

Guiding Seekers to Fulfillment that Lasts!

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 10/03/2024

Use when booking your Empowerment Session!

Together, we will address a topic that is bringing suffering, so that you can experience freedom & fulfillment directly. 💙


What does freedom mean to YOU, from 1-5? 👇

Would LOVE to hear, especially if you have your own definition... 😘🙏


‘In creating a God out there, we have forgotten the power that lies dormant within us.

As long as man believes in God outside himself, the frequency of our planet will remain at the level of the 19th Shadow - Co-dependence!

The vibration of human suffering depends upon existence of a separate authority of a higher frequency than us. This is the ultimate definition of what it means to be a victim.’

19th Gene Key - CoDependence | Sensitivity | Sacrifice

Receive your own Gene Keys reading and see where you, yourself, are still playing the Victim and giving your power away.

Link in bio 💙🙏✨

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 29/02/2024

✨Why rock the boat? Poem by Sasha Nova.✨

Why do trees grow?
Why do birds fly?
Why does fire burn?
Why does water flow?

Why rock the boat?
You casually ask.
I say 'look up',
And feel into dusk.

We grow, we evolve.
But one thing stays true.
The calls of our heart,
Move boats into blue.

Blue water it flows.
Red fire it burns.
Our spirit explores.
As Life itself yearns.

💙Hope this poem can inspire YOU to never ignore the callings of your heart.
To explore the unknown.
To try new things.
To fail.
To get up and try again.
To fly. To heal. And to fully love and feel!

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 29/02/2024

We are past the culture of Fakeness and Superficiality. (At least in my version of reality 😜)

* We want realness and authenticity.

* We want to feel the humanity in each other, just as much as we want to be seen for our own!

* We want to be connected with a tribe of people who truly gets us and is there for us.

* We want to be serving with our true innate gifts and to be recognized in that service.

* We want to be accepted for the wholeness of who we are - not just the ‘pretty and acceptable’.

✨The secret - FIRST leading ourselves into this truth and embodiment. The others will follow.✨

If you want help in cultivating this, reach out. This is my gift and service to the Whole.

In Service to Life,
Sasha Nova 💙

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 26/02/2024

A secret to freedom 👇

In ‘awakening’ you are not adding anything to yourself, you are subtracting everything that is not YOU!

You are not your thoughts
You are not your emotions.
You are not your sensations.

✨You are the presence beneath, before and beyond your nervous system, your story, your life circumstances and how other people perceive you.✨

Have you ever consciously connected with your presence?

Share with me below 👇


As children, we are naturally wholehearted (we have not been 'socialized' yet).

But as we 'grow up', we lose this quality and become half-hearted:

* Maybe we ignore signs of fatigue and push through without proper rest.

* Maybe we hold back emotions or intimacy in relationships to avoid vulnerability.

* Maybe we stay in unfulfilling jobs for financial security rather than pursuing passion or purpose.

✨On the Beauty Way, we practice cultivating wholeheartedness to authentically engage with life, connect deeply with ourselves and others, and experience boundless joy by living true to ourselves. ✨

Wholeheartedness is wholeness
is truth
is beauty
is love.

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 22/02/2024

🦚 Peacock’s sense of worth does not come from others - and it does not come from its tail.

Peacock’s worth and unwavering sense of Self come from deep within. 🦚

Join me on an exploration of tapping into this deep worthiness and comment ‘truth’ below 💙

Image Credit: Stephen Miller


We will be exploring this potent throughout this account.

✨So that you have consistent and reliable access to true freedom & fulfillment that lasts.✨

Like and follow if this interests you 💙

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 22/02/2024

'We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.'
~ Albert Einstein

So you can't use the same consciousness that creates suffering to 'solve it'.

Suffering can only be 'solved' by choosing Freedom.

✨Which is only a one step process, that is available to us all, anytime, for free...✨

Follow me and comment 💙 if you'd like to find out that one step.

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 22/02/2024

🫣 If you believe that you will find ever lasting fulfilment from something outside of yourself, something external, then you are bound to discover disappointment upon dissapointment.

Any external calling is simply there to allow you the experience of Experiencing Yourself - the YOU that you already are.

Your body is that relationship - who am I in this body?

Your marriage is that relationship - who am I with this person.

Your career is that relationship - who am I within the world at large.

Your kids are that relationship - who am I as a mother/father?

Your creativity is that relationship - who am I as an artist?

It always comes back to Who Am I?


✨How do I want to express Myself into all these relationships/circumstances.✨

Not - will I find myself there?
Not - will I finally feel worthy if I have that thing/prove or improve myself?
Not - will it add something to the ME that already exists?

The You that you already are.
Whole and complete.
Human and divine.
Change and changeless.
Paradox and unity.

Photos from SashaNova.Life's post 22/02/2024

✨Energy Healing was a modality that 'woke me up', but 'this' is what keeps me there... 👇

In my mid twenties I was looking for alternative ways to heal my chronic gut issues, after 'conventional medicine' failed me...

❤ In 2017, I was guided to a powerful Reiki teacher who recognized my innate talent for not only receiving in this way, but also facilitating...

❤ Then in 2019, the next perfect teacher showed up. She said 'You don't need Reiki symbols or any other system to do healing - you are that!'. I had an ego death for 2 weeks, then set on a journey to develop my own system...

❤ Then, as 2020 hit, came a teacher who grounded me into my humanness and wholeness to such an extend, that made energy work seem as only a fraction of what I'm here to really share with the world.

🦋Welcome to this page to find out what that is - a State of Wholeness and Completeness that is beyond modalities and nervous system regulation.

Super excited to be sharing this with YOU!


Anyone who is ready to deeply connect with their personal truth, this is for you.

Anyone who may be lost to their truth, this path may prove to be very beneficial for you too.

Anyone who is ready to own the f*ck out of their embodiment as wholeness, welcome!

This will be juuuuuicy 😉


The deepest truth that will set you free. 💙
