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RTS homoeo health care

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Photos from RTS homoeo health care's post 11/07/2019

Medicine relation with personality



First Aid remedies

Hahnemann Center for Heilkunst & Homeopathy 04/07/2018

Medicine 🍎🍐🍉🍇🍈🍓🍰🥛🥜🌰🍷🥃🍸🍹🍺🍿🍻🥂🍚🍞🥨🧀
Desire in homeopathy medicine


Wants to drink liquor all the time, morning till evening. Child eats discharges from the nose. Longing for brandy in pregnant women.


Takes away desire for drinking liquor by removing irritation of stomach which causes abnormal appetite therefor.


It has a peculiar symptom that an individual will steal money in order to buy liquor, but the moment prohibition is withdrawn, the desire for drinking liquor disappears.

Acid Sulphuric

In order to take away craving for alcoholic drinks; a mixture of one part of Sulphuric Acid and three parts of alcohol may be prepared and given in doses often to fifteen drops three times daily for three to four weeks.

Tarentula H

Desire for eating ashes especially during pre­gnancy, and in dysmenorrhoea. Desire for eating sand.

Acid Nitric

Desire for eating chalk. Desire for fat, salt, lime and earth or plaster.


Craving for starch, uncooked rice, clialk, charcoal, tea and coffee ground, acid and indigestible things. It has aversion to potatoes, meat and beer.

Cicuta Vir

Child puts coal into mouth, crunching swallo­wing with apparent relish. Wants to eat iaw potatoes. All this is due to the fact that he cannot distinguish between things fit or not fit to be eaten.


Takes away bad effects of alcohol, to***co, tea etc.


Takes away craving for liquor. Give in mother tincture 5 to 10 drops a dose—twice daily.


Irresistible inclination to bite teeth and gums. Craving for smoked meat especially and other meat generally.


Desire for always lying down in bed. He feels better by rest and his troubles and anxiety are aggrav­ated by movement.

Hepar Sulphur

Great desire for vinegar and pickles.


Desire for work in insane persons.


Antidote for to***co and takes away the craving for it. Loss of memory, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Everything is done in great haste It also cures cysts on the eyes with the above symptoms.


Desire to be flattered.

Lediim P

It takes away the craving for whisky.

Kali Bi

Longing for beer and for acid drinks.


Craving for salt, sweets, green fruit, ice, sour things, oranges.


Desire to eat cow-dung and the mud of ponds.


Irresistible desire to look behind.


Desire for wine, vinegar and sweets.


Desire for meat; for spirituous liquors.

Thlaspi B

Desire for butter milk.


Craving for sardines.

Crotalus H

Craves for snow.


Violent desire to bite and tear things with his teeth. Great desire for acids. Better by vinegar.

Magnesia Carb

Inordinate craving for meat in children of T.B. diathesis.

Cistus Can

Craving for cheese with tendency to catch cold which would last for a long time, worse in winter. Love for acid food or fruits which cause pain and diarrhoea.

Allium Cepa

Desire for raw onions.


Likes to wear his best clothes, makes useless purchases, cares very little for things, wastes or ruins them.

Calcarea Carb

Desire for eggs, eats lime, slate pencils, chalk, clay, raw potatoes, sweets, ice cream etc.

Agaricus Emet

Sudden, violent longing for icy cold water during the worse attacks of anxiety which gives relief.

Calcarea Phos

Craves bacon, ham, salted or smoked meats; much flatulence, cholera infantum.

Argentum Nit

Desire for eating sugar and sweets which do not agree. Cannot take starch or egg etc. in any form without being sick.


Longing for spirituous liquors, with almost irresistible maniacal desire.


Desire for solitude in order to practise ma********on. Longs for solitude, yet dreads being alone.


Craves for sweet things, for hot drinks. Hates coffee and meat.


Desire for something but he knows not what, You give a child one toy after the other but he will reject all.

Lac. Fel

Great'desire to eat paper.


Craving for fat, ham and for drinking milk.

Natrum Sulph

Desire far ice and icy cold water.

Antim Tart

Desire for acid and sour fruits which make * him sick. Stomach trouble from vinegar, sour things, sour wines and sour fruits.

Veratrum Alb

Craving for eating his own stool and drinking his own unrine.


Longing for alcoholic liquors and to***co; for the accustomed stimulants.

Arnica M

Longing for vinegar, especially in pregnant women.

Nux Vom.





Longing for brandy. Try in the given order.


Young girls burning with the desire of marrying.


Takes away craving for smoking. Give in 200 or 1000 dilution every week.

Carbo Veg

Longing for coffee, acids, sweet and salty things. Aversion to digestible things and the best of food.

Angustra Vera

Greatest craving for coffee.

-------- for this matter great thanks to homeopathy.com.

Hahnemann Center for Heilkunst & Homeopathy Focused on Heilkunst and Homeopathy, an educational institution and registered charity since 1997 providing in-class and distance learning, research and more. Also an international center for the practice of medical Heilkunst; treatment based on safe, non-toxic remedies prescribed according to natur...


Health awareness for early treatment.


