

Portal Info Herbal Berkredibiliti


🟣🟒Herba bantu redakan tekanan darah tinggi🟒🟣

Assalaamu3alaikum semuanya. Harap sentiasa sihat, dilindungi dan diredai Allah


Daun Bunga Kantan
Daun Pandan Wangi
Ulam Raja


Rebus sampai air mendidih, biarkan mendidih 10 minit, kecilkan api selama 1/2 jam

Boleh guna utk 3 hari, tambah air dan didihkan sebentar

1 cawan 3 X sehari



==> Panjangkan TELOMERE dengan mandi air dingin setiap pagi


Inilah jadi apabila kucing yang biasanya jinak berubah jadi Cujo (filem Spehen King 1983).

*Video menunjukkan bekas gigitan pada tangan dan darah telah dikeluarkan.

Video no 2 ramuan herba untuk mangsa. Ia bersifat antiviral, antibakteria, antiinflamasi dan vulnerari (bantu baik pulih tisu, harap2 ia bantu dengan kadar lebih cepat)

Herba yg diguna:

Neem: immunomodulator, antivirus, antibakteria, antiinflamatori

Cengkih: immunomodulator, antivirus, antibakteria, antiinflamatori

Ruku-ruku: immunomodulator, antibakteria, antiinflamatori, vulnerari

Ulam raja: immunomodulator, antiinflamatori, vulnerari

Selain itu Lebah beri mangsa ambil mutivitamin antara lain di dalamnya ada 15 mg Zinc yg bersifat immunomodulator.

Antara tujuan Lebah beri teh herba dan multivitamin mengandungi Zinc ialah utk mencegah septicemia (keracunan darah oleh bakteria)



Anak Lebah mengalami

Temporomandibular joint disease (TMJD).

Siapa buat assessment?
Lebah sendiri as I am an alternative medicine practitioner.

SIMTOM: Sakit rahang yg hampur dengan telinga, sakit gusi, sakit telinga dan sakit kepala. Peringkat awal hari pertama sakitnya bukan kepalang, sukar tidur, sukar utk buka mulut dan kunyah makanan.

Lebah sediakan:

1. 1 ts serbuk daun betik dibuat teh dgn 1/2 cawan air panas, 2 X sehari

2. Dietary suplement: Multivitamin, vit C 1,000 mg, asid alfa lipoik 150 mg, semua 1 biji setiap hari.

Simtomnya beransur-ansur reda setiap hari. Hari ini hari kelima beliau rasa lebih reda. Yg tinggal sakit saluran telinga, sakit gusi semakin kurang. Dah boleh gelak ketawa bersama ibunya. Alhamdulillah


Exercise Volume Versus Intensity and the Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Middle-Aged and Older Athletes: Findings From the MARC-2 Study 07/01/2023

πŸ€”The following study hypothesized that greater volume and intensity of exercise are associated with a higher incidence of coronary atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis prevalence and severity were found to increase with lifelong exercise volume in athletes.


Exercise Volume Versus Intensity and the Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Middle-Aged and Older Athletes: Findings From the MARC-2 Study BACKGROUND: Physical activity and exercise training are associated with a lower risk for coronary events. However, cross-sectional studies in middle-aged and older male athletes revealed increased co


Lebah ==> Generally, suffix - itis indicates inflammation. Myocarditis: the prefix 'myo' means muscle, followed by the root 'card' which means heart and then the suffix 'itis' means inflammation.

Recent study findings may help indentify mechanism behind myocarditis reported to affect young males after being vaccinated against COVID--19.

'The development of myocarditis following mRNA vaccination is rare, occurring in

ACE2, Circumventricular Organs and the Hypothalamus, and COVID-19 - NeuroMolecular Medicine 21/12/2022

Sesiapa berminat ingin tahu bagaimana SARS COV-2 boleh menyebabkan gangguan fungsi HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) sila baca laporan kajian berikut.

==> ACE2, Circumventricular Organs and the Hypothalamus, and COVID-19

ACE2, Circumventricular Organs and the Hypothalamus, and COVID-19 - NeuroMolecular Medicine The SARS-CoV-2 virus gains entry to cells by binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Since circumventricular organs and parts of the hypothalamus lack a blood–brain barrier, and immunohistochemical studies demonstrate that ACE2 is highly expressed in circumventricular organs which are i...

SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence in the human body and brain at autopsy - Nature 20/12/2022

A study findings titled

"SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence in the human body and brain at autopsy"

showed that SARS-CoV-2 could infect and replicate in non-respiratory tissues such as the brain early in infection and persist for months (up to 230 days) following symptom onset.


SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence in the human body and brain at autopsy - Nature A study reports the distribution, replication and persistence of SARS-CoV-2 throughout the human body including in the brain at autopsy from acute infection to more than seven months following symptom onset.

National Center for Biotechnology Information 24/11/2022


Lebah berpendapat Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage (DAH) yg dialami sebahagian penghidap Long COVID berkemungkinan serupa seperti kesimp**an saintis kajian berikut (sila klik link berkaitan - hyperlink no. 2: The Perfect Storm.....)

The authors of the study cited by WHO conclude: We hypothesize that our patient likely developed DAH because the infection led to ANCA-associated vasculitis that manifested as DAH rather than directly damaging her pulmonary blood vessels.


Saintis penyelidik mengetengahkan hipotesis bahawa infeksi SARS-COV-2 mengakibatkan saluran darah mengalami KERADANGAN (inflammation: berpunca dpd tindakan beberapa cytokine dan juga figositosis) dan seterusnya menyebabkan DAH. Infeksi tidak merosakkan saluran darah paru2 secara langsung.

Bacaan lanjut berkaitan DAH:

1. Moo Suk Park et al. Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage. Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases,
Evidence-Based Critical Care. 2019 Jul 24 : 253–257.
Published online 2019 Jul 24.


2. Wang E. et al. The Perfect Storm: Diffuse Alveolar hemorrhage after SAR-COV-2 Infection. Chest, 2021 Oct; 160(4): A1212–A1213.
Published online 2021 Oct 11. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2021.07.1114



National Center for Biotechnology Information The .gov means it's official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site.


==> Lebah: Bagaimana gandingan penokok diet dan herba mampu mengembalikan paras normal melatonin pada penghidap long COVID

Why colorectal cancer is so common in Malaysia 29/10/2022

Lebah setuju dgn pandangan doktor dalam artikel berhubung faktor risiko kanser kolorektal:

-- Diet
-- Inflammation
-- Umur
-- Genetik
-- Obesiti

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut sila baca artikel:

Why colorectal cancer is so common in Malaysia FMT speaks to Dr Shanthi Palaniappan, a gastroenterologist and physician, to understand this disease better.


πŸ˜‡πŸ€” ???

==> Kaki ayam tiada daging, jadi dari mana datang protein dan kolagen dan bahan yang kedua itu berbaloi utk diekstrak?


==> 23.34% je peratusan tertinggi protein pada ayam iaitu filet dada tanpa lemak

Egg consumption, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes - PubMed 23/10/2022

==> Kaitan Lemak Tepu - Kolesterol?

Egg consumption, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes - PubMed Eggs are rich in nutrients and a source of essential fatty- and amino acids, and the food item with highest cholesterol content. Since the 1970s dietary recommendations have advised limiting egg intake to 2-4 a week for the healthy pop**ation, and in those diagnosed with cardiovascular disease (CVD)...


Lebah sediakan teh tambah daun pandan dan daun kayu manis.

Rasa dan aroma?

Mengancam atau (me-)mantul!

Anda eksperimen sendiri utk tahu ya πŸ˜€



==> Dahlah Tinggi Santan tambah Lepa Susu P**a?

Optimum Condition of Extracting Collagen from Chicken Feet and its Characetristics 22/10/2022

==> 70% Kaki Ayam adalah Protein?

Optimum Condition of Extracting Collagen from Chicken Feet and its Characetristics Download Citation | Optimum Condition of Extracting Collagen from Chicken Feet and its Characetristics | The objective of this research was to evaluate alternative treatments for the best extraction condition for collagen from chicken feet. Various... | Find, read and cite all the research you need....


Lebah sedang rebus ramuan herba untuk kegunaan sendiri yang terdiri daripada: Daun senduduk, Dukung Anak, Cekur, Temu Lawak, Kayu Manis dan Bunga Lawang.

