The Money Shaman

The Money Shaman

A vibrant community of abundance.


REUNITING ART & MAGIC Davide De Angelis presents the purpose woven into the Starman Tarot and outlines the possibility of reuniting Art & Magic. This is the first step in an indiv...


! To celebrate 's birthday today, we're giving away 3 copies of the by Davide De Angelis and Lo Scarabeo Tarot!

To enter, comment on this post telling us why you want to win, and we'll pick 3 winners at random on Friday, 1/11/19 at 12pmCDT. (Feel free to spread this post far and wide using and !)

Want more information on the Starman Tarot? Visit for more details and card images.
Please note that all winners will be chosen at random. This giveaway is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook.


The deluxe edition of Starman Tarot is arriving to our Clients 🎉🎉😍😍


Finalmente siamo arrivati al mese decisivo per l'uscita dello Starman Tarot . Eccoci pronti per svelare altre tre carte del mazzo, scegliete la vostra preferita con le emoticon!

Starman Tarot is finally going to be released! Choose with the emoticons your favorite card. We'll reveal the meaning of the most voted very soon!


Finalmente l’attesa ù finita: siamo felicissimi di annunciarvi che dal 24 ottobre lo Starman Tarot sarà acquistabile sul nostro sito.

We’re thrilled to announce that Starman Tarot will be available on our website from 10/24!

The David Bowie-Inspired Tarot Is Here And You're Goin To Want It 17/08/2018

The David Bowie-Inspired Tarot Is Here And You're Goin To Want It "There's a Starman waiting in the sky..."

LIFE = 10/11/2015


LIFE = INSPIRATIONAL CLOTHS NOT AVAILABLE IN SHOPS! LIMITED TIME OFFER! Remind yourself that anything is possible with the right focus. When your life is defined by LOVE, INSPIRATION, FAI...

Forget What You Want! 08/07/2015

Why Creative people need to totally forget what they want... :)

Forget What You Want! Many people ask me how to become a ‘successful’ designer and artist. Others ask me how to become a successful writer and storyteller. And yet others ask how to cross the liminal boundary into both realms.

A Giant, a Machete and a Miracle 01/07/2014

A Giant, a Machete and a Miracle... :)

A Giant, a Machete and a Miracle living wealth systems

Timeline photos 03/05/2014

It’s often right at the point where you’re about to give up that something shows up to completely transform everything.

This has happened so many times in my life that I often wonder if life just pushes us to that point, the point where we are willing to let go of our the life we had planned and explore a completely different path or way of doing things.

Money has a habit of pushing us right to the very edge of our comfort zones. But so many pull back just at the very moment life was about to deliver an amazing solution.

The key is to stay in the game and become vigilant for these life-changing moments. They are there right in front of us and yet fear can blind us to them.

My feeling is that when it comes to money we have to be prepared to step out of the box. We have to be prepared to be – not become – but ‘be’ right now, the amazing person we dream about.

When you become aware that this whole thing we call life is just made up then you experience unbelievable freedom. If you run with this idea it literally means that you can invent whoever you want to be: there are no restrictions.

I would love to invite you to entertain the possibility that something has shown up for you right now.

Timeline photos 02/05/2014

It’s often right at the point where you’re about to give up that something shows up to completely transform everything.

This has happened so many times in my life that I often wonder if life just pushes us to that point, the point where we are willing to let go of our the life we had planned and explore a completely different path or way of doing things.

Money has a habit of pushing us right to the very edge of our comfort zones. But so many pull back just at the very moment life was about to deliver an amazing solution.

The key is to stay in the game and become vigilant for these life-changing moments. They are there right in front of us and yet fear can blind us to them.

My feeling is that when it comes to money we have to be prepared to step out of the box. We have to be prepared to be – not become – but ‘be’ right now, the amazing person we dream about.

When you become aware that this whole thing we call life is just made up then you experience unbelievable freedom. If you run with this idea it literally means that you can invent whoever you want to be: there are no restrictions.

I would love to invite you to entertain the possibility that something has shown up for you right now.

Timeline photos 02/05/2014

Free Money Innovation Course - The New Money Dynamics.
When you discover how to work Creatively and effectively with Money, something miraculous happens: you believe in yourself in a way you have never expereinced: you start to naturally create the things you want in ways you could never have previously imagined.

This Amazing Free Money Course is Your Catalyst!
Get Immediate Access Now!

