Liene Uresina Coaching

Liene Uresina Coaching

🏆 WEALTH FORMULA - best rated course on manifestation
⏱️ My method solves any request in 15 minutes Did you answer "YES" to any of these questions?

Hi, Liene Uresina here, I’m a Results Coach for established entrepreneurs. I help highly-accomplished entrepreneurs regain ownership of their business and lives so they can lead from a place of passion, purpose, and peace. A few questions for you:

Are you currently running your business or is your business running you? Is business the ONLY thing that is currently peaking in your life? Do you want

Photos from Liene Uresina Coaching's post 30/06/2024

Remember — by believing passionately in something that still doesn’t exist we crate it🫶

Photos from Liene Uresina Coaching's post 05/12/2023

I can’t believe I’m saying these words 🫢

My first book is translated and available in English on AMAZON.COM!💥💥

I want to start with a few thank you’s..

Thank YOU for your support
Thank you to my team for perseverance
Thank you to my HUSBAND for being there and
thank you to ME for being unstoppable towards my mission!

There are projects that take time and several attempts. This one required a little patience, but above all faith and gratitude - everything will happen at the right time!

And it happened! ✨

Nine months later, my dream has manifested!

Therefore, today I am especially happy for support and good wishes to everyone who has reached out!

As a thank you, I have prepared an unreal surprise for you (more on that tomorrow).

AAAAA! My book is available in English! UNSTOPPABLE YOU by Liene Uresina already on AMAZON.COM!🚀✨💥⚡️🙌🏻


You use only 5% of your potential ☝🏻

Can you imagine it?

I will give you a task so you can visualize it.

Visualize - you are you, and there are five copies of you standing in front of you. You seem to know them. One is a careerist, and the other is taken by packing children every morning to get out of the house.

Keep going - you have 95 copies of you behind you. And you have never met her. You haven’t even said hello. One is rubbing. One is laughing. One is crying. Someone else is running around.

But you have drawn the curtain shut and are trying to convince yourself that there is no one there. Although tou feel. Because there is someone whispering in your ear

“Yes, I want to fly to Bali”
“No, You will never earn more!”
“Everyone has a hard time, what makes you special to no to?”

And those are the 95 copies of you that you don’t talk to! Which you don’t believe exist. Which you don’t hear. But they don’t not give you peace and want to break free.

But your potential lies right there. Your biggest fear is also hidden there. Your triggers, your pain, experiences, emotions. And also the greatest happiness and freedom.

Are you ready to open the curtain and get to know your subconscious, knowing that there is your potential, the realization of your goals and dreams?

💬 I will wait for your raised hand in the comments - both if you are ready and if this exercise resonated with you. 🙋🏼‍♀️

PS This is a very powerful exercise - if you want, you can also do it with your eyes closed.

PPS If you can’t get into it - save this post and try tomorrow.

Photos from Liene Uresina Coaching's post 20/11/2023

Your strength lies here 👇

It is deep within your subconscious.
Under emotions, memories and public pressure.
Under fears and experiences.

That’s where your ability to realize your potential lies.
Manifest and fulfill dreams.
And ability to improve your health.

As part of neuroscientist Joe Dispenza’s retreat, we have been introduced to scientific research that confirm that meditation is able to accelerate the results of treatment and improve the general state of health.

I have experienced it myself.

Research shows that 👇

Reprogramming the brain: Regular meditation can rewire neural pathways, promoting neuroplasticity. This means that we can shape the structure and function of the brain, thereby improving focus, reducing stress and improving cognition.

Boosting Immunity: Meditation has a positive effect on the immune system by reducing stress hormones, promoting a healthier immune response, and possibly lowering inflammatory markers.

Heart Health: Meditation promotes better heart health by lowering blood pressure, improving cardiovascular function, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Stress Reduction: Meditation regulates the body’s response to stress, leading to reduced levels of anxiety, increased emotional resilience and an overall sense of calm.

Check out the research in the link in my profile. ☝🏻

By meditating regularly, the accumulated background of emotions and memories is removed, which allows the body to awaken its innate ability to self-renew. It creates a domino effect and improves physical, mental and emotional health.