Sifat teraputik yg Lebah dapat: Antioksidan, Antiinflamatori, antikanser, diuretik dan astringen.

Sediaan tradisional ini sesuai untuk membantu meredakan lebam, lenguh tubuh dan sendi dan mempercepat menyembuhkan luka.


Beneficial effects of green banana biomass consumption in patients with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial - PubMed 10/10/2022

Beneficial effects of green banana biomass consumption in patients with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial


Beneficial effects of green banana biomass consumption in patients with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial - PubMed Diabetes mellitus is a global epidemic, characterised as a heterogeneous group of metabolic disorders associated with high risk of CVD. Green banana biomass, which is composed of resistant starches (RS) and cannot be hydrolysed by amylases, delays gastric emptying and modulates insulin sensitivity,....

(PDF) Gastro-protective Effects of Green Banana (Musa cavendishii Lamb.) Pulp Powder on Aspirin-induced Gastric Ulcer in Albino Rats 10/10/2022

Gastro-protective Effects of Green Banana (Musa cavendishii Lamb.) Pulp Powder on Aspirin-induced Gastric Ulcer in Albino Rats


(PDF) Gastro-protective Effects of Green Banana (Musa cavendishii Lamb.) Pulp Powder on Aspirin-induced Gastric Ulcer in Albino Rats PDF | Green banana (Musa cavendishii) is used in the traditional medicine in Sudan to treat peptic ulcer disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate


==> Pisang belum masak atau kurang cahaya?

Scientific Breakthrough Against COVID-19: Antibodies Identified That May Make Coronavirus Vaccines Unnecessary 26/09/2022

Penemuan sains yang dipercayai diterima baik oleh banyak pihak.


Lebah cenderung kpd imuniti semulajadi kpd yg pernah dijangkiti. Jika katakan pada masa hadapan infusi/suntikan antibodi digalakkan oleh autoriti (semestinya bergantung kpd keadaan tertentu) utk mereka yg berisiko tinggi Lebah akan fikirkan samada utk terima infusi/suntikan antibodi jika diberi pilihan.

Artikel penuh di SciTechDaily: Scientific Breakthrough Against COVID-19: Antibodies Identified That May Make Coronavirus Vaccines Unnecessary.



Scientific Breakthrough Against COVID-19: Antibodies Identified That May Make Coronavirus Vaccines Unnecessary Tel Aviv University scientists have isolated two antibodies that neutralize all known strains of COVID-19 – including Omicron – with up to 95% efficiency. The researchers: Targeted treatment with antibodies and their delivery to the body in high concentrations may serve as an effective substitut...


Artikel berbentuk pendapat berasaskan analisa sistematik yang Lebah dapati ia bernilai untuk dibaca dan cadangannya difikirkan. Harus baca dari awal sampai akhir bagaimana penulis artikel berpendapat v a k s i n a s i tidak perlu (setakat ini) kerana percaya imuniti semulajadi memadai untuk menangani infeksi S A R S C O V 2.


"The unnaturalistic fallacy: C O V I D-1 9 v a c c i n e mandates should not discriminate against natural immunity"


Photos from Anjungherba's post 19/09/2022

Buku Herba Thai 2 jilid

Lebah beli di book store University Chulalongkorn pada awal kurun 21, Bangkok.

Ada niat nak tulis buku sebegini yg harus ada perancangan teliti dan rapi.

6/7/2019 Evidence Based? The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Modern Health Care 14/09/2022

Sila tonton sampai habis....

Pencerahan yg baik utk semua golongan: orang biasa, pelajar/pengamal perubatan alternatif, pensyarah/saintis biologi dan cabang2nya, ahli patologi, botanis/etnobotanis, dietician/nutritionis dan pelajar/pengamal perubatan moden.


6/7/2019 Evidence Based? The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Modern Health Care Matthew Brunner, MDBridges Family Endowed Chief ResidentClinical Instructor/Chief ResidentUniversity of Wisconsin- MadisonDepartment of Medicine


==> Sila baca posting Lebah sebelum postingan ini.

Sebab itulah penting utk ambil makanan tinggi antioksidan.