Creating Money 01/05/2014

Creating Money living wealth systems

Timeline photos 01/05/2014

‘CREATING’ MONEY from your own ‘creativity’ is literally the most beautiful, emotional and life-enhancing experience.

Understanding how to play the Money Matrix system in a way that takes back all the power and vital energy that you’ve lost over the years, brings you present for your life in a totally new way.

As an ex-punk, shaman-centric, rave-culture, CREATIVE REBEL it makes me smile when I see how a dynamic ‘beautifully designed’ system has the power to help thousands of creatives finally turn their Talents into a Stream of Money. Better still, turning making money from their ideas into a complete lifestyle choice.

It makes me smile that after so many years of struggling with money – feeling that my creativity was ultimately not aligned with making money – I’ve discovered the awesome power of what I’ve termed a ‘Living Wealth System’.

Since developing this revolutionary way to both understand and directly work with money, my ‘Creative Dream’ has just grown more and more amazing. I live as a GLOBAL CITIZEN, spending time in some of the most beautiful and spiritual places on Earth. I work only when and with whom I choose.

I get to create with my wife and daughter in such beautiful ways. Moreover, I’m consistently turning my creative ideas, designs and projects into a moving river of money – a stream of ‘Living Wealth’.

I’m currently beaming this from the amazing island of Bali, sitting by the pool doing what I love most: exploring ideas and images.

Up until now I’ve only shared my Living Wealth System with a handful of my inner-circle coaching clients who work in the Creative Industries.

They are getting almost off-the-scale results. I’m talking about how one client has transformed an idea sketched on a scrap of paper in a cafĂ© into over a million dollars in funding to create an epic documentary film. I’m talking about a burnt-out web designer building a six-figure income from sharing her knowledge in a very unique style.

How would your life change if you could finally master this money thing once and for all: knowing that you can turn on a flow of money whenever you want, from wherever you want?

You see my alter ego is The Money Shaman but this in no way means I’m interested in acquiring more ‘things’. I’m actually interested living LIFE fully, in the ‘creative flow’. I’m interested in how money, in whatever form it may take (bitcoin, paper or seashells), can facilitate our imagination.

I’m fascinated to see what wonders we can bring into being when we are not burdened by a life of constant anxiety around just keeping our heads above water.

Imagine having the freedom to let your creativity loose, to live as a fully expressed human being. Imagine having the freedom to explore different ideas because you have established a flow of money.

True wealth and true health arise only when there is a natural flow. The moment we fall back into fear and stop the natural flow we see the terrible effects that are playing out in the world today.

The ultimate essence is all in the flow.

However, before I tell you more about the LIVING WEALTH SYSTEM, let me go back a bit.

Basically it certainly hasn’t been an easy journey to get here. My journey to being a creative MONEY SHAMAN has been long and often painful.

I’ve been hammered and smashed so many times in terms of getting my ideas to pay the bills that I’ve almost lost count of the days spent in despair and utter frustration. I’ve almost lost count of just how many times I’ve been right on the edge with money. In the bad old days, my friends would often laugh at my comedy exploits around money.

I can’t say I miss those bad old days one little bit.



My Mission, now that I have learnt so much about how to move skilfully through this strange world with love and a sense of aliveness only few will ever touch, is to empower as many ‘Creative’ people as possible to manifest the wealth and the opportunities to fully express their ART: to literally turn their lives into ART!



In fact I believe that it is only by empowering and enriching the ‘Creative Mind’ that we can bring about the shift in consciousness that we are searching for.

When you are truly a ‘Creative’ – be it a graphic designer, web designer, photographer, animator or simply an ‘ideas’ person who desires nothing more than to live and breath your creative gifts; you know deep down that living a life of compromise will kill your spirit.


You see
 it’s like this
 Most ‘Creative’ individuals are completely lost in an essentially ‘straight line’ culture. The conventional systems they find themselves trapped in runs completely counter to how their minds love to explore reality.

They struggle through boring, linear methods, hoping to turn their creative gifts into money. Most true creative souls discover that all the things they have been told about money, and how to go about manifesting the things they want, run totally counter to how they are ‘designed’ to function.

Having to go against your very nature is never likely to yield a result you actually want.

The vast majority I’m talking about quickly discover that being creative – someone who wants to put reality together with their imagination – makes them practically invisible: no one appears to be able to see them. It’s as if they are functioning in a completely different reality from most of the world. And of course in many ways that’s truer than you think.

Significantly they are almost totally invisible to the energy of money!

On the surface it appears that compromise is the only real option.

