All In Wellness with Kate

All In Wellness with Kate

Discover my Signature Program - The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method
πŸ₯‘πŸŽπŸ₯¦ Welcome to All In Wellness! I'm Kate Yahara.

Mama of 1 awesome little gal. A health & wellness professional + a fit foodie! Discover my Signature Program - The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method:

I'm so glad you're here!! More about me:

I graduated from Cedarville University in Cedarville, OH with a B.S. in Exercise Science and received my Natural Epicurean Certification from The Natural Epicurean Academy in Austin, TX .


πŸ‘ Y'all, we are LIVE!!! The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method Self-Guided Course is here!! πŸŒ™πŸ’•πŸŒŸ

Keep reading for a special $100 off code...

This course has been a labor of love, research, certifications, late nights, re-filming, etc. But y'all, we did it! πŸ€—

This is your roadmap toward a beautiful relationship with your Cyclical Health! πŸ™β€οΈ


πŸ’ƒ You desire to regulate your cycle, kick PMS to the curb, and better understand the ins & outs of your menstrual cycle so you can step into your optimal health & wellness.

πŸ’ƒ You plan on conceiving in the coming months/years, and you want to put your body & womb in the best position possible to conceive naturally.

πŸ’ƒ You're tired of yo-yo dieting, and you long to live a lifestyle that is sustainable and in line with what your hormones need to optimize your health & longevity.

What's included:

πŸ¦‹ Video Education: Cycle Tracking, Health Assessments, Flow Fundamentals, Hormone Balancing Tips, Cyclical Nutrition, & Cyclical Exercise
πŸ¦‹ 28-Day Cyclical Fitness Plan - includes 16 follow along workouts with Coach Kate
πŸ¦‹ Nutrition Guides for each Phase of your Menstrual Cycle
πŸ¦‹ Recipe Ideas & More!

You are going to LOVE this course!!

Use code: CYCLE2024 for $100 off until January 31st!!

Offer available for the first 25 action takers!! πŸ‘πŸŽ‰

You know where to find the link. πŸ˜… ⬇️

Thank you to everyone who supported me in the launching of this program!! πŸ™

Let's transform some cycles and lives!! ❀️


πŸ€— Woot woot!!

The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method is LIVE!! πŸ‘

My rockstar email club will be getting the first view at it with a very generous coupon code to use toward their investment!!

Email goes out at 4 pm EST - get yourself in there to be a part of the goodness!! πŸ’•πŸŽ‰


Y'all!! Something exciting is coming next week - hint, it's going to support SO many women optimize their hormonal health and fertility. πŸ₯°

Want to be the first to hear the details & take advantage of a VERY generous discount for being a fast-action taker?! πŸ‘

Be sure to get on the interest list - πŸ”— in comments.


Don't sleep on Savory Oat Bran Bowls! πŸ˜‹

Aim for your first meal to have about 30g of protein and 5-10g of fiber to honor your blood sugar and to fuel those muscles! πŸ’ͺ

Not sure how much protein and fiber you're eating? I highly recommend tracking your meals for a period of time to create food and nutritional awareness.

It will be πŸ‘€ opening!!

You got this! πŸ’ƒ


🫐πŸ₯¦ If there was 1 goal I had to assign to you, that would guarantee an improvement in your gut, hormones, and overall health... it would be to increase your intake of fiber-rich FOOD!

Comment "FIBER" & I'll send you my full guide!

25-30g/day is ideal for women. If you're far below this, ease into it to reduce gastric discomfort. πŸ’¨

Note that this amount does not include a supplement. We want to get it from whole foods, like veggies, fruit, seeds, beans, and whole grains.

When we increase our fiber intake, we're naturally going to increase the servings of plant-based foods in our diet, which has so many health benefits!! πŸ’ͺ

What is FIBER, you ask?

It's the type of carbohydrate your body can't digest. It passes through your digestive system in-tact, which supports daily πŸ’© movement and the liver in detoxifying toxins & excess estrogen.

Want the full fiber guide?

