The Pink Butterfly Project

The Pink Butterfly Project

The purpose of this page is to help women who are ready to transition into their authentic self using the tools of yoga, diet and exercise.

Timeline photos 05/10/2017

I’m really excited about my journey with dōTERRA and amazing soulpreneurs that I have found! Today I wanted to share some information on our Certified Crystal Healing Course! This course is perfect for you to use at a practitioner level, however if you are interested in learning more about crystal healing for personal use, this course is also for you. This amazing course offers lessons on using essential oils with your crystal healing practice. ....
So here's how it works - You sign up with a dōTERRA membership through me and purchase your starter kit which includes a wholesale membership with dōTERRA for a year (this means 25-30% off all your essential oils!) The starter kits start at $174.
Once you are enrolled, you get access to our amazing high vibe Blossoms United Team + my personal team Blossoms and Butterflies, where you have access to a wealth of information about holistic healing, essential oils use and so much more ✨💖✨ You also get FREE enrollment into our Crystal Healing Course and the option to earn our other courses - Holistic Tarot, Journey to Self Healing & our brand new course Life Code Aromatherapy.

Let’s take a look at what you will learn in weeks 1-3 of our 10 week online Crystal Healing Course!...
* Week 1, Lesson 1- What is Vibrational Crystal Healing
* Week 1, Lesson 2- Filling Your Cup, First
* Week 1, Lesson 3- Your Etheric Body/Aura
* Week 1, Lesson 4- Your Chakra System, Basic and Advanced
* Week 1, Lesson 5- Your Road Map to Wellness
* Week 2, Lesson 1- All About Crystals
* Week 2, Lesson 2: Crystals by Color
* Week 2, Lesson 3- Crystal Care, Re-tuning, Charging and Programming
* Week 2, Lesson 4- Crystal Healing Basics
* Week 2, Lesson 5- Advanced Healing Crystal Properties
* Week 3, Lesson 1- Measuring and Clearing The Chakras with a Pendulum or Wand

Interested in learning more about joining? Comment below and I'll message you 💖

Timeline photos 05/10/2017

What steps are you taking to make sure that your life is in alignment with who you want to be and what you would like your life to look like? Close your eyes and look deep within. Imagine your best future self. What do you see? Now start acting like that person today.

Timeline photos 27/09/2017

What better way to end out the year than to invest in yourself and work on your self-development?

TRANSFORM is a 12-week integrative life coaching program that provides the tools, support and resources for you to set and achieve goals, move towards wellness and balance and overcome negative patterns. The program helps you to move towards your desired outcomes in all four aspects of yourself.

Transform addresses transforming ALL major areas of life:...

Health & Fitness
Relationships & Family
Career & Performance
Self-Development & Spirituality

You will need to commit to: completion of the 12-week program; a group teleconference of one hour, once a week (Thursday evenings); and the purchase of the book*.

Timeline photos 27/09/2017

Day 26 of the self-care challenge calls for making a vision board. Putting your vision for your life into pictures helps you to visualize your goals and to communicate them with the universe. Make sure you put it in a location where you can see it frequently.

Timeline photos 27/09/2017

Day 25 of the self-care challenge reminds you to write down one thing each day that makes you laugh. Here’s what made me laugh yesterday. What’s about you?

Timeline photos 23/09/2017

Day 23 of the self-care challenge calls for lighting some incense or a candle when you get home. Based on the special energy of this day I decided to take it a step further and light some sage and Nag Champa to clear the energy of my home.

Abraham Hicks - Clarity Of The Teachings - Self Love 23/09/2017

There is nothing more important than SELF-LOVE

Abraham Hicks - Clarity Of The Teachings - Self Love In this video, Patti Blankenship speaks on the concept of self love. Many people seek out the love of others as a way to compensate for the lack of love for ...

Timeline photos 23/09/2017

I’m not sure if it’s because of the autumn equinox or the significance of the energy for tomorrow but I have been extremely drained today. So it’s perfect timing in the 30 day self-care challenge that we’re focusing on setting a bedtime and sticking to it. Calling it a night at 10:00!

Timeline photos 20/09/2017

I've been so busy working on something amazing for you that I didn't get the chance to participate in day 19 of the self care challenge yesterday but I hope you found a new place to visit and enjoy!

Timeline photos 19/09/2017

Yesterday's self-care challenge reminded you to give up alcohol for 30 days. Personally I don't find the need to drink the way I used to since I've learned to deal with my depression and my anxiety holistically. The extra clarity has been an added bonus!

Timeline photos 18/09/2017

Day 17 of the 30 day self-care challenge calls for writing down negative thoughts and crossing them out. These are no longer thoughts that I have but these were some of the negative things I would constantly tell myself in the past. Remember that thoughts lead to feelings which in turn lead to actions. It's important to reframe your mindset to see the positive in things. If you continue to dwell on negative things then only negative experiences will manifest in your life. Sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself, are the negative things that you're thinking really true. Why don't you deserve to be happy? Is there really any truth in that? Why rent you good enough? According to whose standards? Don't give negativity be thoughts the power to cripple the happiness you can have in your life.


The person that you truly are is screaming at you from the inside, begging you to let them out. Yet still you dance around the issue, ignoring the signs that your body is giving you and confirming to the ideology of society, of your friends and family, or your significant other. Why? When will you shed the mask that you created and become the person that you want to be, your true self! Let me show you how!

Timeline photos 16/09/2017

Day 15 of the self-care challenge reminds you to start your day with a green smoothie. It's been a while since I've placed an order from .love.juice_ but their sea moss is a great addition to any smoothie!

