Solel Sabbath Fellowship

Solel Sabbath Fellowship

Solel Sabbath Fellowship - Perry, Michigan


In this teaching from Shabbat, July 6, 2024, Kraig Elliott explains that the family structure taught in the Torah is different from what the world teaches. YHVH has a defined family structure, where husbands and fathers are to lead their wives and teach their children.


Have you been wanting to learn your Hebrew vowels and consonants? Here are free resources on our website...


Here is a calendar for the 5th Biblical Month. It's great for hanging on your refrigerator so you can mark off each day. Don't forget to LOOK UP throughout the month and watch the phases of the moon, so you can learn to pay attention to His time piece in the sky. 🌙


In this teaching from Shabbat, June 29, 2024, Kraig Elliott answers the question, "What Is Baptism" or immersion? He explains that baptism represents purification or cleansing from sin, identification with YHVH and Yeshua, and inclusion in Israel, Yah's people.


Tomorrow is a special day! We will be meeting at Water's Edge Campground in Howell, MI, for a mikveh/baptism service. The weather forecast says the clouds will be clearing by mid-afternoon! Learn more here...


In this teaching from Shabbat, June 22, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Chukat, from Numbers 19. He explains that the red heifer was the pinnacle sacrifice of the Torah -- and that it's all about Yeshua our Messiah. Above everything else, the blood of Messiah cleansed our consciences from dead works and brought an opportunity for relationship with God.

The Power of Resentment | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship 17/06/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, June 15, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Korah, from Numbers 16-18. He explains the sin of Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and On, as well as 250 of the leaders of Israel, as coming under the power of resentment. He shares how contentment is the answer when we are tempted to resent our circumstances.

The Power of Resentment | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship In this teaching from Shabbat, June 15, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Korach, from Numbers 16-18. He explains the sin of Korah, Dathan, Abi...

Intentional, Presumptuous Sin | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship 13/06/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, June 8, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Shelach. Looking at Numbers 15, he talked about the difference between unintentional sin and intentional, presumptuous sin.

Intentional, Presumptuous Sin | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship In this teaching from Shabbat, June 8, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Shelach. Looking at Numbers 15, he talked about the difference between...


The new moon was seen in Israel, so tonight starts the 4th month of this Biblical year. 🌙 We have a calendar on our website, if you'd like to print it for your refrigerator.

When the People Complained | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship 04/06/2024

Need some encouragement today? In this teaching from Shabbat, June 1, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Beha’alotcha. He talked about how we all have a propensity towards complaining and explained why it's so offensive to Yehovah. He shared practical tips from the book of Philippians and other passages, to help us overcome murmuring and complaining and to have true joy and peace in our lives.

When the People Complained | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship In this teaching from Shabbat, June 1, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Beha’alotcha. He talked about how we all have a propensity towards com...

Letting the Land Lie Fallow | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship 24/05/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, May 18, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Behar. He talked about letting the land lie fallow every 7 years, as described in Leviticus 25, giving the rules for the 7th year but also showing how we are all the servants of our Master Yehovah, and everything we have belongs to Him.

Letting the Land Lie Fallow | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship In this teaching from Shabbat, May 18, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Behar. He talked about letting the land lie fallow every 7 years, as d...

The Holy Menorah 08/05/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, May 4, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Emor. He talked the holy menorah in Leviticus 24, sharing how it pointed to Yeshua, the light of the world. He explained that it also symbolizes how we are to bring light to the world, both as individuals and as a congregation.

The Holy Menorah Emor | אֱמֹר | “Say”In this teaching from Shabbat, May 4, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Emor. He talked the holy menorah in Leviticus 24, s...


Solel Sabbath Fellowship will be meeting at East Olive Community Center in St. Johns, with music, teaching, and prayer beginning at 2:00pm. Kraig Elliott will be teaching on this Torah portion.

The service is followed by a potluck dinner at 4:00pm, so please bring a biblically clean dish to pass.

After our meal, there will be a short Hebrew class for anyone interested.

Be Holy for I Am Holy 30/04/2024

One listener said, "This was one of my favorite teachings ever..."

In this teaching from Shabbat, April 27, 2024, Kraig Elliott discussed the biblical definition of holiness, especially how we are to relate to each other in the entire Congregation of Israel. When every member of Kol Israel is walking in holiness, the entire body will be holy.

