

Transance is a portal for global transformation and quantum awakening that provides a space for you, the seeker, to explore the depths of your Soul.


Five years down. Forever to go. Happy anniversary to the love of my life.


Let’s celebrate this upcoming full moon in community. We created an online ceremony for all of us so we can unite our spirits and step into the portal of the full moon. It’s donation based so it’s accessible to all. Listen to your body, heart and soul and if it’s a yes - come and join us all. Together we rise. Together we shine. Together we transform the world to a better place.


The world needs more love. We have the strong vision to connect and share love with communities around the world. Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest impact in someone’s life. So we want to share with you that you are loved. May every step that all of us take on this beautiful planet be filled with love and full of deep knowing and remembrance. We love you.

Photos from Transance's post 18/11/2023

I love you even more than I love snow! We went from endless summer to experiencing seasons again and today we had snow! As it gets colder outside we are asked to create even more light within so that the warmth of our heart can shine and warm others. What’s your favourite season ?


Breathing the ocean. Seeing the sunlight slowly going down. Feeling the feet in the sand. Tasting the salty waves and knowing that something big is coming our way. So much beauty. So much rawness. So many insights. Thank you for capturing this moment .


It’s moments like this where we feel a chill and gratitude running down our spine. Seeing beings moving through pain, struggles and deep feelings and allowing space to see it all. And after so much inner work we see each other eye to eye and realise we are not alone. Let’s hold each other, let’s see each other let’s sing for one another!


What a year 2022 has been. It feels like it just flew by or time speeded up. We learned so much and did so much inner healing work. We met each other on such a deeper level that we didn’t even knew existed. We traveled and worked together, met such beautiful souls along the pathway and gave up our old Homebase. It feels like 2022 was a year of deep revelation and letting go. Like we created space for something big to come into our lives. Here’s to 2023 and all that it has to offer.
How was your year and what are you looking forward to receive in 2023?


Every time we are out in nature we feel recharged and full of inspiration. We can’t count how many times we connected with the sacred trees and just hugged them or sat with them. Isn’t it ironic how simple it can be to connect back to your own nature by just stepping outside ? We aren’t made to sit in a concrete jungle with artificial light. We are meant to wake-up with the sunrise, get our feet dirty, plant beautiful seeds, nurture them and see them growing as we grow. We can’t wait to see our vision of having a beautiful big garden come to life and live in harmony and community! Who is in ? 📸by we miss you dearly and can’t wait to hug trees with you!


Just a little reminder that Love is love. As we are walking down the streets we don’t really feel comfortable showing our love as we already receive so many catcalls. It feels unsafe and backwards to be surrounded by so much patriarchy and religious (catholic) influences. We will never understand why LOVE can only exist between a man and a women and why people take the liberty to judge or say what’s right or wrong. To be honest it’s covering the whole experience in this beautiful country. Is it about educating people and just openly showing our love and saying that we are actually not sisters or friends like it’s assumed so many times or is it about going into fear and hide who we are and love ? It just doesn’t feel right. No one should ever feel the need to hide themselves and we truly believe that we as a collective are starting to change but it just takes longer in certain areas.


We are so grateful for each & every soul that feels the calling to come and transform. It’s truly an honour to get to know each and everyone of you and to see you remember your essence. We love being in community with you. The endless memories of singing together, crying and laughing, gazing into the fire and sharing deep inner feelings and knowings is so beautiful and warms our heart every single time. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Swipe left for more pictures!


We are feeling so blessed by all of the amazing people we meet along the way by all of the amazing countries we are able to travel too and most of all to be able to do it together.
Even in times when we wish we would have a Homebase somewhere in nature with a big veggie and fruit garden, when we feel exhausted from traveling and all the new inputs even then we count our blessings (sometimes after some tears are shed) .. because how couldn’t we do that? Isn’t life on Earth just magical once we connect to our true essence and nature ? How incredible and beautiful is Mother Earth ?
Let us know what’s your favourite place on Earth ?
Picture by the one and only :


Every Yoga teacher Training that we are leading together is just so unique. We are in deep gratitude for the all the amazing and beautiful souls that are joining us. We truly love what we do. To be surrounded by asana, meditation, talks about philosophy and so much more is deeply nourishing for us. Every ceremony we do comes from the deepest points of our hearts and we can’t wait to join hands and be united again.