Comment "FIBER" and I'll send it your way!! πŸ‘‡


Happy 2024, my friends!! Are you ready to rock your movement plan this year?! LET'S DO THIS! πŸ‘

I have TWO 4-Week programs that you can choose from - they will be the perfect jumpstart to the year:

βœ…οΈ Effective
βœ…οΈ Low-Impact
βœ…οΈ At-Home Friendly
βœ…οΈ Complimentary 🀩

The 4-Week OWNit Series - this one will have you getting strong, baby!! πŸ’ͺ

OR the 4-Week JUST MOVE program!

Let's get stronger this year - are y'all ready?!

Cheering you on!! πŸ’ƒ


This dish took me about 6 minutes to make. πŸ‘€πŸ‘

We overthink getting greens & veggies into our diet WAY too much. The easiest way for me to get them in is with my morning scramble. I feel a HUGE difference when I don't get them into my daily nutrition...

Here's why these are powerhouses:

πŸ€“ Nutrient Rich: Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are PACKED with essential nutrients like iron, calcium, and vitamin K, which play vital roles in maintaining overall health and can support a healthy cycle and boost fertility.

πŸ’ƒ Hormonal Balance: The fiber and antioxidants in leafy greens contribute to hormonal balance by aiding the liver in the DETOX of excess hormones. This can be particularly beneficial for women dealing with hormonal imbalances that may affect their menstrual cycle and fertility. FIBER is your friend!!

🌱 Folate: HELLOOOO folate - a B-vitamin crucial for fetal development. Consuming an adequate amount of folate before conception and during early pregnancy is vital for baby!

Will you be stocking up on greens this weekend?!

This is just a sample of what we talk about in The Cycle F.I.T. Method!!

Comment "GREENS" if you'd like to be added to the waitlist for the upcoming The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method Monthly Membership!! πŸ’ƒ


πŸ₯Ή I took this picture 8 months ago after I made the decision to step away from my Corporate Leadership position.

I chose to step into a new season of focusing on Women's Wellness and how I could contribute to supporting them in their Cycle, Fertility Journey, and Vitality.

Today, 8 months later, I'm announcing The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Monthly Membership coming in January 2024!! 🀩

This has been a labor of love and I can't wait to reach more women outside of 1:1 Coaching with this knowledge that has the ability to have a life-changing transformation.

This membership will be for you if...

πŸ’ƒ You desire to regulate your cycle, kick PMS to the curb, and better understand the ins & outs of your Menstrual Cycle so you can step into your optimal health & wellness.

πŸ’ƒ You plan on conceiving in the coming months/years and you want to put your body & womb in the best position possible to conceive naturally.

πŸ’ƒ You're tired of yo-yo dieting and you long to live a lifestyle that is sustainable and in-line with what your hormones need to optimize your health & longevity.

Want on the waitlist? Join me today - link in comments! πŸ”₯

😍 TLDR: The Cycle F.I.T. Monthly Membership is coming January 2024 - be sure to get on the waitlist to be the first to know the juicy details!!


πŸŽ‰ My number one piece of advice to boost energy, mood, and fertility?!

It's walking, baby. πŸ€—

The power of walking is still underestimated.

You can tell me I'm wrong AFTER you've implemented walking for 30 minutes, 3-5x a week for a month.

Go do it, and I'll be here for you to check in with. πŸ˜‰

It's boring advice because it's not complicated, expensive, or a fad.

Moving your body improves circulation, moves stagnant energy, and is a BIG boost for energy, mood, and fertility.

Put it on your calendar, and let's go. Cheering you on! πŸ₯°

Keep it simple.


Did you know the power that stress has on your reproductive system? 🀯

Whew, baby. Let's get you a warm cup of something and sit down. You're going to want to tune in and start mapping out a Stress-Relieving protocol for yourself. πŸ’•

Stress is no joke.

➑️ Stress messes with blood sugar by way of increasing cortisol levels.

➑️ Stress lowers progesterone (this is the hormone that helps to reduce PMS) and can delay Ovulation

➑️ Ever had your period delay or go missing?! Stress is a part of this equation.