❗️Yes, meditation, in addition to the treatment methods prescribed by doctors, strengthens and accelerates the results of treatment of various diseases. PTSD, anxiety, depression and cancer have been mentioned most frequently in recent days.

In addition to the treatment methods prescribed by the doctor, I always meditate on my recorded meditation “Improves health, well-being and energy state.”

I have no doubt - meditation is a tool that brings results, and proven results.

Have you experienced positive changes through meditation? Share your experience in the comments! 👇


Don't Miss Out: FREE Live Coaching Session Worth €1000! 🚀

Get ready to kickstart a transformation!

I'm offering an exclusive LIVE coaching session, valued at €1000, absolutely FREE!

This is your opportunity to dive deep, uncover the core of your challenges, and walk away with a custom-tailored solution!

Plus, it's all happening on Instagram LIVE or ZOOM to inspire and help others facing similar struggles.

But here's the catch: I'm looking for action-takers!

If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and make some serious progress, this opportunity is made for you.

Simply fill out the questionnaire in bio and let's make magic happen -

P.S. Only 3 slots are available, so don't delay! Your journey to transformation starts here! Apply now!

Photos from Liene Uresina Coaching's post 06/11/2023

I ALMOST GOT A DIVORCE! This is a powerful post, read it 👇🏻

For most of my relationship, I couldn't understand why my relationship doesn’t fill me and make me happy.

I went through all the stages.

I put the responsibility on my husband.

I felt guilty myself.

I blamed others.

Then I came to understanding that
👉🏻 you can't look at your partner with your mother's eyes
👉🏻 a partner must be good for me, not for parents or friends, I must choose a partner for me, not them
👉🏻 I don't have to repeat my parents' relationship, I can create my own relationship model
👉🏻 I must not condemn and blame my partner
👉🏻 my partner is not responsible for my happiness

What is the cause of all this?

A restless mind.
Living in programs and beliefs that do not correspond to your vision and vision.
Creating stories.
Limiting beliefs.

💬 Are you familiar with these feelings? Are you ready to change them? Raise your hand in a comments 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️


The first week of University in Tallinn is over! So many insights, emotions and fulfilment are brought by an environment where growth is not a choice, but a way of life! 🚀

My goal is to live life on my own terms - to make free choices, to do what I want, when I want and with whom I want. This is proof that IT IS POSSIBLE!

Before the start of the second week, I share the most powerful insights from the most inspiring Mindvalley University lecturers - make sure to save this post, the value of the information is immeasurable, especially for entrepreneurs!

Absolutely anything is possible. The most important thing is to take risks - make mistakes, fall, loose. Only in this way, learning from mistakes, you will reach the next level.

If you want results in business, you have to work with your spirit, your mind and strategy - all of these elements must be combined and none are greater than the other.

Wealth is when you have fulfilment in all areas of life - in relationships with yourself, children and other fellow human beings, health, professional and private life. So why do you spend more time writing a grocery list than writing goals for the coming year?

The game can be overwhelming, but you HAVE TO continue, you HAVE TO be everywhere and you CAN'T STOP, because you never know which of the steps will take you and your business to the next level.

Owner of 4 Olympic gold medals - mindset is the key to your success, technique is only an auxiliary tool.

If you cannot answer that you love money and you like to earn it, then it will be difficult for you to earn and progress in your income. However, this does not mean that money comes first as a value - love for money must be equivalent to love for family and never greater.

It is your responsibility to share your gifts with the world.

Nothing in this life is self-evident - every thing, every person we meet, every experience is created by the universe with an intention.

💬 Which of these insights resonates with you the most?


You have a successful business, but you are not quite where you want it to be and nothing just clicks?

Growth is slow and nerve wracking

You feel like you have no one to talk to

You feel no one understands you fully

You feel like your goals, dreams and purpose is getting further and further away

And a voice creeps in that “you’re not worth it” and you start doubting yourself

Sounds familiar?

I have been there and I know that this is the fastest way to burning out and unhappiness. Let’s change it around! 🚀

I have created a group for women entrepreneurs, where I share a close and personal look into backstage on my way to elevating financial status, empowering my inner self and making a true impact.

