Kirsti Ballard : Loves Life Wellness

Kirsti Ballard : Loves Life Wellness

Welcome!!! Let me HELP YOU get HEALTHY and FIT with tons of support, healthy meals and AH-MAZ-ING workouts.

Timeline photos 12/12/2018

Reuniting never felt so good✌
Its been far too long Yoga β™‘

Timeline photos 17/05/2018

Well spring/summer is here!!
You want to know how I know... πŸ’β€β™€οΈπŸ™ŒπŸ€£πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜β˜€οΈ
It also means I'm back to daily runs outoors with my girlie and my pup by my side πŸ‘§πŸΆ
This is what I ljve for. This is what I love. It absolutely is part of who I am!!! πŸ’—βœŒ
As for programs I think I've narrowed it down slightly πŸ˜‚ HA!
On days I work I've decided to stick to just a run. I think πŸ€” Sundays I'll do yoga because again it makes me ME!
But for days I'm off I'd really like to do some weights πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ
Call me crazy but I am thinking about doing because well that πŸ‘ and to continue targeting that lower tummy pooch πŸ‘™ and poosibly a πŸ™Š
Mind you I am feeling like a go getter today so this may change! πŸ™ˆ
I still have 2 days to decide so I can plan and prep πŸ˜πŸ“…


The Sun is shining it's a beautiful morning the kids are off and we on a run!
Ya right 🀣 this is we are talking about. The life where we plan everything out to the minute and then again and again until the day is over. LOL
So instead of what I expected to happen this morning it is raining so I think I might have to swap out my run or try and get it in between the breaks of rain πŸŒ§πŸ€”
Either way it is STILL a BEAUTIFUL DAY 🌼
Happy Tuesday!

Timeline photos 15/05/2018

I finally got my run in today holy sweat buckets it's hot out there!

I still haven't decided what I'm doing for a program right now. After finishing I am totally in the air. But I'll know when the time is right. I am leaning hard towards or as I feel like I need some Zen time with everything that life has going on right now.. BUT I also love the results of weight programs 🀣🀣🀣

Let's here your ideas!?!

I'm giving myself till Friday to figure it out! πŸ’₯

PS I am loving my recover after runs, it helps me not get that stiff, sore feeling πŸ™Œ

Timeline photos 14/05/2018

🌸 Happy Mothers Day to all the Mommas out there!!! 🌸

For my mother's day I went for my 6th run this week and kid free!!! It was absolutely PERFECT!!! And got to use my mother's day gift to boot!

Brand new Under Armour HOVR Sonic Runners πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— it basically like running on clouds πŸ’β€β™€οΈβ˜οΈ

Also (side note) I am totally loving my energize before my runs πŸ’₯ I feel like I could run for days πŸ”₯

How did YOU celebrate mother's day!?


Timeline photos 03/05/2018

Somedays it's just fun to feel classy AF while drinking my chocolatey multi vitamin protien shake πŸ‘Έ

Photos from Kirsti Ballard : Loves Life Wellness's post 02/05/2018

No, this is not another workout program 🚫😲 This program is ALL ABOUT NUTRITION!!❀️ workouts are optional!!!πŸ˜€πŸ’ƒ
➑️The creator herself struggled throughout her childhood lost 100 Pounds using this approach and get this! She kept it offπŸ’£πŸ’₯ She is also a registered dietitian nutritionist and she has a real story!! She knows what it's like to struggle!!!
❌Has ever struggled with emotional eating πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
❌Wants to lose weight, but doesn’t like to (or can't) exercise,πŸ€ΈπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
❌Workouts but struggles with their nutrition & isn't seeing the results they want🧐
❌Is tired of yo-yo dieting and wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle they can stick toπŸ€—
❌Loves food, loves to eat big portions, but rarely feels fullπŸ˜›
❌Has struggled with overeating / binge eating πŸ™ˆ
❌Wants an easy-to-follow system to lose weight WITHOUT cutting out food groups, counting calories, using containers or eating small portions πŸ™πŸΌ
❌Has 5 lbs to lose OR 100 lbs to lose πŸ‘‡πŸΌ
If ANY of these describe you, drop a ❀️ below or DM me for more info and I'll add you to our free group on Facebook with all the info on this new program. And you'll have the chance to join an exclusive test group w/ the program's creator.
P.S. This launched TODAY to say I'm excited is an understatement πŸ˜πŸŽ‰
*cannot already be working with another coach*

Timeline photos 26/04/2018

Lunch Time!!!
When you love noodle type meals and you've ate all your portions of carbs for the day you get creative 😜
Yellow Curry Spaghetti Squash for the win πŸ˜‹ !!!

