BKO: Power Of Fitness Podcast

BKO: Power Of Fitness Podcast

Our goal with this podcast is to motivate and encourage people to become better through fitness. Che

Photos from BKO: Power Of Fitness Podcast's post 18/07/2024

Let’s Make America Swole Again‼️

All aboard the … if you weren’t already.

Funny story…. I have a lot of people on my DMs lately responding to my stories about politics.

One thing I’ve noticed is this….

Just about every single person who is a fitness person, in shape and is an avid enthusiast of health… almost 9.5 outta 10 times you can guess what side of the spectrum they are on.

And then on the flip side…. Those who are in awful shape, look like Michelin Man, the ones who always play the “why me” victim Car… you can 9.9 times outta 10 guess which side they are on.

Let’s make America strong again!


Whatever you want, you can get it.

Through hard work and consistency.

No matter what is thrown your way, keep pushing forward!

Photos from BKO: Power Of Fitness Podcast's post 16/04/2024

Get Nutritionally educated!!

Way too many people have zero clue on what is actually healthy and what is not.

Don’t get me wrong .. the definition of “healthy” can vary depending on what your goals are, what your deficiencies are, etc.

But, my healthy in purpose of this post means for the regular, everyday person. Not the body builder, or lactose, or vegan.. the normal everyday person.

A lot of people think eating “healthy” means sting only chicken and rice for all of your meals. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

A lot of people think a burger Aka ground meat with cheese (even if made at home) is a cheat meal. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

We also have people who think flavored oatmeal, Kellogg’s garbage cereal, and freaking fruit snacks are HEATHY. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

On another spectrum, we have people who think man made things like margarine are good for you but avoid butter and eggs… stupidly.

Obviously, everything that is “healthy” can be made to be unhealthy, depending on how it is processed.

Just be sure to avoid the extremely processed foods, foods that have high sugar counts, etc.

Do some research on what you can actually eat and the “diet” you are on will become a lot more manageable.



Stop lallygagging through your life just because it is hard, or has things happen to you.

Because the more you sulk, the more the bad things will continue to happen to you.

Instead, embrace the suck!!!!

Live in the suck!

Dominate in the suck!

Train your mind and body to be comfortable in the uncomfortable.

Train your mind and body to be conditioned to work at optimal output in the hard times.

If you do that, nothing will good you down.

If your path continually demands you to walk through hell, stop giving in and start walking around like you own that bitch!


If you’re GOING to GROW, you HAVE to be INTENTIONAL.

Here’s What I Mean 👇🏾

When you are intentional, you choose to make decisions and take action on what’s important to you…

Being intentional means getting clear upfront about what you want to achieve…

You intentionally set a goal to achieve a specific outcome or result in the future that is important to you…

This could be something you really want to have in your life such as to lose weight and have a healthier lifestyle…

You then move forward with intention every day towards achieving the result or outcome you want…

🔑Growth Happens when align your actions with a purpose and not just reacting to life…

If you need help with this, Tap in and Join the Team BKO Community through 1 on 1 Personal Online Training.


There is No Real Change Without New Actions…

Here’s what I Mean 👇🏾

The Same Behavior Will Continue To Yield The Same Results…

Behaviors like:

🚫Working Out with No Structure Plan

🚫Eating Clean Only When You Feel Like It

🚫Binge Eating and Thinking Cardio Will Make Up for it…

👉🏾Get Out This Vicious Cycle…

Only When You Start Elevating How Serious You Take Your Goals Is When You Will Start Performing New Habits…

☑️ Creating a Plan of Action

☑️ Committing and Sacrificing To Eating Clean

☑️ Ensuring Accountability

☑️ Hiring Someone Who Knows What They are Doing…

🔑 Remember, If You Don’t Sacrifice For Your Goals, Your Goals Become The Sacrifice, Either Way A Sacrifice Is Made.


‼️ Repeated actions create habits ‼️

Habits create who you are.

