Evoke Magick

Evoke Magick

Evoke Magick. Every Day.


Yuletide Greetings ⭐ From Evoke Magick - https://mailchi.mp/df8ae64a8f63/yuletide-greetings-from-evoke-magick


I have appointments available this coming week on Monday and Friday. Book in online at the link in my bio. I would be honoured to hold space for you and help you relax, release and replenish your energy 🤍 www.evokemagick.com


Reiki sessions now available Mondays and Fridays in East Van. Book online (link in bio).

What is reiki?
Reiki is a tool to help your body return to its highest energetic self. We are all beings of energy and have an energetic system that needs clearing and updating.

What can reiki do for you?
Reiki can help you to experience deep relaxation, reduced stress, greater clarity and connection to self. It is gentle, subtle and safe. Reiki can help balance well-being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

What does a session involve?
A reiki session is roughly 60 minutes. We will have a brief chat and you will then lay on the table, fully clothed. Wear something comfortable. I will test your chakras with my pendulum and begin the session with a few deep cycles of breath. From there, all you need to do is relax. I will work from head to toe, holding my hands in different positions for a few minutes at a time.

What does it feel like?
Reiki can feel different to everyone. When receiving reiki energy, you may feel: hot or cold sensations, colour visuals in your mind, tingling, a need to deeply sigh or yawn, a sense of peace or calm, an acute awareness of certain parts of the body being “worked” on, sleepiness, you may not feel it at all.

Photos from Evoke Magick's post 28/09/2023

I’ve added some beautiful raw amethyst pieces to the shop. Amethyst’s calming presence can bring restful sleep or focused intuitive clarity to the holder. It is an all purpose crystal, both powerful and protective. ✨💜 link in bio!


Reiki Appointments Available:
Monday, OCTOBER 2
Book online, link in bio! ✨


In-person appointments are back! Come see me in East Vancouver if you’re in need of an energetic tune up, or some relaxation. 60 minutes sessions available - book online, link in bio ✨

Shop — Evoke Magick 19/09/2023


Updating my shop with weird and wonderful crystals! Have a look 😊

Shop — Evoke Magick


Taking a quiet moment after such an amazing day spent levelling up my reiki practice. Thank you so much to for such a fulfilling experience. I am so excited to incorporate what I’ve learned into my practice to make your reiki experience the best it can be! 🖤✨🤍




I want my body to rot.
Loose skin and sagging breasts
lips thinned by the years of laughter
every line untucked and carved deep.
I want to be so wrinkled and withered
that the AI can’t even identify a face
to smooth and plump
and your $86 serum drowns itself
in my crow’s feet.

My divine feminine doesn’t need
jade eggs or goddess codes
she doesn’t need to up-level
her mind, body or or***ms
by finally investing
in your five figure quantum transmissions
or finding a man to surrender to.
She’s an old hag
her v***a sagging to her knees
Baba Yaga
lighting your way
with a burning skull.
She’s the dirt between your toes
the thunder clapping on a July afternoon
the ocean breaking on your thighs.
She’s singing 90s R&B
with the volume all the way up
while going 90 on the highway.

I want my belly soft and supple
full from an appetite satiated
by giant bowls of pasta
Sunday morning lovin’
long naps in the afternoon
choosing a slow burn
over hustle
every time.
I want my success measured
in joy and rest and pleasure
in how well I protect my peace
and how much I savored
the small moments.

I am the wildflowers and weeds
fu***ng up the clean edges
of your manicured lawn.
I am a raging maiden
the mother who birthed all of creation
a crone witch cackling at the audacity
of being a dangerous old woman
and loving it.
I am Lilith crashing your dinner party
with an apple pie
after you invited Eve
to wash your dishes.

When I die
I want my body to rot.
Let me be good meat
for the vultures
until I am nothing but
bone and memory
and grind me down
into an ancestor of the land.
I want to melt back into the dirt
that gets stuck under your nails
and muddies your feet
good soil for the next harvest.
I want mycelium sprouting from my decay
feeding the oaks and ash
and psychedelic epiphanies.
I want to dissolve
back down
into everything
and nothing
all at once.

~ Gina Puorro : https://ginapuorro.com: Gina M. Puorro - Writer

[Photo of Ellen Jordano by Phillippe Vogelenzang]
The Cosmic Dancer


When you think you have surrendered enough...surrender more.💥

Say this with me: I let go of my need to control and allow the Universe to do her thing.

