Ourstory Connections

Ourstory Connections

Bringing transformative Holocaust & genocide education to schools and communities in Northern CA.


This is devastating news. 💔 We continue to hold onto hope for the remaining 101 hostages still held in Gaza.

Wrapped in grief, our hearts are broken for the families of Carmel G*t, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Almog Sarusi, Alex Lobanov and Ori Danino.

They were stolen, held in brutal conditions and murdered, most likely in the last few days by Hamas terrorists in a tunnel beneath the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

For 330 days, their families fought tirelessly for their release, holding onto hope for a reunion with their loved ones.

There are now 101 hostages still in Gaza.

Everyone with a voice, from individuals to nations, must urgently insist on a deal to


We are so happy that Qaid Farhan Alkadi has been rescued and reunited with his family! He was taken hostage by Hamas on 10/7 from Kibbutz Magen and has an important story to share. We recognize the value and beauty of the Bedouin community in Israel.

Alkadi's brother said, "We are very happy to receive this news. It is better than having a new child. Thank you so much, everyone. We look forward to seeing him in good health."

Welcome home, Farhan! We have been waiting for you.

Rabbi Sacks on The Mutation of Antisemitism | Animation | Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 19/08/2024

A clear video defining Antisemitism, an ever mutating virus....

Rabbi Sacks on The Mutation of Antisemitism | Animation | Rabbi Jonathan Sacks In recent months and years we have seen the return and rise of antisemitism across Europe and around the world. But how has antisemitism mutated over time? A...

Tisha B'av during the Holocaust | Jewish Survivor Dawn Adam | USC Shoah Foundation 12/08/2024

Did you know that today is Tisha B'av, the day that the Jewish community remembers and mourns the destruction of the First and Second temples?

Watch the following testimony to hear Dawn (who had been deported from Hungary to Auschwitz in 1944) as she describes standing through a day-long roll call that took place on the Jewish fast day of Tisha B’Av.


You can also find out more about this day here: https://www.ajc.org/news/october-7-and-the-legacy-of-tisha-bav

Tisha B'av during the Holocaust | Jewish Survivor Dawn Adam | USC Shoah Foundation In the summer of 1944, Dawn (Auslander) Adams, her parents and her siblings were deported from a Hungarian Ghetto to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Dawn, then 22, and h...

Prologue : Yitskhok Rudashevski – YIVO Bruce and Francesca Cernia Slovin Online Museum 04/08/2024

Not Anne Frank but another important diary writer during the Holocaust!

Explore the new FREE online exhibition. ❤️😊

“On 17 July 2024 Yitskhok Rudashevski’s poignant diary of the Holocaust, as experienced in the Vilna Ghetto, came triumphantly to life. YIVO commissioned a new English translation, and the diary is the focus of a state-of-the-art online exhibition, free to a global audience.”

Prologue : Yitskhok Rudashevski – YIVO Bruce and Francesca Cernia Slovin Online Museum In this section we propose questions to reflect on the moral choices made by individuals as they were going through extenuating circumstances.

Photos from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's post 29/07/2024

One of the oldest living Olympic champions is also a Holocaust survivor!

Check out the link below to find out more--what a story!


We are heartbroken at this news! 💔 His life was indeed a blessing!

Yad Vashem mourns the loss of our dear colleague Alex Dancyg, Z"L, who was taken hostage on October 7th, a dedicated and loyal partner in the mission to support and spread meaningful Holocaust remembrance and education both here in Israel and around the world. Alex Dancyg was killed while being held in captivity in the Gaza Strip by Hamas terrorists.

Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan expressed:

"Today, we deeply grieve the loss of our cherished and esteemed colleague, Alex Dancyg. Just yesterday, we marked Alex's 76th birthday, filled with the hope that he would soon return to us alive and well. Alex's essence embodied both in spirit and substance, his love for the land and thirst for knowledge. His vast library at his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz reflected his deep connection between his cherished Israeli and Jewish identity and his Polish birthplace. Alex successfully integrated these perspectives into his teaching of the events of World War II in general, and of the Holocaust in particular. The news of his tragic death strengthens our commitment to ensure that Alex's legacy and the stories he passionately preserved are never forgotten."

Alex was born in 1948 in Warsaw, Poland, to Holocaust survivor parents. In 1957, he immigrated to Israel with his family and later made his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz.

After returning to Poland for the first time in three decades, Alex's passion for Holocaust history and education grew. In 1990, Alex began working with Yad Vashem, where he continued his dedication to Holocaust education.

