Limitless Female

Limitless Female

Hi! I’m EmyLee and I’m an LDS lifecoach! I coach women with depression to drop the shame around


Nearly a quarter, 23% , of all American women age 40-59 are on anti-depressants.
This isn’t shameful at all! In fact, I’m proud of those women for taking steps to feel how they know they deserve.
But with that said… are we really getting better? ❤️‍🩹
Mental illness has a at an all time high, yet many of us are using the same short term, skin deep solutions.
I want to offer you a long term, root cause approach to improve your mood and help you live motherhood again.
Because, it’s just too good to miss ❤️😊
⚡️click the link in my profile to listen NOW!!!

Photos from Limitless Female's post 28/02/2024

Your feelings are always valid here, no matter where they came from. And feelings are challenging, if you don’t know what to do with them. If you aren’t used to feeling them but instead, avoid, resist or dull them.
A great coach holds space for your feelings while at the same time gives you real tools to stop being stuck.
I’m not getting in the ditch with you. I’m lovingly showing you how YOU can climb out.
That way next time, when I’m not there, you can climb out again and again. And maybe fall in a little less too 😘


What are you struggling with in your current relationships?
Or better yet... what do you want more of in your relationships?
This is a pop up chat before our live Tomorrow! Hop on!


Have you ever explored the healing potential of writing?
Join us as we navigate this profound topic with Jen Perry, a former client and participant of our Nutrigenomics program.
Jen, author of Staring at Walls: How to Look at Your Depression and Trauma through the Lens of Compassion and Humor, shares her raw and honest journey through depression and the transformation she experienced through writing.
This episode is a treasure trove of practical tools for managing emotional health.
+Find out how Jen created her personal "depression protocol"
used humor as a weapon against depression.
Jen's book 📕 is more than just a memoir, it's a buffet of information, offering diverse strategies to help you navigate your own mental health journey.
Jen's hope is that her book becomes a beacon of light for those who feel alone in their struggle. By sharing her own experiences, she aims to empower you and help you feel understood.
👉🏻Listen 🎧 NOW by clicking the link in my profile! + for a chance to win a YETI cooler… leave ✍🏻a review! And DM me the screenshot and n my DMs !!! ❤️


Although it has an effect on Sexual desire, it does not determine it.
It’s the same principle with medication.
& the more guilt we create by believing we should be more interested or our disconnection is our fault… the more desire goes ⬇️.
Try having an evening where s*x is off the table. Notice what thoughts and feelings come up when the pressure and guilt go away!
For more on this ➡️ check out the “Limitless Female” Podcast 🎙️NOW!


“We are s*xual beings.”
This is the first thing I asked Dr.Finlayson-Fife .
What does that mean for me?
As a mom to 4, a wife, an entrepreneur, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? How do I honor that part of myself?
She explains why we can’t just compartmentalize our s*xuality while we go about being a mother or the CEO of our 🏠.
My favorite thing she said: “The way you give your kids priority is showing them how to be a woman who is at peace in her own skin.”.
Our womanhood, personal interests, desires and s*xuality are not at odds with motherhood or the church.
I’m fact, it is those things that benefit the most when we learn to stay in our s*xuality as beings who desire and are not just objects to be desired.
Click the link in my profile 👆🏻above to listen 🎧 now!
😇 *xualwellness


🎉Welcome to the Lmitless Female Family !
We are so excited to have added of & creator of the “Your Business Will Heal You Podcast” to the SHIFT membership!
SHIFT is where we take everything we learn here and on the “limitless Female” podcast 🎙️ to the next level!
We help Women learn to manage their mood so they can create a life they love 💕 to wake ☀️ up to!
We have just added a class by Suzy herself to our SHIFT EXPERT section!
Everything she says is gold 🥇so don’t wait to join us!
To learn more about SHIFT (my mood 🖤membership for moms) click on the link in my profile now!! 👆🏻

Photos from Limitless Female's post 05/10/2023

Create space for your feelings?
Say whaaaaaat?
I know, it feels woo woo and awkward.
So here’s 3 real ways to do it.
Create time:
make cereal 🥣 for dinner tonight. Your kids will love 💕 you for it!
Create compassion:
teach your kids that feelings are part of the human experience. And, that expressing them is really important. Also that crying 🥲is cool. 😎
Create thoughts:
Lower⬇️ your expectations for the day, week, month 📅 or year.
This will make it easier for you to think thoughts that you are enough.


