healthy and transforming into a new you!