Be Holy for I Am Holy Acharei Mot/Kedoshim | קְדֹשִׁים/אַחֲרֵי מוֹת | “After the Death”/“Holy”In this teaching from Shabbat, April 27, 2024, Kraig Elliott discussed the double Tor...

Join us at East Olive for Sabbath (4/20/2024) 20/04/2024

Join us this Sabbath! We will be meeting TODAY at East Olive Community Center in St. Johns, with music, teaching, and prayer beginning at 2:00pm. Kraig Elliott will be teaching on the Torah portion.

Join us at East Olive for Sabbath (4/20/2024)

The food laws 19/04/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, April 13, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Shemini and the food laws of Leviticus 11. He taught about the animals we are allowed to eat, the animals we are not allowed to eat, and the reason for these laws. He also took questions from the congregation.

The food laws In this teaching from Shabbat, April 13, 2024, Kraig Elliott discusses the Torah portion Shemini and the food laws of Leviticus 11. He taught about the anima...

Keys to a Unified Body | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship 12/04/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, April 6, 2024, Kraig Elliott finishes his series on the book of Romans. He shared three keys for unity in the body: being grateful for every part of the body, identifying those who cause division in the body, and holding fast to the foundations of the body.

Keys to a Unified Body | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship In this teaching from Shabbat, April 6, 2024, Kraig Elliott finishes his series on the book of Romans. He shared three keys for unity in the body: being grat...


The renewed moon WAS seen in Israel on Tuesday. Therefore, today (April 10, 2024) was the start of the 2nd biblical month.

Print a calendar for this month to help you “see” the Biblical calendar alongside our modern, Gregorian calendar.

Special thanks to Devorah's Date Tree - Restoring the Biblical Calendar and her team for their efforts to site the new moon in Israel each month.

Rosh Chodesh Sameach! (Happy New Month!)


April 6, 2024
Today is the 7th day of the 1st week of seven weeks. Today is the 7th day of the counting of fifty days from the day of the waving of the Omer on the morrow after the Sabbath.

Sunday, March 31, 2024, was יוֹם הֲנָפַת הָעֹמֶר Yom Hanafat Ha'omer (Day of the Waving of the Sheaf). When the Temple stood this day marked the official commencement of the grain harvest (Deuteronomy 16:7) and sheaves of barley were cut and brought to the Temple as a wave-offering (Leviticus 23:9-14). This day also marked the beginning of the 50-day count to חַג הַשּׁבֻעוֹת Shavuot (Pentecost; Feast of Weeks). Yom Hanafat Ha'omer was counted as Day 1 and Shavuot will be Day 50.

👉 Related Links and Further Study:


This Sabbath, we will be meeting at East Olive Community Center in St. Johns, with music, teaching, and prayer beginning at 2:00pm. Kraig Elliott will be teaching. Learn more at

The Purpose of Unleavened Bread 27/03/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, March 23, 2024, Kraig Elliott continued his series on the spring feasts with an overview of why we celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread and how it is a picture of Yehovah's redemptive love. He covered why we get rid of the yeast in our homes and lives, and why Yehovah commanded an entire week without yeast.

The Purpose of Unleavened Bread In this teaching from Shabbat, March 23, 2024, Kraig Elliott continued his series on the spring feasts with an overview of why we celebrate the Feast of Unle...


Solel Sabbath Fellowship celebrates each of the Appointed Times of YHVH together as a congregation. Here are our Spring Feast plans. We hope you can join us!

Why We Don't Eat Lamb for Passover 19/03/2024

In this teaching from Shabbat, March 17, 2024, Kraig Elliott shares why we celebrate Passover and why we are not able to do all of the instructions given at this time. He talks about why we are not to eat the Passover lamb if we are not in the Land with a priesthood and temple and what Yeshua says we should do instead.

Why We Don't Eat Lamb for Passover In this teaching from Shabbat, March 17, 2024, Kraig Elliott shares why we celebrate Passover and why we are not able to do all of the instructions given at ...


This Sabbath, we will be meeting at the Perry Elementary School Cafeteria, with music, teaching, and prayer beginning at 2:00pm. Kraig Elliott will be teaching.

