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If we hear the word of God and all that wise advice and then we ignore that advice and do the opposite we are likened to a foolish person - or simply a fool.

Matthew Chapter 7, verses 26-27:
And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

I had this image in my head of an angel with wings and he was reaching down to take the hand of a woman who was slipping to fall to a long painful future. The angel tries to take the person's hand but she says firmly, "No, I can do this myself!" and he says to her, "You don't understand. I have wings and I can lift you to other places, to safely and you can start all over again."

But she says, "No, I am fine really I am." She is confident in herself against the forces of life. She is far to stubborn and proud to believe in the forces of darkness.

The angel looks at her and is getting a bit frustrated because all he wants to do is help her and save her a lot of heartache, pain and misery. "What you are going to do is fall. You are at a great height, I know I have flown down there and seen the rocky barren slope and you will slowly be torn to pieces as you fall, hit the ground and roll for a great distance until finally into eternal darkness in the pits of Hell. Many have fallen before you and have suffered a great fate."

She looks at him and is grateful for his concern. "I see that you really care and that is wonderful. I appreciate that, I really do. But you must understand I have been through life. I know the pains. I didn't get where I am today from just letting any stranger help me. I can do this...!

He stares at her and says, "You will regret not listening to my advice. I have been there before. I can help you." He says this slowly trying to gain her confidence and he reaches down for her hand.

She sees what he is doing and smiling to him, she lets go. He calls out to her, "Just call for me and I will lift you to safety!"

Now at first as everyone knows the fast lane seems like fun times. She flies through the air and thinks, "Huh, he thinks that he has wings. Man, he should see how this gal can fly."

Time goes by and wham she finally hits the ground on a slope and she starts to roll. "Oh, ok. I wasn't expecting this." she says as her life starts to spin at first slowly out of control. She realises that things have gone too far and she cannot gain control anymore. She wonders about the Angel but she has her pride you know.

Some time goes by and then the smooth ground is gone and small stones appear. She bears the bumps and her skin hardens and she gains tough worry lines and grits her teeth to carry on.

Some time later and the stones are now bigger and sharper. "This is something else." she says to herself and she grunts once again from the pain. She thinks about the Angel and she knows that she can call him and he will appear to help him. She knows that he will keep his word and that he is trustworthy. But her skin is toughening and she feels that this obstacle could disappear soon. And... she has her pride.

Finally she is hitting some large rocks and is being bounded from one place to another. She has the cuts and bruises and the pain and suffering but on and on she goes. She has her pride and she isn't going to call on him for help.

Finally ahead she glimpses something dark. Oh there it is, its a cave. Black and intense. Hold it! She wonders, "Hmm, maybe I could ask that Angel for some help. I don't really like the looks of this at all." She is spinning at great speed because the angle of the slope has increased. It seemed as if it was designed to stop people trying to ever be able to stop from bursting into that eternal darkness.

She is tough now. She has seen it all. She took her share. She knows it all. She laughs and soon enough she is hurdling through the darkness to eternal suffering and never to return.

The Angel watches, sadly he lets out a long slow painful sigh. All he did was care and now he feels a great loss as once again another one bites the dust.

The Bible is a book of ancient text and along with many other books written over time they share the will to help us live good decent kind loving lives. The Bible explains many things and the foolish laugh and walk away to their own destruction.

Proverbs Chapter 13, verse 13: Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.

Those who follow God are taught to love and respect God's Word. This is the wise thing to do. With great respect for God and His commandments we are taught to follow God.

Those who despise God and His Word will come to know the error of their ways. The sad thing is that many will come to troubled times but still will refuse to believe even while they carry the scars of their foolishness of the past.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
December 17, 2012.


Romans 12: 1-3kjv) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that he may prove what is that good,and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.



Projecting our insecurities on others, expecting them to fulfill areas of our life that they are NOT responsible for will cause them to withdraw. Man is not our anchor, savior, etc. Let them follow the spirit in what their boundaries are in the relationship, as we should do also. Stop being so needy. When we try to build a relationship out of need, it will not last.

For the other side;
‘Don’t build relationships based on people needing you, cause when they aren’t in need of you they will be around people they actually like.’ I don’t know about you, but I want to spend time with people who WANT to spend time with me, not for what I can do for them!!

Look inside yourself, are you the needy or are you the needed? Make a change, set boundaries to make healthier relationships!!

Don’t take advantage of your friends!!!

~Tina Turner 2013

Forms & fees | New Zealand Ministry of Justice 13/07/2022

I copied this from their web site:

Temporary certificate to work while training.
You can start work before you’ve done the training you need as a crowd controller, property guard or personal guard. To do this you need to apply for a temporary certificate.
You will only be granted a temporary certificate if your application includes the classes of crowd controller, property guard or personal guard and you have not completed the required training.

Temporary certificate of approval to work
You can apply for a temporary certificate of approval so you can work while you train. In most cases, this will take 10 days to come through. It lasts for 3 months. If you haven’t done your training by then you need to apply for another one.

Certificate of approval with temporary certificate $187.
They said to go to this web page:

Forms & fees | New Zealand Ministry of Justice Find all forms you might need to fill in to do private security work and the fees you have to pay.


Keep in mind that no matter where you are or what you are doing that God is keeping an eye on you. He is watching how you react to life, how you treat people, how you stand up for yourself, how you mature and what it is that you need to move forward in spiritual growth so you can deal with life. He sees what you need to remove from your life and add to your life. Be good and patient as all will become clear to you in time - James M Sandbrook.


