

.With our H**pWorx line, our products utilize a Full Spectrum CBD formulated with H**p Seed Oil. Not all h**p is created equal.

Our CBD Oil is made from NON-GMO, PESTICIDE FREE, CO2 Extracted H**p Oil.Trusted by hundreds of thousands around the globe!


My question is, why would you live like that when CBD oil is 100% legal and shows to be effective? Zero THC now available.

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Check out Melissa S: My 11 year old son Ryan has severe non-verbal autism with adhd. He has significant cognitive delays, tantrum behaviors,sensory processing issues, meltdowns and does not speak. We have an iPad with a voice output program for him to “speak” with but we often rely on gestures and sign.

Several months ago he had an epic autistic meltdown at our pediatricians office. And her immediate response was “let’s up his meds”. That just didn’t sit well with me. It felt like the textbook, “I have no idea so let’s try meds”, answer. So instead I went with my mom gut and weaned him OFF the meds and started researching CBD oil.

He’s now been on CBD oil for two weeks and we have seen significant improvements to his behaviors, engagement and eye contact. But that’s not the awesome part...

Yesterday I forgot his dose in the afternoon, he started melting down about putting goldfish in a bowl. So I said ok buddy, I’m going to 1.👆🏻get a bowl for your goldfish then 2.✌🏻get your CBD oil. He rapidly pointed to my second finger repeatedly. I said ok, you want your oil first? Nodding emphatically, yes! Well, ok then! 👍🏻

This. This my friends. A child who has struggled to communicate his basic needs found a way to let me know that CBD Oil was a priority, for HIM.

If I was ever doubtful, that is over. Not only do I see an difference, HE sees a difference. This makes him feel better. Special needs mamas will tell you that this is HUGE! 🙌🏻

Thank you H**pworx. 💚

Photos from H**pWorx's post 04/05/2018

Terrible storms with thunder and lightening right on top of us. Izzy and Abby freaking out! 2 drops of CBD oil for Abby and 5 for Izzy and all is calm...........


Do you suffer from Neuropathy? Does your doctor just keep writing you prescriptions?
Read with Lori has to say about that:
"You'll just have to live with it" was my doctor's diagnosis, as she wrote me out yet another prescription....ughhhhh seriously! Neuropathy is commonly brought on by diabetes. And for me it all started some years ago with tingling and numbing around the ball of my feet and as time passed the numbing advanced to my toes on both feet, and then my hands. Anyone with neuropathy can tell you, once the tingling starts....then it's the stabbing pains! Vitamin B and Alpha Lipoic Acid shots....yeah right...enough was enough. Hear me when I tell you...CBD Oil has been a Godsend! No crazy explosive diarrhea or possible death side effects found here....try it, you won't be sorry! Best decision I've ever made!!!
Order here 👇👇


Zero THC now available
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Now available with ZERO THC!
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THC FREE available for pre-orders from H**pWorx as of Right Now!!!

I can tell you that demand is high and supply will get short!

THC-FREE herbal OIL! For all those who have wanted to try CBD OIL but were afraid to because of failing a drug test, here is your chance to feel as good as the rest of us with a guarantee that you WILL PASS A DRUG SCREEN as there is no THC in these new products !

Pre-order on my website here: www.h**pworx.com/lesleyswope

👇100% THC FREE

Industrial H**p | National Institute of Food and Agriculture 26/04/2018


Here's some interesting information about our farming partners and how we are striving to be 100% compliant in the CBD industry. MANY companies buying from Colorado, California, or overseas are NOT compliant. Period!
The 2014 Farm Bill (Agricultural Act of 2014) changed changed the legal status of h**p in the US forever. Section 7606 conveyed to state Department of Agricultures, and institutions of higher learning, the ability to grow, cultivate, process and market h**p so long as research projects were conducted in accordance with corresponding state and federal laws. While a small path to accessing this 📷🌱American grown superfood📷🌱 became available, it wasn’t until a Statement of Principles, issued last August by the USDA (also signed by DOJ/DEA and HHS/FDA), that federal agencies had a legal basis for the broad federal acceptance of h**p.
Further recent clarification has removed most of the legal questions about the movement of h**p and h**p-derived products over state and international lines. Kentucky’s leadership in h**p reform, stemming from its long ago history as the dominant American supplier of h**p products, has ensured that Kentucky’s farmers and processors are at the vanguard of this re-emerging agricultural commodity.
Our farming partners are proud to have a successful history and relationship with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, instituting their Head Office at the H**p Research Campus in Wi******er, KY, and becoming the first recipient of a multiyear production permit. Kentucky grown h**p enjoys the clarity of the agricultural production of a re-purposed crop in a jurisdiction famous for its farmers and its h**p.