It was created from a need. I needed more tools.
I was a highly functioning, busy, athletic mother… With depression, but I knew, that life didn’t have to be so hard.
The tools I teach on the Limitless being Podcast will quite literally change your life.
Check it out
The link to the 🎙️ Limitless Female is in my profile above 👆🏻


➡️I have a really special request of you this week…
I had the honor of interviewing Megan Johnson of the
On the 🎙️ podcast, she spoke of ending the shame around perinatal mood disorders.
This is something I am very wildly passionate about.
The more we talk about mood disorders, the less shame we feel, and the less shame we feel the more we will talk about it.
Especially in the context of postpartum depression, a mood disorder is very unexpected, and often overlooked.
Being referred to as simply the baby, blues or unruly hormones.
🎧 Listen to this weeks episode, and then, if you feel strong 💪🏻 enough, send 📧 your story to the “Emily Effect”
and help others end the shame behind their postpartum depression.

Photos from Limitless Female's post 02/10/2023

Feeling stuck is a function of your thinking. The power of your thoughts has a profound effect on the way you show up as a partner, parent or friend.
If you are constantly yelling or feeling silenced, it’s time to add to your tool belt!
👉🏻❤️What tools do you use to feel empowered and live for others at the same time?

Photos from Limitless Female's post 27/09/2023

are doing some of the most amazing work, releasing the shame over what has become a very common shared experience among mothers.
Depression and anxiety.
Because I had been dealing with depression for about six years before I got pregnant, recognizing the signs of my mental health declining was fairly easy.
Not only that, but I had already found a medication that worked for me pre-pregnancy, and I knew what to ask for.
I can’t imagine experiencing depression, anxiety for the first time as a brand new mom, and not knowing what’s happening, who to go to, or what to ask for.
The shares stories of other moms experiences with perinatal, depression and anxiety.
If you have a story that you would like to share DM her and let’s help spread the word.

Photos from Limitless Female's post 19/09/2023

Your mood CAN support your life. I can 100% teach you how….
But… your life should support your mood, too.
Having one without the other is like drinking caffeine when you’re tired, but never getting more sleep!😴.
( and I get that the above is also super common. )
So you can have a business and be a mom and be in the PTA and invent the next successful app and organize your whole house and grow your Instagram and always have all the 🧺 laundry done ✅… if you want to 🤔
And I can help you manage your mood to do all of these things, if you want to.
But eventually you will burn out.
Unless you question your very busy life, and intentionally choose 1 or 2 things you want to do really really well… and just be ok at the other stuff.
Because your life absolutely can bring you out of depression, if you are intentional.
For 7 simple ways to adjust your life and improve your mood, listen 🎧 to episode 118 of the Limitless Female Podcast 🎙️.
Find the link 🔗in my profile NOW! 👆🏻❤️


It’s not luck or confidence or knowledge. It’s you.
Thank you for finding so much value in what I offer and for every share, review, repost & time to you tell your family and friends about Limitless Female Coaching and the SHIFT membership.
This work, your vulnerability, and the podcast really changed my life.
You have been a part of my healing process!
Love you 🥰


Who else loves the idea of communal living? 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️
It has always been so apparent to me that raising a child by yourself 8 hours of the day, while one spouse works, is ridiculous!
And I mean that I’m the best way 🙄
But we look ridiculous!
I mean think about the last time you were metaphorically chasing a child through the mall while holding a 4 month old in the middle of a blowout 💩 diaper change!
The struggle is real woman!
And maybe it’s not you. Maybe you don’t need to buck up, or feel better or get more energy or drink a Dr Pepper. 🥤
Maybe you just need a life that supports your mood & not the other way around.
Because what I have found, is that we spend way too much time, trying to manage our mood and our energy around a life we don’t even like.
A life full of solitude, busyness, cleaning and showing up anyway.
So I’m in the market. Anyone want to move in next-door? 🥰😂

Photos from Limitless Female's post 06/09/2023

One sided doesn’t mean you get walked all over or allow someone to take advantage of you.
Friendships are one sided because you get to choose how you feel in any relationship.
You get to choose what you think about you, them and especially the guesses you make about how they feel about you.
Create boundaries if you need to. Tell people what you need. But do it all while taking ownership of how you feel.
What do you think? Is this a good thing?

