Consciousness, Awakening, Shiva Shakti & Kundalini

Consciousness, Awakening, Shiva Shakti & Kundalini

Consciousness, Soul, Spirituality, Life, DNA, Energy, Religion "For half a century now, a new consciousness has been entering the human world, a new awareness..

It begins with a heightened perception of the way our lives move forward. We notice those chance events that occur at just the right moment, and bring forth just the right individuals, to suddenly send our lives in a new and important direction. Perhaps more than any other people in any other time, we intuit higher meaning in these mysterious happenings. We know that life is really about a spiritu


🔱 Har Har Mahadev! ૐ ShivayaShiva

When you experience casting aside the bo***ge of the bound individual (pasah) and put your consciousness in your own self, that is God consciousness. Then, after that, God consciousness is also to be abandoned and you must unite your consciousness in the pure knowledge of consciousness. There, because the mind (manah) is only the collection of differentiated knowledge (samkalpa), you will find that state where the mind (manas) is not existing at all (unmana).

So, When you progress beyond the idea (samkalpa) of good and bad, of pure and impure, then actually, when you think deeply about it, there is no difference between individual consciousness and God consciousness. This is that supreme knowledge where you find universal God consciousness, the pervasion of Siva (sivavyapti). There is no greater knowledge (vidya) than this.

When knowledge (vedana) of the eternal aspects of Siva – universal knowledge, universal will and universal action - is held and the knowledge of supreme God consciousness is also achieved (bodhana), and when the negation of universal God consciousness is abandoned and universal God consciousness is possessed (varjana) that, in reality, is called knowledge (vidya). You must establish yourself there and then the supreme light of universal God consciousness, which is the only cause of entering into your real nature, will appear.

~ Svacchanda Ta**ra 5.393-96


“According to the Vedic scriptures, there are 8.4 million different species of life throughout the material realm. Of these, 8 million are subhuman, while 4 hundred thousand are varieties of human beings. The word atma is the origin of the English word atomic. Once the atomic particle of eternal consciousness enters into matter, it starts at the bottom of the evolutionary hierarchy and takes on a body. In that sense the Vedas would agree with Darwin that we do indeed evolve, but the Vedas say our evolution is not from matter, but rather within matter, an evolution of consciousness. Our eternal soul climbs up the staircase of life, experiencing every species as a kind of learning by being and doing. From the smallest microbe up to insects, plants, birds, and mammals, we ascend the ladder of the species until we finally reach the lowest rung of human consciousness.”

Karma, a Guide to Cause and Effect by Jeffrey Armstrong

PAN TONE 013 | by TOBER&TOBER 🧘‍♀️YOGA SPECIAL 🧘‍♂️ 22/02/2021

🍯 🍯 🍯 HAPPY YOGA MIX 🍯 🍯 🍯

PAN TONE 013 | by TOBER&TOBER 🧘‍♀️YOGA SPECIAL 🧘‍♂️ ◎ PAN TONE PAN TONE 013 by TOBER&TOBER Soundcloud: -1 Facebook: Part of The Woodlands. Collective + + Facebook: https://www.fac

Final Countdown to Planetary Implosion 15/02/2021

"Muggles don't realize we're in a spiritual war. Those who believe in the mainstream lies think that this fake pandemic is real when it's a completely engineered crisis with a 99.9% survival rate dressed up with fear p**n to freighten people into submission. It's not science. It's propaganda. Even if the news media wasn't intentionally lying to us (and they most certainly are), medical dogma is still ignorant of the electromagnetic properties of DNA and therefore falls victim to blind religious belief in a flawed model of viral pathogenesis. Brilliant and respected medical professionals who have a different approach than their dogmatic and disingenuous peers are attacked and censored while ignorance and obedience is rewarded. The medical empire is a profit machine whose motto is create dependency, which is the opposite of the Hippocratic oath of do no harm, and it absolutely does not want doctors to know about the harmful effects of vaccines, which have been well-documented for a long time. The reason it's not widely known is because the government is hiding the crimes. Most people acknowledge the existence of corruption, but few have the courage to learn of its extent. It's extremely common for fear to masquerade as disinterest and disbelief as an excuse to remain distant." - PlanetWatcher

Final Countdown to Planetary Implosion The Seed of the Golden Age heralds humanity's next chapter. This is the Apocalypse.