Bawang putih dan bawang digoreng dgn minyak tu hanya mewakili sebahagian dpd proses masakan ramai orang.

Biasanya selain bawang dan bawang putih, halia dan cili juga digunakan.

Apabila ditambah sayuran , serbuk kari, atau rempah sup maka sebatian2 kimia bersifat antioksidan pada rencah tersebut dipercayai akan meningkatkan keseluruhan aktiviti antioksidan hasil masakan!

Kalau makan sateh misalnya, jangan lupa utk minta dan makan BAWANG MENTAH dan TIMUN.

Sateh terutama ada bahagian yg hangus mengandungi PAHs yg tinggi. Ia juga mengandungi heterocyclic amines (HAs: protein terdedah suhu tinggi). Antioksidan dari kunyit, serai, lengkuas, bawang, timun, cili (kuah) semuanya bertindak secara aditif mengatasi sifat2 oksidan PAHs, HAs, acryl amides, dan furan/furanones yg terbentuk akibat sateh dipanggang.


Changes in PAHs levels in edible oils during deep-frying process | Request PDF 29/08/2022

Berikut adalah kajian menunjukkan bawang putih mentah dan yg direbus lebih baik dpd segi aktiviti antioksidan berbanding yg digoreng.

Fitosterol merupakan sebatian kimia dgn struktur kimia asas serupa dgn kolesterol haiwan dan kajian menunjukkan ia berpotensi dalam membantu manusia dgn beberapa aktiviti biologi positif termasuk sebagai antioksidan, antiradang dan antikanser. Kandungan fitosterol meningkat pada bawang putih yg digoreng.

Namun, produk2 tindak-balas Maillard didapati meningkat. Produk2 ini dipercayai memgurangkan aktiviti antioksidan pada bawang goreng. Semakin garing maka semakin tinggi produk2 tindak-balas Maillard terbentuk. Hasilnya, semakin rendah aktiviti antioksidan bawang putih goreng.

Dalam posting terakhir berkenaan bawang putih Lebah mengetengahkan hipotesis bahawa memggoreng bawang putih pada suhu tinggi menghasilkan aldehyde (reaktif) - tindak-balas suhu tinggi dgn minyak masak. Aldehyde juga mengurangkan aktiviti antioksidan bawang goreng kerana antioksidan digunakan utk menutral aldehyde yg terbentuk.

Selain aldehyde, acrylamide, sebatian furan dan/atau furanone dan polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) juga terbentuk. Semua itu juga dipercayai mengurangkan aktiviti antioksidan.


==> Bioactive compounds, in vitro antioxidant capacity and Maillard reaction products of raw, boiled and fried garlic (Allium sativum L.)

Changes in PAHs levels in edible oils during deep-frying process | Request PDF Request PDF | On Feb 1, 2016, Xuewei Hao and others published Changes in PAHs levels in edible oils during deep-frying process | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate


==> Reaksi Lebah: BAHAYA MAKAN TERUNG (YouTube short video oleh Petanimuda Indonesia)

Videos (show all)

Lebah sediakan teh tambah daun pandan dan daun kayu manis.Rasa dan aroma?Mengancam atau (me-)mantul!Anda eksperimen send...
==> Dahlah Tinggi Santan tambah Lepa Susu Pula?
Lebah sedang rebus ramuan herba untuk kegunaan sendiri yang terdiri daripada: Daun senduduk, Dukung Anak, Cekur, Temu La...
==> Reaksi Lebah: BAHAYA MAKAN TERUNG (YouTube short video oleh Petanimuda Indonesia)
===> Teh Daun Zaitun - bantu reda INFLAMASI
πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡== > Rendaman & Mandian Kaki < ==NOTA: The following video is for educational purposes. Some viewers may find it dist...
Teh crysanthemum + kudup ros + daun pandan wangi. Diminum tanpa gula.Aktiviti: relaksan, antihipertensifLebah
TEH HERBA UNTUK MANDIAN -- Untuk redakan  sakit tekak, berkahak dan selsema-Rawatan Tradisional Di Rumah-Waktu berpuasa ...
DAUN BAWANG PUTIHDaun ini kegemaran saya utk masakan. Rasanya lazat dan lebih kuat daripada daun bawang. Jarang dijual t...
