Valued & Virtuous: Inspired to Aspire

Valued & Virtuous: Inspired to Aspire

Women are one of God’s greatest creations! Yet often times, LIFE hits and they forget their value.


Enjoy your time off with family and friends! Get some rest, eat some great bbq!


It's hard to get a catchy toon out of your head! I know this all too well, when Michael Jackson's song from The Wiz, starts playing on repeat! Sometimes it can be challenging to remind myself, that I don't have to listen to that negativity! I AM a Child of the King! This week in my blog, I talk about how I get myself back on track! I hope you enjoy it.
Read this weeks blog post "You Can Win" on the Valued & Virtuous website:


Keep your hope in God because the world will surely disappoint you! Love you, V & V Family!


Sometimes when you exercise or move furniture, you may feel like your whole body hurts and you can't take one more step. Everything hurts! Have you ever had that same pain with your heart and mind? That you're so weary from life, that you can't take another step? No?! Well, let me be vulnerable and say...I have! Broken, hurt, confused; not sure of what my next move should be. Thank God for my Savior, Jesus Christ! He stepped in right on time and has healed me; even in the places I wasn't even aware were hurt! He has shown me compassion and mercy that I now need to give myself! How about you? Do you need to give something over to God? Pray for His love and compassion today; He wants to hear from you and give you everything you need to be the whole, faith-filled, walking in your purpose, man or woman of God that He called you to be! Love you Family!


Happy Monday, V & V Family! Stopped by on this beautiful Monday to remind you that faith requires movement; you can't stay in the same place. Trust Him! Take the step into your next....whatever it is and know He will be there the entire journey! Love you, Family!


Happy Friday Eve, V & V Family! In my devotional by Verses on Psalm 23, I was reminded that He is always there to pull me back to His reality about WHO I AM & WHOSE I AM! Thank You, Father for restoration and belief in me, even when I forget! I pray that you remember today, Family! Love you!


NEW BLOG POST - Know Your Worth (
Did you know it's just as important how you value yourself as it is how others value you? I'll even dare to say, it's even more important because how you view and treat yourself usually has a direct correlation on how you ALLOW others to treat you. This week in my blog I have a poem I wrote talking about knowing your worth. I hope you enjoy it.
Read this weeks blog post Know Your Worth on the Valued & Virtuous website:


TALK IT OUT TUESDAY THROWBACK - Hey V & V Family, let's look back to an oldie but goodie that reminds us that You are Enough! Hope you enjoy!
Watch the full video and others on our YouTube Channel:


You ever stress yourself out about what's going to happen? What's the plan Stan? Oh, it's just me! LOL No worries. I'll accept that I am fighting the urge everyday to create my own plan because I don't know what's next. Second guessing that He is working it out on the back end? But I read something this morning that made me stop, in Colossians 1:16-17; God has been there from the beginning! He knows everything and has a purpose for EVERYTHING! So stop worrying my friend! God's got you! Love you, Family!


Happy Monday, V & V Family! You ever felt like you were dragging and worried about something, that DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU? You have picked up someone else's issues/concerns, MESS?! Now you're stressed out, trying to solve and find solutions for your spouse, sister, brother, mother, friend? In my prayer group this weekend, one of the members had some good advice for the group that I couldn't have said better myself: "Don't enslave yourself with other people's mess!" It's okay to be there to listen and provide advice or feedback, when asked, but it's not our responsibility to try and "fix" their issues. Give them to God! He is the Ultimate Problem Solver. Love your Fam!


HAPPY FRIDAY! We made it and I don't know about you, but I am grateful to see another day! There have been so many family member, friends, etc that did not get to see today; therefore, I will shout to the mountain tops and thank HIM for another day!


Don't forget to subscribe to the Valued and Virtuous Blog to receive updates when new content is available.


The great thing about God, He made us ALL! He made us in His Image! (Genesis 1:27) So to Him, we are ALL LOVED!


Check out the new post at


NEW BLOG POST - In the Midst of The Storm (
Have you ever felt like one thing after the next is coming at you, from every direction? That's how I've been feeling this past month, when life has been "lifing". I had to remind myself that even in the midst of the storms of life, He is still present. Read this weeks blog post In the Midst of the Storm on the Valued & Virtuous website:


A reminder for today, never let anyone call you out of your name! God has called you: LOVED, CHOSEN, MASTERPIECE, FRIEND, ROYAL PRIESTHOOD! Have a great day, V & V Family! Love you!

Talk It Out Tuesday v10 Forgiveness and Healing 12/06/2024

It's time for Talk It Out Tuesday! - Join me today as I discuss a topic near and dear to me, Forgiveness and Healing. I don't know about you, but there are times family chaos can bring back memories/trauma that are not always the most pleasant; memories that remind me, that I may not be as forgiving or healed as I thought. In this latest installment of Talk It Out Tuesday, I discuss my own struggles and how I am slowly, but surely, learning to forgive and heal.
Full Video Available on YouTube:

Talk It Out Tuesday v10 Forgiveness and Healing Join me today as I discuss a topic near and dear to me, Forgiveness and Healing. I don't know about you, but there are times family chaos can bring back memo...