Alex worked together with Yad Vashem as a true partner in creating and leading training courses for guides of Israeli youth trips to Poland and in Holocaust education in Poland for educators and clergy, including many Jewish participants. Alex was a remarkably multifaceted individual, well versed in Polish culture and Judaism, and the complex historical relationship between the Polish and Jewish people. He was a model family man and a proud tiller of our land.

Alex's passion and contributions to Holocaust education left an indelible mark on our collective understanding of this dark chapter in history.

Yad Vashem has been in contact with the Dancyg family during this difficult time and shares in their profound grief.

"We extend our heartfelt condolences to Alex’s family, including his beloved elder sister, four children and many grandchildren," concludes Dayan.

Photos from Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, Jerusalem's post 10/07/2024

More photos from this amazing and inspiring conference at Yad Vashem!


The CEO of Ourstory Connections just finished attending the 11th Annual Holocaust Educators’ Conference at Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center and it was an inspiring and powerful conference!

Participants from 39 different countries were there and focused on both the need for innovative methods to teach the Holocaust but also the necessity of responding to current antisemitism and supporting Jewish communities.

You can read more about the conference here: https://www.jta.org/paidpost/yad-vashem-the-world-holocaust-remembrance-center/yad-vashem-equips-academicians-and-educators-with-tools-to-fight-the-rise-in-holocaust-distortion-and-antisemitism

Yad Vashem’s Int’l Holocaust Educators’ conference wrestles with new reality 02/07/2024

This is such an important conference! ❤️🙏🏼🕊️

Yad Vashem’s Int’l Holocaust Educators’ conference wrestles with new reality 150 educators from around the world arrive in Jerusalem for the biannual meet-up in an Israel reeling from the October 7 massacre - and a Jewish world facing renewed antisemitism

The Story of Irena Sendler | Righteous Among the Nations | Yad Vashem 01/07/2024

Do you know the story of Irena Sendler, one of the "Righteous Among the Nations"? She was part of an operation saving hundreds of Jewish children in Warsaw, Poland during the Holocaust. Her story is an amazing one.

The Story of Irena Sendler | Righteous Among the Nations | Yad Vashem A historical video describing the life and work of Righteous Among the Nations Irena Sendler. Sendler acted as part of "Żegota" in the operation of saving Je...


Susan will share her story on Wednesday! ❤️

Susan Warsinger and her younger brother Joseph woke to a brick smashing through their bedroom window on the night of November 9, 1938. Susan, age nine, hid under her blanket in terror as more bricks and rocks were hurled into their room.

In spite of his fear, eight-year-old Joseph was curious. He carefully pulled himself up to the window and peered out. “Susi,” he said. “It is our neighbors.”

The two children rushed across the hall to their parents’ room. Outside, their neighbors uprooted a lamppost, smashing it through their front door. “Beautiful glass,” Susan remembered. “Blue, green, purple. The glass was strewn all over the floor.”

That night convinced Susan’s parents that Germany was no longer safe for their family. They were determined to get their children out of the country—even if it meant separation.

Hear Susan share her story live on Facebook on Wednesday, June 26, at 1 p.m. ET.

Photo: USHMM, courtesy of Susan Warsinger

The Memory Generation 05/06/2024

This is amazing!

The first-ever audio-visual testimony given by a Holocaust survivor: Hela Goldstein.

Shared with the British Film and Photographic Unit on April 24, 1945

At Bergen Belsen: "Helen was one of the alive amongst a scene of death. And, it was standing there by a mass grave containing 5,000 corpses that she first spoke her story in front of a camera. 'Today is the 24th of April 1945. My Name is Hela Goldstein… I arrived here under horrible circumstances. We were 1500 in one room. We were very dirty and very crowded and there was no food and no water for us… We thought we will not survive this…'"

Learn more at the link below.

The Memory Generation Hela Goldstein’s testimony given to the British Film and Photographic Unit on April 24, 1945 is believed to be the first-ever audio-visual testimony given by a Holocaust survivor. As a 22-year old victim, she spoke from Bergen-Belsen, the N**i concentration camp where she was imprisoned upon liber...


A special FREE Online Event this Wednesday at 4pm from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum about the American Veterans who inspired some Holocaust Survivors to serve their new country!

"Some American veterans fought for their lives along the beaches of Normandy. Some were among the first to witness the horrors as they liberated emaciated prisoners from concentration camps. And some even helped Holocaust survivors as they began to reclaim their lives. Now, 80 years after the D-Day invasion, their stories live on. Join us in collaboration with Arlington National Cemetery for a special digital program honoring the resilience, commitment, and courage of American veterans. Learn how their sacrifices inspired some Holocaust survivors to serve their new country."