We recommend parking in the parking lot on the corner of Madison and Horace Streets. We will be meeting in the school cafeteria.

The service is followed by a potluck dinner at 4:00pm, so please bring a biblically clean dish to pass.

Meeting Location:
Perry Elementary School – Cafeteria
419 N Watkins Street
Perry, MI 48872

Calendars for 2024-2025 12/03/2024

Here is a calendar you can print for your refrigerator or wall, for the Month of the Aviv, the first month of the new Biblical year. :-)

Calendars for 2024-2025 Calendars for 2024-2025 Print a calendar for this month to help you “see” the Biblical calendar alongside our modern, Gregorian calendar. Feast dates are included. Download Calendar for March/April 2024 Written by:Solel Sabbath FellowshipPublished on:March 12, 2024 Categories: Downloads

Coming Events 11/03/2024

Happy New Year!

We are grateful again for your standing in the gap with us and lifting the biblical calendar before our good and gracious Heavenly Father and looking for His decision on when we should start the new year. I want to acknowledge your faithfulness in praying and lifting this process up before Him and that He hears our prayers and gives guidance.

Many have gone out with considerable cost and concerns for safety in the land of Israel to share with us their findings on the aviv in accordance with Yehovah’s calendar. We are very blessed to have them and the ability to see their findings firsthand at this time in history while on the other side of the world.

I have written a blog post about the Biblical criteria we used to determine if there was enough Aviv barley to determine a new year. You can read that here:

After determining the Biblical criteria we would follow in interpreting the testimonies, we noted that each of the five groups of searchers found aviv in the land in a variety of fields. One particular field, which was aviv, was in the exact area where Joshua and the people would have come into the land to eat their first Passover and begin harvesting the grain of the land to eat! That fulfills the two or three witnesses. Three of the five groups have declared the time to be aviv with a fourth stating this morning that he also found enough aviv to make an omer to fulfill that requirement for First Fruits in a few weeks.

We also received news that the new moon was seen in Israel a few hours ago, making tonight the beginning of a new month.

With the statements of these witnesses, Solel will be celebrating the Passover and Unleavened Bread this month and not be waiting for another month.

Thank you all again for your prayers as we look forward to celebrating the feasts of Yehovah together. Shalom and may we be blessed as we prepare ourselves to honor the Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread.

Spring Feast Dates 2024

Coming Events Coming Events Solel Sabbath Fellowship celebrates each of the Appointed Times of YHVH together as a congregation. We follow the sighting of the new moon from Jerusalem to determine our feast dates. Spring Feasts 2024 Solel Sabbath Fellowship uses the sighting of the aviv barley in Israel to determin...

Aviv and the New Year on YHVH's Calendar | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship 10/03/2024

In this video from Shabbat, March 9, 2024, Kraig Elliott teaches on how to know where and when to celebrate the Spring Feasts, beginning with knowing what the aviv barley has to do with YHVH’s moedim (feast days).

Aviv and the New Year on YHVH's Calendar | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship In this video from Shabbat, March 9, 2024, Kraig Elliott teaches on how to know where and when to celebrate the Spring Feasts, beginning with knowing what th...


Solel will be meeting this Sabbath at East Olive Community Center, with music, teaching, and prayer beginning at 2:00pm. Kraig Elliott will be teaching. The service is followed by a potluck dinner at 4:00pm, so please bring a biblically clean dish to pass.

Meeting Location:
East Olive Community Center
2583 Green Road
St Johns, MI 48879

Attributes of Queen Esther | Jeremy Hirn | Solel Sabbath Fellowship 26/02/2024

Our newest teaching from our Purim celebration

Attributes of Queen Esther | Jeremy Hirn | Solel Sabbath Fellowship In this video from Shabbat, February 24, 2024, Jeremy Hirn teaches on the book of Esther in honor of our Purim celebration. He points out 8 attributes of Que...


This Sabbath, we will be meeting at Morrice Senior Center, with music, teaching, and prayer beginning at 2:00pm.

We will be having a special Purim party in the evening after our regular Sabbath service. The Purim party will start at 6 PM, and we will read the book of Esther together (with sound effects, so you are welcome to bring noisemakers!). We will also play games, have some dancing, and open up the gymnasium for free play and games.

Videos (show all)

Join us Today!

Opening Hours

12:00 - 16:00