Healthy Habits Lifestyle - Candyce Brenner

Healthy Habits Lifestyle - Candyce Brenner

•Looking to get healthy & in shape?
•Curious to try some new nutritious recipes?
•Needing someone to keep you accountable & motivate you? Join me!!

Timeline photos 01/05/2017

Hi friends! Happy Monday! It's been a while! This page will be my go to from now on for updates, so stay tuned! 😊

Monday insight for you:

•Give yourself permission to live a big life!

The dreams you have might not be the same as someone else's hopes and dreams. Some people will make you feel like you're doing something wrong, if you're not reaching out to achieve the same goals that they are..... DON'T BE BOTHERED BY THIS.

We're not supposed to all do the same thing. If we did, not a whole lot would get done in this world. It is okay to step out of your comfort zone in a different direction than someone else! It doesn't make you any less of a hard worker, determined, successful, go getter! It makes you unique... and thank God for that!!

Do things you're passionate about!
Do things at your level!

Step into who you're meant to be!

Stop playing small.
You are meant for great things. ❤️

Timeline photos 07/04/2017

If something doesn't work out, try, try again!

It's so easy to feel bad for yourself when things in life aren't working out the way you want them to.

I think we can all relate to being too busy! It's hard to fit everything in, and sometimes that's what we use as our excuse.

OWN all of the things on your plate, and don't allow it to drown you!

If a method isn't working, find yourself a new method, until you reach your goals.

And most importantly, never stop setting new goals for yourself!

Just a little motivation for the week!

Timeline photos 03/04/2017

Monday's.... Eh.

But you can either complain about it, or make it worthwhile!

What are doing to reach your goals today?

Better yet, what are you doing to reach your goals for summer?!

I have a 7 day free challenge starting in May? Wanna get onboard? Message me! 👍🏼

Timeline photos 29/03/2017

Who's ready to make some changes and spring into action?!

May 8th - 7 day free challenge!

I'm looking for dedicated people that are looking to reach some goals!!

Message me if you're truly interested!

Timeline photos 16/03/2017

The best things I've learned in life so far:

•Fight through your failures.
•Push past your fears.
•Work hard for what you want.
•Rest when it's necessary.
•Don't defend yourself to people who are hellbent on misunderstanding you.
•Dismiss people's judgements.
•Eat healthy.
•Indulge occasionally.
•God gives you a shell, it's your job to take care of it the best you can. Work out.
•Have faith when things get hard.
•Try to never go to bed angry.
•Be passionate.
•Take time for yourself.
•Laugh insanely when your happy.
•Let it out when you're sad.
•Be present in everyday.
•Life is too short, in a second, you or anyone could be gone. Be grateful.

Timeline photos 05/02/2017



If you're still looking for a healthy snack to whip up for gametime... I have a good one for you!

Baked Garlic Parmesan Potato Wedges. 😋

All the ingredients and cooking information will be in the comments.

Get cooking! 👩🏼‍🍳👨🏽‍🍳

Timeline photos 04/02/2017

Who's ready for Spring?!? 🌸🌻🌷

🤚🏼I know I am!

I know so many of you are ready to "get your body back into action."

Why not get yourself into some healthy habits that can keep your body in action always??

I'm running a free 7 day challenge starting in March! What's in it for you?

•Healthy tips and tricks
•Meal prep and recipes
•Work out ideas and plans
•Joining an awesome support group
•Prizes for lucky winners! 😊

Message me if you're someone that's looking for these things! Only if you're serious! I'm looking for action takers! 💪🏼

Timeline photos 04/02/2017

Not everyone has your best interest at heart.

Some people judge you without talking to you.

Some people don't understand why you're on the path you're on.

Not everyone knows your struggles...

That doesn't mean you should feel belittled by them.

Own your scars. Embrace your successes.

Not everyone really cares when they ask you about your journey, or tell you they'll be there to support you... but that doesn't mean you stop writing your story.

WALK IN YOUR OWN SHOES DOWN YOUR OWN PATH PROUDLY...through all the ups and downs. ❤

Timeline photos 16/01/2017

What a great reminder to start of your Monday with, from a man who deserves to be honored for all that he did, and continues to do in his absence, because of the way he made people feel! ❤️

Remember to do things for you, to make yourself the best version of yourself that you can be, and in that process, don't forget to do for others! That's the best thing we can do during our time here on Earth!

What can I help you with? If you're looking to succeed in your goals, need help with your fitness, or just need some motivation, I'm all yours! Contact me. Let's chat!

Timeline photos 10/01/2017

•Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day•

You need to work, in order to see results. You can't hold back going for what you want, because of fear. But, we all do it. I'm no different. Fear of failure is haunting. You have to work at overcoming it everyday!

