JDaleyfit Independent Beachbody Coach

JDaleyfit Independent Beachbody Coach

This is my heath and fitness page! I’ll be sharing my fitness journey as well as sharing fun, moti

Timeline photos 17/07/2019

Beef n Broccoli from my Ultimate Portion Fix cookbook turned out perfectly! I will definitely be cooking this again

Timeline photos 17/07/2019

Finishing up my 3rd round of 21 Day Fix this week and ready to continue onto another at home program.
If you want to join me I have 3 promo codes to giveaway to 3 customers to get $10 off any program until July 31st!
Feel free to DM me for more info ✌

Timeline photos 23/04/2019

Taking a few peaceful moments to myself!
I am really enjoying being here at my dad's house in Florida with the baby. Its given me the time to slow down that I desperately needed. All I'm hearing are the birds chirping out here while the baby naps inside and I am so grateful to be able to have this week away!
Don't get me wrong I miss my bubs back home a ton but I know he's having a blast with his mimi and pappy and he's so well taken care of that I'm able to just relax and enjoy. Don't forget to take care of yourselves mama you need it. Namaste✌💛


Happy Hump Day!!

Timeline photos 01/04/2019

Easy, health dinner tonight all made in one pan!

Bruschetta chicken with part skim mozzarella cheese. Baked some red potatoes with Parmesan, garlic, thyme and a little basil.

Timeline photos 28/03/2019

When the baby wakes up at 530am we fit in a quick workout! It’s not easy but I love being able to go on with the rest of my day knowing I already got in my workout 😊☀️

Timeline photos 11/03/2019

Hello friend!! So happy to be able to drink coffee again after my 5 day cleanse last week.

I really felt like my body needed a reset after all the junk I’ve been eating lately. I don’t know if it was being inside a lot because it’s been so cold or what but your girl has been struggling to eat healthy lately.

So far the cleanse has been helping me to continue re focus on my nutrition again 🍓🥒🥦

Timeline photos 20/02/2019

Healthy, easy lunch. I took some leftover chicken from last nights chicken taco seasoned with cumin, paprika, and chili powder thrown in the crockpot with organic low sodium chicken broth

Timeline photos 14/01/2019

Insta pot beef stew turned out great tonight! It was the first time I used an insta pot and aside from me possibly filling it a little too much I did pretty well!

Timeline photos 08/01/2019

This is my first time trying Kombucha and I have to say I’m really loving the pomegranate flavor. Since, I’m doing a 5 day cleanse this week i put it in a wine glass because I’m fancy like that!

This is the longest cleanse I’ve ever done but it’s not a complete detox since I’m breastfeeding im still eating very lean meat and whole grains but I cut dairy and my beloved peanut butter which is not easy for me to do, but I just feel like I’ve been eating a lot of junk and my body has been feeling it so cheers to ridding my body of the toxins and feeling better ✌️

Timeline photos 03/01/2019

Doing a “clean week” this week which for me just means no refined sugar or simple carbs. This healthy tuna melt is just tuna mixed with mustard, low fat plain Greek yogurt and pepper. I just added tomato and cheese on whole grain toast and baked it for a few minutes. Super simple and you can add avocado if you wish which I am not a fan of so I didn’t add it.

Timeline photos 19/12/2018

I haven’t posted about my postpartum workout journey in a while but I’m still getting in my workout everyday. It’s not easy with two little ones but they are my why for staying fit and strong!

Yes! I had a slice of pie at Thanksgiving and a couple cookies at a Christmas cookie exchange last week but my eating has been 80-90% clean with lots of ways to make our favorites healthy like muffins, chicken tacos and chili but if I want a non healthy cookie I’ll have it! I don’t want to get in the habit of depriving myself! Been there !

Happy holidays!! 🎄

Timeline photos 08/12/2018

It’s been a rough week and Charlie has been wanting a lot of mommy’s attention and has been a little more jealous of his sister than usual so after she went to bed we baked a healthier version of oatmeal raisin cookies.

He ate one and then asked me for a chocolate chip cookie ( and no not a healthy one) 🤦‍♀️


Timeline photos 19/11/2018

Tonight’s dinner Mexican Tortilla soup! Soup is so perfect for these cold winter like days ❄️

Timeline photos 18/11/2018

Me and my wee little trouble make finishing up a yoga workout! She stays right next to me the whole workout and when she gets fussy I figure out a way for her to join me

Happy Sunday ✌️

Ps. Thanks Aunt .daley for the adorable shirt

Timeline photos 14/11/2018

This is the first time I made these apple banana muffins. The recipe calls for almond flour but I might try it with whole wheat flour next time. Also, Charlie likes it until he got to the apple chunks. He’s not a big fan of chunks in his foods. It’s a texture thing 😂 I get it I’m the same way so we might add blueberries next time but his favorite is still any muffins with chocolate chips 🙄 Here is the recipe if you want to try:

2 eggs
2 ripe bananas
1 tbsp of unsalted, organic butter
1 1/2 cups almond flour
3/4 Tsp of baking soda
1 cup chopped apples. I would make sure they are finely chopped. Mine weren’t chopped enough.

