Ananda Kennard Yoga

Ananda Kennard Yoga

Ananda is a dedicated SmartFLOW certified teacher, and teacher trainer, known to teach with humour, grace, and technical precision.

In the Hindu religious tradition, ānanda signifies eternal bliss, understood to be at very core of the human experience. Yoga is a practice that aims at a conscious union with this blissful foundation of our being (Sat-chit-Ananda). As such, yoga has been part of Ananda’s life from the time of her conception; however, she has been teaching yoga for 10 years, and practicing many more. As former yog

Timeline photos 25/05/2018

Jumping into the weekend🦄💖 teaching Saturday 730am & 930 industrial Sunday 8am town .yoga covering while bright light is overseas studying. See you on the mat

Timeline photos 01/05/2018


Timeline photos 20/04/2018

Teaching tomorrow for bright light .yoga 730am and 930am come as you are party🎉

Timeline photos 06/04/2018

Happy see you Monday bright and early 645am .yoga town!! So excited to be teaching with this amazing crew on my new home turf

Timeline photos 18/02/2018

Woohoo! We did it! Amazing group of yogis from this weekend Essentials Deep gratitude and love to my teacher and the support of and each and everyone one of you💕

Timeline photos 15/02/2018

What is Yoga? Discover the heart of this practice with a 15hr intensive with me this weekend - perfect for students and teachers looking to train with 💫 DM me with questions.. so excited about this opportunity to share✨💖

Timeline photos 23/12/2017

Feeling so full of love and gratitude for this past year, and all the beautiful souls whom I’ve had the opportunity to connect with! It felt like a wild ride, and I am still in a place of assimilation💖 Deep pranam
for truely seeing me. Love

Timeline photos 16/11/2017

Uma said yes to love, tutu, and a unicorn scooter. I am equally excited for my new class Surry Hills Sunday 830 open and 1030 essentials! Scoot on down

Timeline photos 13/11/2017

Excited to teach this workshop . SmartFLOW essentials + strong, smart, deep asana.

Timeline photos 09/10/2017

What are you practicing? Where do you want to go? We must remember where we place our attention in our practices. Even the first thoughts that pop into your mind when you awaken, effect how you perceive your day and interact with those around you. As long as I’ve been practicing I continue to find myself in the same old patterns. Lack of self-worth, doubt, fear ... this type attention, or obscured perception, continues to feed the old beast. There is hope in hitting the mat, which I find deeply therapeutic. It is an embodied inquiry within, an opening that offers a transformative potential. In this space I am able to in-habit a more authentic experience of self. As my old teacher used to say, let’s ”shapeshift to stateshift”.
Please share your thoughts and join me this week ...
Tuesday 9:15a and 12:15p - Bondi.
Saturday 8:30a - Surry Hills. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�
+ A Special Free Intro to Yoga Class - SAT 4p Bondi.


To all the beloved people in my life who are committed to the practice of Yoga, teachers and students alike, this program is the most valuable gift you can give yourself. In turn you will be given tools to experience and connect with your true self. A tool you can return to time and time again to find your way home.
This is the heart of SmartFLOW Yoga!

Timeline photos 29/06/2017

A wonderful opportunity to be supported by community in a 28 day transformation project. What will you shift in your life, which might be hiding from your current perspective? Come immerse yourself in a great community of teachers to guide you in yoga and meditation to shapeshift for new personal growth and awareness.
check out the link here
My class schedule this week:
SAT: Surrey Hills 8:30a
MON: Surrey Hills 9:30a.
TUES: Bondi 9:15a + 12:15p.
WED: Surrey Hills 5:15p

Timeline photos 06/06/2017

My Svami . Yes, Svami not Swami. Why? Answers in his book 📚YOGA FAQ. From the moment we met you called me to myself - to be here NOW. A teacher who teaches not to rely on others for truth, but to realise it myself. You ignite in me a practice and passion to teach. Every time we meet I find a new tool to cut through my imperfections (there are many) and new way to see myself - to be myself.

Instagram Photos 26/05/2017

Teaching tomorrow 8:30am progressive at Surry Hills Hope to see you there! Next weekend I am assisting my beloved teacher who will be joining us for a transformational weekend - Guiding us from the outer most layer of body and being to the inner seat of our soul.

