Angels Whisper - Sherri Columbus

Angels Whisper - Sherri Columbus

Spiritual Cheerleader 📣 Intuitive Guide honored 2 help you work with your connection 2 Spirit I was chosen to do this work & I accepted wholeheartedly.

Hello my name is Sherri Columbus,

I am a healer, and an Intuitive Empath. I live my life according to the guidance I receive. I was also led by Spirit to work with my hands as a certified Reiki Master. Ad a Channel I have the honor of allowing my mind & body to be used as a vehicle for Spirit to bring information or healing energy to others. I experience sensations of prickles or chills throughou


Love 💗 is all around you!
You search for love 💗 outside yourself when love is all around you.
Love 💗 is everywhere, but you need to have the eyes to see it!

High 🙌Vibe ✨Reading 📖 Let’s DO It! PickACard 07/12/2022

High 🙌Vibe ✨Reading 📖 Let’s DO It! PickACard

Our Decks; Archangel Power, I Can Do It Cards, Personal Power Oracle
Our Cards; 5 of Gabriel, King of Gabriel, 6 of Ariel,
Ace of Gabriel, The Wheel, 9 of Michael
Time Stamped;
4:30 Buddha Deck
5:46 God Box 📦
10:33 Jeweled Salt 🧂 Prism
12:10 Peace ☮️ Angel Snow ❄️ Globe 🌎

If Salamander is your Birth Totem, you've been aware of life's ebbs and flows since you were young. You know when a new wind is coming and put out your sails. You have a knack for naturally understanding symbols and signs with great accuracy too.
Salamander totem, says;””
“You have the power to make a huge impact on our planet!”

Salamander is asking you if you are using your time wisely. In other words, this spirit animal message insists that it is vital to make the best use of your time and to balance the opportunities that are available to you. Moreover, you can make the changes necessary to seize the moment.

Salamander, similar to the Butterfly, declares the arrival of a transformation. However, it also implies that we will have help with this change from a source somewhere outside of ourselves. In particular, this aid could come through an unexpected person or unique resource. Even though this assistance is temporary and will only stay as long as needed, so make sure that you accept it.

Occasionally, the Salamander meaning is a message about the need for detoxification. Furthermore, there is something in your life that is poisoning your system. Thus you need to address this, and cleansing is necessary on all levels.

If you would like a private reading or any of my other services you can connect with me on Facebook
Sherri Columbus-The Angels Whisper and
The Angels Whisper
On Instagram
Sherri The Angels Whisper
On LinkedIn as Sherri Columbus
My email is [email protected]
My Website is;
Blessings on your journey, Sherri ✨🧜🏼‍♀️✨

High 🙌Vibe ✨Reading 📖 Let’s DO It! PickACard High 🙌Vibe ✨Reading 📖 Let’s DO It! PickACardOur Decks; Archangel Power, I Can Do It ...


I was at the goodwill tonight, and I found the most beautiful, high end, elegant, hot pink, down vest (I’ve been looking for a down vest!) and a hot pink heavy, stiff, velvet  long, sleeved, shirt, jacket that dropped down in the back. It was absolutely totally my style of vest and shirt jacket, but it was hot pink! Hot pink was my mother’s color. So, while I knew it was an indication that my mom was with me shopping, it was a color that looked good on her. It was something she would’ve chosen. Very, high-quality, high end, elegant and functional, and if I had put it with black , from a distance, I would’ve looked smoking hot! 🔥 
But, up close it drained me. I’m already tired, and the harsh color against my complexion did nothing for me. On my mother it would’ve been gorgeous because she was a winter 🥶 and I am a summer 🌸 We can wear the same colors but hers are cold 🥶 tone colors. Well mine have a little more warmth in them. I walked around and around and around in the store, trying to talk myself into getting the outfit because of the quality and design. But finally, I said “Yeah, it would look great on her not you!”  I then picked up this high quality, adorable, vintage styled, heavy cotton,  dusty, rose jacket, and paired it with a complementary fun and snuggly, beanie, in all of my colors! I even found a matching pair of leggings! I put the high end, hot pink ensemble back. As you can see, even though I have had almost no sleep in the last three days, these colors bring life to my face and complement my complexion. I don’t need to be standing 20 feet away, in order to pull the outfit off. It had everything to do with my clients Reading 📖 that I had waiting for me when I came home. Something may be a very high-quality, functional, available, ready, willing, and waiting for you. 
And from a distance, it might look great! But when you get up close, it would be clear that it drained you, it wasn’t truly, your style, no matter how high the quality it wasn’t your thing. Are you following this?…. I’m old-school, warm, comfortable, happy, fun, functional, easy-going, and fashionable. This is my scene…..


