Woven Together / WPC Ladies Bible Study

Woven Together  /   WPC Ladies Bible Study

This is a place to go to keep informed of Bible study times or changes. A place to share.


Hi ladies, looking forward to meeting Wednesday March 20 th at 6:30 pm we will be discussing the Power of the Tongue. Feel free to invite a friend💕


Tonight 6:30 pm


Hi ladies...just a reminder of Bible study tonight.... below is a picture you might want to run over for the activity I have planned 😀 we start at 6:30 pm


HEY LADIES…I am looking forward to tonight❤️ tonight Is senior night for our basketball teams…Chelsea is of course a senior…the game is at 5:30 so I AM GOING for her honoring but will be home in plenty of time before Bible study…if you show up and I’m not here just come on in fix yourself a cup of hot drink ( I’ll have ready on the table) …❤️❤️❤️. PRAYING YOU ALL CAN COME❤️


Hi ladies , the weather is so crazy and even if it should stop in time to get everything cleaned up, I’m thinking most of you are not gonna get here tonight so the pastor and I decided that we will do this tomorrow night instead at 6:30 for all those that can make it, so we’re just postponing tonight’s Bible study to tomorrow night, Thursday at 6:30❤️.


Praying this year is a year that you will be blessed daily even amongst your struggles… that everyday you will see the Goodness of God in it❤️❤️I love you all❤️




Our first meeting of the new year will be January 10, 2024❤️❤️


Hi ladies… praying for all of you and believing for a wonderful Christmas for you all❤️


We had a wonderful time tonight …Love these ladies and all our church ladies. Tonight was on Proverbs 31:10-31
How to be a Virtuous woman❤️


Looking forward to seeing all those that can make it tonight… ❤️


Hi Ladies…WE WILL have Ladies Bible study Wednesday night at 6:30 pm

We will not meet the month of December due to the busyness for everyone…
but we will start back up JANUARY 3rd. And we will do EVERY OTHER WEEK… so that means we will meet 3 times in January.

Love you guy and looking forward to Wednesday night….

Prayer request…Gordon Blakney has pneumonia …his wife Kelly flies to Africa tomorrow