Beautiful artwork by 🤍


I call it "Soul-Inspired Action" when we take the steps to align ourselves with what we desire to manifest. ✨⚡️




Taking a quiet moment before we begin…. ✨
My personal reiki practice consists of a daily meditation called hatsurei-ho. This practice helps me strengthen my connection to the flow of reiki energy. With a strong personal practice of my own, I can better facilitate for you 🖤DM to book your session.


Full Moon in Cancer 🌕 🦀 No wonder I haven't been sleeping 😂


Out with the old & in with the new! It's time to feel free in '23!! But first, this week brings FEELINGS! TEARS! RELEASE at a deep level and lots of dreamy, COZY VIBES too!!

Here are some easy to embrace these energies this week:

-CLEAN your home like Oprah is comin' over! 😉 Create a clean slate for your CHINESE NEW YEAR FENG SHUI!!

-Bake, cuddle, play with animals, light candles, have a movie night with your fluffiest blanket--do things this week that amplify the cozy vibes and give you a sense of HOME

-Add a touch of the WATER ELEMENT to boost opportunities, increase wealth, foster career growth & tap you into a sense of ease & FLOW

-Check your home for LEAKS! Even a small drip can leak away money, opportunities and vitality!

-FAMILY is a big focus this week {especially your relationship with your Mama!}. Add a healthy green plant or imagery of a thriving tree to your Family life area of your home (middle left 1/3 of your space, when standing at the architecturally intended front door looking in) to boost FAMILY HARMONY!

-It's an INTENSE Full Moon. Allow yourself to feel all of your feelings. Watch out for emotional overwhelm, cloudy thinking, fear, lack of trust, fatigue and lack of faith in yourself. Move your body and cry to allow the energy to pass through


-Balance your EMOTIONAL BODY with baths, crying, movement, extra sleep and lots of water!

-Pay attention to your DREAMS, signs & synchronicities! It's a highly INTUITIVE time. Tap in and ask for guidance!

-SLOW DOWN, retreat and make time to be still. Create a sense of INNER CALM through meditation, yoga, a meandering walk, journaling or long soaks in the bath!


-Find ONE THING in your home that lowers your energy, reminds you of a hard time or symbolizes lack/sadness/making due (could be anything from old love letters to chipped dishes to art that makes you feel sad or indifferent)...and LET IT GO!

-Remember that you've OVERCOME ALL OBSTACLES up until this point in your life. You are more resilient than you know!

-Sprinkle sea salt or black sea salt at the threshold of your front door and your back door. Leave for 24 hours to soak up any negative vibes and then sweep it up and dispose of it in trash outside of your home

-Crystals to play with this week include: Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Selenite, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Apophyllite

-Essential Oils to diffuse for the Cancer Full Moon: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Sweet Orange, Rose, Lavender, Chamomile, Patchouli

-Affirmations to repeat this week: "I ask my Guides to do whatever is necessary to balance my life."; "I allow myself to be happy and at peace. All of my needs are fulfilled."' "I tap into the flow of infinite Abundance that is always available!"; "I trust the flow of life and I know that aligned opportunities are headed my way!"

May you LET IT GO & LET IT FLOW, knowing you are always headed towards brighter days ❤


Photos from Evoke Magick's post 31/12/2022

Card 1:
Two of swords
It’s okay not to know the answer. It’s okay to take counsel, too. The truth is in the trust. The knowing that you are supported in all ways. The ebb and flow of life, like the ocean’s waves or the breaths of the trees will show you what you need to do. You may have a difficult decision to make or you may be avoiding making a decision. Weigh your options and listen to the feedback of both head AND heart. Don’t put it off forever. When the blindfold is removed, you will see the situation for what it really is.

Card 2:
0. The Fool
The first step on the path of the unknown. You cannot untake this step. There are no redos. In uncertainty, the only way forward is one step at a time. With your bag on your back, your loyal companion by your side, encouraging you, you set off on your journey. You have everything you need. The number zero represents the unlimited potential in this card. The time is now, whether you are ready or not!

Card 3:
2 of wands
Here in the thorns, you must carve the path. No one else can do this for you. When you let go of fear, of doubt, you can reap rewards that you never even dreamed of. The adventure is soon to begin. Think of the globe in your hand as the literal world. It is all at your fingertips! You already know what you would like to manifest. Now, take your time to make a clear, concise plan. You need a plan of action before you set off on your journey. Be aware of all the ups and downs before you - the potential setbacks and the new opportunities. Set yourself up for success.