Welcome To My House! 🏡
I’ll take the rays! ✨
SO incredible! After I shared this video, I came home from my errands and asked for a card. Twice in a row I received this particular message! Notice how in the video I said, “I’ll take that light on my crown!”👑
Sixth Chakra
Archangel Metatron
This very powerful Archangel- Metatron brings brilliant, indigo, vibrations to your brow, chakra- or third eye – which is the center devoted to insight and clear thought. When this card appears upright, it indicates a much greater clarity in your thought process, and an expanded perspective towards broader horizons. Some new perceptions are taking hold, and clouds of confusion are clearing. In some ways, this could be a new beginning, for you’re on your way to developing a greater insight about what’s going on in your life and why.

Now is the time to focus on your personal vision. What do you want your life to look like in the years ahead? Create a clear picture of that and support it with your daily thoughts. The insight you need to create a vibrant life is available to you now!


Tiz the season to be grateful! 🙏💗🎉🎊🎈⭐️🌟✨💫


I just got off of a 2 hour Reading 📖 with a regular client who has become a dear friend. I posted a live Reading 📖 that I did yesterday on a sandy trail, at the foot of Thunder Mountain 🏔️ I spoke of seeing the head of a lion 🦁 coming out of the sand. I spoke of thunder Mountain, as the great sphinx, the Lion 🦁 I realized last night that, often times I will see things that others may not see.  I will literally see a picture when I hear a song 🎶 or see a vision in the mountains ⛰️ in the rocks 🪨 in the sand, wherever I might be. That’s how spirit is speaking to me I’m a Seer. In the reading 📖 today, I was shown the actual symbolic meaning of what spirit was showing me. 

Archangel Uriel is called the lion 🦁 of God. 
Achangel, Uriel stands before the sphinx, usually shown with the body of a lion 🦁  indicating strength, and the head of a king, showing authority and intelligence.
 The great sphinx had to be dug out many times from the blowing desert sands that buried it up to its neck. And now we must also diligently dig down deep as well, to chip away our old beliefs and histories, so that we can get to the truth inside. We must also do the most important, and possibly the most difficult, work in our lives; the digging and inner discovery, taking us to our deepest self, to our deepest power..

 Recently we have had very, cold 🥶 winds 💨 that have blown off most of the leaves 🍁 from the trees.🌳  During my Reading 📖 I was guided to go outside, (I don’t question when spirit tells me to get up and move I just do it)  I came around the corner to see that my red and white rose 🌹 are still holding on even though we have gone through this crazy, cold 🥶 windy 🌬️ days and nights! Look at the cards 🃏 that came out during the Reading 📖 before I went outside! We were given not only the Queen 👸🏻 of roses 🌸 but, also the king of roses.🌹
you can see that the Queen 👸🏻 in her tower window 🪟 holds a pink rose 🌸 in her hand, though she is surrounded by red roses 🌹 (The passion offered to her by many others.) The pink 🌸 rose is also in her crown 👑 over her third eye.  The king 🤴 is shown in deep, “reflection” down below in her garden, holding in his hand, both a white rose and a red rose 🌹 though the ground is filled with yellow flowers.🌻 (yellow flowers represent friendship.)
Pink is the balanced combination of red for passion, and white for purity. The king 🤴 knows the Queen 👸🏻 will take nothing less than this kind of balanced, unconditional love 💗  And this is what he holds for her.
When I saw that the red rose 🌹 and white rose were still holding on, even though they had been through crazy, stormy, windy weather, it brought to mind this song which wrapped up our Reading 📖

“We're in the home stretch of the high times
We took a hard left, but we're alright
Yeah, life sure can try to put love through it, but
We built this right, so nothing's ever gonna move it
When the bones are good, the rest don't matter
Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter
Let it break, 'cause you and I remain the same
When there ain't a crack in the foundation
Baby, I know any storm we're facing will
Blow right over while we stay put
The house don't fall when the bones are good
Mmm-mmm, mmm
Call it dumb luck, but, baby, you and I
Can't even mess it up although we both try
No, it don't always go the way we planned it, but the
Wolves came and went and we're still standing
When the bones are good, the rest don't matter
Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter
Let it break, 'cause you and I remain the same
When there ain't a crack in the foundation
Baby, I know any storm we're facing will
Blow right over while we stay put
The house don't fall when the bones are good
When the bones are good…”