So many people have told me they want to reach their goals, fitness wise, and other goals too, but they don't know where to start.

I'm looking for fierce, intentional, resilient leaders to join our team. It's okay if you're afraid to step out of your comfort zone. We all were. But I couldn't imagine my life now without this community or all of the amazing friends I've added to my life from this. Our team is growing with so many wonderful people, and doing big things, and I want to share this with any of you that are interested. You help yourself, and you help others. Just think, if you can help one person, you've made a difference!

Contact me if you're interested in pursing your goals, or helping other people pursue theirs!! 💕

Timeline photos 05/01/2017

Taking care of yourself isn't a one and done. It's constant. It's a lifestyle. We're privileged and blessed to be here, so we've got to take care of our shells.

Do you want tips on:
🥕 Eating
🥒Some healthy recipes like the one for that easy, yummy salad below?
🏃🏼‍♀️Some workout tips and new ideas?
💆🏽Ways to get yourself mentally prepare to hurdle any obstacle?
🤝A safe, supportive space to do all of this?

I can help you, and you can help yourself by joining my free challenge, starting January 16th! Don't make excuses, you can do this! Let's do it together! Message me! ✔️

Timeline photos 02/01/2017

⏳ It's day 2 of a New Year. A chance to write a whole new chapter in your book, and I see so many people saying this year is already awful. So many people saying they need a break. Although it's amazing to take vacations, and I'm not saying don't take them, I'm just saying it's nice to have time to yourself, but don't take them to forget about your reality. You need to live a life that you don't need to take breaks from.

People plan out their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Maybe it's because escape seems easier than change.

It's true we cannot control what happens in our lives, but we can control how we choose to respond to it! 🙏🏼

It's a New Year, and maybe you feel like you've fallen off the right path. When it happens, it's hard as hell to get back on the straight and narrow. We've all been there. You have two options, give up, or fight like hell to get back up, and feel so much better when you succeeded because you put the work in!! 💪🏼

I know putting yourself into gear is hard, but you have to start somewhere. I have multiple challenges coming up in the next few months. Challenges that will help push you to take care of yourself, physically, and mentally! Challenges that give you some support and motivation! I have one that starts on January 16th!

Do you want to escape instead of make some changes? It might be nice in the moment, but it won't get you far! If you're interested in some accountability, and help... Message me! I'd love to have you along for the ride! 👍🏼

Timeline photos 29/12/2016

Who is joining me on starting off the New Year with some good habits?!? 🎉

If you are trying to get yourself there, or even if you never take time for yourself, this is a good place to start!

7 days of free accountability, motivation, tips, recipes, & workouts to start you off right into the New Year!

I'll keep track and up to date with you everyday on a new app called Challenge Tracker, that allows you to tell me how you're doing!

I have spots left! I would love for you to join me! Please let me know if you're interested!

Timeline photos 25/12/2016

Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!

I hope everyone gets to spend this day with loved ones, enjoying your time, laughing, and indulging in some yummy food! Such a fun time of the year!

You don't have to count every calorie! You deserve to give yourself some treats! Try not to go overboard like Buddy the Elf down there does, though! You'll end up in a sugar coma!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful holiday season! ❄️🎅🏼🎁🎄

Timeline photos 12/12/2016

Sometimes we need a reminder, because we just sometimes forget. Don't get so consumed in the gossip, the drama, the stress and the business of life, that you forget the two most important things for yourself in my opinion:

•Love & Laughter 💕

Spend time on you. You can't be there for anyone else, unless you can be there for you. Eat what makes you feel good. Workout and take care of the shell that God so graciously gave you to harbor your soul. Take some down time. Talk & laugh with family and friends, & love with all your heart.

I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday! Tomorrow starts a new week! Follow your passions and dreams into it!

Timeline photos 11/12/2016

Thatta boy!!! Eddie Lacy drinking his Shakeology and supporting Beachbody! He does all the workout programs! 💚💛👍🏼

Recharging the body for tomorrow’s PT session with this Beachbody Performance blueberry vanilla pudding.

Timeline photos 08/12/2016

Stress is tricky. Sneaks up on you before you know it. It is the biggest culprit of disease.

Take everything day by day... because that's all we're guaranteed.

Hopefully the weight of any mountains you're carrying, will turn you into a diamond. 💎

Timeline photos 06/12/2016

Starting January 2nd, I will be running a free 7 day New Year challenge to help kick yourself into gear, and maintain healthy habits for the New Year!! 🎉

If you're looking for support, daily motivation, and some new tips, here's a good place to start after the holidays!

Who's going to take on the challenge? Message me for details! I'd love to have you along for the ride! ❤️

Timeline photos 02/12/2016

I remember how I felt this exact moment while I was doing this photo shoot.

