

FlixiWay is to first introduce advanced telecom networking services in Armenia, region and beyond.

Regular leased lines and Internet connectivity, hardware bonded networks, heavy Capex and inefficient Opex as well as truck rolled deployments are holding the productions down. In turn businesses struggle to match today’s hyper dynamic digital world of IoT and clouds. flixiWay is here to take the burden away of cumbersome hard basing networks and services provided, delivering an unmatched effectiv


🔊We are excited to announce a groundbreaking partnership between Ambear Group-Flixiway and Versa Networks.

🛡This strategic collaboration is set to revolutionize networking and security solutions in emerging markets by utilizing Versa’s cutting-edge platform. Integrating advanced AI, cloud, networking, and security technologies, we aim to bring unparalleled innovation and robust operations to regions experiencing rapid growth.
The Amber Group (www.ambear.eu) operates in Europe, the Caucasus region, and East Africa. In Armenia, Amber Group is represented by Flixiway Armenia (www.flixiway.com).

🎯As stated by the regional strategic advisor, Nerses Martikyan (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nerses-martikyan-01/), this partnership is a significant milestone in our mission to enhance digital infrastructure and security across these regions.
This collaboration with Versa Networks will allow us to deploy state-of-the-art networking and security solutions tailored to the unique needs of emerging markets,” said Martikyan. “By integrating AI, cloud, and advanced security technologies, we can ensure that businesses and consumers in these regions have access to reliable, secure, and innovative digital services.”


“Driving Digital Transformation in Armenia: Embracing Next-Generation Network Solutions for Business Growth” 17/07/2024

Ishkhan Martirosyan, technical director of AMBEAR Group-Flixiway, says: "We are committed to promoting the Armenian market with cutting-edge network solutions that support digital business transformation."

“Driving Digital Transformation in Armenia: Embracing Next-Generation Network Solutions for Business Growth” Digital transformation is well underway, and the Armenian market is no exception. Various industries and verticals are increasingly adopting next-generation services and solutions, and are rapidly migrating to the cloud. But why is this happening? In these turbulent times, businesses are making unpr...


💫Lousy links or connectivity-Performance improvement
Performance improvements and predictable experience have always been a major concern. Especially when it comes to unstable WAN and last mile links prone to packet loses, delays, jitter, affecting traffic and leading to degradation of services. This is especially critical while running voice, video and other business critical and delicate services.
✨Software Defined Networks address the problems of “lousy” links being it a WAN link or Last mile, microwave or LTE, fiber or copper by introducing several inbuilt transport optimization mechanisms, making networks agile and adaptable while network circumstances change.


⚙️Concept of Zero Trust

🤔Do regular security stereotypes and mechanisms are really granting safety in today’s digital transformations where triple play phenomenon that is Anyone-Anything-Anywhere (AAA) is becoming a norm of operations. Can they really deal or minimize the occurrences of zero-day attacks and latent movements afterwards or similar events as such. Is it really enough to have a firewall appliance at HQ or branch and secure VPN access bolt-on to gain secure network access?

👀With the rise of AAA, next gen services and clouds we see the rise of cybercrime and threats. Cyber threat landscape is evolving and transforming alongside, becoming more sophisticated, deadlier and clever.

🛡Hence next gen tools, know-hows and concepts are in high demand. Frameworks which consider more than ID in forms of IP or username and password the frameworks that sense the context.


🛡Unified threat management (UTM) greatly improves network security awareness and control. It combines multiple security services and delivers multifunctional protection.
⚔️With these services network users are protected with several security mechanisms and tools which can be momentarily activated if need be.

🎯UTM functionality includes
✔️Antivirus and antispam,
✔️File filtering,
✔️Vulnerability protection


🛡Secure Web Gateway (SWG)

🔊Distributed access, distributed workloads and apps, distributed edge clearly pointing out that legacy centralized security platforms needs to be transformed and security should be elastic and distributed.
🎯This is where the concept of SWG comes into play, ranging East to West, North to South, shielding users and units, apps and workloads wherever they are whether at home or in the office, on the cloud or in DC.


🧠Application aware routing - Intelligent traffic steering
🌐Regular layer 3 routing mechanisms served well over the decades channeling data traffic towards its destination. Though in these mechanisms not really much has been thought of application and service performance. The goal was to deliver the traffic back and force. Conceptual shifts of data in use as well as networks that carry the latter have shown that regular destination-based routing mechanisms are not enough anymore to keep the flow consistent hence keeping production smooth. While clouds on the rise and next gen apps ramping up the markets they require change into ways of how to organize the transport, capable of handling this derivative traffic most of the time unpredictable and dynamic.
🔊Software defined networks take regular routing into next level by introducing intelligent application aware routing or traffic steering. Defined in the framework of software defined network paradigm traffic steering is a concept that implements smart mechanisms to recognize and dynamically select the optimal end to end paths for particular traffic to pass in real time, hence greatly responding to the dynamics of next gen networks in a timely manner.
⚙️It analysis the routes that traffic can take and dynamically adjusts them based on several parameters that are observed rather than focusing just on destination.