➑️ Yep, stress causes vitamin & mineral depletion. When we're stressed, the last thing we want to reach for is nutrient dense food, so this is even a double whammy. Depletion plus not re-fueling properly. πŸ’”

➑️ Stress disrupts your y'all know what I'm talking about. Emotions live in our gut... you can FEEL it.

If you're ready to take back your fertility and balanced hormones, DM me "CycleFIT" and I'll send over how we can connect to determine if my coaching program is best for you.


Happy December, friends!! πŸŽ„β€οΈ In the hustle and bustle of holiday excitement and expectations, don't forget to prioritize you!

Your health, sleep, nutrition, and movement matters... even during the holidays.

Join me on Mondays over on the channel for some fun Holiday-themed workouts!

Let's do this. πŸ’ͺ

Don't wait until January to start healthy habits that you can start today. πŸ₯°


πŸ‘ Ladies ...

When we simply track calories, here are JUST a few things we usually miss out on & experience...

βœ…οΈ Getting adequate protein to fuel your MUSCLES and responsibilities in life

βœ…οΈ Eating enough fiber to get the πŸ’© OUT, have a healthy gut, and help the liver detoxify excess estrogen. RDA is 25-30g!! πŸ‘€

βœ…οΈ Over-restricting - most women I work with are chronically under-eating, therefore, they are working against their fat-loss and healthy hormone goals.

We are holistic beings, and we have to treat our bodies with a holistic approach.

If you're tired of trying to figure it out on your own, DM me "Ready, Coach" and we'll set up a discovery call where I'll show you my roadmap to a sustainably healthy lifestyle.

I'm taking 3️⃣ December clients on before the new year - will this be you?! πŸ’•


🌟 I started my At-Home, Workout YouTube Channel back in 2019 in my 2 bedroom apartment.

It has now evolved into such a sweet set-up. I'm so proud. πŸ₯ΉπŸŽ„

Whether you have a 9-5 role or work for yourself, I'm a firm believer in fueling your passions outside of work.

My channel has doubled in size since the summer!! πŸ’ͺHave you joined me for a low-impact, at-home workout yet?

If not, come join me. You'll find me on YouTube: All In Wellness.

➑️ Even the midst of holiday stressors, ensure you're prioritizing your health through daily movement, fresh air, sleep, hydration, and sound nutrition.

You got this. πŸ‘


This!! πŸ’• This is why I keep creating effective, safe, sound At-Home Workouts for y'all!!

There are some ridiculous workouts on the internet, but I stand by my programming and why I'm confident when I hit upload on my YouTube Channel. πŸ₯°

Fitness should be accessible to everyone.

My love of quick, at-home workouts that promotes daily movement and strength is continuing to grow. πŸ‘

The channel is πŸ’’POPPINGπŸ’’ - I love having a resource for those who are looking for low-impact, at- home friendly workouts.

Let's do this - new 10 minute workout on the channel today!!

Youtube: All In Wellness

Or comment below with your favorite holiday song and I'll send you the direct link to the new video. πŸ’ͺ


πŸ’ƒ I'm a huge fan of quick, effective workouts!! Especially during weeks of a holiday. Let's get some movement in and get back to the family.

How will you prioritize your wellness this week?

YouTube Channel: All In Wellness πŸ’ͺ


Leave your favorite Thanksgiving dish below and I'll send you the direct link! πŸ˜‹


Last week's 10 min busy schedule workout was a hit on the channel!! πŸ‘ I used it when I was traveling. 🀩

This week includes a set of dumbbells! 10 minutes - that's it. If you feel like doing more from there, you'll see a 10 minute workout playlist on the channel to add on.

You got this - cheering you on!! Let's move! πŸ’ƒ

Comment below if you need my channel link or you'll find me on YouTube at All In Wellness πŸ€—


🀩 Y'all - when the holidays get busy, what is one of the first things to go?! FITNESS and movement - let's not let that happen this season. πŸ‘

November is cue'd up with 10 minute workouts to support you to keep MOVING!! You got this - and I'm here to cheer you on!!

