Harmony Healing

Harmony Healing

Hi I’m Heather, I am a Intuitive Healer, Mentor, Inspirational speaker & Mindset Trainer.

I incorporate angels into my healing practice by using oracle cards and messages.


What inner healing looks like ✨✨✨💜💜💜


Yes!! 🦄🦄

Healing is weird 💜🙏 06/03/2020

Very true!!

Healing is weird 💜🙏


It’s time to Feel Good and allow all the Good into our lives!



Photos from Harmony Healing's post 29/06/2019

In honor of my birthday weekend and this amazing energy today ALL Harmony Healing rollers are $35 plus shipping until Monday night.
I first created the Harmony roller just for me and when I shared it with people they loved it and said I should sell these. At first I wasn’t sure, but then decided why not give it a try. People loved it and I sold out of my 1st group pretty fast.
I then thought about having different rollers with different scents. I also found someone who made these amazing logos for the bottles , first it was just Harmony Healing and then I needed something new and the lotus flower with HH in the middle came about.

Lastly I got some great marketing advice about creating names for each of the rollers. I smelled each one, rolled them on me and finally came up with Harmony for the original roller, Balance for the one with the pink Himalayan salt and Peace/Calming for the purple roller with an amethyst roller ball. Each roller comes with this beautiful bag with a lotus flower charm.

I’m so grateful for everyone who has already supported my business!
For anyone who may have an interest or any questions about the rollers please feel free to contact me.

I just want others to experience what I have when I use them. I will also be adding these to my in person angel readings. Allowing you to roll one on before, during or after the session.

I am loving each new growth with my Harmony Healing business!


Focus on the good!


My new holder for most of my Harmony Healing rollers. Ready to be filled and shipped. You can also purchase just the roller without oils too! Comment below or contact me for more info.


Since it’s International Yoga day..I’m adding a little Oola fitness to my wrist and some Joy over my heart 💕. Now get on your mat and get in some Yoga today!

Comment below if your doing Yoga today


💜 Happy Healing Wednesday 💜

How has your week been going so far? Are you taking moments for yourself? Are you releasing negative energy that you may be encountering or picking up during the day?

How can we move forward with our lives and dreams if we 1 don’t take care of ourselves and 2 don’t release negative energy or energy that no longer suits us. These are both very important for our growth!

The card that came out today....

✨Spiritual Abundance...You have opened yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities and your angels have heard you. They are sending you and surrounding you with Spiritual Abundance. Thank them for this and be grateful for all that has come of us coming into your life! You deserve this Abundance! It is an exchange of energy that you give out and now he Universe is giving you what you deserve for all you hard work. Keep moving forward, bigger things are coming your way.

Take what you need from this today.

Sending love, light, Harmony & Abundance to you all! ✨💕🌸💫

Photos from Harmony Healing's post 27/05/2019

I’m so grateful that I was able to find more bags for my Harmony Healing rollers! Best part was coming home after to work to them being here! Now they are ready for purchase! I am also grateful for the new labels!

The 10ml Rose gold roller & the clear glass roller with the Himalayan salt are both $45 plus shipping, filled with oils or $35 plus shipping without the oils.

The 5ml purple rollers with the amethyst roller top is $35 plus shipping with oils or $25 plus shipping without the oils.

Payment through PayPal. Contact me to purchase or if you have any questions.

If you are interested in purchasing all 3 (great gifts) I can put together a bundle price.


💜 Happy Healing Monday 💜

I woke up with lots of Gratitude in my heart and a Good energy about today!

Although I have to work today, I get to go in a little late and was able to have a nice meditation, angel writing and pulled cards all while sitting outside on our deck! Actually I still am as I’m writing this 😊

One of the things that came through on my writing was to Stand tall and let the Real you come through. Be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished so far on your journey. No one can dull our sparkle, except us!

Here are today’s cards and messages....

✨Magic..Magic surrounds us all, so make a wish and believe in miracles! Believe in the power of You and your strength! Set your intentions and allow the Magic to do its job. You must fully believe in yourself and your thoughts if you want the miracles to happen.

✨Action...Now is the perfect time to act and move forward with your dreams. Take inspired action to make them real. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have everything you need, if your not the right age or step your thought you needed to be at. Act now, don’t wait..the universe is saying this is your time!

✨Friendship...Start surrounding yourself with positive minded people like yourself! Get more social and break out of the old routines and your comfort zone. By doing this you will find the people that will help you move forward with your journey. Seek out your Soul Family..they are the ones who can really inspire you and give you that push you need to move forward! We all need friends, so why not have some like minded, good energy, magical, action filled friends ✨💕

Enjoy the day and this amazing energy!

Take what you need from these cards today.

🌸Sending Love, light, good vibes, angels and healing your way today! 🌸


I know I haven’t been posting much on here lately, but I created a new group where I do lives, angel readings and share my energy. It takes a lot of my time but I’m still here and will try to post when I can.
For anyone who may want to join my group contact me and I will get your more info!

Here’s a little energy from my day today! Enjoy


Happy Thursday! We are almost to the weekend! A beautiful card came out today and I wanted to share with all of you.

New Beginnings: The Universe and your angels have heard you and are telling you it’s time to move forward with your dreams. It’s time for new beginnings, a fresh start and all the joys and fears that may come along with it. The doors are opening for you, it’s tome to walk through and let all the amazing opportunities open up for you!

Believe in yourself and any business adventures you may have ahead of you!
Love yourself and keep pushing forward everyday!

Take what you need from this today. Enjoy your day!

Photos from Harmony Healing's post 13/04/2019

A little inspiration for you Saturday!