Timeline photos 15/09/2017

Are you ready to start taking the first steps towards happiness? Do you want to learn more about how your thoughts effect your reality. Your mindset can be the biggest obstacle that you need to overcome. Click the link in my bio or go to to download my free e-book to start on your path to changing your mindset

Timeline photos 15/09/2017

Some people fail to realize that self love is so much more important than the love that you receive from someone else. You can't expect someone else's love to rescue you from yourself. You have to do the work and invest the time in knowing and loving yourself. The love that you receive from someone else is meant to compliment the love you have for yourself not replace it. Love yourself first!

Timeline photos 14/09/2017

Day 14 of the 30 day self-care challenge is to eat a fruit. My go to is always a banana. Did you know that bananas contain serotonin, which function is to balance mood and contribute to well-being and happiness. It also contains vitamin-b, which is necessary for helping the body to synthesize its own serotonin.

Timeline photos 13/09/2017

No one wants a mediocre life! Have you experienced a major life change and are struggling to get back on your feet? Are you looking to find more happiness and fulfillment in your life? Are you ready to create the life you've always dreamed of? What are you wanting for to go from surviving to thriving? I am excited to share the program that has helped with my transformation over the past few months. I'm looking for 12 women who are ready for significant changes in their lives. Space is only limited to 12 women. Go to or email me at [email protected] to find out more about this LIVE 90 days transformational program!

Timeline photos 13/09/2017

Hurricane Irma, as destructive as it was, can also be looked at as a means to clear out old negative energy and to bring about new beginnings.

Timeline photos 07/09/2017

Self-care is making sure I've made preparations for my family

Timeline photos 06/09/2017

We're on day 5 of the . Spend at least 15 minutes reading. I love everything by . If you haven't read any of his books yet, you're really missing out! What did you decide to read tonight?

Timeline photos 05/09/2017

I hope you're keeping up with the and that you enjoyed your favorite tea tonight before bed! My new favorite is a rendition of warm almond milk, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 drop of OnGuard essential oils and 1 drop of Lemon essential oils. It tastes just like camomile tea! Perfect way to end the night. What's your favorite tea? Interested in learning more about incorporating essential oils in your routine? DM me to find out more.

Timeline photos 04/09/2017

Day 3 of the called for taking a picture of something that makes you happy. One of the things that makes me happy is having an acupuncture session. My acupuncturist always knows which I need to help with my session. Don't forgot to share a picture of what makes you happy and comment below!

Timeline photos 03/09/2017

We're on day 2 of the 30 Day Self-Care Challenge. How are you doing? I want to hear from you! Learning to put yourself first is not always easy, so we're here to support each other over the next 30 days. What did you write down that you love about yourself on day 1? I love that I have chosen to move past my life lessons to help others. Today's part of the challenge included watching a YouTube video of something that you've always wanted to learn. My choice was a YouTube video on learning to use your intuition! I'm waiting to hear from you!

Timeline photos 01/09/2017

Self–Care Awareness Month in September is a time to remind us that taking care of ourselves, first and foremost, is essential. Self-care is often neglected in our everyday lives. We all tend to put others needs before our own and it is crucial to remember, that we cannot fill another’s cup from our own empty vessel. While getting a massage or taking a walk are beautiful examples of taking time for our well-being, self-care can be more expansive than that.

Self-care knows no boundaries. It is something that everyone, without any exclusions, can benefit from practicing on a daily basis. True self-care is not self-centered nor selfish; it is simply keeping yourself the focus of your own life. It’s about paying attention to how you feel in each moment, communicating clearly, speaking up for yourself and saying yes or no…guilt free.

Timeline photos 01/09/2017

September marks the beginning of fall, a season that shows us how beautiful change can be. It's a time to embrace the changes in your life and find the beauty in it. The uncomfortable heat of the summer in your life may have been a struggle but the fall is when things cool down and changes happen quickly. It's a time to be mindful of the thoughts and energy that you put out into the universe because things will start to manifest at a faster rate! The time for struggling is over. Abundance is on the horizon! I wholeheartedly welcome this new season and I'm excited for what's to come.

Timeline photos 26/08/2017

Think about what makes you genuinely happy. Do you know what that is? Let us know below.

Timeline photos 25/08/2017

Are you ready to move from surviving to thriving? Have you experienced a major life change or are you ready to make major changes in your life? TRANSFORM is a 12 week group course to guide you on your journey to clear blocks in every area of your life. This program provides the tools, support and resources for you to set and achieve your goals, move towards wellness and balance and overcome negative patterns. Transform addresses transforming ALL major areas of your life: Health & Fitness, Relationships & Family, Career & Performance, Self-Development & Spirituality. Contact me at [email protected] or go to to find out more before the program begins on September 7th!

Timeline photos 25/08/2017

Your heart chakra is about deep, unconditional love. The love of creation itself. Forgiveness is essential in balancing this energy center as it is a gateway for all the others.

See the beauty in you, feel love and forgiveness there first and it will radiate outward into your experience.

You can enhance your affirmation experience by holding on to a rose quartz crystal and using a few drops of rose essential oils.

Timeline photos 23/08/2017

Happiness is something that can be found in each of us. Sometimes life doesn't seem to be going in the right direction and we look outside at other people or circumstances as the reason. Your mindset can be the biggest obstacle that you need to overcome. Click the link in my bio to download my free e-book to start on your path to changing your mindset

Timeline photos 23/08/2017

Although a lack of self-love can stem from an imbalance in various chakras, my focus over the next few weeks will be on the heart chakra. Check out the new blog post to find out more.

Videos (show all)

So many of us are learning to love ourselves in adulthood. It's so important to instill the importance of self love from...