Muscle and Body Fitness Tips

Muscle and Body Fitness Tips

Showing you how to create the body you've always wanted. Click here to get 10 bodybuilding recipes f


OMG! This kid is hella strong...

Timeline photos 14/09/2016

They say "Never let 'em see ya sweat", but that don't apply in the gym, because if you ain't sweatin... You ain't doing nothing! So, you ready to sweat? Check this out--> and get your "sweat" on!

Timeline photos 11/09/2016

Michelle Lewin is Fit, Firm & Feminine in Spain ;)


Timeline photos 05/09/2016

OK Guys, we have put together a Free 6 part video series for you.

In this series there are a total of 30 videos and here's some of what you're going to learn...

*Exciting and effective alternatives to boring workout routines
*Why you should absolutely be using Kettlebells in your workouts
*How to add more tension to change the strength curve
*How to shock your pecs into a new level of growth
*How to use Isometric Contraction to fire up your muscles
*5 moves you definitely want to add to your back routine
*Power development, balance in the body and injury prevention
*And a whole lot more...

So, if you would like to learn 5 exercises that will stimulate your abs at least 100% more than crunches... Click the link and Sign Up for our free video series today!


Big Shout Out to Chadoy Leon for going straight beast with these Push Ups! Ready to step up your game? Get started with our free muscle building guide today. Click to download===>

The Rock: ‘Maybe I Should Try Fighting In The UFC’ 24/06/2016

What do you think guys... should he go for it or no?

The Rock: ‘Maybe I Should Try Fighting In The UFC’ With Brock Lesnar's prior championship run in the UFC and the intrigue of his return, other WWE stars have thought a move might be a good idea. Kurt Angle o


This will be the best 5 minutes you've spent all day! (outside of the gym, of course) The Rock's Most Badass Fight Scene From The Hercules Movie!

Timeline photos 06/06/2016

Bodybuilding Supplements That Really Work 05/06/2016

We know this is a controversial subject and that's exactly why we chose to write about it. If you are wandering whether or not to take supps or which ones to take, you should definitely read this post.

Bodybuilding Supplements That Really Work Here's the truth about bodybuilding supplements... You first need to have your diet and exercise routine in check, otherwise you will be wasting your money.

Hardcore Bodybuilding... Are You Ready For This? 02/06/2016

Hardcore bodybuilding is having a commitment to shaping the best body possible with hard work and sweat. However, Most people just ain't ready!
Go read this blog post then let us know if you're really ready... or not ;)

Hardcore Bodybuilding... Are You Ready For This? The old adage “No pain, no gain” really applies in hardcore bodybuilding. You must push yourself and your body, if you plan on getting jacked and shredded.


You have got to be kidding me==>


When you're ready for your transformation, Just Take Control and Take Massive Action!

The Simple Bodybuilding Meal Plan With 5 Meals Per Day 31/05/2016

Not sure of what or how much you should eat to pack on lean muscle? This blog post should help.

The Simple Bodybuilding Meal Plan With 5 Meals Per Day In this blog post we give you a simple bodybuilding meal plan and a list of foods that anyone can use as part of a healthy program to pack on lean muscle.

5 Muscle and Body Fitness Tips for Beginners 30/05/2016

Just getting started? Check out these 5 tips we posted on our blog for you.

5 Muscle and Body Fitness Tips for Beginners Here are 5 muscle and body fitness tips that will help you get started on the right track...

10 Awe-Inspiring Transformations 29/05/2016

10 Awe-Inspiring Transformations When you put in hard work, stick to the grind, and give every day your all, you deserve to be recognized. Check out these 10 fitness inspirations!

Timeline photos 29/05/2016

There's certainly nothing wrong with breaking a little sweat... :)


In this video tells you what and how he ate back
when he was competing. Learn how to create your own simple meal plan
here ->

Timeline photos 27/05/2016


In this video 5x Mr. Olympia winner shows you his pre-contest meal plan/prep. Click the link below to get 10 free recipes that will help you create your own:

Timeline photos 26/05/2016

Don't forget, If you want to look like a bodybuilder and feel like a bodybuilder... You gotta EAT LIKE A BODYBUILDER!

10 Free Bodybuilding Recipes 26/05/2016

Trying to eat right, but you're sick and tired of the same ol' bland meals day after day... I got you covered bro! Here are 10 delicious muscle building, fat burning recipes you can try out and they're pretty simple to make.

Don't forget to share ;)

10 Free Bodybuilding Recipes Free Download! Get these 10 delicious fat burning, muscle building recipes you can prepare before and after workouts.

Bodybuilding vs. Weightlifting: Go Heavy! 22/05/2016

Here are some pretty cool weightlifting tips from true bodybuilding legend... Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Bodybuilding vs. Weightlifting: Go Heavy! Arnold Schwarzenegger shows you how to train for dense muscle mass and shape.

The Ultimate Bodybuilding Photoshoot 22/05/2016

This Is Epic...

The Ultimate Bodybuilding Photoshoot 12 bodybuilding legends and one man who started it all.

Videos (show all)

OMG! This kid is hella strong...
Insane Push Ups
Most Badass Hercules Fight Scene
Weirdest Exercise Ever!
Amazing body transformation - From skinny kid to action hero
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Bodybuilding Meal Plan
Phil Heath's Pre-Contest Meal Plan
Do you even lift bro?
When a real beast see's a wannabe...
70 yr old Bodybuilder Benches 220 pounds 26 Times!!!!
Do You Know Your Body Type?
Pain Is Temporary - Pride Is Forever