Leave the name of your Favorite Holiday Festivity below and I'll send you the workout link! πŸ₯° Orrrr...I'm on YouTube at All In Wellness...buuut I'd really like to hear what your fave festivity is anyway. πŸ˜…


πŸ’• hey cutie - here's your friendly reminder to start your day with a protein and fiber-packed breakfast!

Why is this so important?

1️⃣ Sustained Energy: Protein & fiber fuel your body for hours, keeping those mid-morning cravings at bay. 🚫

2️⃣ Hormone Harmony: These nutrients help stabilize blood sugar levels, aiding in smoother cycles & reduced PMS.

3️⃣ Gut Health Love: Fiber promotes a happy tummy and balanced digestion, which is crucial for overall well-being.

πŸ‘‰ Which one looks the most delicious to you? Let me know in the comments.

1. Avocado & Cottage Cheese Toast πŸ₯‘
2. Oatmeal with added protein & berries πŸ“
3. Savory Oat Bran Bowl 🍲
4. Egg-White Omelet, Berries, & English Muffin 🍳

Need help mapping out your nutrition and exercise so you can feel energized, empowered in your body, and have a peaceful cycle?

I got you. Book a call with me or DM "I'm READY to take action!!" πŸ₯° πŸ’•

Photos from All In Wellness with Kate's post 01/11/2023

πŸ’• New month, new opportunities to prioritize your health and your beautiful self. That doesn't mean starting a cleanse or working out twice a day, either. πŸ˜…

Start with small habits and implement throughout the month...

βœ…οΈ Breakfast of 25-30g of protein
βœ…οΈ Increasing your water intake
βœ…οΈ Getting fresh air every day... yes, you'll have to bundle up a bit for this one. 🧣
βœ…οΈ 10 minute at-home workouts (psst...I have a whole playlist of these babies on my channel!) 😘

At the end of the day, you are worth the effort, baby.

You are beautiful. You are capable. πŸ™πŸ’•

Cheering you on from my little corner. Xoxo.

Happy November! πŸ‚πŸ§£


πŸ₯³ This Kettlebell Workout is perfect for those who need to keep it low-impact! I actually did it this morning using a dumbbell - so no worries if you don't have a Kettlebell.

Let's move! Happy Wednesday!! πŸ’ͺ

Comment below if you need the direct link or you can find me on YouTube: All In Wellness πŸ’•


Pumped for this Kettlebell Workout - this one will have you sweatin'!! πŸ’ͺπŸ’•

It's ready for you on the channel today!! Need the link? Drop your fave emoji below! πŸ₯°


🀯 What if you didn't wait until Monday to get started? What if you laced on your sneakers and went on a walk today or pressed play on this gem of a workout? What if? πŸ‘

We make the barrier to entry of reaching our goals WAYYY bigger than it needs to be.

The compound effect is real. Start today - don't wait until Monday to get that healthy habit going that you KNOW will make a difference in your body, mind, and spirit!

Cheering you on!! Need the link to this one? Leave a flex below and I'll send it your way! πŸ’ͺ

I got you. πŸ’•


Workout 2 of Week 3 is up and at 'em and ready for ya!! πŸ‘πŸ’•

You got this! Cheering you on from the sidelines. Let's move today! πŸ’ͺ

Need the link? Drop me a note below and I'll send it your way!


🫣 I totally get that life can get busy - for real, trust me.

When I became a new mom 8 years ago, going to the gym went out the door for me, so I started using YouTube Fitness Workouts. This served me in SUCH a big way, I wanted to give back. ❀

Don't wait for the "perfect" moment or until you have more time.

Your body deserves your love and attention NOW - today.
Regular exercise can boost your energy, improve your mood, and enhance your overall health. 🌈✨

If nobody else says this to you today, let it be me - you and your health are WORTH investing the time and energy. It'll give back to you in big ways and you'll be thankful you made it a priority. πŸ™

Cheers to today's 25 Minute Strength Workout - ready and waiting for you on the channel today!!