This is a place to
- find answers
- ask questions
- feel heard and understood

Click the link in bio and join 7 figure success accelerator for female business owners.


I’m not your regular business and transformation couch. I am an entrepreneur, a business woman, but I’m also spiritual and believe there is something bigger than us.

I don’t work myself thin. I work within my zone of genius and the rest I leave up to the team. But I also meditate daily, write a self programming diary, have a shaman and work on my father and mother wounds.

There is no set way how your life and business grows. And I’m not claiming I have the perfect recipe for that, but I know mine works.

I manifest my goals big and far, they realize within few months and sometimes just days.

This is a very dear theme for me, so I went a step further and made a video for you explaining step by step my recipe of manifesting my goals fast!

HOW TO MANIFEST BUSINESS GOALS FAST Hi! I’m business and transformation coach Liene Uresina and I will share how I manifest my business goals and within the time of few months.- How manifestati...

Photos from Everything HR's post 24/06/2023

Asti Marketing Industrial: "One of the greatest speech from the last few years: very personal, yet professional"

Thank you Everything HR for hosting me! Forever grateful!

Photos from Liene Uresina Coaching's post 24/06/2023

Happy to share few takeaways from "Everything HR 2023" in Brasov, Romania! Would you like to see the full speech? Let me know in the comments!

"Key Takeaways from Liene Uresina - Business and Mind Strategist, a Speaker like no other - her powerful story will stay with you long after the event. Her vulnerability, authenticity, and magnetic personality captivated every single person in the audience. An unforgettable experience!"


Do you know why it is important listening to your body?

Not because you need to get slender, prettier or because it is a trend and everybody is soing it..

But because your wellbeing directly affects your energy level, motivation, ability to do work and quite frankly - your success in any area of your life! 🔥

When was the last time you asked yourself
👉🏻 what is your stress level,
👉🏻 energy level or
👉🏻 can you handle the work load?

Sadly, in our society it is normal to silence every effort of your body to create a dialogue and just work, work and work. “This headache can wait, but this work task is crucial at the moment!” - is this thought pattern familiar?

I know it and I never want to return there. It led me to zero motivation, zero strength physically or emotionally getting out of the bed. 😵‍💫

So my formula for motivation and energy is super simple:

The moment you will start caring after yourself on all levels, every area of your life will improve. You will have energy and will know how to reenergise. You will have motivation. And you will have a totally different drive for reaching your goals.

So, are you ready to have a dialogue with your body and yourself for yourself? Let me know in the comment section and I will gladly expand on this! 🚀


My takeaway from the 75th birthday event in Hungary is this

👉🏻 As a company manager, you have to pay attention to your customer more than your product!

Let me explain..

As a customer, I felt an excellently designed process and care for myself!

As a company manager, I realised how important it is to spend time not only on your product and its development, but also on advertising and the client!

The advice I took from this for both myself and you - give your customers not only a product, but also an experience and an adventure!

Make the client your influencer! Make the client your best advertisement!

And just like the invitation from Porsche that came to me with the text: "We invite those who are driven by dreams to get behind the wheel of a Porsche and have an unforgettable experience in Hungary", I also want to invite you to get behind the wheel of your company and create an unforgettable experience for yourself and those around you! 🚗💨

Are you ready?


Do you want to know how I ended up in Hungary celebrating 75th birthday?

I have one answer - a self-programming diary.

I wrote in my diary that I am offered interesting, new collaborations with powerful people and brands that correspond to my values, my lifestyle, inspire me and show that there are no unattainable heights.

I didn't know what I was going for, but I promised myself that I would listen to the first impulse and say yes when the opportunity came.
Even if I were afraid.
Even if I had to change plans.
Even if it seemed that there is no time.

The invitation came snd it read "We invite those who are driven by dreams to get behind the wheel of a Porsche and have an unforgettable experience in Hungary."

