Tianna Galgano - Dream Mastery Coach

Tianna Galgano - Dream Mastery Coach

http://tiannagalgano.com where you can find the Dream Decipher Process and Intuition Mastery to mas This system includes a process for Intuition Mastery.

Tianna has originated and developed a unique system for interpreting dreams. The Voice of Intuition (not the ego-mind) is then used to interpret all symbolism and metaphors. This process works not only on ALL nighttime dreams; it is also effective to understand the metaphors of daily life, such as accidents, bad situations, pain, illness and so on. Once you become familiar with tuning into your in


Pueblo only: Special for seniors. I'm attending a great, core strength exercise class for ladies 65 and older. "Aging Gracefully by Camila" at Level Up, now located in the Wake Up building next to Walter's Brewery on Onieda. (Off Main and D street near the River Walk). Walk in class at 10 am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, just $8. 3 more classes left in June. Restarts again in August.


At a Goddess gathering in Sedona. Coinciding with my birthday and the eclipse. Powerful energies.


Sharing my magic. Merry Christmas and Peace to all the people on this planet.


Come visit me at the Heritage Museum Holiday Party and book signing. Saturday, Dec. 10. 5 to 9 pm. 201 W. B St. See Heritage Christmas trees. Let the melodies enchant you as Sunday Strings serenade the event, accompanied by a delightful choir group and a jazzy ensemble! Get ready for an afternoon filled with art, culture, and musical magic.
Other local authors will also be there.


Well said essay. I relate.

We are all struggling so much right now. As we are being called to transform, that transformation may not feel like the bliss we might have hoped for, because transformation requires the chaos of tearing down what isn’t working, both at the macro cosmic and microcosmic level. And when in the throes of that? It’s easy to forget the goal, let alone the bliss.

Over the past two years, I’ve witnessed a lot of people talking about gateways opening and great transcensions of being while failing to mention that it has been seemingly one of the driest spiritual seasons on record. I confess to a decide irritation and even “positivity burnout”. When you are an athlete transitioning your body for a big race, body fatigue, sore muscles, exhaustion are all part of the limbo between your training and winning the race. It isn’t negativity to react to that physical conditioning. But it also isn’t realistic to ignore and deny it, either.

When I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been exerting tremendous effort trying to find out exactly where *I* went, or at least, am going. I have had some serious bouts of uncertainty, I’ve let go of things that I thought I was, and have stumbled and felt so consistently lost - or maybe “in a fog” is better, because I know the mountain I ascended has not changed, but damned if I can see where I am on it at all..

And I’ve found myself utterly confuddled and trying to make sense at what appears to be the greatest lack of logic I have ever witnessed in a mass population on so many levels I cannot even fault the subjects at hand; It isn’t the subject that is at issue, it’s the polarity of opinion and emotion surrounding it. The subject is just the diving board, the water we are all swimming in is where my attention has been riveted.

I am a person who maintains objectivity about nearly everything generally, and I am always looking for the man behind the curtain. The prima facie. Others see shadows on the cave wall, I am looking for the light creating them.

But this year though, fog. Have you ever been in a fog and tried to turn your headlights on? Or tried to find which way was the sun? It’’s an impossible thing, it’s a blindness of false light. And you cannot burn away a fog, you must just sit (especially on the mountain) and wait for it to dissipate. And at any break, ascend.

The good thing (at least for me) about being given over to a predisposition of thought (or excess spleen yang, as my guru might have said) is that because it finds no outlet within me, usually comes out in some form as art. “Wanderess Above the Sea of Fog” was one of those things - a combination of remembering of a book I had read about female adventurers that were rarely ever noted in history, coupled with a blatant thieve of an idea and title by Casper David Friedrich and the realization of my ultimate goal: To traverse the fog and eventually and be able to see the view beyond it. And we will get there. I promise.

I have few words for this current corporeal experience of existence we are all participating in, but I am thankful at least to feel it all lifting here and there, and am more aware that very possibly you cannot feel the transformation when you are directly experiencing it.

Or, at what point does the caterpillar realize that it has become the butterfly?

(Which is another painting, entirely) ;)


“Wanderess Above a Sea of Fog”
Mixed Media

Available via Etsy: https://etsy.me/3EJuAa6


Meteor captured over Stonehenge.


💙🐾🐾💙 🥀 💙🐾🐾💙🐾🐾💙🐾🐾🍀🐾🐾💙🐾🐾💙🌺💙🐾🐾💙🐾🐾💙


Time to say night night, sleep well, sweet dreams to you all, thank you for joining me today, hope to see you again tomorrow. This is another one by Lisa Parker, I actually have this up on my bedroom wall. Think I may still have one or two fridge magnets in stock also lol.
The Reiki Cat Lady



Beautifully written.

✨Expected Death ~ When someone dies, the first thing to do is nothing. Don't run out and call the nurse. Don't pick up the phone. Take a deep breath and be present to the magnitude of the moment.

There's a grace to being at the bedside of someone you love as they make their transition out of this world. At the moment they take their last breath, there's an incredible sacredness in the space. The veil between the worlds opens.

We're so unprepared and untrained in how to deal with death that sometimes a kind of panic response kicks in. "They're dead!"

We knew they were going to die, so their being dead is not a surprise. It's not a problem to be solved. It's very sad, but it's not cause to panic.

If anything, their death is cause to take a deep breath, to stop, and be really present to what's happening. If you're at home, maybe put on the kettle and make a cup of tea.

Sit at the bedside and just be present to the experience in the room. What's happening for you? What might be happening for them? What other presences are here that might be supporting them on their way? Tune into all the beauty and magic.

Pausing gives your soul a chance to adjust, because no matter how prepared we are, a death is still a shock. If we kick right into "do" mode, and call 911, or call the hospice, we never get a chance to absorb the enormity of the event.

Give yourself five minutes or 10 minutes, or 15 minutes just to be. You'll never get that time back again if you don't take it now.

After that, do the smallest thing you can. Call the one person who needs to be called. Engage whatever systems need to be engaged, but engage them at the very most minimal level. Move really, really, really, slowly, because this is a period where it's easy for body and soul to get separated.

Our bodies can gallop forwards, but sometimes our souls haven't caught up. If you have an opportunity to be quiet and be present, take it. Accept and acclimatize and adjust to what's happening. Then, as the train starts rolling, and all the things that happen after a death kick in, you'll be better prepared.

You won't get a chance to catch your breath later on. You need to do it now.

Being present in the moments after death is an incredible gift to yourself, it's a gift to the people you're with, and it's a gift to the person who's just died. They're just a hair's breath away. They're just starting their new journey in the world without a body. If you keep a calm space around their body, and in the room, they're launched in a more beautiful way. It's a service to both sides of the veil.

Credit for the beautiful words ~ Sarah Kerr, Ritual Healing Practitioner and Death Doula , Death doula
Beautiful art by Columbus Community Deathcare


Sweet Dreams ... Red


We’re all just walking each other home.

- Ram Dass

“Harvest Moon”
Mixed Media




INTUITION WORKSHOP with Tianna. Saturday May 15. Intuition is a guidance system from Spirit. Tianna will teach you ways to trust it and communicate directly with Spirit. $45 if pre-registered. To register: [email protected]


Gorgeous vibes!
Photo Art by

