Stefan Milenkovich

Stefan Milenkovich

Artist - Violinist


Tonight! Brahms Double Concerto, , , Symphony Orchestra.

Stasera! Il doppio concerto di Brahms con Ettore Pagano, Hartmut Haenschen e Orchestra Sinfonica del Teatro di Trieste.

Večeras! Bramsov dupli koncert za violinu, čelo i orkestar sa sjajnim Etore Paganom, Hartmutom Henšenom i Simfonijskim Orkestrom Teatra Verdi u Trstu.

Photos from Stefan Milenkovich's post 25/09/2024

Hvala drago Skopje!

Thank you wonderful Skoplje!

Photos by

Photos from Stefan Milenkovich's post 18/09/2024

My first Ironman 70.3 in few pictures. As Eliud Kipchoge says: no human is limited! With 10C temperatures and strong rain and wind the entire time, it made an already tough race even more... memorable!

Moj prvi Ironman 70.3 u nekoliko fotografija. Kao što kaže Eliud Kipčoge: ljudsko biće je neograničeno! Temperatura od 10C i jaka kiša i vetar tokom celog dana su učinile već tešku trku još... nezaboravnijom!

Photos from Stefan Milenkovich's post 16/09/2024

Completed my first ever Ironman 70.3 race! It consisted of m 1900m swim, 90km bike and 21.1km for a total time of 06:27:32. This was one of my dreams: to do a difficult race of this kind in my hometown. Incredible experience, very difficult conditions (around 10C temperature with constant rain and wind) which made it more mentally challenging but perhaps even more rewarding. As one of the quotes go: ”Pain is temporary, but glory lives forever!” Now, I wouldn’t talk about “glory” here in its literal sense, but there is certainly a great feeling of accomplishment as we overcome obstacles and expand our perceived boundaries and limitations. Before this race, I told myself that no matter what happens, I will have already achieved all my goals. In other words, the whole process of training for 4 ½ months along with all other obligations, traveling and performances, was a difficult test, and that arriving ready for the race was already a victory! Although they say it’s all about the process - not the destination, well, I still think it’s GREAT to go through that process AND arrive at your destination! 😊Thanks to all incredible people from for fantastic organization and professionalism in those difficult conditions that saw almost 1000 athletes from 60 countries come here and compete. See you next year! 😊😊

Ove nedelje završio sam moju prvu Ironman 70.3 trku! 1900m plivanja, 90km bicikla i 21.1km trčanja za totalno vreme 06:27:32. Ovo je bio jedan od mojih snova: da kompletiram tešku trku ove vrste u mom rodnom gradu. Iskustvo je bilo neverovatno, sa veoma teškim uslovima, temperaturom od oko 10C i konstantnim vetrom i kišom. To je celu trku učinilo još više mentalno zahtevnom, ali toliko je veća bila i satisfakcija kada sam stigao do cilja. Kao što kaže onaj citat:”Bol je privremen, ali slava traje večno!”. Naravno, ne bih ovde govorio o “slavi” u doslovnom smislu, ali sigurno je fantastičan osećaj dostignuća kada savladamo prepreke i kada proširimo naša prihvaćena ograničenja i percepcije. Pre trke sam rekao sebi da, bez obzira šta se desi tog dana, ja sam već postigao sve svoje ciljeve. Drugim rečima, ceo proces od 4 ½ meseca treninga - pored svih drugih obaveza, putovanja i koncerata - je sam po sebi predstavljao veliki test, i da ako uspem da ostanem dosledan i dodjem spreman na trku, to ce vec biti uspeh! Iako je važan proces, a ne destinacija, moram da kažem da je fenomenalan osećaj da prodjemo kroz taj proces – ali i da STIGNEMO na destinaciju! 😊😊😊 Hvala svim neverovatnim ljudima iz Ironman Serbia za fantasticnu organizaciju koja je privukla skoro 1000 takmicara iz 60 zemalja i koja je, u teskim uslovima, bila na svetskom nivou. Vidimo se sledece godine!

Posebno hvala za vredne savete kao i za veoma korisnu lekciju plivanja!

Photos from Stefan Milenkovich's post 13/09/2024

Grazie per tre giorni bellissimi di lavoro a Ravenna con magnifici studenti , .bertozzi_, e - bravi tutti! Tante grazie anche alla Associazione Culturale Angelo Mariani, Sig. Romano Valentini e per l'invito, calorosa ospitalità e ottima organizzazione!

Hvala za tri prelepa dana rada sa dobitnicima stipendija fondacije Anđelo Marijani u Raveni, Italija - bravo svima! Velika zahvalnost i samoj fondaciji Marijani, Gospodinu Romano Valentiniju i Kristini Ćeroni za poziv, srdačno gostoprimstvo i odličnu organizaciju!

Thanks for three wonderful days of teaching students recipients of Angelo Mariani Foundation - bravo everyone! Special thanks to the foundation, Mr. Romano Valentini e Ms. Cristina Ceroni for the invitation, warm hospitality and excellent organization!


Photos from Stefan Milenkovich's post 10/09/2024

Hvala .hr za divan intervju na Hvaru!