Often those we think of as highly creative are bowing and scraping and compromising (I could use stronger terms) their talents to the straight-line people of this world.

I can remember the utter disappointment of starting my first job in what I thought was one of the most cool and creative design agencies on the planet.

I can remember working all night on the most avant-garde presentation, only to be told by the so-called Creative Director that we were going to “Play it Safe”. He didn’t even take a second glance at my ideas.

Needless to say I didn’t last long working for someone else – following their way of seeing things.

This led me to establishing my own Design and Media agency. And boy was this a life lesson. I can’t remember exactly how many months me and my business partner and fellow design maverick sat waiting for the phone to ring.

However, I can remember making sure I was out when the landlord called to collect the overdue rent on our studio.

I can remember finally taking on the very type of jobs I loathed and almost feeling physically sick as I watched my creativity and passion draining away.

Experimentation, playfulness, joy and the sheer delight of bringing seemingly unrelated thing together, and making them work as one, was encrypted into my DNA. I absolutely didn’t want to compromise and yet the bills kept piling up. Even when I did compromise my talent, things invariably went horribly wrong and I ended up even worse off.


My heroes when I was a kid were people like David Bowie, Frank Zappa, Picasso and Carlos Castaneda. I loved the fact that these characters had found a way to be their highest creative, expressive ‘self’, or in Bowie’s case several selves, and yet they were also able to bring their power into play to make money and play even more and express even more.

They were ‘other worldly’ and yet they could play this world in ways that were so cool and so utterly unexpected. That was what I wanted to do!

I loved the story about how a reporter went to visit Picasso, and Picasso said he could turn a one-dollar note into thousand dollars.

The reporter gave him a one-dollar note and Picasso ‘signed’ it with his famous signature and gave it back. “Now it’s worth $1,000,” said Picasso.

Of course banks pull money out of thin air and charge us interest on money that never existed, but Picasso had the power of Alchemy at his fingertips: he understood something deeper, something full of meaning. He was a true Money Shaman in every sense.

But sadly that alchemy wasn’t to be the case for me as I watched many frustrating years pass without anything changing. I watched as other ‘conventional’ people around started doing really well financially and they actually seemed happy too; you can be conventional and happy of course.

Being creative is a constant dance between frustration and elation, restriction and freedom. But I found myself spending way too much time in frustration and restriction – not only that, but a sense of anger, victimhood and resentment took up residence in my mind.

Back then I started to think that my creativity was more like a curse. I spent many unhappy hours stressing about my dire financial situation. I was constantly on the verge of bankruptcy. I lived in debt and the worry of not being able to meet the monthly payments on a mortgage and several out-of-control loans and overdraft charges.

I wondered what had gone wrong.


One day as the wolves were about to kick down my studio door, I had a stunningly simple yet utterly obvious idea: why not actually ask someone who I really admired creatively, someone who had cracked the code of making money and attracting opportunities, to coach and mentor me.

Like most creative types I was deeply conditioned to struggle on alone and kind of ashamed to admit that I was failing at something.

Finally I reached out and to my amazement two people agreed to help me.


Literally within three months of being coached by people who understood the dynamics of what I term “CREATING” MONEY – meaning turning creativity into money and in so doing actually making money a ‘creative tool’ or energy – I was working directly with one of my all time heroes (heroes released in 1977–pun intended) DAVID BOWIE.

 you read that correctly, DAVID BOWIE.

All this is completely true. Feel free to look me up online and see this for yourself should you wish.

What’s more, David Bowie contacted me and within a day of speaking to him on the phone in New York I was sitting next to him in my London Studio (with two months rent still owing) going through the most inspiring and innovative ideas imaginable!

As if that wasn’t enough within the next six months I was working for some of the world’s top organisations such as Apple, Sony and Virgin Music!

I saw my business grow from almost zero – the most creative yet impoverished design agency in London – to bringing in over £300,000 (that was over $500,000 in those days) of highly creative projects
 working with some of the most famous icons. Eventually we passed the £1,000,000 ($2,000,000) mark.

I’m not saying any of this to boast, but simply to show you what’s possible when you start working the right way.

Since then I’ve gone on to combine my passion for creativity with my passions for personal development and self-discovery. I’ve written a No1 Amazon bestseller called The Guiding Principle and seen the demand for my teachings grow and grow. I now work directly with clients in 8 different countries.

