

Addicted to wellness one drop at a time! Young Living Independent Wellness Coach... member #2566110. www.junkatiqueoils.com

I am a Young Living Executive Wellness Coach... bringing the story of wellness to everyone I come in contact with. I share with everyone how Essential Oils have changed my life! I teach classes and Make & Takes at our local Hobby Lobby and Community Library, once a month. I would love to share with you about YLEO's and how they have changed my life! My favorite saying is... " I am addicted to health... one drop at a time!".





And poor Julio always getting yelled at from his sisters for sprinkling on them ... oh well... now we know who is named first in the will:) lol


Fact:) lol


Just saying:)



Tired of pulling weeds? (Easy Garden Hack!) 18/07/2024

My granddaughter is one subscriber away from 200... please help her out and if on youtube... like and subscribe to her channel... OverAll FarmHer . It would be appreciated!!!

Tired of pulling weeds? (Easy Garden Hack!) If you're anything like me, you HATE pulling weeds! But what if I told you there was a better way to dominate these pesky plants? Something that's natural, e...



Planting Sunflowers! 11/06/2024


Planting Sunflowers! It's that time of year! We are tilling up and planting in our first garden bed of 2024. The sunflowers we are planting today, will be the first harvest of th...


Hey friends... just wanted to let you know after much thought ... that I will be closing this page in a few weeks. Facebook has been making it extremely hard to get our posts in the news feed and with over 22,000 fans... we are only reaching up to maybe a dozen people... with only one or two participation. It takes alot of time to line up the posts and if fb won't allow us to get out there... it really isn't worth it.
I am going to try leave the page up for awhile and I am thinking of making a transition over to MeWe and starting a new page there, where I will combine this page and my oily page into one. Trying to come up with a name to combine them... something with Everyday Living for sure... we will see!
I will be sure to let you know when it is up and running for anyone who is over on mewe and it has been my pleasure to have created Junkatiques and to come into your homes. Thank you all and God Bless!!!


How easy to buy cheap dollar store(or yard sale) pieces and give them a little paint and turn into a beautiful centerpiece!


Great idea... not my grandma but who ever it was sure was smart;)



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