Photos from Limitless Female's post 24/08/2023

No truth to me is not relative. I choose to believe there is ONE truth.
And one answer to many questions.
It keeps me grounded. It helps me believe I’m on the right path.
But none of it matters if I don’t feel LOVE.
And love in it’s truest form is charity.
In charity there is no room for the judgment of others. It is also true that comparing ourselves to others, and feeling shame, is also not charity.
While God does not want to dictate our behavior, he does desire that we feel love.


Paul shared his story of redemption with everyone, everywhere.
But he always shared the whole story.
He made it a point to include the days leading up to Jesus forgiving him.
He shared who he was before.
I’m sure it was uncomfortable 😳.
I think he wanted people to see themselves in his story.
I think he knew that what was once shameful, didn’t have to be.
I think he learned that what he did or does, isn’t who he is.
I think he knew the difference between worth and worthiness.
And maybe… he realized that every time he shared his shame, it shrunk a little.
What do you think?

Photos from Limitless Female's post 02/08/2023

Medication 💊 and therapy have played a huge roll in many of our lives.
It’s life changing.
We don’t need to struggle without help.
God gave us professionals and science and people so that we can ask for help & be the creators of our fate.
He does not require we go it alone.
But even after medication and therapy, I wanted more control over my reactions to life.
Especially motherhood. My kids deserved it. My husband deserved it. Heck, it deserved to love my beautiful life. And be happy in it.
And you do too.
I just can’t gatekeep my JOY tools from my amazing sisters!
Just type “Beyond” in my DMs and I’ll send it to you right away.
Love you woman. You’re worthy of happiness.


Has anyone ever told you that hapiness is a choice?
I use to find that so irritating as a kid.
If it’s a choice then how come everyone isn’t always happy?
And, how do I choose.
Especially in the face of motherhood’s unique challenges.
Is this even applicable to someone diagnosed with depression?
I have the answers to all these questions and more.
Come to my LIVE public coaching call ☎️ tomorrow (Thursday the 29th)
And I’ll answer any question or you can raise your hand 🙋🏻‍♀️ and get coached by me personally!
Click the link in my profile to register NOW!


I help LDS moms struggling with depression or even just an unsteady mood, with the challenges of motherhood.
I do this because thought work, the tools I use,  literally changed my life. 
There were so many different stages of motherhood that rocked my world.
One day I told my neighbor that I felt like I was drowning… just barely keeping my head above water. 
Coaching was a light in my darkness.It was the key to finally enjoying motherhood, and taking care of me again. And, bonus… when I was happy, creating, cleaning, growing and building my life was fun again! 
If my story is also yours… I want to invite you
 my FREE Public Coaching Call
where you can come and get coached by me personally.
When? This Thursday at 12 central
Register NOW➡️ link in profile


This month in the SHIFT membership I taught a class called “Your Body Belief Overhaul “.
It was 🔥 and so fun teaching everyone how to think about yourself as a whole person instead of body parts to be itemized, perfected or fixed!
When we think about situational depression, we can’t leave out body changes as a significant event.
It is!
You guys write in asking me how to lose weight. But what you really want to know is how can I be happy in this body 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know!
It’s weight gain, injury, aging, chronic illness. The main desire…. “I just want to feel like me again!”
So before we lose the weight or heal our body or treat our autoimmune disease… let’s help you love your body.
That way when you get the results you want, you’ll actually be able to enjoy them!


🚨For all my clients and mamas, who have chronic pain, Cana depression, or have been through My Genomic Coaching Project…
I highly encourage you check out Rian Overcash’s brand new Membership!
This is the ongoing support you have been looking for! I help you with the emotional side of your depression, which makes up for a lot of the suffering we experience.
However, there is also a strong physiological component to the root of our mood and autoimmune symptoms.
This & Coaching is how I came out of depression and chronic pain!
She’s seriously smarter than any other health professional I know!
👉🏻Go check it out! And, it’s %50 right now!