Timeline photos 24/04/2018

Love your skin ✌

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

You guys!!! My 80 day program has commenced!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
I'll be honest here I finished it at the beginning of the week but we'll mother nature decided to show up and grace me with her presence.... ugh 😐 not cool
So I waiting until she left to take my afters well because bloat. I know you all know what I am taking about πŸ’β€β™€οΈ
My personal results were not huge in numbers but they were HUGE in the way my body changed!!! And that's what matters!
My energy and endurance is crazy I can make is through cardio like no bodies business and that totally rocks!!
The strength I have realized I have is mind blowing.
And the confidence. Where do I start. The confidence that has become evident over this 80 days is why we all do it right?
We want to be confident in who we are. To truly be ourselves. To be proud of our corks, flaws strengths. Of everything we are!
To love all that we are. To stop bashing ourselves in the mirror. To give ourselves a pat on the back and say girl your rock! And MEAN IT!
80 days may be intimidating. It may be hard. But at the end of the day you have to CHOOSE YOUR HARD.
Round 2 starts APRIL 23 πŸ“…πŸ˜˜

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

Today's going to be a lovely day!
The sun is shining β˜€οΈ The birds are chirping 🐦 and slightly confused about the snow 🀣
Now to get my sweat sesh in and think about all that I am grateful for in our beautiful life πŸ’–

Timeline photos 09/04/2018

I can't believe I am in the last week of my 80 Day journey!!!
I know that this isn't a finish line for me and that my journey will keep on going long past these 80 days but it has also tought me a lot.
It has tought me what dedication can do and I mean REAL dedication. The kind that you have even when no one is watching...
It has opened my eyes to how being truly dialed into your nutrition can change the shape of your body even if your scale says otherwise...
It has tought me that food group portions mean more than cutting out food groups. I've never totally cut out a food group but I have tried here and there to see if it changed anything and well that was a usless experiment...
It has tought me that I can in fact do HARD things and that I can even as a busy SAHM/Working Momma that I can still make time for me and my health!
Are you ready to do hard things to achieve what you want!?!
Loves Life Wellness would LOVE to be your girl gang and cheer you on!!!
Link in bio

Timeline photos 26/03/2018

Feeling stronger everyday ✌

Timeline photos 26/03/2018

I am in the final stretch of my 80 day journey!
I decided that I was going to look back and evaluate my successes and set backs through this journey so far so that I can finish it off strong πŸ’ͺ
I have realized that my set backs and success all circled around one common thing... can you guess what it is?
When I failed to prep at all or to prep enough for the week that is were things became difficult.
My energy slides. I feel slightly bloated. It just makes things so dang difficult.
Now to put these thoughts into action. Because ACTION is what gets you there!
I am keeping it simple and not letting something like meal prep hinder my progress!!! ✌
Keep it simple.
Don't over think it.

Timeline photos 25/03/2018

Do you ever have a moment where the sun is shining. It's a bright and crisp morning. Your cup of coffee is warm in your hand and your kids are running together and giggling in front of you... and you think YUP this is the lifeπŸ’—
It pretty great eh!
I just love them so

Timeline photos 23/03/2018

Today is off to a fabulous start. The kiddies had PJ day at school and have been talking about it ALL week. So if was a nice easy relaxed morning getting them out the door to the bus. I had a delightful strawberry kiwi smoothie to get my metabolism and body started off right with the help of my superfood digestive enzymes. Now me and my little miss are going to dance the day away while we tidy up ✌
What are your Friday plans!?!

Timeline photos 22/03/2018

I have been loving my Spanish Rice topped with eggs lately!
I had made a HUGE batch of it a couple weeks ago portioned it out and froze it. It turns out I like it better after it's frozen and heated it's gets sticky and well delicious πŸ˜‹
Today I added some leftover veggies from last night's dinner and voila
I've been blown up my story with this dish because seriously I could eat it everyday... or maybe I do πŸ€”πŸ˜‚
It's the perfect mix of comfort and spice. And healthy to the max ✌

