Anthony Speciale

Anthony Speciale

Join Professional Market Analyst Anthony Speciale As He Navigates The Futures Market LIVE Everyday!

How I was able to identify a 170 Tick, intraday reversal LIVE 28/07/2024

How I was able to identify a 170 Tick, intraday reversal LIVE Hey Trader,The Essential Ingredient for Success: LoveI hope this email finds you well. As you navigate the exciting and challenging world of trading, I wanted to share a verse that underscores the foundational value of love:"If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowled...

Using Hawkeye Volume To Stack The Odds In My Favor - Flawless Reversal 27/07/2024

Using Hawkeye Volume To Stack The Odds In My Favor - Flawless Reversal Hey Trader,Staying Strong and Hopeful in Your Trading JourneyAs you navigate the challenges and opportunities in the trading world, I wanted to share a verse that speaks to the power of steadfast hope and faith:"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." • H...

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/26/24 26/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/26/24 Hey Trader,Embracing Compassion and Grace in Your Trading JourneyAs you continue to navigate the dynamic world of trading, I wanted to share a verse that highlights the boundless compassion and grace available to us:"For the Lord your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from...

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/25/24 25/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/25/24 Hey Trader,Finding Sustenance and Fulfillment in Your Trading JourneyI hope this email finds you well. As you navigate the ever-changing world of trading, I wanted to share a verse that speaks to finding true sustenance and fulfillment:"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to....

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/24/24 24/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/24/24 Hey Trader,Embracing Humility and Integrity in Your Trading JourneyI hope this email finds you well. As you navigate the intricate world of trading, I wanted to share a verse that highlights the importance of humility and integrity:"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This....

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/23/24 23/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/23/24 Hey Trader,Embracing Generosity and Willingness in Your Trading JourneyAs you navigate the challenges and opportunities in the trading world, I wanted to share a verse that speaks to the importance of generosity and willingness:"For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to wh...

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/17/24 17/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/17/24 Hey Trader,The Power of Faith Expressed Through Love in Your Trading JourneyAs you continue to navigate the complexities of the trading world, I wanted to share a verse that offers profound insight and encouragement:"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only...


“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”

Join Me As I Setup My IntraDay Chart Levels On Crude Oil For Monday 14/07/2024

Join Me As I Setup My IntraDay Chart Levels On Crude Oil For Monday Hey Trader,The Power of Words in Your Trading JourneyI hope this message finds you well. As you navigate the fast-paced and often stressful world of trading, I wanted to share a verse that underscores the importance of maintaining integrity and positivity in our words:"Out of the same mouth come pra...

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/12/24 13/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/12/24 Hey Trader,Trading with Integrity and CompassionI hope this email finds you in good spirits. As you pursue success in the dynamic world of trading, I wanted to share a verse that emphasizes the importance of integrity and compassion in all our endeavors:"Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights....

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/10/24 10/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/10/24 Hey Trader,The Value of Understanding in Your Trading JourneyAs you continue to navigate the intricacies of the trading world, I wanted to share a verse that highlights the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding:"Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opin...


Consistency is the most underrated part of success. Being able to do the same thing day in and day out at a high level is what separates good from great.

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/9/24 09/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/9/24 Hey Trader,Finding Strength and Comfort in Your Trading JourneyI hope this email finds you well. As you navigate the dynamic world of retail trading, I wanted to share an inspiring verse with you:"By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life." - Psa...

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/8/24 08/07/2024

Daily LIVE Futures Analysis Room Recap + My Personal Trades: 7/8/24 Hey Trader,Encouragement and Unity in Your Trading JourneyI hope this email finds you well. As you navigate the exciting and challenging world of retail trading, I wanted to share an inspiring verse with you:"My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have t...

Download This One App and the U.S. Government Will Fly to Come Save You 06/07/2024

Our tax dollars hard at work 😤

Download This One App and the U.S. Government Will Fly to Come Save You Join this channel to get access to perks: the Shawn Ryan Show for $5 and get the chance t...


When someone is rude to you, it’s a reflection of THEM - how you respond to it is a reflection of YOU!!!

Fourth Time Was A Charm 01/07/2024

Fourth Time Was A Charm Hey Trader,A Message of Encouragement for Your Trading JourneyI hope this email finds you well. As you continue your journey in the dynamic world of retail trading, I wanted to share an inspiring verse with you:"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."...

The Only Advice You'll Ever Need from Jordan Peterson 29/06/2024


The Only Advice You'll Ever Need from Jordan Peterson In this video, we delve into the most practical advice shared by renowned psychologist and author, Jordan Peterson. Learn how to apply his wisdom to your lif...

Trading LIVE: Nasdaq 200 Ticks, S&P 500 35 Ticks, Crude Oil Breaks Significant Support 26/06/2024

Trading LIVE: Nasdaq 200 Ticks, S&P 500 35 Ticks, Crude Oil Breaks Significant Support Hey Trader,Strength in Faith: A Trader's JourneyI hope this message finds you well and thriving in your trading endeavors. I wanted to share a verse that has been particularly inspiring to me in both life and trading:"Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." - James 1:...

Videos (show all)

When is it ok to rely solely on trading income?
The #1 #trading question I’m asked to
Which side of the market are you #trading on?  Professional or Retail?
FOCUS on the PROCESS and the PROFITS will come … #trading
How much money do you need to start #trading ? #trading
My end of week #trading ritual
How many years until profitability?
Navigating Economic New Releases When #trading
How long should you paper #trade and why ❓
#stocks #futures #forex #cryptocurrency #options ❓
How many strategies?