Bikash Jung Karki

Bikash Jung Karki

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Bikash Jung Karki, Entrepreneur, .


उच्चशिक्षा हासिल गर्न बिदेश गएको नेपाली विद्यार्थीले ६ महिनामा गाडी किन्न सक्ने हुन्छ । दुई बर्षमा फ्ल्याट किन्न सक्ने हुन्छ । बिवाहितको हकमा श्रीमती/ श्रीमान् लाई लैजान्छ । ३ बर्षमा बुवाआमा बोलाउँछ । तिन बर्षमै चमत्कारीक ढङ्गबाट भविष्य सुरक्षीत गर्न भ्याँउछ । बिचरा त्यहाँ न बा को पैत्रीक सम्पत्ति थियो, न मामाघर थियो, न त ससुराली नै थियो । त्यो देश न उसको जन्मभूमि हो न त्यहाँको नागरिक नै । सबै पराई भएर पनि सबै सम्भव भयो । कसरी ? यसको बैज्ञानिक र तर्कसंगत उत्तर खोज्ने हो भने बल्ल नेपाल बन्छ ।

उता काम गर्न सक्ने युवा उमेरलाई सम्पत्ति मानिने भएर होला, काम गर्ने इच्छाशक्ति र श्रमशक्तिलाई सम्पत्ति मान्ने भएर त होला पार्ट टाईम, प्राइभेट नोकरीको आम्दानीलाई (आम्दानी कर तिरेका )आधार बनाएर बैंक मार्फत लगानी र व्यवस्थापन गर्ने बिधिका कारण नागरिकले आफ्नो भबिष्य सुरक्षित भएको महसुस गर्न पाँउछन् ।
तर यहाँ न काम गर्ने उमेर सम्पत्ति बन्यो, न काम गर्ने इच्छाशक्ति सम्पत्ति बन्यो, न श्रम सम्पत्ति बन्न सक्यो । सम्पत्तिको परिभाषा र नीति केवल जग्गाजमिन हो भन्ने बनाईयो । जसरी पनि जग्गाजमिन आफ्नो नाममा बनाउनुपर्छ भन्ने नीति र चिन्तनले सुकुम्बासी समस्या घटेन बरु सुकुम्बासीका नाममा हुकुम्बासी समस्या थपियो । उद्यम,उत्पादन,इलम कहिल्यै प्राथमिकतामा परेन। यसैको उपज श्रम अपमानित भयो, काम गर्न चाहने जनशक्ति खेर गयो, काम गर्ने इच्छा मर्‍यो, उसको सपना मर्‍यो । उत्पादन भएन आयात बढ्यो, उद्योग चलेन व्यापार सकियो, रोजगारी मर्‍यो बेरोजगारी बढ्यो आम्दानी मर्‍यो ऋण बढ्यो । त्यसैले सम्पत्तिको परिभाषा र नीति फेर्नुपर्छ । मरेको सपना व्युँताउने हो भने काम गर्ने उमेर, काम गर्ने इच्छाशक्ति, काम गर्ने नवीन सोच र योग्यतालाई सम्पत्तिको परिभाषा भित्र समेटेर लगानी गर्न सक्नुपर्छ अन्यथा गरिव त गरिव नै हुनेछन् धनी पनि गरिव हुनेछन् ।


What is wrong with the taxation system in Nepal?

Let me share a case.
If your income is 50 lakhs this year,.
You roughly pay around 30% of your income as tax. i.e. 15 lakhs.
Suppose you lose your job or business next year.
Your income will be "0.”.
And you will get zero benefits from the government.

We don’t send our kids to government schools because the quality of education is poor.
We don’t have treatment in public hospitals because health services are poor.
We don’t have free public transportation for travel.

Therefore, there is no safety for people after paying taxes.
That causes a lot of stress, pressure, and feelings of injustice.

That’s why no one gives a s**t about paying taxes in Nepal.


Many business owners don't own a business.

They own a job....

They are self-employed.

👉They are the ones who seek all the opportunities.
👉They are the ones who deal with all the challenges.
👉They are the ones who are in charge of all the operational work.

✍️Every problem comes to them.
✍️Every decision comes to them.
✍️Every customer comes to them.

It's an incredibly stressful, stressful and mean way to spend your time.

Delegation, hiring, and leadership is the only way out.

Developing staff, strategy and system is the solution.


90 per cent of business success depends on the following:

✍️ Build a sustainable business.

✍️ Execute great strategy.

✍️ Build the Right system.

✍️ Play long-term game.

✍️ Hire great people.

✍️ Learn daily.

✍️ Have fun.


A wise man once said :
"Don't be afraid to start over again. This time, you are not starting from scratch. You are starting from experience."


5 types of toxic people to avoid:

1) The Energy Drainer:

You feel tense and uneasy after each interaction with them.

2) The Pessimist:

They have a negative outlook of the world.
Always try to talk you out of your dreams.

3) The Criticizer:

They don't support you in your decisions.
They criticize every move you make.
They make you feel like you can't do anything right.

4) The Manipulator:

They try to control everything.

Pretend to like you and other people.
But they just want to make every decision for themselves and others.

5) The Victim:

They blame others for their misfortune.
Constantly seek attention from others.
Talk mostly about their excuse for failing.