I’ve also written a cult classic sci-fi novel that Bowie agreed to endorse; something he hardly ever does. I then sold the film rights to the book, enabling me to invest in several amazing projects that are still growing and paying me money to this day.

I know that you are probably wondering if you can also find a way to bring your creative talents to life in totally new and exciting ways.

The answer is a resounding YES!

As I said at the beginning and I thank you for staying with this post, my mission is to empower and facilitate creative people like you to turn your skills and natural talents into money – money that is borne out of your heart and passion.

It totally upsets me to see so many talented, hard-working people not realising their fullest potential.

Several years ago I started a resource called The Money Shaman, sharing the astonishingly simple yet powerful practices and methods I was taught by my Money Shaman mentors. This resource has now dramatically transformed the lives of literally thousands of people – creative individuals just like you.

The Money Shaman material includes bestselling online courses guiding you through a complete revolution in money and life skills, live workshops and webinars and personal wealth coaching.

Let’s move right into the present moment


Applying the science of what is termed ‘LIVING SYSTEMS’, the highly creative way Life or Nature herself works, I’ve woven this incredibly responsive, interactive science into a set of core ‘action’ patterns that are designed to create wealth – financial wealth, a wealth of new possibilities: a wealth of freedom.

This LIVING WEALTH SYSTEM is what you have been looking for. You really want to be spending your time creating and enjoying the fruits of your talents, not stressing about money.

Ultimately what’s on offer here is THE SCIENCE & SPIRIT OF CREATING WEALTH.

As I write this, I’m putting the finishing touches to what will be a life-changing product called (as you may have guessed): LIVING WEALTH SYSTEM.

I want you to be one of the first people to start working with this totally new way of bringing money to life and experiencing the joy of seeing your talents properly rewarded and celebrated.

If you want to be right there as this product goes LIVE then please check out the link below.

Live Wealthy

Davide De Angelis
“The Money Shaman”

P.S. Nothing like this has ever been developed specifically to help creative people like yourself work with money. Find your power and let your gifts and talents become the real assets they are.

Timeline photos 01/05/2014

'CREATING’ MONEY from your own ‘creativity’ is literally the most beautiful, emotional and life-enhancing experience.

If you're a true 'Creative', understanding how to play the Money Matrix system in a way that takes back all the power and vital energy that you’ve lost over the years, brings you present for your life in a totally new way.

Discover more...

Living Wealth System 01/05/2014

‘CREATING’ MONEY from your own ‘creativity’ is literally the most beautiful, emotional and life-enhancing experience.

Understanding how to play the Money Matrix system in a way that takes back all the power and vital energy that you’ve lost over the years, brings you present for your life in a totally new way.

As an ex-punk, shaman-centric, rave-culture, CREATIVE REBEL it makes me smile when I see how a dynamic ‘beautifully designed’ system has the power to help thousands of creatives finally turn their Talents into a Stream of Money. Better still, turning making money from their ideas into a complete lifestyle choice.

It makes me smile that after so many years of struggling with money – feeling that my creativity was ultimately not aligned with making money – I’ve discovered the awesome power of what I’ve termed a ‘Living Wealth System’.

Since developing this revolutionary way to both understand and directly work with money, my ‘Creative Dream’ has just grown more and more amazing. I live as a GLOBAL CITIZEN, spending time in some of the most beautiful and spiritual places on Earth. I work only when and with whom I choose.

I get to create with my wife and daughter in such beautiful ways. Moreover, I’m consistently turning my creative ideas, designs and projects into a moving river of money – a stream of ‘Living Wealth’.

I’m currently beaming this from the amazing island of Bali, sitting by the pool doing what I love most: exploring ideas and images.

Up until now I’ve only shared my Living Wealth System with a handful of my inner-circle coaching clients who work in the Creative Industries.

They are getting almost off-the-scale results. I’m talking about how one client has transformed an idea sketched on a scrap of paper in a cafĂ© into over a million dollars in funding to create an epic documentary film. I’m talking about a burnt-out web designer building a six-figure income from sharing her knowledge in a very unique style.

How would your life change if you could finally master this money thing once and for all: knowing that you can turn on a flow of money whenever you want, from wherever you want?

You see my alter ego is The Money Shaman but this in no way means I’m interested in acquiring more ‘things’. I’m actually interested living LIFE fully, in the ‘creative flow’. I’m interested in how money, in whatever form it may take (bitcoin, paper or seashells), can facilitate our imagination.

I’m fascinated to see what wonders we can bring into being when we are not burdened by a life of constant anxiety around just keeping our heads above water.

