Dr Annette Chester

Dr Annette Chester

Welcome,trained in hypnosis, Arrow technique, NLP, EFT, IEMT, Psy-TaP, and TFT. OldPain2Go,





Thank you for all the constructive and supportive feedback so far. I’m am hugely grateful. Without your feedback I would never know what it is you truly need from participating in my programme.

The programme commences in just 1 weeks time and places are going to fill fast as this is the one and only time that the beta price will be running.

So I’m calling all business mums who love running their own business whilst also being available for their family.
But, would really like to know how to create more balance and harmony within their home so that they can build the business of their dreams without constantly feeling guilty for never having the time they would like to spend with their family.

The 12 week online group course (The 'Notice, Nourish, Nurture' Programme), designed to IMPACT your business and family by positively impacting you.

The Programme focusses on showing you how by implementing simple daily habits and developing new life long skills you will be able to bring your A game to all aspect of your life, and so becoming the 'Mum Boss' you know you should and can be.

If this sounds like a programme you need right now then send me a DM and jump on a call with me WITHIN the next week. I don’t want you missing out on this one off reduced price offer for attending the beta programme. All future programmes will be at the full price.

Also if you know someone who may wish to benefit from joining this beta programme Please Share it with them or tag them into this post. πŸ™πŸ»

I sincerely thank you in advance!

With Love

Annette Chester



Grateful for the sun to warm me in the sea breeze



I'm looking for feedback in the next 7 days from five business mums who love running their own business whilst also being available for their family. But, would really like to know how to create more balance and harmony within their home so that they can build the business of their dreams without constantly feeling guilty for never having the time they would like to spend with their family.

I'm about to launch a new course called The 'Notice, Nourish, Nurture' Programme, designed to IMPACT your business and family by positively impacting you.

The Programme focusses on showing you how by implementing simple daily habits you will be able to bring your A game to all aspect of your life, and so becoming the 'Mum Boss' you know you should and can be.

I need five mums to jump on a quick call with me WITHIN the next week and offer feedback on the programme before its launch later this month.

If you can help me, drop me a DM and we can schedule a call.πŸ™πŸ»

Also if you know a mum who would love to help please share this post. πŸ™πŸ»

I sincerely thank you in advance!

With Love

Annette Chester


Will the Pandemic Have a Lasting Impact on My Kids? 19/05/2020

Will the Pandemic Have a Lasting Impact on My Kids? Research on wars, natural disasters, and other crises reveals how to protect our children’s mental health.


Really useful de-escalation techniques. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‘

Read a full explanation of each strategy here: https://hes-extraordinary.com/de-escalation-techniques

Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak 25/04/2020

Sharing the government’s guidance for parents and carers supporting children at this unsettling time.

Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak We use cookies to collect information about how you use GOV.UK. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services.


A simple and effective technique for managing acute feelings of anxiety as well as for longer term symptom reduction.


Some good news. I’m now a certified IEMT (integral eye movement therapy) practitioner. Great technique for working with clients with trauma, anxiety, depression and it even works online.


Due to the current coronavirus situation I will be offering therapy sessions online only.

Coronavirus Talking Points for Parents & Teachers with the Whole-Brain Child Approach β€” Tina Payne Bryson, PhD 11/03/2020

Thank you Tina and Alison RK for sharing. Xx

Coronavirus Talking Points for Parents & Teachers with the Whole-Brain Child Approach β€” Tina Payne Bryson, PhD By Adrienne Hollingsworth, AMFT, with Tina Payne Bryson, LCSW, PhDΒ 

Why Children with ADHD Lie: Impulsivity and Emotional Regulation 10/03/2020

I have a 5 yo (not ADHD) who does this a lot, 7yo not so much... so needed this today. πŸ™πŸ»

Why Children with ADHD Lie: Impulsivity and Emotional Regulation When your child with ADHD lies, it is important to remember that her ADHD symptoms are partly to blame.

14 Tips to Help Kids Learn to Manage Anxiety 09/03/2020

14 tips to help children learn to manage anxiety

14 Tips to Help Kids Learn to Manage Anxiety Teach kids to recognize and manage their anxiety.


Such a BRAVE little man and mum. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

15 positive ways to help your child learn to manage their anger 05/01/2020

I love these β€œ15 positive ways” to help a child learn to manage their anger.