We are so grateful that we get to travel around the world and experience many different cultures and see many different ways of how people live. We don’t take it for granted to be safe and are able to choose were we want to go and live. One thing that is on our minds and in our heart when we explore a new country is if it’s safe for us to show our love which makes us sad if we have to even think about it. But there are still to this day (2022!!) many countries that declare same se* relationships and love as illegal. That’s why it’s still so important to post about it and to bring awareness that LOVE is LOVE is LOVE is LOVE. 🌈🌈🌈🌈


Taking a cleansing shower in a memory of pure bliss and awe.. thank you Mother Earth for all of your beauty! Thank you for providing us such a magical home. We love you so much!


Isn’t it crazy how love works ? It brings souls together and works in mysterious ways. Never in a million years did we envision us married when we first met. What started as a friendship and the plan to travel Australia together ended up in Partnership and Marriage. We started our own business and are able to work freelance together - which is wonderful (99% of the time). We went through so much but we are always showing up and supporting each other. Always remembering to listen to the beautiful voice of our heart. The voice led me (Nadine) to Mindi. And I am in awe of the mysterious and wonderful way Love works. Here’s to love. No matter how Love looks.
We are curious .. share your love story with us below...


I am deeply connected to Mother Earth.
I am grounded.
I am loved.
I am held.


"Oh great mother we invoke you in this space, take away my fear and fill us with your grace.
Burn it all away, Kali burn it all away.
If it doesn't serve us then burn it all away.


How our dream life looks:
Waking up with the sun, cuddles in bed, yoga & mediation and cacao. Dancing, singing under the moon, painting and crafting, being in community. Living in nature and a quiet surrounding,
How it looks sometimes:
Figuring out where to be, traveling so much that we feel ungrounded. Routines are off. No access to organic food. Noises and pollution in many countries. The feeling of being alone.
All of that is a powerful moment that sometimes seems so overwhelming that it’s hard to see the lesson in all of it. But behind all the chaos is a greater purpose, a greater vision. Through contrast we learn what it is that we really want. It’s about finding beauty and gratitude for the little things. To accept what is and create space for things that want to be seen. It’s claiming the inner power back, trusting the universe, and taking action through the guidance we receive.
What guidance do you receive ?


It's been a long while since we shared something about our journey on here. It wasn't planned and more followed by the intuition to take a break and step away from social media. What started like a four week break ended up being 6 months. Wow - so much has happened since then. We traveled half way around the world, met amazing people, had some really high moments and the lowest lows. It's hard to even put everything into words - maybe it's just enough to be here now.
We missed our beautiful (online) community.
How are you doing ?


There is just something so magical about gathering together. We are thinking back to all the beautiful moments of ceremony and connection we had all over the world.

No matter the place, the circumstances, the conditions… magic always happens .. a deep profound connection.

Going beyond - what is the sacred connection about ? Not only connecting to your higher self, to all guides, angels, master and loved ones but also to connect and ground into Mother Earth - hear her melodies and listen to each and every soul and heartbeat around. All of that creates a space of magic. Deep connection is happening and the realization that all is one and one is all is birthed.

Are you ready to listen to your souls calling and dive deeper into your own divine wisdom and knowing ? Are you ready to create your life in a conscious way and make your life a living ceremony ? Are you ready to embody your wisdom and live your purpose ? Are you ready to accept your struggles, feelings, emotions and use them as a guide ?
Are you ready to be in alignment within ?

Then join us for our 10h continuing education course on Saturday and Sunday August 14th, 15th.

More details in our Link in BIO!
Only a few spots are left!


On portals days like today where a powerful New Moon in Leo and the Lions Gate portal merge their power it’s more important than ever to stay centered.

This energy is intense on all levels. Many thing will come up. It’s our choice to create or destroy.