Rihanna - Lift Me Up (Lyrics)| Lift me up Hold me down Keep me close Safe and sound 24/11/2022

Lift Me Up

Mm, mm
Mm, mm
Lift me up
Hold me down
Keep me close
Safe and sound
Burning in a hopeless dream
Hold me when you go to sleep
Keep me in the warmth of your love when you depart
Keep me safe, safe and sound
Lift me up
Hold me down
Keep me close
Safe and sound
Drowning in an endless sea
Take some time and stay with me
Keep me in the strength of your arms
Keep me safe, safe and sound
Lift (lift) me up
Hold me down
Keep me safe
Safe and sound
Burning in a hopeless dream
Hold me when you go to sleep
Keep me safe
We need light, we need love
in your arms
(Hold) I need love, I need love (me down) I need love
(Keep) hold me (me close) hold me
(Safe) hold me, hold me (and sound) hold me, hold me
(Lift) hold me, hold me (me up) hold me, hold me
(Hold) hold me (me down) hold me
(Keep me safe)
We need light, we need love

Rihanna - Lift Me Up (Lyrics)| Lift me up Hold me down Keep me close Safe and sound Rihanna - Lift Me Up (Lyrics)| Lift me up Hold me down Keep me close Safe and sound► Follow RihannaInstagram: h...


Intuitive Interactive Reveal!🧜🏼‍♀️
For those who chose;
Moonlight 🌝
“Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, the logical, and analytical. Follow it.”
 moonlight Beckins. Come, and trust your intuition to lead you into places that may not seem logical. Your hunches will be right on target. Resist “second guessing “yourself, for your alternative perception is especially sharp right now. You can see be on the surface of things and truly read between the lines. This is a good time to use oracle cards or other systems of divination to gain information.

Remember that the language of intuition is a symbolic one. It comes suddenly through a hunch, or a “tingling, “Clear sound, or an animal or object crossing your path. Spirit is sending you messages to help you now. Success is yours if you follow the signs. 
Blessings on your beautiful journey, Sherri 🧜🏼‍♀️


Intuitive Interactive Reveal!🧜🏼‍♀️
For those who chose;
Fed Squirrel 🐿️
Follow the Leader (Reversed)
Reversed follow the Leader card, offers a gentle push to get up and take the lead. In a relationship or partnership, be the one to voice what must be said. Muster up a your courage and speak your needs aloud. Affirm what you like and what you feel. Don’t just hope for someone else to fix the problems you see.

If your inquiry is about a career or project, you must take the initiative to draw up a proper plan; and if it’s about a personal relationship, you must be clear about your intentions and desires. Boldly begin a discussion about how things really are, and how to make the situation work for the highest good of all. Do this as soon as possible. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Blessings on your beautiful journey, Sherri 🧜🏼‍♀️


Let’s do An Intuitive Interactive Reading 📖 shall we?
Please choose from;
Reveal to follow!
Blessings on your beautiful journey, Sherri 🧜🏼‍♀️


Adjacent Possibilities (Reversed)
When reversed the adjacent possibilities card is warning you to be careful not to miss an unknown opportunity because you’re too married to your agenda! It’s also asking you to turn inwards with the willingness to shake up your old, unhealthy patterns and inner habits. The power of your life force moves through your deeply held habits, projecting your energy out into the universe, and calling back your results.

In this way, your ongoing thoughts and beliefs are really a defining moments – and then, every next moment you have another energetics choice. So it’s time to decide; are you going to let worrying self-doubt to find you? Or are you going to step into the ever present adjacent possibility of optimism, trust, and self love? No matter how stuck you feel, you always have options in the thousands of choices you make every day.
“I AM a problem solver.”
“My ancestors are guiding and loving me now, and always. I am open to receive their support and wisdom.”