Industrial H**p | National Institute of Food and Agriculture This document is a “Statement of Principles” to inform the public how federal law applies to activities associated with industrial h**p that is grown and cultivated in accordance with Section 7606.


H**pWorx CBD Oil, 97% Pure 100% Legal
Full disclaimer here--> http://bit.ly/MDC-FDAdisclaimer


Just in from Derek...

“Ok, My little testimonial. MY SLEEP is SOO much better. Most all of my my life even with natural supplements and meditation my brain doesn’t turn off at night, usually 2 hrs to go to sleep every night, but since I’ve been taking this oil my sleep is BETTER than ever. I actually go to sleep 5 mins after laying down. That has never happened. I know it is a small testimonial, but waking up each morning ready to tackle the day is worth it by far! If only I would have been taking this oil consistently when i was was younger...agh, so many sleepless nights and tired days. Not any more though! “

Need info? Ask me! 👇🏻 or go here



Fred Says... "I am quite happy that my knee and hip pain has reduced almost to zero, taking 6 drops of the 500 mg oil twice a day!"

See more testimonials in the H**pWorx Testimonials page here on FB

Want more info? Ask me :)

H**p bill passes Texas committee unanimously 19/04/2018


H**p bill passes Texas committee unanimously A bill to allow Texas farmers to grow h**p has been passed unanimously out of committee just over a week after its hearing. HB 3587, filed by Rep. Bill Zedler (R-Arlington), seeks to end the inconsistency with industrial h**p, a product which can be sold and consumed in Texas, but


97% Pure 100% Legal

Photos from H**pWorx's post 18/04/2018
Photos from H**pWorx's post 18/04/2018

Cheryl S has a very nice testimonial. Check her out:My personal story is that I was suffering from extreme hip pain which was getting worse instead of better no matter what I tried. I went to My Dr, Chiropractor and I spent all last summer in Physical Therapy (center for Physical Excellence in Prescott). I went 3 x per week and each time it was a $40 copay.
I finished and was released but still had horrible hip pain. I also had leg and foot pain residual from a back surgery I had 10 years ago. My Surgeon had said it was fibromyalgia and put me on Lyrica. It made me feel horrible (dizzy and high or something). And I really hate taking any medications anyway. So I just lived with that pain. I was a mess, I love hiking and although I would still go, It took a few days to recover, but again my pain never went away. It would be worse or better depending on my activity I guess.
So I set out to see if I could find a way to help myself. I discovered CBD oil but I was not about to get high or get a medical ma*****na card! Then I found out they make CBD Oil from H**p and it was legal and no high!
I began exploring different brands and somehow I met a gal who was selling H**pWorx and I looked into it.
I found it was everything I was looking for and decided to give it a try.
The first day I used it, my hot flashes (I had more than 10 per day and they woke US up at night) well they were completely gone the first day! I actually didn’t realize that for a couple days. 😝 I guess I didn’t miss them!
Well, I also went off the antidepressant I was prescribed and I am calmer and not anxiety attacks anymore. My Eczema is all cleared up, if I begin to itch, I put a drop or two of oil on the are for instant relief.
My hip and low back pain is so so much better. The inflammation is reduced to where my chiropractor can actually adjust me now. I also was using our Relief cream topically as a rub and it feels so wonderful! I use it less now as I just don’t need it much.
I also use the oil on my “turkey neck” and I also use the skin care and I am seeing beautiful results in my skin wrinkles and clarity.
So, I had great results and decided to share it with the world because I feel so strongly about CBD Oil and I honestly feel in my heart that we have the best available.

Cannabis Oil - NOT What You Think (H**p vs Cannabis Oil) 17/04/2018

Cannabis Oil - NOT What You Think (H**p vs Cannabis Oil) Finally find out the difference! Cannabis oil vs h**p oil. What you thought you knew is WRONG! Educate yourself, and make a difference today.

