Blending Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra

Blending Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra

This Abhyasa Ashram course is about blending Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra. The courses are available on This course is about blending Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra.

In this course Yoga refers to its traditional meaning as a path of meditation and contemplation leading to Self-realization. Your guide in the course is Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati (Swami J for short), along with Swami Ma Tripurashakti Bharati (Ma Tri) who has done the creative design of the course. Most of the course is video lectures, complemented by several extensive PDF files. Whether you are a

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma 21/05/2021

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 05/23/2021 17:05 PM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma Transcending Karma through the Inward Journey of Traditional Yoga

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation 08/03/2021

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 03/11/2021 07:03 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation The traditional Yoga practice of using the mind to go to the Self beyond the mind

Yoga Nidra: Traditional Practice Beyond Merely Relaxation 24/02/2021

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 02/27/2021 07:02 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Yoga Nidra: Traditional Practice Beyond Merely Relaxation Conscious Deep Sleep of the Ancient Sages for Attenuating Karma

Transitioning to the Inner (Antar) Yoga of the Ancient Sages 27/01/2021

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 01/30/2021 03:01 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Transitioning to the Inner (Antar) Yoga of the Ancient Sages Integrating Modern Postural Yoga with Traditional Inner (Antar) Yoga