Everyone's Massage Therapy Services, LLC ma53473/mm29715

Everyone's Massage Therapy Services, LLC  ma53473/mm29715

Helping YOU experience relief from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, fibromy

The Cove Pub and Grub - Inverness' Only Waterfront Restaurant 29/04/2018

There was an excellent turn-out and we had wonderful fun yesterday during Thea's "Client Appreciation Day and Open House". I want to give a special thanks to all of those who attended as well as to the business that provided generous gift certificates and/or product to include in gift basket drawings:

LaVette, "Hernando Fresh Market"

Lou Anne, owner of "The Cove Restaurant",

Agnes, of "Organic Coffee Reserve",

Elizabeth, "Beth", "doTerra Wellness Advocate".

Below is the contact information for the above businesses.

LaVette: http://hernandofreshmarket.com/

Agnes: [email protected]
Agnes: 352-212-7219

Elizabeth, "Beth": https://www.facebook.com/DoTerrawithBeth70/

Lou Ann;


Thank you all so much!


The Cove Pub and Grub - Inverness' Only Waterfront Restaurant

Upledger Foundation and The Ricky Williams Foundation Launches Concussion Program 18/06/2015


Upledger Foundation and The Ricky Williams Foundation Launches Concussion Program Former football player Ricky Williams receiving CranioSacral Therapy by Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D, during the five-day intensive concussion therapy program.

Google 23/02/2015


Physical activity for ourselves and our children is important. But how do we get enough adequate physical activity daily during our busy lives? It is important that our children do well in school. But it is also important that our children's health is well also. Physical Education is also education. Our local high school student have the least requirements of PE, compared to elementary - middle school students, in a single school year (The Florida Senate , 2015, section 3(f)). According to Lichtenfeld (2006). (2006) "We have developed evidence over the past several years that strengthens the association between being overweight and obese with an increased risk of developing several types of cancer.
As pointed out in the article, 14-20% of all cancer deaths are related to overweight and obesity" (para 11-12). Isn't that knowledge education enough to get all of our kids back into daily rigorous PE during school hours? That is one more hour a day (and maybe the only hour in the day) that growing young bodies exert work on their muscles and cardiovascular system.

I believe that we all want to be and feel healthy in mind and body. I believe our students desire health and fitness as well. Together we can be physically fitter and healthier. Everyone has a voice, concern, and idea. What is yours?

contact me at [email protected].

Thank you,


Lichtenfeld, J. L. (2006). Dr. Len's cancer blog: Diet, exercise and cancer prevention. American Cancer Society. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/aboutus/drlensblog/post/2006/09/28/diet-exercise-and-cancer-prevention.aspx.

The Florida Senate (2015).
The 2013 Florida Statue 1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma. Retrieved from http://www.flsenate.gov/laws/statutes/2013/1003.4282.

The Florida Senate (2015). 2010 Florida Statutes: 1003.455 Physical education; assessment. Retrieved from http://www.flsenate.gov/laws/statutes/2010/1003.455.

Google Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

Lynn D's experience after a relaxation Massage. 15/08/2014



Lynn D's experience after a relaxation Massage. Everyone's Massage Therapy Services, LLC. Inverness, Florida. 352-419-7949 Www.citrusmassagetherapy.com ma53473/mm 27 15 Permission to video and share the ab...

www.everyonesmassagetherapy.com 15/08/2014


"I like the personal one on one care. Sharon listens
and discusses the needs and concerns I have. She takes
time with me and makes sure my overall experience has
been exactly what I came for. The visit is educational as
well. It is rare in this day and age to find someone like
Sharon who cares so much and gives her time. I never feel
rushed. When I walk out the door I am overly satisfied
with the appointment. It is well worth the investment.
Sharon follows up with a phone call and checks on her
clients. She keeps in touch and genuinely cares. Her
expertise with cancer patients and generosity is
-Lisa Gutterman, Development Coach


About me and what Everyone’s Massage Therapy Services offers

ABOUT SHARON: In 2008 I began providing massage therapy with my focus on clients with medical conditions. In 2010, after extensive training, I made it my personal mission to provide Oncology Massage to cancer patients who were turned away by other massage therapist. See http://citrusmassagetherapy.com/citrus-county-fl-massage-doctor.html for more about Sharon.

WHAT WE DO: We offer many massage therapy modalities such as Oncology Massage, Massage for Fibromyalgia, Swedish (Relaxation), Deep Tissue, and Therapeutic Massage.

OTHER EFFECTIVE THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES include: Cranial Sacral Therapy, Reflexology, Cupping, Scar Tissue Release, needle-less Acupuncture, low level light therapy, and specific organic and unrefined oils are used independently or during Therapeutic Massage to produce enjoyable, relaxing, and highly therapeutic results.

ONCOLOGY MASSAGE - The primary purpose of my business: Oncology Massage helps cancer patient’s experience less fatigue, pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, "chemo-fog", and insomnia. Conventional Massage Therapy is often not as effective towards the relief of side effects of cancer treatment. Oncology Massage is safe, gentle and effective; reduces cancer treatment side effects, helps improve quality of daily living, stamina during cancer treatment, and more. Oncology Massage is also designed for patient’s in remission, during radiation treatment, before and after surgery, and receiving Home or in-patient Hospice services.