After discovering medication, exercise and really being familiar with my body… I finally felt like I had my depression under control. I was healed!
Of course, that’s not where the story ended. Hormones changed, relationships ended, houses were moved, my b***s went saggy, and many many babies needed me!
The roller coaster 🎢 of motherhood was in full swing and I was grasping for anything to keep my head above water.
And then I learned the truth. Medication was just not a long term solution. It was just the beginning of the help I needed.
I was thrilled when I learned this. “I could feel better than this?! I didn’t have to live with overwhelm, resentment and a side of anxiety and depression?”
I had only been coping but not treating the root causes of my mood.
But it wasn’t until I discovered thought work that I found myself really finding peace and control over my emotions.
I became a happier mom, wife, entrepreneur, friend, sister, child and disciple of Christ.
This masterclass is to teach you about the difference between coping and healing your depression.
I’ll introduce you to the positivity trap and how to feel happy without trying so darn hard.
I hope you’ll join me!
✔️The link is in my profile above 👆🏻


We all have a unique set of classes with varying levels of difficulty.
However, these challenges/classes are not the curriculum itself.
Your learning depends on the way you think about your circumstances, not the experiences themselves.
And, if it feels challenging to learn from your circumstances.. I can teach you something so much more powerful than positive thinking.
Check out the 🎧 Limitless Female Podcast 🎙 for more help with this!
Link to listen in my profile above 👆🏻


3 years ago I had a massive body disruption. I started experiencing chronic symptoms to an autoimmune disease that would take me 3 more years to diagnose.
These symptoms would cause me to gain 80+ lbs, and lose many hours and days to sleep and rest that never seemed to heal me.
I went through so many stages of body acceptance (most of which were more like toleration).
First, I was willing to wait on a fitter, thinner, athletic body.
Next I felt desperate. Seasons would approach, new clothes had to be bought, new people had to be seen and videos needed to be filmed.
Then came the outside work of feeling good. Pedicures, Botox, hair appointments, lip fillers. Treating myself and trying to find other things I loved about me.
Then it was finding others with bodies like mine, noticing how I thought they were beautiful, and then trying to see that in my own body.
Today I arrived somewhere new and expansive. Everything feels bright and possible. Today I realize I am more than a body. And I’m learning how to live in and with my body. Not ❤️ love it, but own it.
I’m doing the work of making myself whole rather than broken into parts to be fixed or improved.
I’m remembering running barefoot down my Arizona streets on my way to my besties. Hair tangled, totally unaware of what I looked like.
It helps that today is a good day. But today I’m loving this new journey of body resilience.


The only way we can raise our own understanding and truly change the way we think about others ( which is the first and most important step)…..
Is to diversify the content we consume. I have come to learn this more in the past few years than ever before.
Our story, our beliefs, our truth is not as good as the experience that informs it.
And since we can’t and wouldn’t want to experience everything… we must learn.
I also don’t want to place undue burden in marginalized people to teach me.
Luckily there are so many amazing creators out there that teach and inform!
One of my favorite podcasts teaching parents how to teach about diversity, inclusion and equity: .basis
The works she’s doing is invaluable.
I challenge you to expand and diversify what you consume. The first and simplest way to create a more inclusive and Christ like world!

❤️ 💙


🎙Right now on the Podcast!

How familiar are you with your future self?
This is an important tool. Do you know her well?
Because she is filled with answers.
She accomplished what you are hoping to accomplish.
She knows the how and the when and she knows exactly WHY you shouldn't give up.
In this episode I'm playing day 3 of my Dream Clarity Workshop, titled "Start Before You're Ready".
Listen and by the end you'll know how to feel the way your future self feels .
That feeling is the fuel you need to get where she is.
And, for when you can't quite find the confidence, I'm going to teach you some tools to help you start before you're ready.

*Don't forget to get the FREE DOWNLOAD to help you "start before you're ready", and create the goal that seems just out of reach! (In the podcast notes)
👆🏻find podcast in my profile! 💋

Videos (show all)

Relationship Goals!
Her Next Step : Heal your depression beyond medication and therapy
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SHIFT informational call
Find this video and more free resources to help with your mood on Instagram @limitlessfemale
What if we approached a negative emotion like a detective 🕵️‍♀️….Rather than a 👩‍🚒 firefighter..What if we didn’t treat ...
Myths about becoming better. Certified life coach talks about the #1 mistake mommas make when they yell at their kids.