Vineyard Deliverance Outreach Ministries, Inc.

Vineyard Deliverance Outreach Ministries, Inc.

Vineyard Deliverance Outreach Ministries is a Bible believing Ministry. Our purpose is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to demonstrate God’s Love.

Unwanted Gift 12/11/2023

Did you ever receive a gift and wondered "What were they thinking?" But once you used the gift, you realized it was what you needed all along?

Believers are gifts: God has given us talents and abilities and, when used as intended, produce results that give God glory. However, there will be times when you will not be received well and you may even be completely rejected. Do you want to read more?

Unwanted Gift A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Green Spring Baptist Church 10/09/2023

A lot has happened since I posted this picture of us when we moved to Virginia in February. Joseph is the interim pastor and I am serving as a minister at Green Spring Baptist Church in Goodview, VA which is about 45 minutes east of where we live. If you want to read more, here is the link:

Green Spring Baptist Church A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

I Grant Thee POWER! 15/07/2023

God can use some of the simplest things to teach a lesson. Today, He used a contractor holding a heavy duty electrical cord to demonstrate how important it is to stay closely connected to God. Curious? Here is the link.

I Grant Thee POWER! A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Testimony! God Still Heals 24/06/2023

After 18 years of being on blood pressure medication, my medical provider has taken me off the medications because my blood pressure is normal without the medications! If you want to read the full story, here is the link.

Testimony! God Still Heals A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Zeke and the White-Tail Deer 17/06/2023

Our miniature poodle thinks he is a "big dog" but the deer that come down from the mountain have given him a bit of a shock. If you need a smile today, click on the link to read the full post.

Zeke and the White-Tail Deer A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

He Could Have Let Me Drown 21/05/2023

God is so merciful and loving. I was "in church" but the church was not in me. God could have let me drown in my own mess...but His Love lifted me. Here's the link if you want to read more.

He Could Have Let Me Drown A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Photos from Vineyard Deliverance Outreach Ministries, Inc.'s post 29/04/2023

The Family of God is everywhere. We have come in contact with a good number of believers during the short time we have been living in Virginia. We were invited to a Friends and Family Day at a ministry in Bedford, VA and my contribution is a homemade pound cake. Proverbs 31 woman in the house!!!

140th Anniversary 23/04/2023

My husband was the invited speaker for a ministry that celebrated their 140th anniversary today! Please follow this link to today's post.

140th Anniversary A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

From Farm Girl to Chief Nursing Officer 15/04/2023

Do you want to be successful? True success comes when our efforts flow from a life that is God-focused, and fully committed to living godly principles. God is the One who elevates in due season. Here is my testimony.

From Farm Girl to Chief Nursing Officer A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

No Bones About It! 02/04/2023

What is the "Rapture of the Church?" Is Jesus really coming back for those who have accepted Him as Savior and Lord? The answers to these questions are in this link.

No Bones About It! A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Dry Bones to New Life 19/03/2023

We had the privilege of visiting a Baptist ministry here in Salem, VA this morning. The message was about Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones. The message was powerful and really resonated with me. To read more, click on the link.

Dry Bones to New Life A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Keys and License Plates--We Are Officially Virginians 26/02/2023

It is official! We are now Virginians. God has truly orchestrated this very rapid process. Here is the link if you want to read more.

Keys and License Plates--We Are Officially Virginians A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Are You Thirsty? 12/02/2023

You may or may not be familiar with the song "As a Deer." A very powerful rendering of the song is attached to today's post. Please listen to the song and click on the link to read the post. I believe you will be blessed by both.

Are You Thirsty? A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Be Bear Aware 04/02/2023

Are you "Bear Aware?" Depending on where you live, you may need to be. Each region of the country has things to watch out for. Roanoke valley in Virginia has black bears and we have move into their territory.

Be Bear Aware A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Our Six-Month-Old Nephew's "Sermon" 22/01/2023

Our six-month-old nephew gave me a sermon topic. Here is the link.

Our Six-Month-Old Nephew's "Sermon" A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Servant Leadership--Wednesday Word 18/01/2023

Are you a leader? Do you want to be a leader? If so, today's Wednesday Word is for you.

Servant Leadership--Wednesday Word A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Pearls of Wisdom--Lesson from a Vacuum 17/01/2023

Life lessons are all around us. Today, while finishing up a bit of vacuuming, I thought about how God, with my cooperation, has drastically transformed my life. Are you facing a "mess" right now? Perhaps today's post will help. Here's the link:

Pearls of Wisdom--Lesson from a Vacuum A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

God Has a Dress Code--Wednesday Word 11/01/2023

Here's a quick read to give you a boost. Did you know God has a dress code? Check this out:

God Has a Dress Code--Wednesday Word A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

We Followed God to a "Star" 08/01/2023

God is truly blessing my husband and me. We are at the beginning of a new chapter in our lives that includes moving to another state. Please click on the link if you are interested in reading about how God is richly blessing us.

We Followed God to a "Star" A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

New Year's Resolutions??? 31/12/2022

New Year's "resolutions" are often made by people who want to change a behavior or start a new path. Believers, beware of making "resolutions." Please read the full post to see why "resolutions" might not be wise to make.

New Year's Resolutions??? A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Merry CHRIST-mas! 25/12/2022

Today, people around the world are celebrating Christmas. My question is this: are you celebrating Jesus, who is the CHRIST and the reason for why this holiday exists?

Merry CHRIST-mas! A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Wednesday Word--Never Be Lazy 21/12/2022

God does not approve of laziness. God expects His people to be productive. Here is the link to Wednesday Word.

Wednesday Word--Never Be Lazy A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Wednesday Word--Joshua 1:8 14/12/2022

Good Wednesday to all of our Vineyard Family and Friends. I am launching a new feature today: "Wednesday Word." These posts will be a "quick read" and hopefully a good mid-week encouragement. If you are about to step into new territory or want to better manage the territory you are already in, today's post is for you.

Wednesday Word--Joshua 1:8 A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Never Ashamed in God 11/12/2022

Have you ever felt ashamed? That is not something God wants His children to experience. Here is the link to the full post.

Never Ashamed in God A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Thankful Every Day! 26/11/2022

Thanksgiving is ongoing for God's people! Every day, no matter what the day brings, is an opportunity to give thanks to God. What a MIGHTY GOD we serve! Here is the link to my blog if you want to read more.

Thankful Every Day! A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

Speak to the Rock! 21/11/2022

Stress and fatigue were wearing me down. I prayed about how I was feeling because I knew I did not want to continue on that path. While I was reading the Bible, the answer to my prayer was made clear to me. Here is the link to the full blog:

Speak to the Rock! A busy, happy woman who strives to positively impact the world by sharing encouragement and insight from my studies of the Bible and life application.

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Opening Hours

Thursday 19:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:30 - 17:00