Imagine having the freedom to let your creativity loose, to live as a fully expressed human being. Imagine having the freedom to explore different ideas because you have established a flow of money.

True wealth and true health arise only when there is a natural flow. The moment we fall back into fear and stop the natural flow we see the terrible effects that are playing out in the world today.

The ultimate essence is all in the flow.

However, before I tell you more about the LIVING WEALTH SYSTEM, let me go back a bit.

Basically it certainly hasn’t been an easy journey to get here. My journey to being a creative MONEY SHAMAN has been long and often painful.

I’ve been hammered and smashed so many times in terms of getting my ideas to pay the bills that I’ve almost lost count of the days spent in despair and utter frustration. I’ve almost lost count of just how many times I’ve been right on the edge with money. In the bad old days, my friends would often laugh at my comedy exploits around money.

I can’t say I miss those bad old days one little bit.



My Mission, now that I have learnt so much about how to move skilfully through this strange world with love and a sense of aliveness only few will ever touch, is to empower as many ‘Creative’ people as possible to manifest the wealth and the opportunities to fully express their ART: to literally turn their lives into ART!



In fact I believe that it is only by empowering and enriching the ‘Creative Mind’ that we can bring about the shift in consciousness that we are searching for.

When you are truly a ‘Creative’ – be it a graphic designer, web designer, photographer, animator or simply an ‘ideas’ person who desires nothing more than to live and breath your creative gifts; you know deep down that living a life of compromise will kill your spirit.


You see
 it’s like this
 Most ‘Creative’ individuals are completely lost in an essentially ‘straight line’ culture. The conventional systems they find themselves trapped in runs completely counter to how their minds love to explore reality.

They struggle through boring, linear methods, hoping to turn their creative gifts into money. Most true creative souls discover that all the things they have been told about money, and how to go about manifesting the things they want, run totally counter to how they are ‘designed’ to function.

Having to go against your very nature is never likely to yield a result you actually want.

The vast majority I’m talking about quickly discover that being creative – someone who wants to put reality together with their imagination – makes them practically invisible: no one appears to be able to see them. It’s as if they are functioning in a completely different reality from most of the world. And of course in many ways that’s truer than you think.

Significantly they are almost totally invisible to the energy of money!

On the surface it appears that compromise is the only real option.

Often those we think of as highly creative are bowing and scraping and compromising (I could use stronger terms) their talents to the straight-line people of this world.

I can remember the utter disappointment of starting my first job in what I thought was one of the most cool and creative design agencies on the planet.

I can remember working all night on the most avant-garde presentation, only to be told by the so-called Creative Director that we were going to “Play it Safe”. He didn’t even take a second glance at my ideas.

Needless to say I didn’t last long working for someone else – following their way of seeing things.

This led me to establishing my own Design and Media agency. And boy was this a life lesson. I can’t remember exactly how many months me and my business partner and fellow design maverick sat waiting for the phone to ring.

However, I can remember making sure I was out when the landlord called to collect the overdue rent on our studio.

I can remember finally taking on the very type of jobs I loathed and almost feeling physically sick as I watched my creativity and passion draining away.

Experimentation, playfulness, joy and the sheer delight of bringing seemingly unrelated thing together, and making them work as one, was encrypted into my DNA. I absolutely didn’t want to compromise and yet the bills kept piling up. Even when I did compromise my talent, things invariably went horribly wrong and I ended up even worse off.


My heroes when I was a kid were people like David Bowie, Frank Zappa, Picasso and Carlos Castaneda. I loved the fact that these characters had found a way to be their highest creative, expressive ‘self’, or in Bowie’s case several selves, and yet they were also able to bring their power into play to make money and play even more and express even more.

They were ‘other worldly’ and yet they could play this world in ways that were so cool and so utterly unexpected. That was what I wanted to do!

I loved the story about how a reporter went to visit Picasso, and Picasso said he could turn a one-dollar note into thousand dollars.

The reporter gave him a one-dollar note and Picasso ‘signed’ it with his famous signature and gave it back. “Now it’s worth $1,000,” said Picasso.

Of course banks pull money out of thin air and charge us interest on money that never existed, but Picasso had the power of Alchemy at his fingertips: he understood something deeper, something full of meaning. He was a true Money Shaman in every sense.

But sadly that alchemy wasn’t to be the case for me as I watched many frustrating years pass without anything changing. I watched as other ‘conventional’ people around started doing really well financially and they actually seemed happy too; you can be conventional and happy of course.

