Lien MOMS Link, Postpartum Depression Support

Lien MOMS Link, Postpartum Depression Support

Postpartum Depression Support for Mothers/ Mères qui Offrent Mentorat et Soutien

Lien MOMSLink is a service concept developed by a team of researchers led by Dr. Nicole Letourneau from the University of Calgary. In early 2016 Sykes Assistance Services Coorporation agreed to help market the program so that organizations across Canada can implement this marvelous support for women suffering from Postpartum Depression. We would love to support organizations that would like to imp

Navigating the chaos to find joy in motherhood. 02/08/2018

Another way to get the support you need

Navigating the chaos to find joy in motherhood. 1 year after having a stillbirth (twin boys) I delivered a perfectly healthy, much anticipated and totally loved baby girl. I was instantly in love


Be today

Erin Schryer and Nicole Letourneau: Including the family is critical to children’s literacy education 06/03/2018

Erin Schryer and Nicole Letourneau: Including the family is critical to children’s literacy education In Canada, two out of five adults — that’s nearly nine million people — cannot read well enough to perform everyday tasks. Reading difficulties start early. It is very well established that childre…


This is just one day of the year and it is not nearly enough. However, on this day let's remind everyone that mental health is everyone's business. So and repeat for another 364 days.

Jill Chappell – keynote speaker at a Women & Wellness event | Watch News Videos Online 25/01/2018

Thanks again for sharing your story

Jill Chappell – keynote speaker at a Women & Wellness event | Watch News Videos Online Watch Jill Chappell – keynote speaker at a Women & Wellness event Video Online, on

Chappell to address struggles with post-partum depression during Truro Women & Wellness event | Truro Daily News 19/01/2018

“I was getting the boys up and getting to work on time, but I was feeling overwhelmed with emotion. There were a lot of feelings of rage, and that wasn’t typical for me. There were also a lot of tears.”

Chappell to address struggles with post-partum depression during Truro Women & Wellness event | Truro Daily News TRURO, N.S. – As a first-time parent, caring for twins, Jill Chappell expected to be busy and a little tired, but she gradually began to realize there was something more going on. Last year, she was diagnosed with post-partum depression and

A physician lurked on Facebook mom groups. Here's what she found. 11/01/2018

Have a read. A physician's perspective on women's online communities and what they tell us about the relationship between moms and their physician providers...

A physician lurked on Facebook mom groups. Here's what she found. In my off time, as a mom and a physician, I spend a decent amount of time lurking in a rather strange environment, even for the internet.

New texting service partnership with Crisis Text Line | Kids Help Phone 11/01/2018

Kids Help Phone partners with Crisis Text Line to deliver the first free texting support service for young people across Canada later this year.

New texting service partnership with Crisis Text Line | Kids Help Phone Kids Help Phone is excited to announce our service partnership with Crisis Text Line to deliver the first free texting support service for young people across Canada later this year.


a good start

Singing 'can help post-natal depression' 10/01/2018

Music can help improve your mood! New research is now showing the impact of music in helping moms deal with the problems associated with postpartum depression.

Singing 'can help post-natal depression' Mothers in group singing sessions with babies have faster improvement in symptoms, a study suggests.


Its not perfect, its a work in progress, but the work is worth it.

6 Things to Avoid if You Have Postpartum Depression or Anxiety 13/11/2017

What do scary movies, thought monkeys and procrastinating have in common? They're just a few things to avoid while living with PPD & PPA.

6 Things to Avoid if You Have Postpartum Depression or Anxiety Hint: That doctor drama? It's not helping.

New study reveals which factors could be increasing the risk of postpartum depression 01/11/2017

Check your sources! While it's great to have new information on PPD, please read carefully. The article below talks about "correlation," which should not be confused with cause and effect. Stay informed and read with a critical eye even if an article comes from recognized experts from credible institutions.

New study reveals which factors could be increasing the risk of postpartum depression New U.S. research has revealed some of the factors that could be influencing the risk of postpartum depression (PPD), including giving birth in fall or summer, not having anesthesia, and delivering babies earlier in pregnancy.


Are you in Ontario and expecting? Check out this latest blog post from "Life With a Baby."

Life With A Baby - What to Expect When You’re Expecting (to Take a Leave of Absence from Work) We are a network of parents who help each other by sharing experiences, organizing activities such as workshops and seminars, play dates, field trips, stroller walks, parenting classes and much more! Best of all it’s FREE!!! Raising a baby is a wonderful experience, but it’s also a challenge. Our un...


MOMSLink making an appearance in the Globe and Mail.

"For instance, a New Brunswick pilot project offered 12 weeks of peer support to women with postpartum depression. At the end of the program, only 12 per cent were still depressed"

How bias in mental health care hurts women, from the lab to the medicine cabinet Women end up in care more often than men and research on how drugs affect female patients is less robust, but the exact influence of s*x and gender on mental health is a relatively new area of study

Scientific Parenting: What Science Reveals About Parental Influence 31/10/2017

A great resource for parents and providers alike. "Scientific Parenting" by Dr. Nicole Letourneau with Justin Joshko.

Combining the expertise of its author – a celebrated expert in parent-infant mental health and mother of two – with the latest findings in gene-by-environment interactions, epigenetics, behavioural science, and attachment theory, Scientific Parenting describes how children’s genes determine their sensitivity to good or bad parenting, how environmental cues can switch critical genes on or off, and how addictive tendencies and mental health problems can become hardwired into the human brain.

The book traces conditions as diverse as heart disease, obesity, and depression to their origins in early childhood. It brings readers to the frontier of developmental research, unlocking the fascinating scientific discoveries currently hidden away in academic tomes and scholarly journals. Above all, Scientific Parenting explains why parenting really matters and how parents’ smallest actions can transform their children’s lives.

Scientific Parenting: What Science Reveals About Parental Influence Scientific Parenting: What Science Reveals About Parental Influence

Quality of breastfeeding support impacts moms' mental health, study shows | UToday | University of Calgary 01/09/2016

Quality of breastfeeding support impacts moms' mental health, study shows

Quality of breastfeeding support impacts moms' mental health, study shows | UToday | University of Calgary


"The non-judgmental support mothers receive is key, says Letourneau. “Peer volunteers understand what depressed mothers are going through, offer hope and guidance in a non-stigmatizing way.”

Help is just a call away for mothers with postpartum depression | UToday | University of Calgary Nicole Letourneau, professor and Norlien/ACHF Chair in Parent-Infant Mental Health in the Faculty of Nursing researched an intervention for maternal depression.

Timeline photos 31/08/2016

“One of the consequences of postpartum depression is that it affects the child, not because of the symptoms per se, but because of how moms interact with their child. Moms are less sensitive and responsive, they don’t have the necessary serve and return interactions with their child. We believe that’s the reason why the child’s development is affected.”