Mix wet ingredients then dry and add to wet and mix together. Then add chopped apples

Bake at 350 for 18-22 minutes. Makes about 12


Motivation Monday!

If the weekend has you a little derailed...today's a great day to get back on track! Never miss a Monday!

Timeline photos 02/11/2018

This little girl just couldn’t wait till momma finished her workout so she joined me on the mat to finish stretching

Timeline photos 22/10/2018

Tonight’s dinner Chicken soup. Perfect for this fall weather 🍁

Made with:
Whole wheat rotini pasta
Low sodium organic chicken broth
I only added carrots and celery, left out the onions because i don’t do onions
Just seasoned with Himalayan salt and pepper

Cook chicken and pasta first and add to broth and veggies. Boil for 10 minutes or until veggies are soft

Timeline photos 17/10/2018

Charlie and I made these banana chocolate chip muffins this morning. These are made with almond flour which I was skeptical about but char and I like to experiment and they actually turned out pretty good.

Truth be told it doesn’t matter if they didn’t turn out great because baking has become something Charlie and I enjoy doing together and we get that one on one time while Rea is taking her morning nap ❤️


Motivation Monday!

Start your day and your week on right with some positive thinking!


We are well into fall now and here comes the cooler weather which I am so excited about it!

My team is also running our next fall challenge for the next 21 Days. I would love to help you reach your health and fitness goals this holiday season so we’ll be running challenges every my month so get in on this now


👻Starting- Monday October 15
🎃Multichallenge-Choose any BB workout but you must COMMIT for 21 days
👻Halloween Themed
🎃Fall and sweets healthy recipe options
👻Fall shakeology recipes
🎃 Commit to either the 21 day fix meal plan or 2BMindset (unless you follow something specific and strict already)
👻Raffles, Prizes, Winners
🎃Using the challenge tracker and private FB group for accountability

Who’s all in???? Post your favorite fall, Halloween, treat emoji below and you will be added!!

Timeline photos 10/10/2018

I love when I have time in the morning to slow down and take some time for myself. 🙌
I have a very energetic 2.5 year old and I let him play a game on the kindle while I took a break after a very busy morning of baking and playing and I definitely don’t apologize for that. He needs a break most days just as much as I do and I don’t worry about being judged for letting my son use the kindle sometimes (it’s mostly educational games anyway)

All you moms with active kids feel me right??


Tasty Tuesday!

We all love a good smoothie bowl and I’ve been obsessed with making them lately! Here is a pumpkin one for the fall:

Pumpkin Smoothie Bowl

3/4 cup pumpkin puree
1 banana
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp all spice
Toppings: whatever you’d like! Recommended: apple, walnuts, chia seeds, cinnamon

Combine smoothie bowl ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth.
Transfer to a bowl and add toppings.

Timeline photos 07/10/2018

Doing some Yoga on this beautiful Sunday with my ladybug in the background! I really needed this yoga practice today it has been a tough week. Charlie is back to waking up at 630am 😩 so with my littlest bug still waking twice a night mama is not getting enough sleep. 😴

Luckily, my wonderful husband took my son and my older stepkids down to lunch in Philly with his fam today so I can have a much needed rest day with my little lady and of course that means getting in a nice relaxing yoga practice... namaste ✌️

Happy Sunday!


Did you nail your nutrition today??

Timeline photos 01/10/2018

This is by far the most difficult picture I’ve ever posted. I’ve never posted a before and after picture of myself especially not an after that isn’t quite an after yet.

The first picture is 1 week postpartum and the 2nd is 3 months postpartum. I am down a total of 17 pounds (not including those first 12 or so pounds you lose in the hospital) and I just finished an 8 week program that I have completely stuck to and I am super proud of myself and seeing results gives me the motivation to continue. 💪
Truth- I was and still am so upset with how much weight I gained this past pregnancy and I almost didn’t even think I could get back to where I was and I almost didn’t even want to try. I need to be okay with the fact that I might never look like I did before kids. I just need to keep leading a healthy lifestyle and be kind to myself because my body did an amazing thing!
I would love be your accountability partner and motivate and work with you to get results by working out at home and giving you a customized meal plan to follow.
Drop me a comment or send me a DM if you want to hear more ✌️


Happy National Coffee Day! Here is a Vanilla Latte Shakeology Recipe:

1 serving vanilla or vegan vanilla Shakeology
1 cup brewed coffee, cooled
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 Tsp pure maple syrup or raw

For best experience use a blender and add ice the more ice the thicker it gets.
Feel free to use any kind of milk or milk substitute.

172 calories


Happy Hump Day!! Also known as workout Wednesday! Today we have a warrior 3 pose. The key to a good warrior 3 is to keep your head level and look down and choose a spot on the floor which helps with balance.

I’m finishing up my PIYO program this week which blends yoga and Pilates together so we don’t hold these moves for very long. These moves are always flowing into other moves.

Photos from JDaleyfit Independent Beachbody Coach's post 25/09/2018

Made these banana oat pancakes this morning with Char man. He loved them! Cleaned his plate! So if you are looking for a kid friendly healthy pancake recipe here it is:

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 large eggs
1 banana
1 Tsp baking powder
1 Tsp vanilla
1/2 Tsp ground cinnamon
2 cups organic oats