Habits create your success or failure.

What you do on a daily basis….

What you do when no one is watching…

They matter.

Stop wishing for things to be better.

Stop making excuses for why you fail or why you hate where you are in your life.

Create better habits and you will create a better, more successful life.


‼️Your future needs you now.‼️

And it needs the REAL YOU.

Success is built on failure.

It is also built when you start making commitments to yourself….
…… that you keep.

When you start doing the things that make you who you are and who you want to become, that is what separates you from success and failure in your life.

It is also what separates you from being exactly like everyone else.

Stand out.

Be different.

The world needs more of that sh*t.



Ain’t free no more !!!!

Make it a point this year to only focus your energy on things that make you happy, make you money, make you mentally stable, and make you psychically stable.

Only focus your energy on your goals and dreams and not what others tell you they should be.

Remember, what you focus your energy on will grow.

So don’t waste that energy on s**t because nobody wants to see s**t grow.

Use your energy to create, grow and heal.


⚠️ The problem with todays society.. ⚠️

➖Everyone is a quitter.➖

Everyone wants the easy way out.

Everyone complains about someone else that has something they want and they don’t.

➕Instead, you need to work to have and be better.

Hard work pays off !!! It’s a fact.

But, people today want the easy way out.

Everyone wants to be in shape.

…. But nobody wants to do the proper workouts, or eat the right foods. You want to eat McDonalds, fast foods and wonder why you’re fat.

Everyone wants to have a nice bank account, a nice house, a nice car.

…. But nobody wants to do the extra work it requires to get paid more. No one wants to learn new skills, or do side jobs.

People expect to get exceptional results with minimal work ethic.

💊 There is no special pill that is going to give you the body you want, the health you want, the house you want, the spouse you want, the car you want, etc.

You have to do the work.

So stop wishing, and stop complaining and start doing !!!


Love the life you want!

Stop being scared. Stop worrying about what other people do or say. DO YOU!

In the last two and a half years I have been to:

Las Vegas
Hoover Dam
Grand Canyon
Arizona (mainly Sedona)
Florida x 6 (Tampa, Clearwater)
Mexico (two spots)
Cuba (Havana)
California (Los Angeles area)

Colorado - August 23’
Tampa - September 23’
Bahamas - November 23’

Most of yaw… never left your state, or county… start expanding your life!! It’s worth it trust me!

Side note .. this is all AFTER I quit my job that I did for 13+ years … it’s not about the money it’s about how you utilize it. And how you want to live your life. Stop being scared to make changes. Make the changes and work to make them changes work for you.


Don’t take the shortcut!!!

We all want to succeed. However, most people crave for shortcuts…Check it out ⬇️

Our brain likes to win. That’s why it takes shortcuts: to minimize risks…

‼️That is the problem with shortcuts. Trying to achieve your dreams or goals fast, never works…

Shortcuts will get you nowhere. Rather than moving fast, you’ll just get stuck…

Also, Your desire for shortcuts makes you an easy prey….

Miracle workers will promise you quick solutions but the only quick-win will be theirs…

‼️Stop looking for shortcuts. Invest time and energy in preparing yourself because Shortcuts are an illusion…


☑️Work hard…

Commit to being the best you can be, not just to being successful.

☑️Show up…

Achievement is not a goal but a reward for your effort…

Doing is the best way to get better at something. Practice. Change happens one new behavior at a time…

🔑 The route to success is not linear. The ability to recover and bounce back separates successful people from those who succeed once or twice…

If you need help with this and ready to make a change to prioritize your health…

Tap in and join for custom routines and guidance!

Photos from BKO: Power Of Fitness Podcast's post 24/04/2023

Grind to shine !!!

You get what you work for. So stop making excuses, stop failing and start grinding!!

Need help achieving your goals? Message me now!!


