

Northwatch is the regional coalition of environmental and citizen organizations and individual members in northeastern Ontario.

Northwatch is a regional coalition of environmental and social organizations in northeastern Ontario.


MATACHEWAN (31.7 KM). Canadian Gold Miner Corp. is requesting a mineral exploration permit (PR-24-000141) in the MISSINAIBI RIVER AND MATTAGAMI RIVER watershed. The downstream First Nation communities are MOOSE CREE. If you are concerned about mineral exploration in this area, provide a comment on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO Notice: 019-8897) before August 03, 2024 or contact the ministry representative (Matt Krukowski, [email protected]) directly.

The Ontario Mineral Tracker was created by Wildlife Conservation Society Canada to make it easier for people to know about mineral exploration that is happening – and to make it easier for people to make their voice heard if mining activity is not wanted. We also have other resources about ways to oppose unwanted mining activity:


July 2. 6:12 pm "nasty smell and grey haze over bayview" (AJ)


Kristan Straub, chief executive officer of Wyloo Metals, Canada, will be this Thursday's guest on Mushkegowuk Lands & Resources weekly simulcast which will air live on Wawatay Radio and be live streamed here on this page.

Photos from Northwatch's post 08/07/2024

A great weekend at Mariposa Festival's community village talking with people about the nuclear industry's ambition to transport, process, bury and then abandon all of Canada's high-level radioactive waste in a single location (the NWMO says they will choose between the Teeswater site in southwestern Ontario and the Revell site in northwestern Ontario this year).


It's been a good year!
-We celebrated saving the LU greenspace from the threat of being sold, and are working towards long-term protection
-Our Pollinate Sudbury project planted 275 native pollinator plants and 5 new pollinator gardens; held 3 workshops and 3 plant ID walks; and involved 148 community members, 15 community organizations, and two First Nations.
-We funded 19 grassroots community projects through Project Impact.
-We shared ‘Don’t Kill the Buzz’ resources to help protect pollinators and aquatic life.
-We brought community together at ‘Imagining the Future We Want to Live In’
-We worked in community with many collaborations
-We had some ups and downs in our advocacy goals

See more at

Read our annual report at

Make a donation to support our work for the coming year:


Looking for positive news???? Have we got a webinar for you! Clean North chair Bill Cole (at right in photo) is giving a talk on all the cool things our volunteers have done and are doing to help green our world and fight climate change. Time/date: June 26 at 7:30 pm. Come and be inspired! Register via or follow Linktree in our link in bio.

Seniors for Climate | Seniors for Climate Action Now 25/06/2024

October 1 is Seniors’ Day, and Seniors for Climate has big plans that go beyond helping a senior cross the street. Seniors’ groups across Canada are organizing events that will make governments sit up and take notice. Northwatch is a hub for Northeastern Ontario. Read more at

Seniors for Climate | Seniors for Climate Action Now Seniors for ClimateThe May 28 launch of Seniors for Climate attracted nearly 320 participants who were eager to learn about the plans for a Canada-wide Day for Climate Action on October 1, 2024. The webinar provided a very informative overview of the many opportunities for seniors to make a profound...

Nuclear Free North e-news | Ignace signs Agreement, First Nation Opposition, Municipal Resoutions, Downstream Communities Speak Out 18/06/2024

Check out yesterday's e-news from We the Nuclear Free North.

Nuclear Free North e-news | Ignace signs Agreement, First Nation Opposition, Municipal Resoutions, Downstream Communities Speak Out Spring e-News from We the Nuclear Free North


Come out for a PFAS information session at Memorial Gardens in North Bay on June 20, 2024 co-hosted by the Department of National Defence and the City of North Bay "to share the latest updates on our efforts to address polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) in North Bay". The session will run from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. with presentations at 4 and 6.

PFAS is a class of contaminants known as "the forever chemicals" because they will take hundreds if not thousands of years to disappear from the soil and groundwater where they accumulate. Studies demonstrate links to several cancers and toxicity to reproduction and the immune system. Lees Creek and Trout Lake are contaminated with PFAS.

For more information visit

Sault firefighters first in Canada to receive new, safer gear 10/05/2024

Sault fire service is the first in the country to switch to new PFAS-free gear

Sault firefighters first in Canada to receive new, safer gear City council approved purchase of new coats and pants that are free of cancer-causing chemicals — and unveiled just one day after local firefighters battled huge fire downtown


Don't miss it! Sign the petition about nuclear waste transportation and burial. Go to

Home - Biinaagami 27/04/2024

Check out the great resources and interactive map of the Great Lakes watersheds created by Biinaagami. Visit

Home - Biinaagami Biinaagami is a change-provoking initiative, dedicated to sharing the stories of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence watershed and inspiring people to take action to restore and protect the lands and waters.


Just one week before the We the Nuclear Free North petition closes! Sign and share before mid-day on Friday, May 3rd at


Celebrate Earth Day by taking action. Sign the petition about nuclear waste transportation and burial, online at Then send a note to your member of parliament and to family and friends, letting them know you've signed and inviting them to do the same.