ചോറ്റാനിക്കര പവിഴമല്ലി | CHOTTANIKKARA PAVIZHAMALLI | Hindu Devotional Songs | K.J.Yesudas 08/02/2021


ചോറ്റാനിക്കര പവിഴമല്ലി | CHOTTANIKKARA PAVIZHAMALLI | Hindu Devotional Songs | K.J.Yesudas chottanikkara pavizhamallichottanikkara amma devotional songs malayalam--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Do Germs Actually Make You Sick? SHOCKING Hypothesis From Dr. Thomas Cowan MD 01/02/2021

Really enjoyed listening to this talk introducing a different way to look at viruses and immunity 🧪

Do Germs Actually Make You Sick? SHOCKING Hypothesis From Dr. Thomas Cowan MD Dr. Thomas Cowan MD has spent the last 40 years as a medical doctor treating patients, including in the ER. Where Dr. Cowan has arrived, is truly shocking. I...

Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1 31/01/2021

Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1 The ICONIC PodcastDue to monetization restrictions you can support us by going to: making a monthly pledge. Com...

Timeline photos 15/12/2020

“I do believe in an everyday sort of magic -- the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone.”
― Charles de Lint


"Parabrahma roopam Ganesham bhajema |"

"Lets us pray Lord Ganesha who is the Parabrahman(the Ultimate Reality)." ✨🐘🙏🏻

Lord Shri Ganesha is one of the most powerful and popular deities in Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism. He looks lovely with an elephant head! He is the ruler and remover of obstacles. So, before we start any new work or any venture, we pray him for his blessings.

What is the most striking and differentiating feature of Ganesha among these? Yes, you’re right! It is his trunk! Ganesha is an elephant-headed God. By the way, what is the primary function of trunk in an elephant? It is a powerful tool to grip the things like trees. It is also used to access things to put in the mouth. It is used by the elephant to enjoy a nice shower by pouring water on the back! The bottom line is: for an elephant, trunk gives an easy access to many things. Moreover, trunk is used by the elephant to give things to others.

In Lord Ganesha, generally trunk is towards his left side accessing a laddu(sweet ball). What does it symbolize? It represents moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This Ganesha helps us to access the fruit of our work in the material world and he also gives the fruits to us very easily with his trunk!

In other words, laddu(sweet ball) indicates all material comforts. Since he enjoys the sweet, he will surely bestow them to you too. This why if we need to enjoy material prosperity and comforts, we need to worship and pray Ganesha with left-sided trunk enjoying a sweet laddu! So, Ganesha with left-sided trunk provides us bhoga, (material enjoyment).

There is another pose of Lord Ganesha. It is with his trunk turned towards his right side holding a pot of nectar. What is the symbolism here? It represents Sun and the hot power of pingala nadi in our psychic body. The pot of nectar held by right-turned trunk is nothing but the bliss or the happiness obtained in samadhi state in traditional yoga. So, this Ganesha helps us achieve moksha, liberation.

According to Hinduism, the highest purpose of human life is to get liberation from infinite birth and death cycle. So, people who are interested in achieving the real goal of yoga i.e. moksha (liberation) should pray Lord Ganesha with trunk turned to his right side.! ✨🐘🕉📿🌀🎨🙏🏻

Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah 🕉🐘🕉

Fear of Death ✧ The FOOL / JOKER tarot card meaning + spiritual insight 23/05/2019

ARE YOU AFRAID OF DEATH??! Watch my new video to see my thoughts about it ⏬

Fear of Death ✧ The FOOL / JOKER tarot card meaning + spiritual insight Welcome to my daily Oracle videos! I just got back from the gym so enjoy my no-makeup and gym hairstyle :D Read about the Fool down below ⤵︎ Contact me: ✧ ww...

EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH - divine message for YOU 21/05/2019

⟣ Today's message is inspired by a card I pulled from the Inner Star Oracle deck by The Darling Tree.

EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Sharing your message with the world isn't as complicated as it can seem. You have all the tools available to you, now start sharing your experiences!

You can reach me at:
⟣ in the comments of this video!

EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH - divine message for YOU ⟣ Today's message is inspired by a card I pulled from the Inner Star Oracle deck by The Darling Tree. EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Sharing your message with the world...

Phases 06/05/2019

W A X I N G 🌒 C R E S C E N T - time to plant those seeds!

Planting by the Phases of the Moon
Gravitational Pull Influences Moisture in the Soil

The Earth is in a large gravitational field, influenced by both the sun and moon. The tides are highest at the time of the new and the full moon, when sun and moon are lined up with earth. Just as the moon pulls the tides in the oceans, it also pulls upon the subtle bodies of water, causing moisture to rise in the earth, which encourages growth.

The highest amount of moisture is in the soil at this time, and tests have proven that seeds will absorb the most water at the time of the full moon. Planting by the phases of the moon will keep in rhythm with the alternating gravitational pull.

Moon phase gardening considers four phases or quarters lasting about seven days each. The first two quarters are during the waxing or increasing light, from the new moon and growing up to the full moon.

Phases Planting by the Phases of the Moon Gravitational Pull Influences Moisture in the Soil Moon phase gardening is an idea as old as


Jai Maa Kali! ૐ ShivayaShiva

Regarding Sri Ramakrishna’s Shakti worship and supernatural attainments, here are a few important points:

1. All of Sri Ramakrishna’s sadhanas are tinged with the ideal of harmony. With the permission of the Divine Mother he practiced the sadhanas of the different modes of Hinduism and those of other faiths. This effort of his was to know how people worshipped the Lord in all those faiths, and to know their truth and validity. Regarding the sadhanas of the vast religion called Hinduism, his opinion was this: ‘He who is spoken of in the Vedas, He who is spoken of in the Ta**ras, is also spoken of in the Puranas.’ He would say:

Do you know what the truth is? God has made different religions to suit different aspirants, times, and countries. All doctrines are only so many paths; but a path is by no means God Himself. Indeed, one can reach God if one follows any of the paths with wholehearted devotion. Suppose there are errors in the religion that one has accepted; if one is sincere and earnest, then God Himself will correct those errors. (15)

2. The Kularnava Ta**ra says, ‘Sadhakanam hitarthaya brahmano rupa-kalpana; Forms of Brahman are assumptions to help spiritual aspirants.’ The Supreme presents Itself before the aspirant assuming forms like Kali, Durga and Shiva. However, these forms are not imagined according to the whims of aspirants. Behind these forms is the secret of the aspirants’ attainments. And it is to be remembered that ‘secret’ does not mean magic of any sort. The Divine Mother revealed to Sri Ramakrishna that just as She is of the form of the blissful Mother, She is also of the nature of the formless pure Consciousness. She is both with form and without form; She is both with attributes and without attributes; and much more.

Sri Ramakrishna used to say that Kali is Brahman and Brahman is Kali. So long as the ‘I’-consciousness of the aspirant remains, there are Kali, Krishna and so on. When that ‘I’ goes, the ‘form merges into the formless’. This self-revealing (svasamvedya) Truth should be understood at every step.

3. In the Ta**ras, the position of Shakti is supreme. According to Advaita, Shakti is called maya. Brahman alone is real. Maya is inexplicable; it is neither existent nor non-existent. In one word, the Advaita school ignores Shakti. In the Devi Bhagavata there is a harmonization between the two streams: ‘Shakti is always one with Brahman. Their mutual connection is like fire and its power to burn.’ (16) Sri Ramakrishna went a step further. He said that Brahman and Shakti are the same. He said, ‘He whom you address as Brahman is none other than She whom I call Shakti, the Primal Energy. It is called Brahman in the Vedas when it transcends speech and thought and is without attributes and action. I call it Shakti, Adyashakti, and so forth, when I find it creating, preserving, and destroying the universe.’ (17) Still water is the example for Brahman, while the wavy waters are the example of Shakti. This attitude was evident in Sri Ramakrishna’s everyday life. He did not want to be in samadhi and remain ‘unconscious’ with the knowledge of Brahman. He wanted to become a vijnani and come down to the plane of duality to enjoy the company of devotees.