We are guided to this exact moment in time. We are asked to look at our life and make a decision - what is the direction we want to go ?
What is serving us and what needs to go ? The fiery energy is helping us to see through the fogginess of our day to day life - it’s like lifting the veil to see beyond and burn what is no longer serving us so that new seeds can start to grow and we build the future that we deserve and dream of.

During these intense times use your breath as an anchor to ground and create balance. You got this!

Happy New Moon, Happy Lions Gate Portal, Happy rising from the ashes like the phoenix!

Our Newsletter went out today with more in depth information - let us know if you want to be a part of our vibrant newsletter community!

Timeline photos 19/02/2021

And as there is sunshine and the night sky there are moments that are calling us to dive deep into the shadow land. We learn every single time that looking at the shadow side is such an important thing to do. As they come up and just want to be felt we go through them and transform what ever wants to be released. Shadow work is such a powerful tool and is slowly making it into the mainstream - meaning that talking about the most vulnerable moments and being able to share them brings deep healing and profound realizations.
In case you need to hear it today - we are here for you. You are held even in the darkest of your days. You are loved. And one day you will look at your darkest days and will see the beautiful pattern that it left. A pattern of a deeper understanding of love and healing. Of accepting who you are.

Timeline photos 10/02/2021

As we are facing some stormy and snowy days here we are thinking back to the many beautiful and warm moments we were blessed with during the year. ⁠
Every season has its benefits and the winter is definitely helping to create space within. Not only are we creating a new cozy home base, we are also creating so much content and working on so many ideas. Even though we would love to enjoy the sunshine and warmth right now we are also happy and guided to the cold north of Germany. And that’s okay. The moment we stop questioning the guidance we received was the moment everything aligned with absolute ease.⁠
And so we are thrilled to walk this journey, experience a proper winter and receive more guidance and insights than ever before. ⁠
The winter is showing us how beautiful is is to see the silver lining within all cycles. And we remember that we are beings that are deeply connected to the cycles of the sun and the moon. As for now we accept and surrender and find the beauty within. ⁠

What about you ? How is the season you are in effecting you ? ⁠

******�You can still join our Spirit Community Monthly Membership where we go deeper into the sacred connection of the holy rhythm of the earth. To join us please DM or follow the link in the profile. We are excited to hold the space for so many beautiful souls.

Timeline photos 05/02/2021

After we went inside for a while we are finally ready to release one of our new *projects* to the world. Welcome beautiful Membership -Program ! ⁠

We put our heart and soul in it and created a membership program that is for YOU. ⁠

It will help you to grow beyond your self. Keep you in a conscious connection with Mother Earth and the Universe and is creating a save place for you to go deep and rise beyond. ⁠
Every Month you will receive two guided Meditations, a unique workbook, weekly fun exercises for Body, Mind & Soul, a monthly community call or live ceremony and email support for any Q&A or inspiration that you may need. ⁠

Come and join our sacred community. ⁠
(Link in bio)⁠


Timeline photos 20/01/2021

Three years ago we found each other (again). Through divine alignment we met in one of our favorite destinations in the world. Since then we traveled around the globe, got married nearly TWO years ago (time is just flying) and we have our own business together. Its still so crazy to think about the decision we made that led us on the path we are on today. We find deep gratitude for our sacred love and can't wait to share more about it with you (very) soon! ⁠⠀
What are you grateful for ?

Videos (show all)

Chanting is the direct pathway to the heart (for us). Singing and humming is calming the nervous system and brings so mu...
When the world seems too overwhelming and heavy come together! It may seem like there is so little we can do but every a...
Magic is what happens when you live from your heart.#yogateachertraining #bhakti#bhaktiyoga#singyourheartout
Prepping for our fire ceremony. #yogateachertraining #300hrytt
Unwind and recharge- because you deserve a moment of peace every day. #dailyrelaxation
Come and join us and become a yoga teacher. Explore yourself, find a deep connection with your body, soul and heart and ...
It takes so little to create a sacred space. Once you are able to access it within the outside follows. Here is a little...