TALK IT OUT TUESDAY - It's Tuesday!! Let's try this again!
I've missed you, V & V Family! Let's jump back in with a topic near and dear to me, Forgiveness and Healing. I don't know about you, but there are times family chaos can bring back memories/trauma that are not always the most pleasant; memories that remind me, that I may not be as forgiving or healed as I thought. Tune in tonight at 7 PM EST as I discuss my own struggles and how I am slowly, but surely, learning to forgive and heal.

My Journey to Becoming: Annissia 10/06/2024

Did you get a chance to read my blog post last week? What are you waiting for? Catch up now!

My Journey to Becoming: Annissia According to a definition provided by Merriam-Webster, a journey is “something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another”. How fitting is that definition for the place we are in with our blog, Confessions: T...


Happy Monday, V & V Family! I stopped by to tell you, don't hesitate; He will give you everything you need, He's just waiting for you to move!
Love you! Have a great rest of your day!


NEW BLOG POST - My Journey to Becoming: Annissia (
When you meet me, I know you instantly think, "that lady has it all together".....Just Kidding! That's what I would like you to think, but it is far from the truth. Read my first blog post on my journey to becoming the sort of, sometimes, well maybe one day a month, version of myself. I hope it allows you to give yourself grace on this journey called life.


Don't EVER stop praising God! Your VICTORY is in your PRAISE! Here are some of my favorite praise and worship songs that stay on repeat in seasons of change:
2. Yeshua (Spontaneous) Live - Eleni Baker
3. For My Good - Maverick City Music Feat. Todd Galberth
4. Make A Way - Elevation Worship Feat. Chandler Moore

Thank me later!


On World Environment Day, we are reminded to protect the planet so it will be here for our children's children and their children's children. Lest we forget, God created the earth and then He created us to take care of it. (Genesis 1)


TALK IT OUT TUESDAY - It's Tuesday!! I've missed you, V & V Family! Let's jump back in with a topic near and dear to me, Forgiveness and Healing. I don't know about you, but there are times family chaos can bring back memories/trauma that are not always the most pleasant; memories that remind me, that I may not be as forgiving or healed as I thought. Tune in tonight at 7 PM EST as I discuss my own struggles and how I am slowly, but surely, learning to forgive and heal.


Happy Monday, V & V Family! I'm excited to announce that the Valued & Virtuous: Inspired to Aspire website is officially LIVE! As I continue to grow the site, you can look forward to more content and access to my blog! I can't wait for you to see it! Let me know your thoughts. What would you like to see? Remember, don't forget to Like, Follow and Share!


The month of May has been challenging for me and my family, to say the least. But God reminded me this morning, HE IS MY WARRIOR! Maybe you need this reminder today, too! Be blessed V&V Family! Keep fighting!


A reminder for you, V&V Family, each day is another day that you have been blessed with another opportunity to try again. Try not to yell in traffic at the person who cut you off. Try not to drop that four letter word. Even better, try to spend more time with God and learn to NOT lean on your own understanding. What will you do with your day?


Happy Tuesday, V&V Family! This week I’m taking a much needed break after some travel for family. Tune in next week to catch a new episode. In the meantime, don’t forget to watch past episodes on our YouTube channel:


No matter where I go or what I do, I take comfort in knowing He not only orders my steps, He walks beside me! Sometimes, He may even have to carry me; but I never fear He will leave me!


💥💥Freedom Friday 💥💥
In my time alone with Him, I am learning that only God can bring me peace. No matter how hard I run, plan, or think I've got it figured out...I don't! He is more powerful than all my anxiety and can offer the peace that surpasses all understanding in Phillipians 4:7. Trust Him today! Let Him have it! You'll be glad you did.

Videos (show all)

Enjoy your time off with family and friends! Get some rest, eat some great bbq!
TALK IT OUT TUESDAY THROWBACK - Hey V & V Family, let's look back to an oldie but goodie that reminds us that You are En...
You ever stress yourself out about what's going to happen? What's the plan Stan? Oh, it's just me! LOL No worries. I'll ...
NEW BLOG POST - In the Midst of The Storm ( you ever felt like one thing aft...
TALK IT OUT TUESDAY - It's Tuesday!! Let's try this again! I've missed you, V & V Family! Let's jump back in with a topi...
NEW BLOG POST - My Journey to Becoming: Annissia ( you meet me, I know you i...
TALK IT OUT TUESDAY - It's Tuesday!! I've missed you, V & V Family! Let's jump back in with a topic near and dear to me,...
Happy Monday, V & V Family! I'm excited to announce that the Valued & Virtuous: Inspired to Aspire website is officially...
Happy Tuesday, V&V Family! This week I’m taking a much needed break after some travel for family. Tune in next week to c...
Wanna see what you missed this week on Valued & Virtuous outlets? It's not too late to catch up! See all our posts on IG...
Good Morning, V&V Family! Remember, when you look in the mirror WHO & WHOSE YOU ARE! Psalms 139:14#valuedandvirtuous #in...
Hello V&V Family! It's time for Talk It Out Tuesday! Full Video: week, we are discussin...