Steve Rudolph Coaching

Steve Rudolph Coaching

Increasing the Quality of Work Life, one Leader at a Time! Programs include Sales Training, Leadership Development, and Coaching Skills for Managers.

I help growth-minded leaders and their managers have performance conversations that engage, grow, and retain their people. Designing and delivering high performance coaching to leaders, their teams, and their organizations in the Asheville area and beyond!

Photos from Steve Rudolph Coaching's post 30/07/2024

How to Improve your Customers’ Experience? Start with your Employees’ Experience!

Most leaders instinctively give a nod to the adage - happy employees equal happy customers.

For leaders who give more than a nod, and invest in people-first strategies, the potential rewards can be massive. In fact, a Salesforce study concluded that a company could increase revenues by up to 50% by improving the customer experience.

Take out the calculator and run the true costs of employee turnover, and consider “that very few employees would leave an organization if they felt that the leadership was fully invested in their experience, and 89% would recommend their workplace to others (Gartner).”

Leaders - here are five strategies to boost your employees experience and long-term customer value. It’s common sense, if you take care of your employees, they’ll take care of your customers!

Respect & Recognition
Build the Voice-Of-The-Employee culture
Meaning Making

SWIPE to learn more about the three changes you need to implement to level-up your leadership game.

Don't forget to share this post with your colleagues and team members!

Photos from Steve Rudolph Coaching's post 25/07/2024

“Culture is a lead indicator of profit.”

But what is a "Learning Culture"? A learning culture can be simply defined as an environment that demonstrates and encourages individual, team, and organizational learning.

Creating long-term competitive advantage requires applying new knowledge, skills, and capabilities that can take advantage of market disruptions. Leaders who invest in building a learning culture equip and empower their teams to adapt to internal and external disruptions.

Is investing in a learning culture really worth it? Consider that “for every dollar invested in training, companies received $4.53 in return or a whopping 353% ROI. Take that to the bank!

Want to learn more about how to level up your leadership skills? I got you!

>> Click the link to download my Free Culture Change Roadmap for Leaders.

Don't forget to SHARE this to help other leaders!


What does “Holding Others Accountable” mean? You can boil it down to one word – responsibility.

A key role of managers is holding their people accountable for their job responsibilities and agreements. It’s an external process.

Taking “ownership,” on the other hand is an internal feeling. Employees who think and act like owners exercise good judgment and make smart (not perfect) decisions in the best interest of the organization.

“When people have an ownership mindset, they take responsibility for outcomes – not just output – and are empowered to make decisions that will lead to those outcomes.” -Atlassian

This webinar will examine the fundamental leadership skills for Building a Culture of Ownership, building on the premise that either you have the wrong people, or your leadership is ineffective.

🗓️ July, 18th - 1:00 pm EST

Register Here:

Photos from Steve Rudolph Coaching's post 10/07/2024

Here's what you need to know about high-performance leadership🚀:

Leaders who deliberately focus on building high-performing teams understand that they are creating a competitive advantage for their organization. Results-focused team cultures also attract and retain top talent.

As important as teams are, they only perform as well as the individuals on it. The familiar maxim, there is no “I” in the team, gets it half wrong.

There are three “I’s” in the individual. At the end of the day, when the cash register stops ringing, results are the sum aggregate of everyone’s individual performance.

These are 5 Leadership Tips for Eliciting Top Performance from Individuals

👉 Adopt a coaching mindset.
👉 Establish regular, structured (at least monthly) one-on-one meetings.
👉 Be tough on standards, gentle on people.
👉 Set stretch goals, milestones, and measurements.
👉 Create a scoreboard.

Your people want to know if they’re winning, or losing, the game called work

Swipe images to find out more! >>>

Effective managers embrace a yes/and mindset. In the pursuit of continuous improvement and long-term results, leaders develop the team, and motivate and coach individuals to be their best.

Maximizing individuals’ contributions requires managers to think like a sports coach. This dynamic role demands managers develop their coaching skills and implement performance management structures that facilitate ongoing growth and performance.

🚀 Ready to scale your leadership skills? Don't miss my next Free Live Webinar.

🗓️ When is happening: July, 18th - from 1:00 - 1:45 pm EST

Click the link to enroll today:

Photos from Steve Rudolph Coaching's post 03/07/2024

Swipe to learn the key habits you need to build a trusted performance pathway →

➡️ Read my whole article here:

These four leadership capabilities, while not an exhaustive list, provide a stable foundation for managing the uncertain and volatile year ahead. Implementing a simple problem-solving approach will create a culture of proactive, we-oriented employees who take ownership of creating customer value.

Employees who know that their ideas are actively solicited and valued are naturally more engaged and motivated. People-first leaders who strongly believe that their “people have the answers,” can weather whatever storms 2024 throws at them.

Ready to scale your leadership skills? 🚀 Don't miss my next Free Live Webinar.

🗓️ When is happening: July, 18th - from 1:00 - 1:45 pm EST

Click the link to enroll today 🔗:

Warren Buffett Says Avoiding Bad Leadership Really Comes Down to 1 Choice 01/07/2024

Great leaders keep it simple.

Warren Buffett Says Avoiding Bad Leadership Really Comes Down to 1 Choice One of Warren Buffett's most popular tips could be the solution to bad leadership.


The Leadership Dilemma: You can't force someone to be accountable – it's a personal choice. Simply put – either you have the wrong people or your leadership is ineffective.