The answer you are looking for ....
You have it.
The person you are looking for....
It’s you.
So many people lack the ability to be honest with themselves.
And that is what leads to a lot of lack luster lives.
People being miserable with who they are.

People hating the direction in which their life is headed.

People who simply are going through the phases of life, rather than living and enjoying them.
I used to be one of those people.
I used to hate my life.
I used to hate the person I was.
Over 8 years ago, my father passed away and I felt my life stop and come crashing down.
For years, I wouldn’t allow myself to confront the pain it caused me.
I would just wake up, go to work, go to the gym and just do the normal things I was so accustomed to doing.
All while hating every part of it.
Unfortunately, that’s how a lot of people live in today’s society. Because that is what is socially normal now.
We feel we can’t confront our pains bedside it makes us appear weak.
But, unfortunately the real weakness is not confronting them.
From my own experiences, you can never be truly happy or actually find what/who you want to become until you confront the pain inside of you.
Whatever issues you have going on, whatever problems stand in front of you... you are always the answer and solution to them all.
Stop doing what society “tells you” to do and start doing what is going to get you to where abs who you want to be.
Stop seeking validation from outside sources. Because none of it will mean anything without validation from yourself.
You are your own solution to becoming who you want to become.
Be honest with yourself in all aspects of your life.

Start living the best life for you.

Go do it now.


You want to be successful, right?

Of course you do.

So what is holding you back?

Is it your boss?

Is it your wife/husband?

Is is your kids?

Is it your friends?

No. It’s none of them.

The only thing holding you back from the success you seek IS YOU.

So what are you going to do about it.

Well.. start with the two easiest Nd most simple things….



Do those two steps with every single one of your goals, every single day… you will not fail.

Are you willing to do this?


Happy Birthday to my little buddies !!

1 year old today!

Feels like I’ve had em for 5 years at least!


Hoover Dam w/ Niece

One thing I’ve always wanted to do was travel more.

I know too many people who are miserable and never left the state they were born in. Or, if they did leave.. it was like two times and 10 years ago!

That’s not me.

I’m going to enjoy life!

What is one place you want to visit asap??


Ultimately, YOU decide the Limits and Constraints in Your Life

Blaming external factors for lack of results is very common amongst people who continue to quit on themselves…

When you blame your environment, situation or people around you, your basically shifting the power to make your own decisions away from yourself…

🚫You don’t want to be Accountable for Poor Decisions that lead to Poor Habits which lead to an Unfulfilled Life…

As we all know, weight loss is as much of a mental game as it is a physical one…

Our relationship with food and our bodies is complex…

‼️But often the only thing that’s actually standing in your way is you and your own thoughts…

🔑 Learn To Shift your mindset to take Ownership over Your Life and take active steps today to better your health…


Winning… takes work.

We all want to win but, are you capable of doing what it takes?

Most people aren’t.

But, luckily…. You aren’t like most people.

Work for what you want.

Be a winner.


BKO Mascot Luna says hi!

So glad for the warmer weather coming around, it just means I get to take my bestie out for more walks.

Are dogs better than people?



Repeated actions create habits.

Habits create who you are.

Habits create your success or failure.

What you do on a daily basis….

What you do when no one is watching…

They matter.

Stop wishing for things to be better.

Stop making excuses for why you fail or why you hate where you are in your life.

Creat better habits and you will create a better, more successful life.


Work for something!!!!

Not gonna lie to yaw.. I been straight up slacking this entire year.

Got the flu in December abs ever since then… I’ve been using the “excuse” card a whole lot.

But, no more!

No more getting done work at 5pm and saying “it’s late, ima just skip the gym today.”

No more “I walked 8 miles today so why workout?”

No more of any of them lame ass excuses.

Had to whip out the BKO gear this week to remind myself of who the f I am!

Don’t worry yaw… you aren’t alone on this journey. Even veterans of the fitness world like myself get into flows where they don’t wanna do it.