A New Year… ✨

“This winter moon is singing songs of ice and storm, and I, a weary witch without a dream, am taking to my cottage of stone. Here, may I meet those unseen Others who know me best, and may they drum the old year to death in a rhythm my deeper soul remembers. May they circle ‘round my haunted birthing bed and bid me breathe with the force of 10,000 northern winds as this new year crowns slowly from between my blood-wet thighs. May they bring me gifts of snakeskin, antler, and wolf bone and tell me tales of holy stars and midnight wandering. May they tend the fire while I labor long into the night, and may they bear witness to this, my initiation as myth-dweller, my wilder resolutions:
This new year, I invite the disciplined devotion of the fire-keeper and the elegant wonder of the bone-witch to step into this holy shell of a heathen body and animate my next dance around that god-star we call sun. I will sing more and tiptoe less. I resolve to be delighted and dazzled by the wild dawn, by the rogue simplicity of cloud-speak and the rebel birdsongs. I welcome innocence and awe to waltz with wisdom and belonging, and I shall build stone shrines for the quietly dying parts of this world. This year, this flame-tender’s year, I shall brew the thickest medicinal syrup out of my as-yet-unmet dreams, creaturely grief, and pagan gratitude. I lay to rest what was, and I welcome what comes. I drum skin back onto my bones and sing the blood to well and warm in my veins. When this dawning year takes its first breath, surely, I will be ready.”
From “Birth Ritual of the Winter Hag” and “Resolutions of the Flame-Tending Bone-Witch” on The House of the Hag (link to full articles in comments) 👁️



A ‘lil Yule blessing for you, friends:
May the longest night shroud you in an exquisite cloak woven from raven feathers, hope, wolf fur, and mistletoe, carefully stitched by a faithful, heathen crone who invites you to sit for a spell beside her solstice fire. May you find a midnight home there, steeped in clove-and-evergreen belonging, deep in the dark and holy womb where the yet-to-come is nested.

May she bid you bless the Yule log with your breath and a rosemary sprig, and may you bring her an offering of story in return, telling her of those quiet moments from the last year when joy found you and made you suddenly whole, when grief tenderized your rough and forgotten places, and when you woke with a mysterious childlike hope in your heart.
May she brew you a home-cooked remedy for your human aches from pine smoke, elder wisdom, and cinnamon, and may she sing you soft songs in a language some part of your ancient soul remembers. Together, may you dream each other into being one pagan prayer at a time, and may you make a memory so mighty it sets time and space to shake, setting the dream in motion with the primal pulse of new beginnings and infinite possibilities.”

Solstices and Equinoxes: 11 Ancient Stuctures Best Known for their Solar Alignment Phenomenon 20/12/2022


Solstices and Equinoxes: 11 Ancient Stuctures Best Known for their Solar Alignment Phenomenon In cultures around the globe, the promise of longer days has provided reason to celebrate for millennia. The winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, occurs when either of Earth's poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere (Northe


Happy Solstice 🥰

The more I learn about ancient civilizations, the more I enjoy and place emphasis on celebrating the solstices and equinoxes. The ancient sky watchers knew! There is power in these special days of celestial alignment. ☀️✨🌕


It's time to WELCOME THE LIGHT!! The Solstice is a powerful, EXPANSIVE portal that allows us to feel FULL OF LIFE & magnetic to blessings!

Choose a few that resonate {these tips work regardless of whether you're in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere! ;)}:

-Spend time in INTROSPECTION. Slow down, meditate, nap, journal or REFLECT on this past year. We can't set our destination for an amazing 2023 unless we honor where we are right now & reflect on what we truly desire

-LAUGH, smile & express more love. Play with animals, walk in nature, spend time with friends or just goof around and be LIGHTER

-Diffuse Evergreen, Pine, Sage, Palo Santo, Grapefruit or Sweet Orange essential oils to purify and uplift your space!

-SHINE LIKE THE SUN! Wear an outfit & gold or sparkly jewelry that makes you feel RADIANT and super confident!

-Eat dinner by CANDLELIGHT, linger and savor your meal with loved ones

-Do something for yourself today that brings you a sense of PURE JOY!!