Send me your FAVE FOOD emoji below and I'll send you the direct link if you need it (or link in profile). πŸ™‚


When we start looking at workouts, nourishing meals, proper hydration, and prioritizing REST, as all meaningful PIECES of the puzzle of life - I find the greater magnitude and impact it can have on our daily lives. πŸ™

It may just be another workout on YouTube to some, but trust that it comes from a humble heart and one who would love to see it impact your life and the lives of many.

Wishing you all a great week ahead - let's make the most of our time here. ❀ Week 2, Day 4 of OWNit - here we come!

Channel link in profile or add your FAVE emoji below and I'll send you the direct link. πŸ₯°


πŸ’«πŸ™Œ Day 3 is up on the channel!! Tabata is always a favorite!!

Press play today or this weekend - your body will thank you for it!!

Fitness Channel Link in Profile or drop your fave emoji below and I'll send you the direct link! πŸ₯°


πŸ’ͺ Let's do this!! Day 2 of OWNit!!

We're kicking off with Strict Sets - build those muscles! πŸ™Œ

Need the channel link? Comment below, message me, or it's in my profile! 🀩

Proud of you - Let's move! πŸ‘


Woohoo!! Will you and a friend be joining me for our OWNit series?!

25 minutes. Let's knock it out & get stronger! πŸ™Œ

You can find me on YouTube or let me know below and I'll send you the direct link! πŸ’•


🀯 I know, I know there are 100s of "back to school" fitness programs launching, but when you are called to launch one yourself, you get to work and make it happen!

So here we go - tomorrow, Monday, September 4th, 2023 - join me as we OWNit through this series. πŸ’¦

It's our personal responsibility to own our fitness and strength journey, but we all need support and encouragement - let me be your guide.

Here's the line-up:

Meet me on YouTube - Channel Link in profile. Videos will be posted at 5 am EST and all are FULL-BODY! πŸ‘

Mondays - CIRCUIT training πŸ™Œ
Wednesdays- STRICT SETS πŸ’ͺ
Fridays - TABATA πŸ‘

➑️Equipment: light to medium set of dumbbells
➑️Timing: 20-30 min workouts
➑️Focus - OWNit - we'll discuss Optimizing your Sleep, Water, and Nourishing Meals throughout the workouts!

Let's OWNit - your health matters.

See you on the channel - Monday - will you be there? 😎

Videos (show all)

πŸ€— Woot woot!!The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method is LIVE!! πŸ‘My rockstar email club will be getting the first view at it with a ver...
...for me, staying fit has never been easier now that I feel like I've unlocked the code of Cyclical Nutrition and Exerc...
... I'm not going to lie... these "holiday treat" tips are actually SUPER boring.πŸ˜… Nothing sexy about them. But here's t...
πŸ«πŸ‘©β€πŸ« MINI-Lesson on HEC...Hunger, Energy Cravings 🍎If you struggle with any of these, take 3.5 minutes and watch this mi...
🌟 Friendly long caption needed. Go fuel your beautiful self today, my friend. 🀩
🩸✨ Take your POWER back - your period should not be wreaking havoc on your life! πŸ’†β€β™€οΈβœ¨My darling friend, it's time to sh...
πŸ’• May your breakfast be filled with protein, fat, and fiber to fuel your happy hormones! 🀩This combo of PFF is so powerf...
Let's get our sweat on y'all!! At-home workouts are my jam and I know you're going to love this one!25 minutes. Lace up ...
β˜€οΈ Elevate your nutrition during your Ovulatory Phase! πŸŒ™Think *Inner Summer* - an excellent time to enjoy cooling foods ...
Here she comes... πŸ˜…Your Tuesday encouragement to fill your plate with colors, protein, healthy fats, and fiber to keep t...
πŸ’• "The more the chocolate, the more the better." πŸ˜…I had every intention of making this reel with a voiceover that told y...
🀯 Did you know we burn about 16% more calories in our Luteal Phase than any other cycle?! πŸ‘YES! That is why you likely f...