4. Even though there is the manifestation of Shakti in everything that has name and form, in women there is the greatest expression of the sandhini, or creative and protective, and hladini aspects. It is due to this speciality that women are worshipped as sources of the universe and as symbols of the Divine Mother. Sri Ramakrishna did that. He worshipped his wife as the Divine Mother Tripurasundari and offered all the fruits of his sadhana at her feet. He considered all women as the representations of some or other form of the Divine Mother. He would say that he had the attitude of ‘mother and child’. In Shakti sadhana, the attitude of a child towards its mother is very pure. In the attitude of the hero, there is a fall in most cases.

5. The mansion of sadhana has seven storeys. Sri Ramakrishna had free access to all of them. His spiritual practices too were nothing but sport. To cite one of the numerous instances: Though he followed the child attitude towards the Divine Mother, he had become filled with the Divine Mother once and had accepted the worship of the devotees. This happened on the evening of Kali Puja in 1885. An eyewitness writes, ‘Who Kali is or who he is, I can’t understand. In Kali he alone is and in him She alone lives.’ During the worship, the devotees saw his divine smile and hands bestowing blessings, and were assured that they were always protected by the Lord. They were freed from fear.

6. Sri Ramakrishna would say, ‘Both the Vedas and the Puranas describe pure food and conduct. But what the Vedas and the Puranas ask people to shun as impure is extolled by the Ta**ra as good.’ (18) Knowing everything, he accepted that which was good. He objected to the sadhana of the hero mood. He stressed purity. He rejected the hero attitude and stressed the ‘mother and child’ path.

7. During the nineteenth century, the worship of Shakti (shakta-dharma) had developed into a religion, as it were. Sri Ramakrishna’s sadhanas had ended with his practice of Advaita Vedanta. In reality, whatever sadhana he undertook - Shakta, Vaishnava and Shaiva - all were with the ideal of Oneness or Advaita in mind. The author of Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master has discussed all this in detail. On the other hand, Swamiji saw that Vedanta in its three forms is the source of all religions; it is scientific, modern and also the unifier of human beings. Thus the Shakta and Vedanta ideals were seen by the teacher and disciple as universal and broad. Therefore Swamiji did not preach Shakti sadhana but preached Vedanta, and said that we should understand Vedanta in the light of the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.

8. Though the teacher and disciple were one in this respect, to the sadhana-oriented Sri Ramakrishna the Divine Mother was extreme­ly gentle and loving, and to the vision-oriented Swamiji She was a combination of the terrible and the benevolent. He wrote:

Of Death begrimed and black -
Scattering plagues and sorrows,
Dancing mad with joy,
Come, Mother, come!
For Terror is Thy name,
Death is in Thy breath,
And every shaking step
Destroys a world for e’er.
Thou ‘Time’, the All-Destroyer!
Come, O Mother, come!
Who dares misery love,
And hug the form of Death,
Dance in Destruction’s dance,
To him the Mother comes. (19)

You are Totality of Evolved Body and Descended Consciousness 02/04/2019


You are Totality of Evolved Body and Descended Consciousness (21 Nov 2018) In this ground breaking satsang, His Divine Holiness expands our horizons to make us realize the truth.. We are Chit Jata Granthi... the knot o...

Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn 27/06/2018

Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn This Wednesday, just after 9pm (PST), the moon will become full in the sign of Capricorn. This occurs during Cancer’s time of the year, conjuring up an interesting dichotomy between this reserved Water sign and this tenacious Earth sign. This juxtaposition calls upon us to strike a balance between...