In high-performing cultures, individuals possess a strong sense of ownership and accountability for outcomes. Conversely, in under-performing cultures, managers often find themselves acting as fire-fighters, constantly trying to “hold others accountable” for recurring mistakes, issues, and results.

Retool your leadership and join this Free Webinar - “Building an Ownership Culture and “Stop Holding Others Accountable.”

When: July 18th @ 1:00-1:45 (EST)
Register Now🔗:

To Your Success!

How to Talk to an Employee Who Isn’t Meeting Expectations 25/06/2024

To help these tricky conversations have a constructive outcome, try reframing them from being a "difficult" conversation to something positive like, "I want to strengthen our relationship."


How to Talk to an Employee Who Isn’t Meeting Expectations Approaching a conversation about improving an employee’s performance requires preparation, empathy, and a focus on collaboration. Even though hearing the truth about their current performance will be tough and potentially hurtful, it’s a teaching moment managers must embrace to help them become ...

Photos from Steve Rudolph Coaching's post 18/06/2024

4-Step Playbook for Building a Feedback-Rich Culture. 👇

Employee engagement is one of the best reasons to build a culture of feedback in your organization. Frequent, quality feedback is key for attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent.

A lack of feedback makes it difficult for employees to develop in their roles and for organizations to identify and address issues that must be corrected for success.

Having a feedback-rich culture that supports employees, motivates them to engage with each other, and values their input fosters open dialogue that creates a positive and high-performing environment.

Step 1 – Hire slow, fire fast. During the selection process emphasize your organization’s values that support a feedback-rich environment, such as, “we are a culture of continuous learning, growth, and development, therefore each of us is expected to give and receive frequent and quality feedback, is this an environment you would thrive in?”

Step 2 - Create a Psychological Safe Environment – Leaders must model healthy, two-way conversations and make it safe to speak up. Employees look to leaders to see how they’re behaving; when leaders model emotionally intelligent communication, employees will follow their lead.

Step 3 – Establish a Cadence of Performance Conversations. Daily check-ins (not check-ons), team huddles, 1-on-1’s, weekly team meetings, and quarterly town hall meetings helps ensure high-value information is being exchanged, all directions.

Step 4 – Upskill Managers’ Feedback Skills. Learning to deliver meaningful feedback requires regular on-going training and support. A single “training event” rarely builds the competence and confidence that managers need.

If you're keen on improving your abilities as a leader, be sure to sign up for my newsletter! You will get weekly leadership tips and be informed about my upcoming online and in-person events!

Join today by clicking the link below! 👇

Photos from Steve Rudolph Coaching's post 10/06/2024

Dive into these four key areas to become a truly transformational leader 🚀:

> Swipe the images to learn more!👉

1. Grow Each Team Member. Attend to each team member’s needs and aspirations. Be a coach and mentor. Practice empathy, create a safe environment for people to speak up and listen to their ideas. Celebrate the team’s contributions and successes.

2. Create a High-Performance Environment. Nobody has ever been motivated by low expectations. Establish high standards and hold people accountable. Empower people to take ownership of their work. Give people autonomy. Clarify the what, but not the how. Inspect what you expect.

3. Inspire and Motivate. Imbue your team with meaning and purpose, the energy of intrinsic motivation. Visionary leaders are skilled at influencing teams to go the extra mile, to make a difference, to be proud. Their optimism is contagious.

4. Model the Way. You don’t lead people; people choose to follow you. Transformational leaders are servant leaders. They set the direction and then focus on building a positive, supportive, and collaborative culture. People follow you because of who you are. Business is transformed because the people are transformed.

If you're eager to enhance your leadership skills, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter! You'll receive weekly leadership insights and stay updated on my upcoming online and in-person events.

Join today by clicking the link below! 👇

Elevate Engagement and Performance - Steve Rudolph Coaching 28/07/2023

Elevate Team Engagement and Business Performance, Plus 3 Types of Conversations for Success:

A manager’s most potent tool for motivating and inspiring their people is communication; the driver of engagement.

Elevate Engagement and Performance - Steve Rudolph Coaching A manager’s most potent tool for motivating and inspiring their people is communication. Communication is the driver of engagement.

Effective Leadership Communication - Steve Rudolph Coaching 16/03/2023

Check out my latest blog post:

Effective Leadership Communication Begins by Answering Two Questions. Words are potent leadership actions. Effective leadership and managers who communicate with precision inspire positive action and produce consistent results. Communication that is opaque or emotionally charged requires costly and time-consuming downstream damage control. Do your words and tone inspire positive action or alienate and derail your people?

Effective Leadership Communication - Steve Rudolph Coaching Effective leadership and managers who communicate with precision inspire positive action and produce consistent results.


Business and Leadership Lost its Edge? Learn how to implement a people-first strategy with 5 areas for immediate improvement. #1 Implement a participative leadership style.


Managers: Engage and listen to your employees by soliciting feedback. In this short blog post you will learn 3 practical tools for getting quality feedback about your management team.

Videos (show all)

4 Key Leadership Strategies for 2024 🚀1- Embrace a Growth Mindset: Effective leaders believe in effort, focus, and candi...
Did you know that there are many valuable manager's tools on my website? Such as this culture playbook, which is a great...
📣 A New Hybrid Manager Skills Video Series 📣Is addressing poor performance in a hybrid work environment challenging for ...
"Crack challenging nuts"
Sweet Spot Skill Set #3 - Invite