I was on the roof of a building, standing just feet from the edge, hitting one of the poses I've learned in my dance career and done a million times over, while I was on roller skates. One misstep, one second of losing my balance, and everything could of went terribly wrong. But I remember I didn't feel an ounce of fear.... I felt exhilarated!

Now... I'm not telling everyone to go stand on a rooftop of a building, feet from the edge, on roller skates. Please don't! It's actually probably an extremely bad idea... but that's not my point!

So many times we fear taking that next little step. We're so afraid of failing, that we hold back, and never get to feel that exhilaration and happiness when we put the work in tirelessly, and finally hit that goal!

What daydreams have you quit?! What are you holding out on yourself from?! Life is too short! Don't wait for tomorrow, to do the things you could start enjoying and achieving today!

If you need the extra push, the support, the drive from some friends... don't fall short and keep yourself from reaching out! Confide in a family member, a friend, or me! 😊 I would love to help you get where you want to be, and I am surrounded by a community of people, my tribe, my team, that would love help getting you where you want to be as well. When you run, we run along side you. 💙

Timeline photos 25/11/2016

My favorite go to breakfast food is eggs.... particularly omelets! 🍳🧀

During the morning, it's easy to be rushed, and not give yourself the time you need to refuel from "fasting" all night when you sleep. But the saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is not just a saying... it's true!

Eating breakfast is so important to fuel your body for the rest of the day! You should try to eat within 2 hours of waking up! It helps improve memory and concentration levels! Eating breakfast also helps avoid:

•high blood pressure
•heart disease

If I'm in a hurry and on the go, I also love to drink Shakeology! It's a smoothie packed with all the nutrients, vitamins, and some amazing superfoods that you need daily. The best part... it tastes great! If this sounds like something beneficial and yummy to your mornings, let me know! I have the hook up for you! 😉

What are your favorite breakfast foods? Are you taking charge of getting the fuel you need in the morning? If not, now's the perfect time to start! 🤗

Timeline photos 24/11/2016

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! 🦃🍂

I hope your day is blessed and filled with love, laughter, and full bellies, while surrounded by your family and friends!!

Take the day to relax, and indulge a little... but don't forget to get back on track tomorrow! Holidays are fun, and so is the feeling of reaching your goals! I believe that all of you are capable of having that balance! Don't just say you're going to reach your goals, strive to really make them reality! 👍🏼💪🏼🎉

Sending love to you all today! ❤️

Timeline photos 20/11/2016

Sweet little Sunday. 💜 Time to unwind and relax for most people.

This week brings Thanksgiving!! Time to be with family and friends, and enjoy the things you're thankful for. Also... a time to enjoy some really yummy food!! 😋🍗🌽🍞🧀🍛🍷

It's always good to let yourself indulge a little here and there. Remember going into this week to try and keep some good habits, and that way you will feel better about digging into all that food come Thursday! Keep hydrated. Workout at least 30 minutes a day if possible. Work for your goals... that way when you reach feel that much better about it!

I unfortunately have to work the majority of Thanksgiving, but I'm looking forward to when I'm done, so I can eat dinner with my family! How am I going to keep myself on track? Tomorrow I'm starting a new work out program, Core De Force, with my team and family! When you have a great support team, it makes everything much more easy to obtain!

How are you going to keep yourself on track?

I would love to have any of you on my team! Contact me if it sounds like something you might be interested in! ✅

Timeline photos 16/11/2016

Gotta get real here for a minute....

No matter how I'm feeling each morning, the burdens I might be carrying, or heaviness on my heart, when I wake up I know something for sure.....

I have an AMAZING team of inspirational, fierce, strong, outgoing friends and leaders, a community that supports me and lifts me and everyone up, because they TRULY, GENUINELY want to, and care. These friends have become a little family that I wouldn't trade for the world. I'm inspired by their passion and individuality every. single. day.

& on days when I wake up full, and determined, and happy, and full of good news, they are there HAPPY for me. They aren't envious, jealous, or spiteful. They are happy for me!

In a generation where caddiness, competition, and fake attitudes are high, I'm so thankful to have some sincere, and truly great lifelong friends, that are honest and real. It might sound cheesy, but I promise you it's so refreshing!

So many people don't get Beachbody. They don't understand what people do with it or why they do it. "You work out, drink shakes, and try to sell stuff? Cool."

That might be the outside image you get from some people... but I can whole heartily say that isn't what this is about AT ALL. You bind true friendships with people. I can't even begin to tell you all the laughter, silliness, real talks, and tears we have shared together! You become a part of a family that nobody can truly explain to you, until you are part of it! So thankful for them! ❤️

The best way to reach your goals, and enjoy your life, is to surround yourself with a great, steady, supporting group of friends and family. Cut out the negativity and put people in your life that you can help, and in turn, they can help you. It makes all the difference.