15 positive ways to help your child learn to manage their anger Many parents send an angry child to her room to "calm down." After all, what else can we do? We certainly can't reason with her when she's furious. It's no time to teach lessons or ask for an apology. She needs to calm down.If we send our angry child to his room, he will indeed calm down, eventually...

Timeline photos 16/12/2019

Great infographic on co-regulation

Co-regulation seems to be one of the biggest mysteries of emotional intelligence, so I thought I should break down the specific steps for you!

Here's what you might notice: there's no teaching or coaching, no reasoning or expecting your child to think clearly, no labeling of feelings, and very little talking on the parent's part.

Your goal is only to reach your child--❀️ to πŸ’—--using your thinking, calm brain for both of you!


Thought provoking πŸ€”


There is a silent tragedy that is unfolding today in our homes, and concerns our most precious jewels: our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! In the last 15 years, researchers have given us increasingly alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in childhood mental illness that is now reaching epidemic proportions:

Statistics do not lie:
β€’ 1 in 5 children have mental health problems
β€’ A 43% increase in ADHD has been noted
β€’ A 37% increase in adolescent depression has been noted
β€’ There has been a 200% increase in the su***de rate in children aged 10 to 14

What is happening and what are we doing wrong?

Today's children are being over-stimulated and over-gifted with material objects, but they are deprived of the fundamentals of a healthy childhood, such as:
β€’ Emotionally available parents
β€’ Clearly defined limits
β€’ Responsibilities
β€’ Balanced nutrition and adequate sleep
β€’ Movement in general but especially outdoors
β€’ Creative play, social interaction, unstructured game opportunities and boredom spaces

Instead, in recent years, children have been filled with:
β€’ Digitally distracted parents
β€’ Indulgent and permissive parents who let children "rule the world" and whoever sets the rules
β€’ A sense of right, of deserving everything without earning it or being responsible for obtaining it
β€’ Inadequate sleep and unbalanced nutrition
β€’ A sedentary lifestyle
β€’ Endless stimulation, technological nannies, instant gratification and absence of boring moments

What to do?
If we want our children to be happy and healthy individuals, we have to wake up and get back to basics. It is still possible! Many families see immediate improvements after weeks of implementing the following recommendations:

β€’ Set limits and remember that you are the captain of the ship. Your children will feel more confident knowing that you have control of the helm.
β€’ Offer children a balanced lifestyle full of what children NEED, not just what they WANT. Don't be afraid to say "no" to your children if what they want is not what they need.
β€’ Provide nutritious food and limit junk food.
β€’ Spend at least one hour a day outdoors doing activities such as: cycling, walking, fishing, bird / insect watching
β€’ Enjoy a daily family dinner without smartphones or distracting technology.
β€’ Play board games as a family or if children are very small for board games, get carried away by their interests and allow them to rule in the game
β€’ Involve your children in some homework or household chores according to their age (folding clothes, ordering toys, hanging clothes, unpacking food, setting the table, feeding the dog etc.)
β€’ Implement a consistent sleep routine to ensure your child gets enough sleep. The schedules will be even more important for school-age children.
β€’ Teach responsibility and independence. Do not overprotect them against all frustration or mistakes. Misunderstanding will help them build resilience and learn to overcome life's challenges,
β€’ Do not carry your children's backpack, do not carry their backpacks, do not carry the homework they forgot, do not peel bananas or peel oranges if they can do it on their own (4-5 years). Instead of giving them the fish, teach them to fish.
β€’ Teach them to wait and delay gratification.
β€’ Provide opportunities for "boredom", since boredom is the moment when creativity awakens. Do not feel responsible for always keeping children entertained.
β€’ Do not use technology as a cure for boredom, nor offer it at the first second of inactivity.
β€’ Avoid using technology during meals, in cars, restaurants, shopping centers. Use these moments as opportunities to socialize by training the brains to know how to work when they are in mode: "boredom"
β€’ Help them create a "bottle of boredom" with activity ideas for when they are bored.
β€’ Be emotionally available to connect with children and teach them self-regulation and social skills:
β€’ Turn off the phones at night when children have to go to bed to avoid digital distraction.
β€’ Become a regulator or emotional trainer for your children. Teach them to recognize and manage their own frustrations and anger.
β€’ Teach them to greet, to take turns, to share without running out of anything, to say thank you and please, to acknowledge the error and apologize (do not force them), be a model of all those values ​​you instill.
β€’ Connect emotionally - smile, hug, kiss, tickle, read, dance, jump, play or crawl with them.

Article written by Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos Psychiatrist.