-Move 27 things in your home. This simple tip will SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE and open up pathways of NEW POSSIBILITIES in 2023!! You can make subtle shifts with decorative items or rearrange furniture...the point is to move 27 items in your home to shake up any stagnancy and reinvigorate the energy + good vibes!

-Make orange pomades to invite GOOD FORTUNE & ABUNDANCE! Fill the skin of an orange with fresh cloves or diffuse sweet orange & clove essential oils OR place a bowl of mandarin oranges in your dining room to welcome MASSIVE PROSPERITY!

-Leave your front porch light on for 3 hours during the DAY to raise the vibration of your home & magnetize opportunities, health & abundance

-Light a newly purchased white candle (any size works, even a tea light!) and speak your intentions for 2023 out loud as you watch the flame burn.

-Decide what you are LEAVING BEHIND in 2022. What baggage/habit/toxic ties/limiting beliefs/outdated version of you are you letting go of as we move towards a new year?

-CELEBRATE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Honor everything that went right in 2022 and share gratitude for all of your success & awesomeness! You can even call a close friend and take turns having a BRAG session and celebrate each other!

-Take a SOLSTICE BATH! Add white flower petals, sage or bay leaves, milk or cream, chamomile or lavender essential oils, sea salt and citrine. Light lots of candles and soak for 18 minutes

-Start gathering INSPIRATION for your VISION BOARD!!

As a Solstice Blessing & expression of gratitude for each of you in the Feng Shui Family... use code HOLIDAY for 50 p*rcent off ALL of my Feng Shui services, e-courses & DIY Feng Shui guides on Podia! ❤

May the LIGHT + magic of this season permeate every area of your life!


I just heard say these words in a beautiful, short and sweet, angel meditation he posted. It was such a great reminder that we should aways lead with love - especially when we are stressed or facing challenges or difficulties in life. The solution lies in letting in more love.

Making decisions from a loving mindset instead of a fearful one

Setting boundaries from a place of love

Engaging in relationships (friends/family/partners) from a place of love instead of judgement or fear

These can ALL help to create the loving presence needed to manifest and live the life you desire. It’s about placing your trust in the Universe and the Angels and knowing that you are supported at all times. I am able to create an expansive life when I live from a place of love. When I find myself fearful, I make myself smaller, repel what I want and need, and feel less joy. Take a moment to breathe in love and breathe out fear. You’ve got this!


Oracle cards and Angel cards are one of my favourite ways to develop intuition and connect with the Universe. Some of my favourite decks are Rumi Oracle by Alana Fairchild and Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray. Do you use oracle/cards? Which decks are your favourite? ✨
📸: .mlln




Good morning! Happy Friday! Card of the day for today is the Platypus from Steven D. Farmer’s Animal Spirit Guides oracle deck.

Platypus reminds us to be grateful for what we have and focus on the best parts of our lives and stop the complaining! It just isn’t helpful. No matter what you are facing, your mindset matters. Where your attention goes, power flows. So shift your focus from negative thoughts to gratitude for the things you ARE content with.

What is something you are grateful for today?


Reiki is pulled by the recipient, not pushed by the practitioner. You only get what you need and what you can handle at one time.

Online booking available at www.somastudios.ca or DM to book.
Appointments available next week
📸: .mlln


Happy Halloween 👻 🌙


What does a reiki session feel like?

During your session I encourage you to relax and be open to the experience. There is nothing you *need* to be doing. You may feel deeply relaxed… somewhere between asleep and awake. Some clients have colourful thoughts, dreamlike thoughts, feel sensations of heat and/or cold or tingling. Regardless of what you have experienced during the session (even if you fall asleep!), the reiki is working it’s magick. I encourage everyone to take some time to relax afterwards and drink plenty of water. The reiki will continue to integrate for a few days after your session.
📸: .mlln


✨ What are you waiting for? ✨
So many of us spend our time worrying about what might be, instead of taking the first step and coming to know what actually is. Trust yourself and know that you are loved and cared for. The Universe will always provide what you need if you surrender control and trust it to do so.


A pendulum is one of my favourite reiki tools for a quick body scan at the beginning of your session. This gives me an idea of which chakras are open or closed and what areas may need some extra attention.
📸 .mlln


Many people imagine a reiki session with their practitioner hovering their hands above their body. My reiki practice (and many others) is actually mostly hands on. There are some times that I will hover hands, but not to worry, reiki is equally effective whether hands on or hands off!