Need motivation? ✅
Need inspiration? ✅
Want help reaching your goals? ✅
Want supportive people around you? ✅
Want to laugh, dream, and share your wants with some of the most awesome people? ✅✅✅

I PROMISE you will get all that being a part of this team.

Timeline photos 14/11/2016

I have to share one more time, because I still have one more spot open, and guess what‼️‼️‼️

You sign up by tonight for the Core De Force package, and commit to our challenge group that starts November 21st, and I have a weeks worth of Shakeology for you for free!!!

Contact me if you want in on this, or need any info on Core De Force (you can also check out my previous posts for info on it as well!)

Who's going to get on board first ⁉️⁉️

Timeline photos 14/11/2016

💥 LAST CALL!!!!!!

Today is the last call to order Core De Force to have it in time for our kick off of our Challenge group on November 21st!!

If you don't know what Core De Force is, check out my previous posts! It's not something you wanna miss!

Dive into this challenge and new goal, and come on this ride with us as we do the work outs the same days you do!! We will give you tips, meal prep and recipes, and keep each other motivated!

I can't wait to have you join with us!!! It's going to be a good time! 🎉 Please contact me today if you want to be a part of this community!! 👍🏼

Timeline photos 13/11/2016

What did you accomplish this weekend?! Although I hope everyone got some time to relax this weekend, I hope you crushed some goals and got some stuff done... and now you can start your week off strong!!

My team is always looking for motivated, outgoing people that are looking to better themselves, or help better others! If you're looking to step up your goals, and become a part of that community, please let me know! I would love to have you on our team with us! 😁

Timeline photos 12/11/2016

Have you heard of Core De Force, but aren't sure what it is?

It is a work out program set up for you to do from home! 10 different workouts, set up in 3 minute rounds to mimic how a trainer would teach you! Each workout is between 30 minutes and 45 minutes long, and modifiers are available! There is not workout equipment needed, as you work against your own resistance and body weight! The workouts are a combination of kickboxing, muay tai, and MMA style! It is a great way to burn off calories and tone!

If you purchase this workout, you can join in on our awesome online challenge group that is starting on November 21st! We will be doing the workouts just like you are, and helping you along the way! You must purchase this workout no later than this Monday (November 14th)

If you're looking for a way to stay fit through the holidays, tone some muscle or lose some weight, join in a group of people that keep you motivated and on the right path, this is most definitely the right place to start! Don't second guess yourself or be shy....Contact me! My team would love to have you participate with us! 💪🏼

Timeline photos 10/11/2016

I know today is a very chaotic day in history. Some are you are happy with the election today, some of you are disappointed, and some of you are simply disappointed in the negative words and actions coming from people no matter what the outcome of the election.

No matter where you stand, I just want to remind you of these 4 words:

"Focus on the good."

You might feel discouraged, but now is the time to stay positive no matter who you supported in this election. Stay optimistic. Give people a chance. Continue to do what you believe will genuinely help our country. Take your passion, and do something constructive with it!

And in the midst of all of this, remember to keep focusing on the goals you are trying to achieve for yourself, because you can't help anyone else, until you help yourself! Work on making you the best version of you possible!

Exercise! Go for a walk. Meditate. Read a book. Talk with friend. Take a bubble bath. Eat healthy. Listen to some positive music. And remember that the world will keep turning, and we just need to keep taking care of us, and helping each other the best that we can! 💛

Timeline photos 06/11/2016

Who's getting some exercise in this weekend? It always makes it easier to do when you have a pretty view to look at like this one!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend, but still reaching some of your goals!

Are you looking for a workout partner? Someone to motivate you? Looking to meet some new awesome friends that will help you succeed? Let me know! My team would love to have you join us!! 😊👍🏼

Timeline photos 31/10/2016

It's October 31st! 🎉 What does that mean!?

Core De Force is available today to start purchasing!! If you've read my previous post, you know that my team is running a challenge group starting November 21st based off of these workouts! If you purchase this workout, trust me, you WANT to be a part of this group! We will go along for the ride with you, and keep you motivated every step of the way!

CORE DE FORCE isn’t your run-of-the-mill Kickboxing workout. Each move, whether it’s a jab, a kick, or an uppercut, works your core from every angle. Joel and Jericho call this 360-Degree Core Training—and it’s more effective than traditional abdominal training to help you tighten up your entire midsection and carve a more defined waist.

Each workout is 30 - 45 minutes long! Yes, there is modifiers!

If you're interested in this, message me, and we will get you set to go!

Who's excited and ready to kick yourself into gear with me?! 💪🏼😁