Abusive family members feel loyalty to the family, showing the rest of the world the image of a caring, strong and devoted family unit. Even victims of abuse fit this description, which is why it is so difficult for them to break free and open up about the truth.

The Devastating Effect of Parental Alienation on Children 07/04/2022

The Devastating Effect of Parental Alienation on Children Anger, guilt, grief, disconnection, and low self-esteem.

How Toxic Families Choose a Child to Scapegoat 07/04/2022

How Toxic Families Choose a Child to Scapegoat Variations on a theme, but always about control and power.

Photos from Church's post 02/04/2022

Just remember that when people gossip, complain, demand changes in you, and talk about you etc, they are doing it because they have their own insecurities.

They feel threatened by your talents, abilities, worth, intelligence, and the fact that you are original and stand strong alone and without the crowd.

They are frightened to walk alone, and they fear it when they see the courage that they wish that they had, so strong and stubborn in you.

Be strong and of good courage and don't let yourself down by going down to their level.

Stand strong of your beliefs and be with those who are like you and make you feel strong doing the right thing.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
26th March 2013.




I walked into a hotel and after going through the menu, I ordered some food.

After about 20 mins a group of guys and ladies walked in & ordered theirs.

To my dismay, these folks got served first. I watched as they began to eat & laugh heartily.

I even overheard one of them bragging about how connected he is to everyone in the hotel and I felt mocked.

I decided to leave. Unable to take it anymore , I called the waiter. He calmly told me: "Yours is a special order, being prepared by the chief chef himself.

Their orders were prepared hurriedly by students on attachment because the top chefs are busy with yours Sir. That's why they were served first. Please have some juice as you wait". I calmed down & waited patiently.

Shortly after, my meal was served by 6 waiters. Unknown to me, the owner of the hotel (who happened to be an old long lost friend of mine) saw me when I entered and decided to surprise me.

She changed my simple meal to a five-star meal. The party at the other table were shocked.

They couldn't stop staring. Suddenly they were the ones murmuring, asking why they didn't get that kind of service and meal.

Such is life! Some people are ahead of you and are eating now, laughing at you and talking about how they are smarter, wiser and better than you, how they are well connected, blessed, have money and are enjoying life .

You are waiting tirelessly wondering why it's taking so long to breakthrough, You endure mockery and humiliation.

Maybe you have contemplated su***de, gone throughout depression or suffered severe mental anxiety.

Do not worry! The owner of the world has seen you and doesn't want you to be served a simple meal like those making a mockery of you. You're waiting long because yours is a special meal.

It takes time to prepare. And only chief chefs prepare them.

Wait for your meal and Relax . When it comes that laughing party will be silenced for good.

You will not miss your time of visitation in Jesus Mighty Name AMEN!!!

Education 21/03/2022

Education How education can be used to convince a person lies to control that person.


"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." ----James 4: 7 * * * * * * * * * * * * **
They say a frog easily adapts to its surroundings, whatever they may be. If you put a frog in a dish or pan of water and heat the water, it will stay in it until it is boiled to death. And, it could have jumped out at any time!
Some people are exactly like the frog. They dabble in sin until little by little, sin is made to appear less disdainful and more delightful to them. Once sin may have been apalling to them, but the longer they stay around it, sin becomes appealing.
Once sin shocked some people, but later, they become shocked that it is not shocking to them. Although people change, God never changes. The words of the Bible will always hold true. "Sin, when finished, brings forth death." The wages of sin is always death. The good news is that the gift of God is eternal life with rewards for faithfulness. God is faithful to forgive and give souls a brand new life, when they repent and turn to Him.
We should always pray for a hunger for holiness and a hatred for sin. If we avoid pleasures and people that would lead us into sin, we can stay on the right path as we obey God's will and Word.
When we resist the enemy, he will flee from us. Our Lord will keep us as we commit ourselves to Him and acknowledge him in all our ways. He's given us spiritual armor, weapons of warfare, and all we need to be victorious in our Christian walk.
We can't afford to be foolish like the frog. We must be wise and avoid the very appearance of evil. The rewards for righteousness will be reaped one day. Heaven will surely be worth it all! Our choice must be faithfulness to the Lord in all things and we'll have the assurance of being abundantly blessed.
Blessings In Christ, Jo Ann Kelly © 2012, 2006


I drank for happiness and became unhappy.
I drank for joy and became miserable.
I drank for sociability and became argumentative.
I drank for sophistication and became obnoxious.
I drank for friendship and made enemies.
I drank for sleep and woke up tired.
I drank for strength and felt weak.
I drank for relaxation and got the shakes.
I drank for courage and became afraid.
I drank for confidence and became doubtful.
I drank to make conversation easier and slurred my speech.
I drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell.
- Author Unknown.


Society today is of a nature that has us conform to the standards set by those who we allow to control our lives by applying law, judgments, suggestions, guidance and so forth on how they assume we should live. Along with this is a strong desire for us to socialize, as this fits the social-blueprint created that suits commercialism, socializing, the workforce, and general life in these modern times I choose to distance myself from this all.


Humans like to quickly forget or mentally push aside anything that goes against their "athiest" doctrines/beliefs, and this is exactly the same for religious people.
The religious, are people who follow a doctrine written by humans for humans to follow, obey, submit to, while still being atheists and following, submitting to, while praying to God.