Photos from H**pWorx's post 14/04/2018

97% Pure ~ 100% Legal ~ 100% Non-addictive


How about Jennifer?
"So I've been holding off with our experience until my husband went to his Dr. Today he went and his Dr was super pleased with how much progress he's had so far! My husband has had psoriasis since we got together 12 years ago, but has progressively gotten worse. He's tried the pills, and the creams. Either they didn't work at all or they worked for a little but then it would come right back. We were literally at a loss. But my friend Carina Powers had talked about h**pworx and added me to this page. I am not gonna lie, I was skeptical. But I was willing to give it a try. So I mentioned it to him and asked him to talk to his employer about cbd oil. (He has a job that does drug tests and with his position we needed to be sure they knew and approved). Anyway, the first picture was march 7th, the second was just a few minutes ago! Totally completely sold! My husband is thrilled and I couldn't be happier for him! Thank you h**pworx!" www.h**pworx.com/lesleyswope

"FDA Disclaimer
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. MyDailyChoice, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the improper use of and self-diagnosis and/or treatment using these products. Our products should not be confused with prescription medicine and they should not be used as a substitute for medically supervised therapy. If you suspect you suffer from clinical deficiencies, consult a licensed, qualified medical doctor. You must be at least 18 years old to visit our website and make product purchases. We do not make any health claims about our products at MyDailyChoice. Before taking our products, it’s wise to check with your physician or medical doctor. It is especially important for people who are: pregnant, chronically ill, elderly, under 18, taking prescription or over the counter medicines. None of the information on our website is intended to be an enticement to purchase and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. The use of any of our products for any reason, other than to increase general health & wellness, is neither, implied nor advocated by MyDailyChoice, Inc."


Laura opens up about a lifetime of debilitating headaches: THIS IS MY TESTIMONY

I am a migraine, stress, tension, and cluster headache sufferer. I have had these types of headaches for over 33 years. It runs in my family. My maternal grandmother, mother, sister and older son have all suffered with migraines.

As a young adult the doctor would not prescribe anything to relieve these headaches so I have always had to suffer for multiple days at a time. I would miss work, miss out on family events and even holiday celebrations. I have had them for days, usually 3 or 4 till I just could not endure anymore and have to be taken to the ER. The hospital bills I have had over the years could probably pay for a brand new car. I would isolate myself in a dark room, striped down to bare skin as I am usually burning hot, puking my guts up until I would be throwing up bile from the lack of any food left in my system. The doctors would always tell me, "keep a diary" to monitor what foods might be causing it. Total fail! A waste of time.

In the early 2000's I finally was prescribed Imitrex which gave some relief until my body got use to it. The auras would be so constant it made it hard to see, concentrate and I even at times experienced loss of the ability to function, loss of thoughts, forgetting what I want to say, shear inability to function. If I was at work I would have to have co-workers take me home as I had the inability to drive or I would have to have my husband come pick me up.

In 2013 while living in Florida, I was seeing a neurologist for treatment of my migraines. He referred me to a specialst. I was prescribed statins for maintenance. He also did a round of Botox which helped for about 4 months. This treatment was expensive as insurance did not want to cover. I had an appointment with my neurologist one morning at which time he gave me two medicines and an inhaler. I was in the middle of a migraine that day and two days prior. The doctor said to take the inhaler as soon as I got back to work. I got back to work and at my desk took the inhaler. No more than a minute later I was having an extreme reaction. I literally do not remember what happened after this but had been told by my supervisor, co-workers and building security that I was in the restroom blacking out. An ambulance was called and I spent the next 3 or 4 days in the hospital. Needless to say the neurologist would not come to see me while in the hospital and refused to treat me thereafter. Hhmm!!!

I have also been to chiropractors and other specialist with no constant relief to include numerous medicines, a low dose Bayer aspirin a day, magnesium, Excedrin Migraine. The only treatment I have not tried was acupuncture. I have also considered a newer surgical procedure.

THIS BRINGS ME TO TWO WEEKS AGO. I was experiencing another migraine that morning prior to getting to work. As one of my triggers, I have atmospheric migraines where a day before it is going to storm I experience a headache. I get to work and know it is of no use. I am already nauseated, smells of coffee & foods are effecting this and I have the death of a relative looming in my brain to top this off. I leave work because I know I have only a short period of time before I am unable to drive. I begin to vomit before leaving the parking lot. I get home and take my prescription medicine right away. Blurry vision, hot and out of it i lay down in bed. This continued until my husband asks me to take this new h**p oil we bought to help with his chronic, everyday pain (EVERYDAY).