Homoeopathy ke janak,,,,,,,,,,,
Dr. Master sammual Hahnemann ko unke prakat divas ke is shubh avsar par, bahoot bahoot badhai... Aur ... Bahoot sara Dhanyawad.,

Photos from RTS homoeo health care's post 09/04/2018

Benefits of Dates.

Timeline photos 03/04/2018

Basic knowledge

Timeline photos 22/03/2018

Guess the remedy??????

Photos from RTS homoeo health care's post 21/03/2018

MENSTRUAL CYCLE. What are Delayed Me**es? Delayed me**es are a symptom of an irregular menstrual cycle commonly seen among young girls and women. The normal menstrual cycle is around 28 days, with ovulation occurring around the 14th day. The cycle may, however, be anywhere between 21 and 35 days, which is considered normal. However, in cases where the cycle does not repeat itself even after 35 days, me**es are considered to be delayed. Causes of Delayed Me**es The causes of delayed me**es are many and varied. The menstrual cycle functions with the rise and fall of hormones estrogen and progesterone. An imbalance in these hormones results in delayed me**es. Delayed me**es also occur due to lack of ovulation. Pregnancy and hormonal pills such as oral contraceptives often also cause menstrual delay. Delayed me**es are also associated with other hormonal diseases such as polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), emotional stress and grief. They are more commonly seen among girls who experience a delay in the onset of their menstrual cycle (menarche) and are mostly accompanied by intolerable pain. The menstrual flow can be profuse or scanty. Homeopathic Medicines Can Treat Delayed Me**es Homeopathic medicines can provide significant results in treating delayed me**es. Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es are natural, completely safe and effective in their action. The Homeopathic mode of treatment does not use any hormones or steroids and therefore, these medicines are not habit-forming in nature. In fact, they stimulate the body’s internal healing mechanism which responds by restoring its normal functioning. Homeopathic Medicines for Delayed Me**es Pulsatilla, Naturm Muriaticum and Senecio Aureus are some top-rated Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es. Pulsatilla works well for delayed me**es with thick, dark, clotted bleeding, especially from nervous debility. Natrum Muriaticum is used for treating delayed me**es with profuse bleeding and a bearing down sensation in the uterus while Senecio Aureus is helpful in menstrual delays in young girls and anemic women. Natrum Muriaticum and Senecio Aureus – Top grade Homeopathic medicines for delayed start of me**es Homeopathic medicines Natrum Muriaticum and Senecio Aureus are two of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for delayed start of me**es in young girls. Natrum Muriaticum is the more popular among Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es or what we call delayed menarche in young girls. Senecio Aureus works best where delayed me**es are accompanied by symptoms of coughand backache. Cimicifuga and Staphysagria – Best Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**esthat are irregular, painful Cimicifuga and Staphysagria are well indicated Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es which are irregularand painful. Cimicifuga is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es which are irregular in both time and flow. More the flow, more the pain. Staphysagria is the answer among Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es cases where the me**es are late, irregular and profuse. Staphysagria is also the best prescription for delayed me**es with painful sensitivity. Sepia and Pulsatilla – Most effective Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es with profuse bleeding Natural medicines Sepia and Pulsatilla are two very effective Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es withprofuse bleeding. Sepia is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for late and profuse me**es accompanied by faintness, chilliness anda shuddering, dragging down sensation. Pulsatillais one of the best Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es with profuse bleeding and clots. It is also the best prescription for menstrual flow that increases during the day and while walking. Euphrasia and Magnesium Carbonicum – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for delayed, scantyme**es Natural medicines Euphrasia and Magnesium Carbonicum are highly recommendedHomeopathic medicines for delayed me**es which are scanty in nature. In such cases, the menstrual flow usually lasts for an hour or a day and is very painful. Natrum Muriaticum and Ignatia – Top Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es due to stress Where stress is thecause, Natrum Muriaticum and Ignatia are the best suited Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es. Natrum Muriaticum is the best treatment plan in cases where me**es are delayed as a result of grief or depression. NatrumMuriaticum is prescribed in cases of severe depression after the death of a loved one, after a divorce or a broken relationship. Ignatia is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es, especially when the delay happens after hearing bad news or from fear. KaliCarbonicum and Aletris – Best Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es in anaemic women The most effective Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es in anaemic women are Kali Carbonicum and Aletris. Kali Carbonicum works best in anaemic women with sore ge****ls. Delayed me**es with great weakness and violent backache are also best attended with Homeopathic medicine Kali Carbonicum. Aletris is one of the most excellent Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es in anaemic women characterised by weariness of the body and mind. The person feels fatigued andtired all the time, with marked emaciation. Pulsatilla and Sepia – Most effective Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es due to PCOD Natural and safe, Pulsatilla and Sepia are two highly recommended Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOD). PCOD is a hormone imbalance condition characterized by irregular, excessive or delayed me**es, along with other associated symptoms. Pulsatilla acts well for delayed me**es with dark, thick clots, especially in PCOD. Sepia is one of the most prescribed Homeopathic medicines for delayed me**es due to hormonal disorders of any kind, including PCOD. The complaint mainly includes profuse, painful bleeding.

Timeline photos 20/03/2018

Shree Ganeshay namah

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Homoeopathy ke janak,,,,,,,,,,, Dr. Master sammual Hahnemann ko unke prakat divas ke is shubh avsar par, bahoot bahoot b...