Being creative is a constant dance between frustration and elation, restriction and freedom. But I found myself spending way too much time in frustration and restriction – not only that, but a sense of anger, victimhood and resentment took up residence in my mind.

Back then I started to think that my creativity was more like a curse. I spent many unhappy hours stressing about my dire financial situation. I was constantly on the verge of bankruptcy. I lived in debt and the worry of not being able to meet the monthly payments on a mortgage and several out-of-control loans and overdraft charges.

I wondered what had gone wrong.


One day as the wolves were about to kick down my studio door, I had a stunningly simple yet utterly obvious idea: why not actually ask someone who I really admired creatively, someone who had cracked the code of making money and attracting opportunities, to coach and mentor me.

Like most creative types I was deeply conditioned to struggle on alone and kind of ashamed to admit that I was failing at something.

Finally I reached out and to my amazement two people agreed to help me.


Literally within three months of being coached by people who understood the dynamics of what I term “CREATING” MONEY – meaning turning creativity into money and in so doing actually making money a ‘creative tool’ or energy – I was working directly with one of my all time heroes (heroes released in 1977–pun intended) DAVID BOWIE.

 you read that correctly, DAVID BOWIE.

All this is completely true. Feel free to look me up online and see this for yourself should you wish.

What’s more, David Bowie contacted me and within a day of speaking to him on the phone in New York I was sitting next to him in my London Studio (with two months rent still owing) going through the most inspiring and innovative ideas imaginable!

As if that wasn’t enough within the next six months I was working for some of the world’s top organisations such as Apple, Sony and Virgin Music!

I saw my business grow from almost zero – the most creative yet impoverished design agency in London – to bringing in over £300,000 (that was over $500,000 in those days) of highly creative projects
 working with some of the most famous icons. Eventually we passed the £1,000,000 ($2,000,000) mark.

I’m not saying any of this to boast, but simply to show you what’s possible when you start working the right way.

Since then I’ve gone on to combine my passion for creativity with my passions for personal development and self-discovery. I’ve written a No1 Amazon bestseller called The Guiding Principle and seen the demand for my teachings grow and grow. I now work directly with clients in 8 different countries.

I’ve also written a cult classic sci-fi novel that Bowie agreed to endorse; something he hardly ever does. I then sold the film rights to the book, enabling me to invest in several amazing projects that are still growing and paying me money to this day.

I know that you are probably wondering if you can also find a way to bring your creative talents to life in totally new and exciting ways.

The answer is a resounding YES!

As I said at the beginning and I thank you for staying with this post, my mission is to empower and facilitate creative people like you to turn your skills and natural talents into money – money that is borne out of your heart and passion.

It totally upsets me to see so many talented, hard-working people not realising their fullest potential.

Several years ago I started a resource called The Money Shaman, sharing the astonishingly simple yet powerful practices and methods I was taught by my Money Shaman mentors. This resource has now dramatically transformed the lives of literally thousands of people – creative individuals just like you.

The Money Shaman material includes bestselling online courses guiding you through a complete revolution in money and life skills, live workshops and webinars and personal wealth coaching.

Let’s move right into the present moment


Applying the science of what is termed ‘LIVING SYSTEMS’, the highly creative way Life or Nature herself works, I’ve woven this incredibly responsive, interactive science into a set of core ‘action’ patterns that are designed to create wealth – financial wealth, a wealth of new possibilities: a wealth of freedom.

This LIVING WEALTH SYSTEM is what you have been looking for. You really want to be spending your time creating and enjoying the fruits of your talents, not stressing about money.

Ultimately what’s on offer here is THE SCIENCE & SPIRIT OF CREATING WEALTH.

As I write this, I’m putting the finishing touches to what will be a life-changing product called (as you may have guessed): LIVING WEALTH SYSTEM.

I want you to be one of the first people to start working with this totally new way of bringing money to life and experiencing the joy of seeing your talents properly rewarded and celebrated.

If you want to be right there as this product goes LIVE then please check out the link below.

Live Wealthy

Davide De Angelis
“The Money Shaman”

P.S. Nothing like this has ever been developed specifically to help creative people like yourself work with money. Find your power and let your gifts and talents become the real assets they are.

Living Wealth System At The Money Shaman we take great care to make sure that any information you supply is totally secure. We will never under any circumstances share your information with anyone else. We use the very best companies available to help us stay in touch with our subscribers. These companies demand a high