Now, I was raised by a single mother from age 10. She was 44 yrs old when I was born. I was told at a young age by a friends aunt who was a hippie out of Woodstock, N.Y., "your first time using drugs, could be your last" and that ALWAYS STUCK! NO W**D, NO JOINTS, NO NOTHING IN MY ENTIRE LIFE that was NOT prescribed to me by a doctor.

I gave in that morning to THE BEST THING GOD CREATED TO RELIEVE PAIN. I laid in bed for 45 minutes and then it was GONE. NO migraine, NO dry heaves, NO pain. I could not believe it. I was without words the extreme comfort and overwhelming expression of relief.

I have been taking three to four drops, twice daily for two weeks. I have not had a stress headache, a tension headache, a cluster headache and NO migraines at all!!! This is my TESTIMONY. Don't believe, try it yourself!


Laura Ann Heald Miller

Send a message to learn more

Cannabis Oil - NOT What You Think (H**p vs Cannabis Oil) 08/04/2018

Let's clear up some misconceptions:
97% Pure ~ 100% NON-addictive ~ 100% Legal
and ZERO % chance of overdose!

Cannabis Oil - NOT What You Think (H**p vs Cannabis Oil) Finally find out the difference! Cannabis oil vs h**p oil. What you thought you knew is WRONG! Educate yourself, and make a difference today.

The Best CBD Oils on the Market for 2018 06/04/2018

Look who sells the very best CBD oil! You got it. H**pWorx!
97%Pure ~ 100% Legal

The Best CBD Oils on the Market for 2018 The Best CBD Oils on the Market for 2018 CBD Oil is here to stay, and as a multi-Billion dollar industry, finding the right CBD Oil can be extremely difficult. Here’s the Top 100 Best CBD Oil Companies of All Time 2018. If you found this article, you probably are already aware of the miraculous...

Photos from H**pWorx's post 05/04/2018

Nice testimonial:
Elena addressed her pain successfully with CBD oil

My personal changes I've noticed in the last week since I started use CBD oil are quite impressive. My upper back stopped hurting and disturbing me (I used to ask my husband for massage it twice a day morning and evening, I went to accupanture and massages every week, I don't see reason to do it now) and I can lie down on my back longer in bed in the morning while using my phone without any problem. My restless legs syndrome looks like gone and I don't need to rub stuff (Magnesium oil, ice gel, etc) in it every evening now as I used to do for the last 20 years. I sleep well and wake up restful, I have energy in the end of the day, yeah, that is great! Dryness in my eyes disappeared and I think even my eyesight improved as I don't look for glasses in the morning anymore when try to read and write text messages and FB posts on my phone without increasing the font. I'm very impressed with my observation and excited to see and experience even more changes in my body and health with time and continued use of CBD oil. I'm taking only 5 drops of 750 CBD oil twice per day morning and evening.


97% Pure, 100% Legal


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates
97% Pure ~ 100% Legal


Look at what CBd Donna Bs diabetes!
"My name is Donna Brodie; I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 13 years ago. After a very bad lung infection last winter, where they gave me lots of steroids, which caused by blood sugar to rise for a long time. It was slowing coming down to a normal range, but I had to take 3 shots a day, then a large dose in the evening.

I started taking H**pworx CBD in October. My blood sugar has now gone down below normal with no daily shots. Still taking the one at night, but will be working on lowering the amount. When I started my sugars range was 156 to 130, with 90 to 120 being the normal range. November was 145 to 123. December 143 to 129.

January 137 to 119. Then comes February when the biggest change started. I started skipping shots and getting readings of 130 to 113. I have been under 120 now for a month with no day time shots. Thanks to CBD.

I had pain in my hands, knees and back from Arthritis. Every month on CBD the pains lessened. The pain in my hands and knees went away in a month. The back took a little longer. I no longer have to wear my back brace. The key is to keep taking it."