A powerful brand
Driven by dreams
An unforgettable experience


Although when writing a diary I don't know what I'm exactly going for to and what kind of experience I'll get, but I know that I don't live my life randomly - I ask for what I want.

so please
👉🏻 don't expect life to just happen
👉🏻 don't adapt to life if it's uncomfortable for you
👉🏻 don't settle for less

I create my life - and you can too! Every thing that comes into my life - relationships, money, experiences, people - everything is initially created in my thoughts, then in my vision, in my emotions and I manifest it into reality.

If you don't believe that it works - let me serve as an example.

Photos from Liene Uresina Coaching's post 31/05/2023

In our relentless pursuit of success in business and life, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget about our own wellbeing. We often sacrifice sleep, neglect self-care, and push ourselves to the limit, thinking it will lead us to the top.

But here's the truth: taking care of our wellbeing and prioritising quality sleep is not just important—it's crucial for achieving lasting success and happiness.

Let’s talk about jus how important sleep is for our body and mind! If you don’t sleep enough or well

❌ You have no inspiration
❌ You don't have the energy to realise your potential
❌ The smallest things and situations irritate you
❌ You start comparing yourself at your expense
❌ You are under stress and it is difficult to make decisions
❌ Your immune system will deteriorate
❌ Your weight becomes uncontrollable
❌ Muscle activity worsens, pain appears
❌ The probability of heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure increases
❌ It can lead to fatal consequences

Imagine? Just from not having a good sleep quality!

So please make a promise to yourself today - commit to nurturing your wellbeing, getting the rest you deserve and embracing self-care as an integral part of your journey towards success.

Remember, success is not just about the destination—it's about the quality of the journey.

Photos from Liene Uresina Coaching's post 29/05/2023

Stepping on world stage was my dream.

And I can attest that I did great - I felt it from the audience and my inbox keeps filling up with well wishes and questions about my performance in Romania last week. 🙏🏻

My calling and mission is to transform people's lives. And it is clear that speaking in front of any audience is more than just giving a speech. It is a very big responsibility.

My mission is to touch their souls. And My standart is perfection.

A hefty responsibility, right? 🫣

It added additional stress and anxiety. So today I’m sharing what helped me to focus and keep anxiety in check.

Save for when you are preparing for a big task in your business or life - situations may change, but the rules of the game stay the same. ✅


Do you sometimes find yourself wondering about the things you should be doing but for some reason you're not?🤔

Have you ever imagined about the difference it would make if you were doing them instead?

We all have standards.

➡️ What we put on our 📅 calendar.

➡️ Who we spend time with.

➡️ What we tolerate.

➡️ What we put in our body.

➡️ What we believe is a "must" or a "must not".

We have beliefs about our standards and based on these very same standards, our entire existence on this 🌎 planet changes.

It’s interesting to see how someone becomes more successful.💯

If you want to change your life, you MUST change your standards.🔥

Having spent a lot of ⏰ time around successful people, what I’ve learned is that the sooner you develop certain standards and principles, the sooner, you will have the life you desire.

✔️ We get what we tolerate.

✔️ We become who we say we are.

This is what separates successful people from those who are not. It’s what distinguishes people who don’t settle for mediocrity from those who think average is good enough.

The point is, if you want to achieve more than you could have imagined, you need to raise your standards. Higher standards lead to a more fruitful and fulfilling existence.

What are your standards?🤔


If I had to choose between two people with more or less the same skills

I would always choose a person with the right mindset

Because skills are cheap

Everyone can acquire skills with practice

It's just a matter of time.

But the mindset is another level

Cultivating the right mindset requires strength and resilience

And it's much harder to measure progress.

I’m not afraid of hiring a bunch of people with the right mindset who lacked the crucial skills for the job.

The number one thing people with the progressive mindset do is...

They’re not afraid of change or failure

They like to challenge themselves

And each time you try something new, you will grow in so many ways

If I had to say - what would I do if I had to start all over again?

I'd focus even MORE on the mindset when hiring employees.

Because I know how powerful the right mindset is.

And I know you can cultivate it to make it even more powerful too.

Our Story

Hi, Liene Uresina here, I’m a Results Coach for established entrepreneurs.

I help highly-accomplished entrepreneurs regain ownership of their business and lives so they can lead from a place of passion, purpose, and peace.

A few questions for you:

Are you currently running your business or is your business running you?

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