But, you gotta allow yourself to have more “crush it” flows than “skip it” flies in order to be successful in both life and fitness.

Let’s get back to it 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


Ultimately, YOU decide the Limits and Constraints in Your Life

Blaming external factors for lack of results is very common amongst people who continue to quit on themselves…

When you blame your environment, situation or people around you, your basically shifting the power to make your own decisions away from yourself…

🚫You don’t want to be Accountable for Poor Decisions that lead to Poor Habits which lead to an Unfulfilled Life…

As we all know, weight loss is as much of a mental game as it is a physical one…

Our relationship with food and our bodies is complex…

‼️But often the only thing that’s actually standing in your way is you and your own thoughts…

🔑 Learn To Shift your mindset to take Ownership over Your Life and take active steps today to better your health…

Photos from BKO: Power Of Fitness Podcast's post 16/03/2023


Today marks 10 freaking years since you have left this world. Not a day goes by that I do not think about you, reminiscing on all the good times we had together. Not a day goes by that I don’t think what you would say to me before the actions I make.
Today is probably my least favorite day of the year.... but honestly getting older everyday kind of feels like the worst day now 😂

But, I’m going to keep grinding it out, working towards my dreams, striving to achieve my goals and staying positive. And most of the reason I will do that - is because that is what you and mom taught me to do.
Hope you are resting easy up in heaven pops. Hope you are living that good life, you know you deserve it.

It’s so I know you got your newspapers, your books and all your thirty brackets (all which won’t win).

Love and miss ya everyday.
Rest easy dad.


What does it take to be great?

In the words of one of the all-time great MLB Players, Greg Maddux…

“A good pitcher must have short term memory and great self confidence.”

This translates directly to life.

If you want to win in life… it doesn’t matter if you fail your tasks, or succeeded in your tasks….

Either way, you need to keep pushing forward with the confidence that you will succeed in the next task at hand.

Win. Lose. Doesn’t matter.

On to the next.

That’s how you succeed and that’s how you continue to succeed.


Photos from BKO: Power Of Fitness Podcast's post 23/02/2023

❗️Make muscle building easy❗️

Now before we get started, it’s important to understand… muscle building is not easy!

But, most of you… (not all of you), are making it harder than it needs to be!

I could sit here and give you 100 different tips on how to build muscle. But, we don’t got time for that.

So, instead… here are my top 5 tips.

1️⃣Limit or cut out the 🍺!!! Alcohol is a gains killer! Not only does it stop yo

ur recovery from happening properit reduces protein synthesis which is crucial for muscle growth.

2️⃣ relying on motivation is a

recipe for failure. Instead, you need to rely on habits.

3️⃣ You get what you eat. No matter what, you can not out work your diet. Eat properly for the goals you want, regardless of the work you put in.

4️⃣ Focus on every two at the gym! Don’t just go through the motions at the gym. Use your mind to focus on making each rep COUNT!

5️⃣Hit the weights and the cardio!!! Adding in both will help you get to your results a lot faster!

🎙️Be sure to listen to the latest episode of podcast to hear more on this subject!!

The podcast is available everywhere! Links in our bio!



Whatever it is that is important in your life…

… the gym
… your significant other
… reading
… podcasting

Whatever it is, stop making excuses saying “I don’t have time” and START MAKING TIME.

It’s that simple.


❗️Closed doors often lead us to the right door!❗️

Life is a struggle. For all of us.

One way or another, we all have our issues and negative situations in our lives.

But, those who do not work to fix them, move on from them, or learn from them… will always be pulled down by them.

More often than not, in our lives… a closed door leads us to the right door.

A bad friend, a bad job, a bad relationship, etc…. When we get rid of those types of anchors…. We are often blessed with a good friend, a good job, a good relationship and things that make use happy.

Stop dwelling on the bad things, and start learning from them and growing from them.

If you don’t, you will never be happy with anything or anyone in your life… Abs that includes yourself.

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