Jessica K writes:
"This is Anna Belle. She is 7 years old. She was diagnosed with ADHD at 5. Her doctor put her on adderall. I only gave her the adderall Monday-Friday for school only to help her focus. I hated giving it to her cause it made her so spaced out and she was not her sweet little self at all while taking it. She passed kindergarten with b’s and c’s. So this year we have struggled all year on her grades especially in reading. Her teacher and I both seen that she was not retaining what she was learning. I took her back to the doctor and he upped the dosage of adderall. I gave it to her for 1 week. She would come home and crash and just be so hard to handle. I could not take it anymore so I just completely took her off. My mom gave me H**pWorx for her to try so I did. The next week her teacher noticed she was not so spaced out in class and was participating and talking more. In other words she was herself again since off the adderall. She has been taking 3-4 drops in morning and the same in evening. We have been doing this for about a month. Her mood is so much better, she has been doing much better in school, she is nicer to her brother and sister, she sleeps so much better at night. She obviously can tell a difference too because she makes sure I do not forget it before school:) I also use it when my eczema flares up. I can take 1 drop and apply to where I am
Itching and it takes the itch right away. I gave my husband 2 drops before bed cause he never sleeps throughout the whole night and taking the oil he does! I’m so thankful we found something with no harmful side effects like the adderall she was on. This is a great thing!"


Ashley M, a young Mom insists the Dr.s listen. Just amazing. Take a look:
"SORRY FOR THE LONG POST.... bare with me it’s worth the read I promise ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I just wanted to post an update about my son who started on CBD oil just a month and a half ago! For those who might not have seen my first testimony, here’s a short recap of what happened to my son, Ryen was born at 37 weeks and 5 days, a happy healthy itty bitty baby and I was so smitten in love I couldn’t believe he was finally here, it was only 3 short days later our lives changed forever. Ryen suffered from a cardiac arrest at Just 3 days old, doctors estimated he went 10-12 mins without oxygen to the brain, yes he was completely dead!!! They resuscitated him and brought him back to life, it was only a short 2 hours later we were life flighted to Primary Childerns Hospital in Salt Lake City where we spent the next 3 months trying to figure out what caused this to happen to my sweet little boy!?? Long story short, we still to this day do not know what caused the cardiac arrest but we do know Ryen suffers from central brain damage and is now on a Trach and Gtube due to the fact he wasn’t able to suck or swallow after his cardiac arrest, It’s now been 2 months sense he’s been off of Gabapentine and Bachlofen yes, my 15 month old was started on gabapentine and bachlofen at only 5 months old, it took me close to 9 months to finally build up the courage to let those doctors know I didn’t want him on those medications anymore! Of course with me being a young mom only (25) to be exact , the doctors questioned me and didn’t think taking my baby off of those horrible medications was really the best option, but me being the hard head I am, argued back with the fact that the side affect of those medications could potentially harm him more in the long run and FINALLY I got them to listen to me!!!! It was then that I started him on CBD oil twice a day ❤️ sense then he can sit up, he can focus, he can have his trach completely capped and breath through his mouth, guys.. he’s never been able to do any of these things before cbd oil! Please please share this pass this on let people know that cbd oil is truly amazing and yes it works for baby’s too!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ here’s the two videos of my son breathing with his trach completely capped and sitting up all on his own!!!"


Look at Jennifer W.!
"I am 46 yrs old and have had rheumatoid arthritis for 23 yrs. i've taken pills , shots and now infusions of orencia. I've had reconstructive foot surgery on both of my feet but have fought through the pain every single day with a smile. I have 3 boys and a husband so I can't slow down. My hands have had flare ups for years and my knuckles inflamed like crazy. I've always had trouble with making a fist or bending my fingers at the joints. Last Friday my H**pWorx cbd oil came in which initially I ordered for my son who has Crohns. But reading about it I decided I'd try it for my RA. Well on Friday I tried the oil with a shot of fruit punch Gatorade after mainly because I'm weird about taste and thought it'd freak me out lol. Then again on Saturday and Sunday came around and I was so energetic I could bend at my waste to touch the ground which I haven't been able to in years and then I started straightening my fingers more and more with no pain. So come Monday and today I had another shot of cbd oil Well today I was sitting at work and started bending my fingers at the joints which just isn't heard of for me. I was so shocked I recorded it and sent to my family who was completely shocked. I just feel like I could exercise or jump around but not saddened by the pain I would have like I had before. I still have a little inflammation in my left knuckles but Rome wasn't built in a day. Lol. The amount of relief I'm feeling now is beyond words."