Thanks for wonderful intervju at the island of Hvar.

Photos by


Buongiorno Ravenna!

Dobar dan Ravena!


Bila mi je neizmerna čast da prisustvujem ovoj nezaboravnoj večeri povodom otvaranja Plave Dvorane .centar - vredelo je čekati!

It was a great honor to be part of this unforgettable evening marking the grand reopening of Sava Centar's "Blue Hall" - absolutely worth the wait!


Večeras, Carmina Burana projekat u Kraljevu!


Vidimo se večeras dragi moji Novosađani! .novisad 20h .uranijum

Photos from Stefan Milenkovich's post 25/08/2024

Hvala za nezaboravno veče na divnom Hvaru!

Hvar Summer Festival Photos by Nikola Radovani


Večeras na Hvaru i u prelepom Arsenalu!

Tonight at Hvar, Croatia and the beautiful Arsenal Theater!

Hvar Summer Festival

Photos from Stefan Milenkovich's post 19/08/2024

Veče za pamćenje! Kulminacija 2024 Internacionalnog Muzičkog Instituta u prepunoj Gradska koncertna dvorana - City Concert Hall. Hvala svima od srca!

An evening to remember! Culmination of 2024 International Music Institute in Novi Sad City Concert Hall. My heartfelt thanks to all!

Muzička škola "Isidor Bajić" Serbia Creates Music / Srbija stvara muziku


Večeras - završni koncert polaznika i profesora Internacionalnog Muzičkog Instituta! Pridružite nam se da zajedno uživamo u divnoj muzici kao i da pružimo podršku ovim posebnim mladim umetnicima.

Tonight - final concert of students and faculty of International Music Institute! Come and join us in an evening of beautiful music, as well as to give supporr to these exceptional young artists.

19h, ulaz besplatan.


Sutra, u nedelju 18. avgusta, završni koncert! 19h Gradska koncertna dvorana - City Concert Hall, Novi Sad. Pridružite nam se!

Final concert tomorrow - join us!

Muzička škola "Isidor Bajić"


Tako je breeee! Najveći svih vremena! 🇷🇸 🇷🇸 🇷🇸 🇷🇸 🇷🇸 🏅

That's right!! GOAT!!


We have begun!
Next three weeks: International Violin Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia, with some wonderful violin, viola and cello students - as well as amazing faculty! Don't miss the final concert on August 18th!

Počeli smo!
Sledeće tri nedelje Internacionalni Muzički Institut u Novom Sadu sa divnim studentima violine, viole i čela - kao i sa fantastičnim profesorima! Nemojte propustiti završni koncert 18-og avgusta!

Rohan De Silva Dmitry Kouzov Srbija stvara / Serbia Creates


Amadeo stage in Zagreb tonight, celebrating 25-year anniversary of this iconic series!


location for recital tonight, near Omišalj on Krk island, Croatia.

Prelepi Fulvinum Mirine pokraj Omišalja na otoku Krku, "sala" za naš večerašnji resital.


Konačno... par dana odmora!

Finally... few days of vacation!


Stasera - Grado! di Karl Orff in arrangiamento di Ana Krstajić con la Camerata Novi Sad.

Tonight - Grado! Carmina Burana by Karl Orff arranged by with .


Otvaranje 59. izdanja sa i projektom "Carmina Burana"!

Opening night of the 59th edition of legendary "Marble amd Sound" cultural manifestation with Camerata Novi Sad and Carmina Burana project!


Incredible Festival Hall in Round Top, Texas, town that has barely one hundred inhabitants!

Neverovatna Festivalska Sala u Round Top, Teksasu, gradiću koji broji jedva stotinu stanovnika!


Videos (show all)

Večeras, Carmina Burana projekat u Kraljevu!@camerata_novi_sad @anakrstajic
Rock el Clasico!
Večeras na Hvaru i u prelepom Arsenalu!Tonight at Hvar, Croatia and the beautiful Arsenal Theater!#violinpianorecital #n...
Večeras - završni koncert polaznika i profesora Internacionalnog Muzičkog Instituta! Pridružite nam se da zajedno uživam...
Sutra, u nedelju 18. avgusta, završni koncert! 19h Gradska koncertna dvorana - City Concert Hall, Novi Sad. Pridružite n...
We have begun!Next three weeks: International Violin Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia, with some wonderful violin, viola an...
Amadeo stage in Zagreb tonight, celebrating 25-year anniversary of this iconic series!#amadeo #zagreb #croatia
@fulvinummirine location for recital tonight, near Omišalj on Krk island, Croatia.Prelepi Fulvinum Mirine pokraj Omišalj...
Otvaranje 59. izdanja @smotramermerizvuci sa @camerata_novi_sad i projektom "Carmina Burana"!Opening night of the 59th e...
Incredible Festival Hall in Round Top, Texas, town that has barely one hundred inhabitants!Neverovatna Festivalska Sala ...
@belgrade_botanical_garden sa @muzikonbg je zbog lošeg vremena pomeren za sledeći ponedeljak, 27.05., sa početkom u 20h....