Timeline photos 22/03/2018

I remember a time when the idea of an 80 day program scared me. I would think how could I ever commit to that. Failure was the only thing I could foresee. Finishing it would just not happen.
But here I am...
I almost can't believe it went by so fast but I believe it because we were there putting in the work daily 😜
Truly though I have found that it has kept me even more motivated then ever. More focused. More on point with the whole thing!!!
I have ACTUALLY pushed past my plateau that I had been at for years!!
I guess at the end of the day whats the harm in going for it!!!! Of tackling that scary program. Of giving it your ALL.
No one's there to see me anyway other than my kiddies since it's all from the comfort of my own homend to them I'm just their silly crazy momma trying to stay healthy and active for them πŸ’—

Timeline photos 22/03/2018

Today I want to take a minute to give a shout out to some of the beautiful ladies of πŸ’—
It's a honour to be along side them while they TAKE back their HEALTH and wellness from every stage!
These ladies show up and are making a conscious effort to improve their health and continuing to reach their goals!!
And I get to be there to hear it ALL!!!!!
Their successes.
When they reach a goal.
Food Tips.
We together map out a realistic plan!!!!
You ladies rock!!!
Thanks for being awesome, for loving yourself and being uniquely you πŸ’—

Timeline photos 21/03/2018

LOVING my new "dressed up" fit bit band πŸ’—
Amazon always has such fast shipping too!!
Thanks Wacool!!!

Timeline photos 15/03/2018

My kids have the best mom ever

Timeline photos 13/03/2018

Today was the first day of Phase 3!!!! The final part of this 80 day journey I've been on. It has been so wonderful! I have experienced what it is like to really fuel my body properly.
Let me tell you though the thing I notice MOST is how happy I am. Which means how happy our home is. YES this program was for me and the decision to do it but it has turned into this whole huge thing in our home.
Things are aways prepared which means less stress for meal times as well as less dished. That turns into more relaxed time with the kids playing learning. It also has us all eating better and more often which me no one goes HANGRY.
So I would say over this 50 days our life has done a turn around for more relaxed simple happy days πŸ’–

Timeline photos 12/03/2018

As we now have a newly rearranged weekend routine it took a little breaking in.
This weekend was my first Saturday back in the Salon! It was wonderful. It felt like home. It made me so happy to be avke to connect with my clients, friends and co-workers. It just felt right!
With that though there is some adjusting to do. I mean nothing HUGE but the little things. Laundry, cleaning, meal prepping, groceries, workout time. You know the works! Now we need to re organize and plan it out.
In light of that this weekend's Saturday workout got pushed to Sunday. Friday's groceries got pushed to Sunday. Saturdays cleaning got pushed to Sunday. Sundays meal prepping got pushed to today. Needless to say Sunday was BUSY!
This is where the planning thing is going to be so great! I love to do it too! It makes our weeks so much easier and such a smooth ride ✌
So HAPPY Monday, HAPPY Planning and I hope your week is a wonderfully smooth week πŸ’–

Timeline photos 09/03/2018

"Universe is totally freaking out about how awesome you are. It’s got you wrapped in a warm gorilla hug of adoration. It wants to give you everything you desire. It wants you to be happy. It wants you to see what it sees in you."
- Jen Sincero

Timeline photos 08/03/2018

How often do we as humans always want to give up when the going gets tough?
How we repeatedly tell ourselves all the things we cannot do.
Of all the limiting beliefs well allow our minds to hold on to.
I say TODAY we ALL try and stop that letting those things holdings back and live today with the mindset that we are better than our false limitations.
That we believe in ourselves, our abilities, our bodies and that we DESERVE HAPPY in whatever form that is to you

Timeline photos 08/03/2018

There was a time when getting healthy again seemed impossible. When I thought losing weight was not a possibility for me. That I was just going to have to DEAL with being over weight because I had been careless about my health.
Then it happened and one day I stopped letting my excuses hold me back. My insecurities about failing or it not working for me. I stopped lying to myself and started believing in my abilities to stick to the program.
YOU know what that felt good! All in! No turning back!
Anywho isn't she the cutest!
I just LOVE her!!! πŸ’—

Timeline photos 07/03/2018

I can't believe our Cullen turned 5 yesterday!
We had such a special day with the lids celebrating his Birthday πŸ’—
And being unplugged was a pretty important part of that πŸ’β€β™€οΈ
He was definitely spoiled with birthday love and wishes. Then we topped off the day with his choice of cake (treats a pizza 🍨)
I must admit as a parent the best part of my children's birthdays are ALWAYS & FOREVER their smiles πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—