Northwatch is joining our colleagues in the Northwest, with an exhibit and panel presentation in at the NWMO sponsored "nuclear forum" in Ignace Friday and Saturday, a community meeting in Dryden on Sunday and a deputation to Ignace council on Monday.

Informed and Unwilling: Events in Ignace and Dryden April 12-15 The Township of Ignace is hosting a two day forum, featuring exhibits and speakers, largely in support of the NWMO's project. But not all! We the Nuclear Free North, Northwatch, Environment North and No Nuclear Waste in Northwestern Ontario will all have information tables and displays Friday and Sa...

Let’s TRIPLE Wind and Solar Power in Ontario by 2035! - Ontario Clean Air Alliance 08/04/2024

Northwatch has joined with fifty other organizations across the province calling on Ontario to triple wind and solar power.

Let’s TRIPLE Wind and Solar Power in Ontario by 2035! - Ontario Clean Air Alliance


We have seen the future and it is awesome. Join us on Earth Day. We have listened to the experts and we are cooperating. This is us Canada. Polite and cooperative. Everyone is welcome. Especially looking for schools and politicians to join us. #/registration


Thanks to the people of North Bay for turning out for a full house meeting about PFAS contamination in Lees Creek and Trout Lake, and thanks to the excellent line up of speakers and to all for very good discussion. Stay tuned: the City of North Bay has committed to a public meeting in the late spring where we'll hear from the City and DND.
BayToday provided good coverage of Wednesday's meeting at baytoday(dot)ca.


SAVE THE DATE: Come celebrate Earth Day with us again this year, Monday, April 22, 3:30-5:30 at the Main Library. Songs, activities, and Project Impact results announcement.


Join us in calling upon the Government of Canada to require the Nuclear Waste Management Organization to demonstrate that it has the consent of residents and communities before selecting a site in which the NWMO proposes to bury and then abandon all of Canada's high-level nuclear waste. Take a minutes and sign it today!


Thanks to CBC for today's coverage of PFAS contamination in North Bay (too bad META won't let us share Canadian news). To read the story, copy and paste "North Bay, Ont., and DND move to remediate 'forever chemicals' site that contaminated drinking water" into google and it will come up. It's worth the search!

In $20M project, DND and North Bay, Ont., to remediate 'forever chemicals' site that tainted drinking water | CBC News 18/03/2024

Thanks to CBC for today's coverage of PFAS contamination in North Bay (too bad META won't let us share Canadian news).

In $20M project, DND and North Bay, Ont., to remediate 'forever chemicals' site that tainted drinking water | CBC News The City of North Bay, Ont., and the Department of National Defence (DND) are set to begin a $20-million project this spring to remediate a site contaminated with PFAS — often referred to as "forever chemicals."

PFAS in Locally Caught Fish: Threats to Health & Environmental Justice | ACAT 01/02/2024

Given the PFAS contamination of Lees Creek and Delaney Bay (the City of North Bay's drinking water source) this webinar by CHE-Alaska about PFAS contamination in freshwater fish will be of interest to residents in North Bay and area.

PFAS in Locally Caught Fish: Threats to Health & Environmental Justice | ACAT Efforts to address PFAS contamination have been primarily directed at exposure from drinking water. However, a recent study by the EWG found substantially higher PFAS levels in locally caught freshwater fish.

MEDIA RELEASE: Ford Government Issues Blank Cheque for Nuclear Power, Shows Reckless Disregard for Nuclear Waste Generation 30/01/2024

Northwatch has charged the provincial government with having a reckless disregard for the radioactive wastes that will be generated as a result of the refurbishment of 4 reactors at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, announced today. Northwatch commented that there was not a single word of acknowledgement that this refurbishment will generate large volumes of high-level radioactive waste which will require care and containment into the far, far future and that while the Mayor of Pickering professed that his municipality is a willing host for the refurbishment project, but there is no willing host for the wastes it will generate.

MEDIA RELEASE: Ford Government Issues Blank Cheque for Nuclear Power, Shows Reckless Disregard for Nuclear Waste Generation North Bay – Today’s announcement to refurbish four reactors at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station is being heralded as a colossal failure in governance by groups concerned about the large volume of highly radioactive wastes that will be generated.


Mushkegowuk Council will hold an information session about Omushkego-led efforts to protect Weeneebeg and Washaybeyoh, Jan. 31 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Best Western in North Bay. This is designed for urban residents from Mushkegowuk communities but others are welcome to come and learn.

Attention all urban members of James Bay communities in North Bay. Join us for this information session to learn more about Omushkego-led efforts to protect Weeneebeg and Washaybeyoh, Jan. 31 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Best Western in North Bay. There will be complimentary coffee, tea and snacks. Mushkegowuk Council will be joined by friends at Wildlands League and National Audubon Society.