European Union to co-sponsor new immersive Yad Vashem exhibit 30/05/2024

Exciting news from Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, Jerusalem!

Thousands of Jewish communities throughout Europe and North Africa were destroyed by N**is during the Holocaust.

This will be a new immersive audio-visual experience in the Valley of the Communities at Yad Vashem aimed to to "resurrect the lost communities, bringing forward surviving testimonies in immersive detail with the use of new technologies."

European Union to co-sponsor new immersive Yad Vashem exhibit The new project aims to resurrect Jewish communities destroyed during the Holocaust, bringing forward surviving testimonies in immersive detail with the use of new technologies. 


Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! 🇺🇸

On , we honor the American servicemen and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedom.

We are forever grateful for their courageous service.

The Genocidal Aspect of Antisemitism 23/05/2024

These short videos from the Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, Jerusalem Youtube Channel are very informative, especially if you are seeking more information about antisemitism!

The Genocidal Aspect of Antisemitism For registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/antisemitism Prof. Jeffrey Herf discusses the genocidal aspect of antisemitism, showing how this aspect of a...

Who are the Righteous Among the Nations? | Animated Concepts | Yad Vashem 18/05/2024

Who are the Righteous Among Nations?

Was it common for people to reach out and help their Jewish neighbors during the Holocaust?

Watch this short video to find out more...

Who are the Righteous Among the Nations? | Animated Concepts | Yad Vashem Short animated video explaining about the Righteous Among the Nations who had acted to rescue Jews during the Holocaust period, and the difficult complexitie...


Today marks Israel’s Independence Day! 🥳👏🏻🇮🇱

Photos from World Jewish Congress's post 05/05/2024

Jewish American Heritage Month is different this year… 🙏🏼

Broadcast of Ceremony 02/05/2024

Yom HaShoah is May 5th--this live broadcast is happening this Sunday!

10am PST

Broadcast of Ceremony The state ceremony marking the start of Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day in Israel will be held at Yad Vashem on Sunday night, May 5th at 20:00.


The U.S. has many heritage months to celebrate the communities that form our national mosaic. Jewish American Heritage Month facilitates education, honors the complexity and richness of our nation, and strengthens the fabric of American society.

Photos from Stand Up to Jewish Hate's post 30/04/2024

There are many amazing Passover stories that took place during the Holocaust! These stories of bravery are important to share and remember.

Photos from Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, Jerusalem's post 30/04/2024

We are also very concerned about the safety and protection of Jewish students in California!


✡️✡️✡️ Happy Passover!

Passover is a reminder of the strength and resistance of the Jewish people.

Even in the face of great odds, we have always overcome adversity.

We will come through these dark times stronger than ever.

Holocaust Survivors Recall Passover Traditions and Customs 22/04/2024

Holocaust Survivors Recall Passover Traditions and Customs. This is inspiring and testifies to the resilience of the Jewish community. ✡️

Holocaust Survivors Recall Passover Traditions and Customs If you do not see the English subtitles click "cc" (red). Holocaust survivors recall some of the ways Passover was observed prior to the Holocaust, during th...


Chag Sameach!

WJC wishes you a meaningful Passover and Chag Sameach!

As we sit around the Seder table and recount the story of the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt and the birth of the Jewish nation, we hope you will have the privilege of being surrounded by your family and friends.

It is our fervent hope and prayer that this holiday of liberation portends better days ahead. That the hostages will be freed, that all the valiant men and women in the IDF will return home safely, and that Jews around the world will be able to live proud Jewish lives in safety and security.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising | Key Historical Concepts in Holocaust Education 19/04/2024

Today is the 81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, "the largest uprising by Jews during World War II and the first significant urban revolt against German occupation in Europe."

Watch this 3 minute clip to learn more!

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising | Key Historical Concepts in Holocaust Education A brief animated overview of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and the events leading up to it. The first widespread civil uprising to take place during World...

U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Soared 140 percent in 2023 – Breaking All Previous Records 16/04/2024

"the 12-month total for 2023 surpassed the totals of all the past three years combined and averaged about 24 anti-Jewish incidents in the U.S. per day."

Holocaust Education that integrates awareness and response to antisemitism is more crucial than ever!

U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Soared 140 percent in 2023 – Breaking All Previous Records Massive spike post-Oct. 7 recorded; campus incidents tripled; bomb threats targeting Jewish institutions up 10 times New York, NY, April 16, 2024 … Driven in part by a massive spike in antisemitic reactions to the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel and the ongoing war in Gaza, the U.S. Jewish community las...