Instagram Photos 20/05/2017

- Looking forward to having Annie back in AUS soon!
“Although our culture tends to shrink yoga to mean only the physical, asana element I believe that yoga truly is a shamanic path, capable of leading us through transformation on all levels. Yoga reminds us what is real, and thus who we are — the light radiating from within.” -
Don't miss the 'teacher of teachers' - in Australia from 2nd June Get tickets here

Timeline photos 21/04/2017

Happy 2nd birthday 🎉 to my beloved daughter Uma. Thank you for blessing us with your light, joining us in this life that grows in new directions with each moment. We have arrived safe in Oakland and I am so excited to co-facilitating this Teacher Training my teacher and Uma's God mother

Timeline photos 13/04/2017

Last night in Sydney and we are on our way! So excited! See you in Oakland very soon🤗💖 will miss you all see you in May!


Timeline photos 26/03/2017

Out for a ride on her unicorn 🦄

Timeline photos 14/03/2017

Exciting and inspirational to see Lead Trainer on the cover !! your dedication and hard work is palpable. You truly have embodied and made your own the work of our teacher Congratulations on a very well deserved honour 🎉💖

Timeline photos 11/03/2017

Baby in my home practice today. Where my mind sought to dis-integrate, I turned deep into centre. the centripetal and cohesive.

Timeline photos 10/03/2017
Timeline photos 08/03/2017

For the love of

Ananda's new class at Bodymindlife Surry Hills and Annie Carpenter's workshop 03/03/2017

Ananda's new class at Bodymindlife Surry Hills and Annie Carpenter's workshop

Ananda's new class at Bodymindlife Surry Hills and Annie Carpenter's workshop

Timeline photos 01/03/2017

Feeling super blessed to be welcomed to Body Mind Life: to be able to teach, learn and connect with such a vibrant community! Teaching Surry Hills this Saturday 830am!

Timeline photos 26/02/2017

Teaching Surry Hills this Wednesday 4:15 & 5:45pm! See you on the mat💖

Timeline photos 21/02/2017

Love this series by my beloved teacher Annie Carpenter

Namaste Yogis!
Time again for Ask your Teacher. This really important question comes from on Instagram. Hillary Acer Yoga
"Some teachers sequence deep forward folds right after deep backbends, and deep backbends after deep forward folds. Maybe it’s just my body that doesn’t love this type of spinal whiplash, but I’m curious if there are pros or cons to doing these together? I have heard some arguments about discs being affected by this type of sequencing. Can you explain?"

Hi Hillary!
I know you’ve all heard this before, but yes (all together now) “It depends.” The best answer for most people most of the time, is that after deep backbends—which is spinal extension — one needs to neutralize the spine —bring it back to its natural curves — before forward bending. (I’ll take this moment to clarify that typically forward bending in Yoga Asana is hip flexion, not spinal flexion, which is less challenging after spinal extension. But the truth is that few people can do deep forward bends like Paschimottanasana without some spinal flexion, usually in the lumbar spine or lower back.)
Lets consider intervertebral discs, which are the jelly donut-like cushions between our vertebrae. They change position as the spine moves allowing greater range before we come to boney compression. When you side bend to the right, the gushy part is pushed leftward; when you backbend it’s pushed forward, etc. When one is young and regularly active the discs take very little time to move a pushed forward position, as they are in backbends, to a pushed back position as they are in forward bends. But as we age, are less active, or move into very extreme shapes, it takes longer for the discs to “center” before moving in the opposite position. Thus we risk boney compression, or disc compression and/or tearing, or even herniation, if forceful or often enough, both of which can lead to nerve compression —OUCH!
Any of you Astangis out there are about to say—but I do this every day! (as did I, for 8 years in my late 30’s and 40’s) And anyone who practices “tick-tocks” (handstand-dropback-handstand-forward bend) goes through this “spinal whiplash” repeatedly. The body can be made to get used to anything, especially when young and consistent. The Astanga finishing sequence is not what many—and certainly not we at SmartFLOWYoga— would consider easy on the body; but it is rendered doable, even for years, by the 6-day a week nature of it: repetition makes all things more accessible. My view is that even still, many of us can slowly create problems with this type of sequencing, especially as we grow older.
So, after backbending add some time in an active Tadasana shape, like holding plank, to engage your core and stabilize yourself in the natural spinal curves before hip flexion. If you feel you really need to squeeze your knees in, or take a child’s pose right after backbends: ask yourself if you are moving too far too fast.
If you are mindful, and practice with an ongoing inquiry (which helps to keep that ego in check!) you’ll stay healthy and love your practice for years to come!

photo by OpenStax College - Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site

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First teachers Practice at the Darlo space..