Happy Saturday!
Although it may be a dreary day here, these cards that came out today are full of love and beauty.
These cards fell right out this morning after 1 shuffle. I love how all 4 cards have angel wings on them! Our angels are surrounding us today ✨😇

Spiritual gifts: It’s time to really dig into your gift and give thanks for what you have. Each of us have our own gifts to give, you just have to look within to find sometimes. Enjoy your gifts more!

Connect with Music: music is all around us and it’s time to use the sounds and lyrics to support your spiritual journey! Listen to what the angels are telling you or pulling you towards. They may be messages for you or for others. Pay attention to these!

Count your blessings: If you haven’t already been, it’s time to start saying thanks and giving gratitude toward things in your life. Wake up each morning and before you get out of bed sat at least 2-3 things that you are grateful for. Easiest things are to be grateful for things that happened yesterday. Small things can be big things. If you pay attention to the small things you will notice more and more things to be grateful for.

Don’t hate, Meditate: Meditation is an amazing experience the more and more you do it! It helps the soul as well as letting f you release what no longer serves you. It does take some practice but if needed start with guided meditations and work you way up to doing them alone. Eventually you will otnha eri be in quiet place to do them you just have to quiet your mind and allow whatever messages or images may come you way. It’s time to explore your own meditations today!

Take what you need from these cards.
Enjoy your Saturday and live and light to you all! 💕✨😇🙏


Happiness is a choice! Manifest Joy, Love & your happiness! Your mindset is the real key to being Happy!
What are you waiting for?

💜 Choose Happiness! 💜

Photos from Harmony Healing's post 11/04/2019

Prosperity is flowing freely to me! I deserve Abundance! ✨💫💕

Photos from Harmony Healing's post 10/04/2019

I was drawn to my new Spirit Animal deck today and to spread the cards out in like a half moon shape. I ran my hand over the cards until I felt the energy forcing me to stop. This is what came out:

🐄 Cow Spirit: The Miracles are endless! You are in a beautiful point in you life today, as your needs are being met. Pay attention because this is the perfect time to focus on the choices, actions and behaviors that feed your soul. Stay positive and share your well being with others. The more you share the more you will manifest!
Pay attention to how you nourish your mind, body and spirit. Don’t overindulge in things. The universe wants to give you your very best but need you to do your part to participate and nourish your well being!

Take what you need from this today.

Give it your all today and truly be you Authentic self! Light and love to you all ✨💕🐄


Shine your light Tuesday!

Let’s set our intentions for the day and send out good vibes into the universe! It’s time to be our true Authentic self 💕✨

Today’s cards & messages:

Speak your Truth: Be your true Authentic self and let your whole truth come out. It’s time to stand your ground and not allow others to make our decisions for us! Use your voice today!

Spirit Animal: Allow your spirit animal to bring you joy and love. Use its energy to guide you to your rightful path. Believe in it’s spiritual side rather than just the physical form. Let its energy surround you with their love and light!

Spiritual Abundance: Allow all the Abundance into you life and open to new opportunities coming your way. Abundance is coming your way now in many forms. The more open you are to it, the more it will flow into your life without question. Enjoy all that is coming your way! ✨

Take what you need from these cards. Sending love and light out to all of you today ✨💕


It’s time to let go of Fear and do what you truly Love! Get out there and get Creative with your life and be happy! You are Worthy of being happy & when you put your mind to something you can accomplish anything!

What is it that excites you and makes you happy?


Let’s welcome a new week with good energy and vibes. Here are the cards that came out this morning...

Trust your vibes: Trust your instincts and intuition and believe in yourself. Don’t let others energy or words throw you off your path. You have what it takes to make things happen.

Transformation: It’s time to release the past and to transform into the future. You are ready to move forward with your dreams and to overcome your past challenges. You are on the right path.

Take time to breathe: Your angels are all around you, supporting you. They are saying to take some time for you and rest and make your Soul happy. Don’t forget how much self care can really help you. It’s a great time for self love too.

Take what you need from these cards today.
Thank you for allowing me to share my energy with you today 🙏✨💕


Happy Soothing Sunday everyone! I hope you get to relax and enjoy the day.
Was drawn to pull from my new Kyle Gray deck today. Here are the 2 cards that came out.....

Peace & Harmony: The harmonious light is surrounding you today. Soak it all in and know that the universe surrounding you with Harmony & peaceful times right now. Release your worries to them now so they can send more love & light your way!

Loved One in Heaven: A loved one is near and has heard your calls or whispers. They are surrounding you with their love and sending you messages. Pay attention and listen to their messages as they are helping you in your path today.

Take what you need from these cards today.

For your own person reading please contact me for more info. I would love to share my energy, light and angels with you ✨💜🙏


These came in today and I’m soo excited to use them and feel there energy! If your interested in a reading with these please let me know!

Photos from Harmony Healing's post 02/04/2019

Being able to fully Love your whole self does take some Healing! It’s a process and won’t happen over night, but you can achieve it!

Let’s all give ourselves some LOVE today 💕✨


A card didn’t come out while I was shuffling them so I had to lay them out today and run my hand over them and feel when the energy made me stop. Here’s what came out...

Awareness: It’s time to live in the moment, let your true authentic self shine through. Be very conscious of your thoughts and how you speak to yourself. Your thoughts are what create your day and reality. Be kind to yourself always! Lastly, look for signs and guidance from your angels or even your loved ones. They are trying to help you on your journey. Be open and aware more.

Take what you need from this and make sure you take some moments for yourself today too.
Love and light to al of you 💕✨🙏

Photos from Harmony Healing's post 29/03/2019

A little motivation to start your weekend! ✨💕