⚡️Smart networks - Smart resource management
🔊It’s a common pattern in today’s static networks when centralized sites such as regional HUBs, HQs or DCs get congested by incoming traffic from the remote spokes (actually this can be noted at any site). Unregulated bursty and bulky traffic chokes the sites, making them standstill and out of production (similar to DDOS attacks). Another effect is when service provider polices the traffic, forcing contractual restrictions. Hence traffic gets dropped and lost negatively impacting the business. This is usually noted in a standard HUB and spoke data networks widely deployed in the companies today. And in the best case what company IT does is to manually apply bandwidth restrictions.
🎯Smart, software defined networks have inbuilt, dynamic mechanisms to manage such scenarios. Remotes, branches and HUBs on the network “talk” to each other while balancing the network, turning it into smart and synchronized as whole. As an example while traffic increases at HQ it may ask the remote or remotes to slow down for a bit or increase the data transmission depending on backhaul conditions hence keeping operations smooth. No manual intervention is required. The network turns into proactive rather than being reactive.


🥷In ever increasing landscape of threats and sophisticated attacks it is quite important to keep the security tuned. Sometimes it may become a challenging task requiring complex and expensive on-prem devices. As a consequence high Capex and Opex.
🛡For the customers comfort FlixiWay has come up with its Security as a Service platform (SECaaS) delivering agile and comprehensive security wherever customer is and whenever in need. The features offered are:
⚡️Stateful Firewall, Next Gen Firewall, URL filtering, IP filtering, UTM, Antivirus and Antispam, File Filtering, IPS/IDS. Services can be offered on the fly upon customer need and threats arose.


🕹Hardware sprawl and consequences - the Zions of today’s companies.
🧠Have you ever felt that squashing and confused feeling getting into mind and spreading all over while walking into server rooms and farms. Tall racks filled top to down by specialized servers and appliances. Cables and patch cords “swirling “ up-down, going from east to west. Isn’t it reminding the “Zion” from well-known movie?
🧐Now let’s get back from imagination to the reality that companies are facing on. The above described is called the sprawl. The sprawl of all kinds of machines and infrastructure that comes with the high price. Several appliances providing several functions. These are the switches and routers, firewalls and antiviruses, load balancers and content management appliances. Sometimes they need their own backups and clusters.
💲Each has its own cost. Add to that the licensing required for each and every app that runs on the box. At the end dozens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands are in the Capex to build up the “Zion”. And that is not the end as those server farms require the power, air conditioning, security and maintenance resulting in Opex of similar kind.

🎯SDWAN offers resilient and cost effective operations. All in one solution is introduced. A single appliance can carry a routing and switching through all kinds of media (including mobile) and infrastructure.
🛡Act as a security appliance with inbuilt next gen firewall and antivirus, IPS/IDS, deep packet inspection, anti-spam engine, top-down protection and more. All in one soliton with single license applied.


🌐Instantaneous, business grade WAN data circuits.
Perhaps each of us can re-call the lengthy procedures to go through while deploying regular static leased lines a.k.a data circuits or links. And truck rolls which could take days, weeks, months and even more until the service delivered.
🎯SDWAN brings a fundamental change into concept of WAN. It’s no more static and fixed, but rather flexible, automatic and software based. Hence connectivity delivered is instantaneous and elastic. Secure dynamic tunnels are automatically instantiated connecting branches and HQs, terminals and ATMs, Datacenters and clouds.


🔊🔊In today’s hyper dynamic world, the organizations and companies are heavily dependent on data networks.
🌐And legacy networks are becoming a serious bottleneck, being not agile, hard wired and static, failing to scale and deliver performance.
🎯To face the stringent constraints and cloud demands of ever-changing world today’s networks adopt “Software Defined” phenomenon.
☁️Software Defined Networks, Software Defined WANs and LANs, Software Defined Security and alike are the fundamental shifts that data networks are undergoing.

🤩Finally Business Grade SDWAN is here. First in Armenia.🇦🇲
🏆Rock solid platform supporting all your telecom needs to make sure the business on float.
🎯Drastically improved Capex, Opex and TTM. Resilient and agile this platform delivers unmatchable performance.

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 11:00 - 18:00