If anyone knows anything about me, I am a super neat freak! Oh hey mom obviously she knows me she just showed up! She shows up in the form of rainbows 🌈 So, clearly she had something to do with this! How funny! she knows me so well! 😻
In any case I had just filled my water 💦 bottle with all of my special ingredients and there are so many! Chia seeds, apple cider vinegar with the mother, NRC, and C4 ripped sport energy 💥 powder, set it down on my desk and accidentally knocked it over on my carpet everywhere! I was so mad! I said “Spirit! What was the point of that?!That doesn’t help me!” But!… I forgot that earlier when I was doing my reading I got “Clean things up around you. Get things organized. Get your house in order!”
Sometimes when you think something is a disaster, you’re actually being helped! The message here is
“Start with a clean foundation!”
I love the feeling of cleaning! A clean house, a clean mind! If you’re house 🏡 is a mess, your minds a mess!
Oh! And thank your spirit for showing me what I was going to need before I knew I was going to need it!🙏



Destiny-Dreams To Reality! 15/11/2022

Destiny-Dreams To Reality!

Our Deck: Power Animal Oracle
Our Card; Lizard 🦎 Dreamtime

If you would like a private reading or any of my other services you can connect with me on Facebook
Sherri Columbus-The Angels Whisper and
The Angels Whisper
On Instagram
Sherri The Angels Whisper
On LinkedIn as Sherri Columbus
My email is [email protected]
My Website is;
Blessings on your journey, Sherri ✨🧜🏼‍♀️✨

Destiny-Dreams To Reality!

Destiny-Dreams To Reality! Destiny-Dreams To Reality! Our Deck: Power Animal OracleOur Card; Lizard 🦎 Dreamtime

Vacation! 🚐 ✨💫 15/11/2022

Vacation! 🚐 ✨💫
I thought I would share with you my revamped workstation and spirit said “Let’s just share this message right now at the same time!”

Vacation! 🚐 ✨💫 Vacation! 🚐 ✨💫I thought I would share with you my revamped workstation and spirit said “Let’s just share this message right now at the same time!” ...



"Do not be ashamed of your sensitivity!
It has brought you many riches.
You see what others cannot see,
Feel what others are ashamed to feel.

You are more open, less numb.
You find it harder to turn a blind eye.
You have not closed your heart,
in spite of everything.

You are able to hold
the most intense highs
and the darkest lows
in your loving embrace.
(You know that neither define you.
Everything passes through.
You are a cosmic vessel.)

Celebrate your sensitivity!
It has kept you flexible and open.
You have remained close to wonder.
And awareness burns brightly in you.
Don't compare yourself with others.
Don't expect them to understand.

But teach them:
It’s okay to feel, deeply.
It’s okay to not know.
It’s okay to play
on the raw edge of life.

Life may seem ‘harder’ for you at times,
And often you are close to overwhelm.

But it’s harder still
to repress your overwhelming gifts.

Sensitive ones,
Bring some gentleness into this weary world!

Shine on with courageous sensitivity!

You are the light bearers!"

Jeff Foster


You Are My Reflection 🪞 I Choose You!!

Our Deck; Foxfire Kitsune
Our Cards; Coming of Age, The Awakening, The Creation of Life,

Time stamped;
3:18- Blue Butterfly 🦋
7:27-Angel Aured Kyanite
10:22- Flower 🌺 of Life
14:36- Caduceus

Lol!😹 Well now we know why I heard Caduceus! So, kool that I “heard” that! This is my Mirror 🪞

If you would like a private reading or any of my other services you can connect with me on Facebook
Sherri Columbus-The Angels Whisper and
The Angels Whisper
On Instagram
Sherri The Angels Whisper
On LinkedIn as Sherri Columbus
My email is [email protected]
My Website is;
Blessings on your journey, Sherri ✨🧜🏼‍♀️✨

You Are My Reflection 🪞 I Choose You! Are My Reflection 🪞 I Choose You!!Our Deck; Foxfire KitsuneOur Cards...


Did you get what you needed from that stolen fruit? I hope so! Becasue I put my loving, nurturing energy into them all.


Look 👀 at what I just saw! Red Rose Inspiration for Animals Art 🖼 Show is being featured in our local
Paper!! 📄 The show is going on RIGHT NOW! This Friday-Sunday! We only have 3 more shows till spring! So, get your Anniversary, Birthday 🥳 and Christmas 🎄 prezzies NOW!

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Welcome To My House! 🏡 I’ll take the rays! ✨SO incredible! After I shared this video, I came home from my errands and as...
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